The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

This pope's popularity has begun to transcend religious boundaries and they're suddenly going to take the stance that he shouldn't be involved in politics?
Meanwhile, folks who are anti-religion and speak out against religion in politics are suddenly okay with The Pope speaking before Congress because now they agree with parts of what he says.

Both sides are guilty of the same thing - minimizing those who disagree with their pre-established belief system and blindly supporting those who agree.
Oh give me a break, it's a speech in front of congress and it happens on a regular basis. Here, take a gander at the list and tell me how his position as a religious leader makes him have some kind of overbearing influence on congress than say Netanyahu (who's addressed a joint session more than once now).

Maybe next you'd like to jump on the other talk radio indignant outrage du'jour regarding President Obama meeting with President Xi?
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Both sides are guilty of the same thing - minimizing those who disagree with their pre-established belief system and blindly supporting those who agree.

The real question is who had dirt on Boehner, and what is the dirt?
Everyone has dirt on the guy. He's resigning to avert a shutdown and burning down the teabag bridge behind him. I'm sure there's a brokered deal where the Democrats will vote for his chosen replacement in exchange for the funding votes from the remaining establishment Republicans, then once again, gerrymandering will bite those RINO's in the ass come reelection time.

Good to see Republicans are becoming more ISIS extremist like each day, till we have a similar group like that of Greek which have Nazi-ist government members representatives.

How far the republicans have fall

Wow, it's the end of the month and the fiscal year, and Congress has yet to pass a budget. The Zadroga Act, a law that enabled many 9/11 first responders to get access to the health care they need is going to expire tonight. Deplorable.

Wow, it's the end of the month and the fiscal year, and Congress has yet to pass a budget. The Zadroga Act, a law that enabled many 9/11 first responders to get access to the health care they need is going to expire tonight. Deplorable.
But Planned Parenthood is killing our babies with our moneys. They must be stopped.
Passing budgets has been a joke since about 2009 or so. Why, out of all the years since then that we've failed to get an actual budget passed by the 10/1 deadline, are we suddenly upset *now*?
Passing budgets has been a joke since about 2009 or so. Why, out of all the years since then that we've failed to get an actual budget passed by the 10/1 deadline, are we suddenly upset *now*?
Not to mention that a "shutdown" really is only 12-15% of the government, and they get their back pay when Congress passes something.

Alabama decides that the DMV doesn't have to issue photo IDs in majority Black counties.
Of note, this only affect new licenses, not renewals. And those counties accounted for ~5% of licenses. And there are other options in all of those counties for getting a photo ID.

Former Neurosurgeon Ben Carson continues to push out the "If Jews Had Guns, the Holocaust wouldn't be that bad."
Every god damn time he opens his mouth I'm just at a loss for words. Not just because of the crazy shit he says, but because there is a significant portion of the American people eating this shit up. Between him and Trump, it's fucking beyond bonkers.

Michele Bachmann's gotta be kicking herself now. "Wait, batshit crazy is cool now? But I did it first!"

For those supporting Trump and Carson merely because they're "outsiders" do yourself a favor and look up how well having an "outsider" for your executive office worked form us in Minnesota with Jesse Ventura. This man refereed a wrestling pay per view main event while he was governor. I still shake my head at that notion and it was over 15 years ago.
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Refereeing a wrestling match is bad because? It lowers the prestige of the elected office? Clinton got blowjobs in the office and lied about it, yet people love him. How much less respect could anyone bring to the Presidency? Politicians are people. People are idiots. I don't care if they even wear a suit if they get the results I want.
Refereeing a wrestling match is bad because? It lowers the prestige of the elected office? Clinton got blowjobs in the office and lied about it, yet people love him.
To be fair, I know I'd rather get a blowjob than referee a wrestling match.

In other sexual misconduct news, former GOP House Speaker Dennis Hastert is agreeing to plea guilty to evading federal banking reporting laws in his pay-off of a former student he sexually abused while a teacher/coach. Supposedly the feds are going to require that Hastert serve a one year prison sentence in addition to any other fines/restitution.

What the hell is up with Ben Carson and his Nazi analogies? I'm sure the brownshirts were hard working Germans sick and tired of seeing go their country go to ruin by these foreign infidels. What did they do? They armed up and from militias they became an army and conquered a lot of Europe.

Oh yeah, this was pretty effed up: The Prime Minster of Israel is on record saying HItler only shares part of the blame for the Holocaust.

The Brownshirts who took power in Germany were definitely armed and in charge. They were clearly pro-militaristic and were sick and tired of foreign infidels ruining their country. Why would Ben Carson say arm the Jews, if they were as hated as we Americans do to Mexicans, Muslims, and whathave you?

The Brownshirts who took power in Germany were definitely armed and in charge. They were clearly pro-militaristic and were sick and tired of foreign infidels ruining their country. Why would Ben Carson say arm the Jews, if they were as hated as we Americans do to Mexicans, Muslims, and whathave you?
Ok, I see what you're saying, but how does this translate to " Heil Carson"? - Especially if he(Mr Carson)is the one suggesting this? . . . that they should not have given up their arms so confidently. Isn't Mr. Carson warning us the very same scenario could happen.. So how does this warning equal him to hitler? - the complete opposite.

I still don't understand why you would compare Dr. Carson to hitler . . when one's focus is defense /from/ eradication and the others blatant focus /is/ eradication.

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So I read about the GOP debate last night. No substantial issue questions were answered, because they were used in the Democraftic debate. Kid gloves stayed on. Candidates waste time talking about media bias. Same old same old.

So I read about the GOP debate last night. No substantial issue questions were answered, because they were used in the Democraftic debate. Kid gloves stayed on. Candidates waste time talking about media bias. Same old same old.
The news this morning was all about how much the GOP candidates were crying about the debate questions - and there's a meeting tonight to discuss how the GOP wants to change debate rules.

How do we expect people to stand up to world leaders if they run back to mother and cry because they were asked challenging questions?

Saying the media is bias and our education is a failure due to liberals is the conservative way to excuse themselves and other dumb conservatives suck it up like its truth.

However you have to admire Donald Trump, he's a man of real balls, and his rebuke is even more honorable than the rest of the other losers.  He is a troll I will gladly elect over all the other scumbags on stage

Everytime I watch tv about those GOP nominees, I'm reminded of Johnny's vision in the Dead Zone. When Hillary was running eight years, people were joking that a crazy emotional woman would start war in an instant. You can call Clinton arrogant witch because of those Benghazi hearings almost two weeks ago, but at least she's taking the high ground. She isn't going to run crying to about the media about "unfair" "gotcha" questions. Look at Obama, he's a cool cucumber. Handle your sh- GOP.

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Everytime I watch tv about those GOP nominees, I'm reminded of Johnny's vision in the Dead Zone. When Hillary was running eight years, people were joking that a crazy emotional woman would start war in an instant. You can call Clinton arrogant witch because of those Benghazi hearings almost two weeks ago, but at least she's taking the high ground. She isn't going to run crying to about the media about "unfair" "gotcha" questions. Look at Obama, he's a cool cucumber. Handle your sh- GOP.
"Unfair" ? Only the media are spinning the response of the moderators as unfair. The moderators were outright attacking, then ask the most asinine questions in attempt to seem playful - this was subtle craftiness failing in stealthiness. There is a huge difference with 'unfairness' and a deliberate attempt to compromise the GOP candidates with devious subtle negative spin. Obvious democrats in moderator clothing. Only the blind can't see this.

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Isn't a President supposed to take those attacks with stride. I can't very well expect a President to start melting down and go crying to the party leader about "bias" when somebody says an unkind word.

Yahoo. Kentucky elected a GOP governor. He'll repeal Obamacare! Just as long as he keeps his filthy hands off Kynect.

Houston, TX repeals anti-discrimination law because religious beliefs > constitutional rights.

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Isn't a President supposed to take those attacks with stride. I can't very well expect a President to start melting down and go crying to the party leader about "bias" when somebody says an unkind word.

Yahoo. Kentucky elected a GOP governor. He'll repeal Obamacare! Just as long as he keeps his filthy hands off Kynect.

Houston, TX repeals anti-discrimination law because religious beliefs > constitutional rights.
Honestly, did you even watch the debate? - because you seem to mimick the words of the golden calf obama at his press conference, you know, where he openly mocks the GOP debate..

Usually, moderators are supposed to be unbiased, and attacks would come from fellow candidates - not the entire panel of moderators, because, you know - they are moderators. Debates are supposed to be between the candidates, a 'debate' if you will, for America the people to observe who they will stand with.

OH! And :


Now, I'm going to copy/paste my last statement here for context:

"Unfair" ? Only the media are spinning the response of the moderators as unfair. The moderators were outright attacking, then ask the most asinine questions in attempt to seem playful - this was subtle craftiness failing in stealthiness. There is a huge difference with 'unfairness' and a deliberate attempt to compromise the GOP candidates with devious subtle negative spin. Obvious democrats in moderator clothing. Only the blind can't see this.

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Holy shit, an unironic, approving post of Hope n' Change spotted in the wild.

This is a two-doves-crying moment for me.

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His knees. No woman is fit for the presidency. :p

Seriously, though, I'm amused by the number of people who look down on religious folks for being stupid, but will support a candidate who professes a belief in "God".
bread's done