The "Stay Classy, Republicans" Super Nintendo Chalmers Thread

[quote name='IRHari']I watched the whole episode and I heard it in context.

I said it's not racist.

What the fuck is wrong with you people, seriously? I said it's not racist and you act like I said the complete opposite. fucking douchebags.[/QUOTE]

You seemed like you were being sarcastic which wouldn't really have been abnormal to your normal posting nature.
How many of y'all have ever heard a dog whistle before?

None? Well, then, it stands to reason that they must not produce any sound at all.
[quote name='mykevermin']How many of y'all have ever heard a dog whistle before?

None? Well, then, it stands to reason that they must not produce any sound at all.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed when I'm looking at clouds, I don't tend to find a lot of shapes. Other people do. It's interesting what you can find when you convince yourself it's there.
[quote name='IRHari']Prove it Knoell. Prove that I was being sarcastic.[/QUOTE]

You just wanted to let us know that a part of a liberal blog was wrong? thats fine. no need to get angry, that's all you needed to say.
[quote name='dorino']Democrat's corporate interests tend to be more beneficial to the common person than those of the Republicans, though, fullmetalfan.[/QUOTE]
How so? Other than their support of unions, which are for the most part not corporate interests, I don't see how Wall Street Dems are any different than Republicans. Sure there have been a few good populist type Democrats in recent history, (Paul Wellstone and Russ Feingold come to mind), but other than that the Democratic party has been largely taken over by Wall Street interests. Both parties have supported globalization. Both parties have done things to bring down wages of the common person, in order to benefit Wall Street.
[quote name='mykevermin']libertarians lack unity and focus.

the green party is too myopic.

the bulk of the american public is so dunderheadedly obtuse to what 'socialism' means, and knee-jerk reactionarily opposed to anything labeled 'socialist' such that any genuine Socialist Party in the US is dead despite their refusal to admit otherwise.[/QUOTE]
Are you saying that socialism is the solution? I cannot really tell.
the party system we have stinks for a number of reasons, but more than anything else, the poorly informed american voter is responsible for reifying it.
NSFW for language of course
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']Are you saying that socialism is the solution? I cannot really tell.[/QUOTE]

No, I'm opining about why small parties stay small; I cannot really tell how you can't see that. I'm saying that small political parties in the US remain small for a number of reasons, some of them exclusive to each group. The term "Libertarian" doesn't carry the same stigma that "Socialist" does among US citizens.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720'] How so? Other than their support of unions, which are for the most part not corporate interests, I don't see how Wall Street Dems are any different than Republicans. Sure there have been a few good populist type Democrats in recent history, (Paul Wellstone and Russ Feingold come to mind), but other than that the Democratic party has been largely taken over by Wall Street interests. Both parties have supported globalization. Both parties have done things to bring down wages of the common person, in order to benefit Wall Street.[/QUOTE]

You should read that article about how Democrats helped kill the Volcker and the Lincoln rule. Terrifying.

sidenote, I finished watching brotherhood. Waaaay better than the original series, in every way.
[quote name='mykevermin']No, I'm opining about why small parties stay small; I cannot really tell how you can't see that. I'm saying that small political parties in the US remain small for a number of reasons, some of them exclusive to each group. The term "Libertarian" doesn't carry the same stigma that "Socialist" does among US citizens.[/QUOTE]
Oh, okay, that makes a lot more sense.
"It doesn't matter what I do," he answered. "People need to hear what I have to say. There's no one else who can say what I can say. It doesn't matter what I live." as I say, not as I do, I guess? What a fucking hypocrite.
[quote name='Knoell']Stay Classy, Democrats.[/QUOTE]
You guys should make your own topic.

Also, it's SARAH fuckING PALIN.

I can understand the man wishing her ill/dead. It's Palin, man.

[quote name='Msut77']Jeb Bush on Paul Ryan:

“He’s saying: ‘Eat your broccoli. And then maybe you don’t get to eat at all for a few days. You don’t get steak — ever.’ ”

Taken strictly verbatim from the the third generation millionaire.[/QUOTE]

Mr. Ryan, as you may have heard, is the Republican star of the moment. A 40-year-old from southeastern Wisconsin serving his sixth term in the House, Mr. Ryan has been getting a lot of attention for his “Roadmap for America’s Future,” an unusually austere proposal to vanquish the federal debt by, among other things, partly dismantling Social Security and Medicare as they currently exist.
Republicans admire the boldness of Mr. Ryan’s vision, even if his proposals are a little too bleak for the campaign trail. “He’s not saying the world’s going to be full of butterscotch sundaes,” is how Jeb Bush described the plan to me recently. “He’s saying: ‘Eat your broccoli. And then maybe you don’t get to eat at all for a few days. You don’t get steak — ever.’ ”

There is alot more in that quote to keep it in context. But of course millionaires shouldn't be allowed to say that everyone in the country can't have so many entitlements. I mean he's rich, which = that he should shut up and pay his share of the rest of the countrys retirement fund and medical bills. He is only trying to save money for himself anyway, the greedy fucker. :roll:
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']You're all going to shit yourselves when she becomes President. First female President and she can't spell constitution.[/QUOTE]

I'll have a good cry that day.

[quote name='Knoell']I mean he's rich, which = that he should shut up and pay his share of the rest of the countrys retirement fund and medical bills. He is only trying to save money for himself anyway, the greedy fucker. :roll:[/QUOTE]

He's rich and republican, so he has to pay his share... if he was a democrat, we'd make excuses for how he's just working the system and it's okay for him to do that.
He's rich and republican, so he has to pay his share... if he was a democrat, we'd make excuses for how he's just working the system and it's okay for him to do that.
Because tearing apart medicare and social security is the same as parking your boat out-of-state.
I'll have a good cry that day.
As will I. It's women like Palin that... that... make my brain hurt...

Or something.
Agh! She's doing it right now!
[quote name='Knoell']There is alot more in that quote to keep it in context. But of course millionaires shouldn't be allowed to say that everyone in the country can't have so many entitlements. I mean he's rich, which = that he should shut up and pay his share of the rest of the countrys retirement fund and medical bills. He is only trying to save money for himself anyway, the greedy fucker. :roll:[/QUOTE]

Goddamn poor people, how dare they want to retire and not get bankrupted by medical bills in the twilight of their lives...ON MY DOLLAR.

I got to my position all by myself. Maybe if they want to retire or get that lump checked out, they should work a little harder instead of thinking they are entitled to MY MONEY!!!
Because if I kept more of my money, I could afford to hire more slaves erm "workers".

Oh, who the hell am I kidding? I can go get real slaves in Guatemala or somewhere warm.
We're getting off topic here....

As I was listening to radio station 1330 about a week ago, the radio station did an interview with goyle and should be on tape and available to the public. The interviewer asked him what religion or faith he belonged to and this guy mumbled and stumbled around the question, never directly answering it. Like his comrad obama, he wouldn’t give an answer, only that he was not a Christian. This guy could be a muslim, a hindu, a buddhist etc who knows, only God, the shadow and …goyle knows! One thing’s for sure … goyle is not a Christian!
Since the 2008 election of the evil muslim communist USURPER, barack hussein obama, political candidate “BIRTH CERTIFICATE & RELIGION” information is now a vital part of the vetting/nomination/election process for any and all American citizens seeking political office.
Just like his evil muslim communist USURPER comrad, barack hussein obama, This goyle character is just another “turban topper” we don’t need in congress or any political office that deals with the U.S. Constitution, Christianity and the United States of America!!!
[quote name='Knoell']There is alot more in that quote to keep it in context.[/quote]

No there isn't.

But of course millionaires shouldn't be allowed to say that everyone in the country can't have so many entitlements.

But there is apparently money for millionaires to keep their taxcuts, in con fairy land anyway.

Anyhoo try to deflect if you want knoell but if you don't see how galling it is for someone born with a silver spoon up their ass to tell someone on the brink of survival to suck it up and go without then there is nothing anyone can say.

The "Entitlements" btw you speak of are people receiving money from a system they have paid into their entire lives.
[quote name='Msut77']No there isn't.

But there is apparently money for millionaires to keep their taxcuts, in con fairy land anyway.

Anyhoo try to deflect if you want knoell but if you don't see how galling it is for someone born with a silver spoon up their ass to tell someone on the brink of survival to suck it up and go without then there is nothing anyone can say.

The "Entitlements" btw you speak of are people receiving money from a system they have paid into their entire lives.[/QUOTE]

thats interesting, I am 24, and paying almost as much as federal tax into that system each week, when will I get my share of social security again? I am looking forward to it. :roll:
[quote name='Sporadic']Goddamn poor people, how dare they want to retire and not get bankrupted by medical bills in the twilight of their lives...ON MY DOLLAR.

I got to my position all by myself. Maybe if they want to retire or get that lump checked out, they should work a little harder instead of thinking they are entitled to MY MONEY!!![/QUOTE]

There are plenty of options to save your own money for when you retire, but why teach people responsibility over the course of their lives. I mean if I am going to have the collective wealth of the rich people pay for my retirement then why am I putting anything into my 401K? I deserve to have a retirement provided by my government! it is a right you know. But oh wait I am not going to get any of this social security thing anyway so... yeah how will I possibly survive? I can't possibly plan ahead for my retirement!

The way you talk about medical bills you would think that everyone who isn't on medicare would be bankrupt, why is that not true?
[quote name='Msut77']Is this supposed to be rhetorical?[/QUOTE]

Depends on whether or not you realize the cutoff date in which social security will be no more.

I guess we can keep pretending these programs are self sustaining though.
[quote name='Knoell']Depends on whether or not you realize the cutoff date in which social security will be no more.[/QUOTE]

Knoell, is there any particular reason why you fancy yourself such an incredible prognosticator?

It is not entirely clear you understand what social security is so I see no reason as to believe you have some inside information.
[quote name='Msut77']Knoell, is there any particular reason why you fancy yourself such an incredible prognosticator?

It is not entirely clear you understand what social security is so I see no reason as to believe you have some inside information.[/QUOTE]

I guess you can keep pretending its going to be alright though.

Knoell doesn't know the difference between Social Security and the Social Security Trust Fund.


With a few minor fixes (having nothing to do with cuts or close enough to it) SS is fine for quite a while barring Republicans and Conservadems efforts to drill holes in it.
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[quote name='Msut77']Knoell doesn't know the difference between Social Security and the Social Security Trust Fund.


With a few minor fixes (having nothing or close enough to it) SS is fine for quite a while barring Republicans and Conservadems efforts to drill holes in it.[/QUOTE]

Right to attacking me.


Specifically, the trustees' report predicts that the trust fund from which Social Security payments are made will be unable to pay retirees full benefits by 2037, four years earlier than forecast a year ago. In particular, the trustees single out the financial weakness of the part of the program that subsidizes disabled Americans, saying that fund will run out of money in 2020.

Did you even read the article?
[quote name='Knoell']Right to attacking me.[/quote]

Accurately describing something you said is not attacking you knoell.
[quote name='Msut77']....[/QUOTE]

still nothing about the actual report the article talks about that directly conflicts with your "Meh, SS will be fine no need to worry about it"
[quote name='Knoell']still nothing about the actual report the article talks about that directly conflicts with your "Meh, SS will be fine no need to worry about it"[/QUOTE]

Knoell, when was the Social Security Trust Fund started?
[quote name='Msut77']Knoell doesn't know the difference between Social Security and the Social Security Trust Fund.


With a few minor fixes (having nothing to do with cuts or close enough to it) SS is fine for quite a while barring Republicans and Conservadems efforts to drill holes in it.[/QUOTE]

I will help you with simple math - if the amount coming in doesn't equal or exceed the amount going out, it will gradually become insolvent. This was a ponzi scheme from the beginning - it started off in the hole and since there are tons of baby boomers and they are living longer they will deplete the reserves they created. The current generation will not be able to put in as much as will be taken out (see below). The system will need a major overhaul. You mention no cuts, but I always hear about increasing the retirement age which essentially equals a major cut in benefits. Your no cuts or close enough doesn't make sense. Where are you getting your information?

The information below is from the Board of Trustees August 2010 report:

The Social Security Board of Trustees today released its annual report on the financial health of the Social Security Trust Funds and the long-range outlook remains unchanged. The combined assets of the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) Trust Funds will be exhausted in 2037, the same as projected last year. The Trustees also project that program costs will exceed tax revenues in 2010 and 2011, be less than tax revenues in 2012 through 2014, and then permanently exceed tax revenues beginning 2015, one year earlier than estimated in last year’s report.

Permanently exceed means it will not last forever (see math discussion above). They may change it, but I would like to see your source for the "no cuts" BS.
[quote name='Knoell']There are plenty of options to save your own money for when you retire, but why teach people responsibility over the course of their lives. I mean if I am going to have the collective wealth of the rich people pay for my retirement then why am I putting anything into my 401K? I deserve to have a retirement provided by my government! it is a right you know. But oh wait I am not going to get any of this social security thing anyway so... yeah how will I possibly survive? I can't possibly plan ahead for my retirement![/QUOTE]


[quote name='Knoell']The way you talk about medical bills you would think that everyone who isn't on medicare would be bankrupt, why is that not true?[/QUOTE]

You're right. Maybe I am overreacting? The way I'm talking, you would think that 62% of all bankruptcies were medically related or something.
Im curious as to how they think the social security trust fund is any different from social security itself. It is simply a name to designate and track that money.
[quote name='Sporadic']lol

You're right. Maybe I am overreacting? The way I'm talking, you would think that 62% of all bankruptcies were medically related or something.[/QUOTE]

The way I'm talking, you would think that 66% of all bankruptcies are related to the loss of job as well or something. Can't exactly pay medical bills when you are jobless = bankruptcy. That statistic is skewed.
[quote name='Knoell']Im curious as to how they think the social security trust fund is any different from social security itself. It is simply a name to designate and track that money.[/QUOTE]

You spent over a half hour googling it and this is the best you can come up with?
bread's done