The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Seriously? I am not eligible because I joined CAG later than last year?

The next time I give something away it will only be to those with O Negative blood, must have been born within the Year of the Donkey in the Chinese Calendar, and can land a Triple Axel. If any CAG can prove this then they are eligible to get my Steam/Xbox/Origin/Whatever Game key.
I've been on here for 2 years and yet to win a giveaway, yet you don't see me whining about it. And your giveaway stipulations are totally asinine, everyone knows there's no year of the donkey in the chinese calendar. Maybe you should stop acting like an entitled douche and be grateful for the numerous code drops dumped in here by generous cags.

Sunasun code giveaway


1. Everyone can enter

2. I must like you

3. No tomfoolery allowed

Games to be given out

Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe

Il2 - Slutmurder 69 (that groupees bundle game, can't remember the name right now, it's russian)

contest over

Congrats to Preedatore and Zenii

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Speaking of Malwarebytes, their software is moving to a subscription model shortly following the release of 2.0. They will continue to honor existing lifetime licenses, so, if you're interested, you might want to get it soon.

What's that? A sale that will go away forever never to return again ever forever?

*Drabelincoln pulls out his credit card*

I've been on here for 2 years and yet to win a giveaway, yet you don't see me whining about it. And your giveaway stipulations are totally asinine, everyone knows there's no year of the donkey in the chinese calendar. Maybe you should stop acting like an entitled douche and be grateful for the numerous code drops dumped in here by generous cags.

Sunasun code giveaway
1. Everyone can enter
2. I must like you
3. No tomfoolery allowed

Games to be given out
Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe
Il2 - Slutmursk 1969 (that groupees bundle game, can't remember the name right now, it's russian)
I'll take shufflepuck if still on the table. If not, a burger will do.
I've been on here for 2 years and yet to win a giveaway, yet you don't see me whining about it. And your giveaway stipulations are totally asinine, everyone knows there's no year of the donkey in the chinese calendar. Maybe you should stop acting like an entitled douche and be grateful for the numerous code drops dumped in here by generous cags.

Sunasun code giveaway


1. Everyone can enter

2. I must like you

3. No tomfoolery allowed

Games to be given out

Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe

Il2 - Slutmursk 1969 (that groupees bundle game, can't remember the name right now, it's russian)
Gimme Shufflepuck, bitchburger.

EDIT: Damn teddy bears, always swooping in when you're least expecting them.

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I've been on here for 2 years and yet to win a giveaway, yet you don't see me whining about it. And your giveaway stipulations are totally asinine, everyone knows there's no year of the donkey in the chinese calendar. Maybe you should stop acting like an entitled douche and be grateful for the numerous code drops dumped in here by generous cags.

Sunasun code giveaway


1. Everyone can enter

2. I must like you

3. No tomfoolery allowed

Games to be given out

Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe

Il2 - Slutmursk 1969 (that groupees bundle game, can't remember the name right now, it's russian)
I'll take Slutmurda 1969 if ya still haves.

I've been on here for 2 years and yet to win a giveaway, yet you don't see me whining about it. And your giveaway stipulations are totally asinine, everyone knows there's no year of the donkey in the chinese calendar. Maybe you should stop acting like an entitled douche and be grateful for the numerous code drops dumped in here by generous cags.

Sunasun code giveaway


1. Everyone can enter

2. I must like you

3. No tomfoolery allowed

Games to be given out

Spankpuck Cantina Deluxe

Il2 - Slutmursk 1946 (that groupees bundle game, can't remember the name right now, it's russian)
FTFY oh rally hhe

I've been on here for 2 years and yet to win a giveaway, yet you don't see me whining about it. And your giveaway stipulations are totally asinine, everyone knows there's no year of the donkey in the chinese calendar. Maybe you should stop acting like an entitled douche and be grateful for the numerous code drops dumped in here by generous cags.

Sunasun code giveaway


1. Everyone can enter

2. I must like you

3. No tomfoolery allowed

Games to be given out

Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe

Il2 - Slutmursk 1969 (that groupees bundle game, can't remember the name right now, it's russian)
Don't want any codes, but I'm working a late detail so I could use that burger in your sig with an extra side of bacony goodness.

I'll take shufflepuck if still on the table. If not, a burger will do.
pm'ed enjoy shuttlecock cantina and congrats!!

Gimme Shufflepuck, bitchburger.

EDIT: Damn teddy bears, always swooping in when you're least expecting them.
if you really want it, let me know, I'm thinking of buying another bundle just to give away.

I'll take Slutmurda 1969 if ya still haves.
pm'ed, Enjoy and congrats!!!

I've been using Ad Aware free for a long time. I tried switching to Avast but it gave some critical error mid-install and crapped out, then took me a ton of work trying to get it uninstalled... Then I tried Bit Defender free but it was blocking Assassin's Creed 3 from starting up, so now I'm back on Ad Aware.

My only real complaint is it'll tell me certain files :whistle2: are trojans when I know they aren't.

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I've been using Ad Aware free for a long time. I tried switching to Avast but it gave some critical error mid-install and crapped out, then took me a ton of work trying to get it uninstalled... Then I tried Bit Defender free but it was blocking Assassin's Creed 3 from starting up, so now I'm back on Ad Aware.

My only real complaint is it'll tell me certain files :whistle2: are trojans when I know they aren't.
Tell rihanna to fix her pics before you dl them.

Steamalur: The Requiem.

When is too much content not enough content?  When it's Amalur 'content.'  Make no mistake -- there's a lot of it.  I probably put in 50ish hours for base + Dead Kel and I skipped/ignored the entire desert region of the base game plus the rogue and mage faction questlines (mostly because I didn't want to outlevel stuff despite the fact it's already trivially easy and I still finished at level 39, one from the cap).  Unfortunately a good 75% or more of it is worse than the worst MMO dreck.

The world looks great and there's lot of it to see but they would have done a better job with a third of the real estate and putting the rest of the time and effort into better mechanics, better character system, more challenging enemies, and unique dungeons.  I wish it were done in the style of Torchlight 2: tighter overworld with randomized chunks lending itself to replayability.  Nothing elaborate world-wise but a lot of fun to progress your character, tinker with builds, and get different loot.

If you've bought it but haven't played my advice would be just to stick to the main quest as only a handful of side quests are interesting/fun. If you haven't bought it... wait for a sale on World of Warcraft, buy it for $5, and play that for a month instead.

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After letting The Darkness II age for 13 months in my backlog, I finally played and beat it.  (In fairness, I had played the demo prior.)

It's a fun story-driven shooter with it's own style (and a touch of dark satire similar to Overlord's).  It stayed well above 60 FPS on my GTX 660 (and Phenom II X3 720 BE), and it has it's own take on Nvidia's "adaptive sync" (60 FPS vsync lock above 60 FPS, unlock vsync below 60 FPS).  

The world and characters are well fleshed out and there are a lot of fine touches (side conversations/radio programming/etc).  The skill tree system is well integrated.  I played it solo at Hitman difficulty (one notch above default), which was enjoyable for me.

I liked it a lot more than Max Payne 3.  I think it's an easy recommend on Tony's sale pricing.  (I think I paid $2.50).  I beat it in 11 steam hours... so minus alt-tab and afk, that's probably 9 hours.

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Avast gave me nothing but problems, Avira rams ads down your throat constantly, and AVG's biggest problem is false positives (which honestly isn't that big of a deal, and takes a few clicks to allow something). I use it with MalwareBytes and have never had any problems.

Spoder knows best, though, so I'm sure he'll jump in to tell me how stupid I am for using it, right after he gives us the real scoop on Razer merchandise and tells us the lineup for Be Mine 48.
lol Avast is supposed to be one of the best free antiviruses, but I've had problems with it too immediately after installing it. It wasn't worth the hassle for me, but if you can get it working correctly it's probably good. I think Avira did away with their popup crap, so IMO that's the best free one to go with.. but I can't say for sure since I haven't used it in a while.

I'm like Ashes, I use MSE and try to be careful, but I may switch back to Avira eventually since Microsoft is slowly not supporting MSE as much as they used to. MSE is nowhere near the best, but I prefer no hassle and being careful over a lot of hassle + false positives.

I hate false positives, having too many of them is unacceptable IMO. That's the main reason why I think AVG is crap (aside from it having poor detection compared to Avast/Avira).
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Darkness 2 was terrible.  6 hours tops and half of those were cutscenes. Not sure how you'd rack up 11 Steam hours unless you AFK'ed a lot more than you think.  I have it at 6.1 on Steam's tracker and at least 20-30 min of that was fiddling in menus and afk time.   More movie than shooter.  Can I even call it a shooter?  Half the time you're just beating people to death with tentacle arms and impaling them with pipes.  Then there's the Splinter Cell Goblin moments running through the vents... oh lawdy... And, yeah, I sat through all the 2deep4u you 'am I going crazy' exposition and what's his name's soliloquies sitting in the arm chair.  All of that took only six hours total.

I got it effectively for free buying one of those 2K packs two Amazon sales ago and selling off the other stuff that came with it.  For $2.50 I would suggest buying two and a half indie bundles instead.

Re: antivirus.  All you need is Windows Defender (upgraded to an antivirus program in Windows 8) + Malware Bytes + Noscript and you're fine.

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I've had one trojan (bring on the jokes) in something like 25 years of online computing. And that was on a new government provided laptop, found in a government provided program, which government provided enterprise security missed and I found on my own and manually removed. Most of you are more paranoid than me, which I didn't think was possible.
I've had one trojan (bring on the jokes) in something like 25 years of online computing. And that was on a new government provided laptop, found in a government provided program, which government provided enterprise security missed and I found on my own and manually removed. Most of you are more paranoid than me, which I didn't think was possible.
Maybe it was goverments spying program :p

I just have Windows Defender (Win 8, so same as MSE).

Got a couple hundred bux steam credit. What's the latest deals
You have a couple hundred bucks. You don't need "deals". Seriously though if I had the money I'd get Outlast and Borderlands 2 Game Of The Year Edition.

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I've had one trojan (bring on the jokes) in something like 25 years of online computing.

not what you were expecting was it?

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I'm not saying that I disagree with him, just that I told him he would hate it.

So to anyone who's actually played Amalur already... is the DLC worth it?

Dead Kel is pretty good. Naros is amusing but is probably accessible too early. If you do it when you encounter the area you'll probably make the already easy base game even easier (and it will probably make the areas near it feel extra quaint). They're also surprisingly big and meaty. Solid DLC all around I'd say.

I'd just resist doing Naros early, as it's encountered within like the 3rd area that you're required go to to advance the story. Hard to go from epic battles alongside talking warrior statues for the fate of their society to saving peasants from spiders.

Except that it's Mooby asking so the answer is always No, don't buy it. He'll hate it.

Thanks, this is mostly what I was fishing for as if they were short I'd just give them a pass since it effectively doubles the price of the game.

Seems like the DLC is best played after the base game so... maybe I'll give the DLC a pass for now (and in another two years time when they go on sale grab them if I enjoy base Amalur enough!). Only thing you miss out on price-wise by skipping the collection is the horse armor DLC. If only they price adjusted the DLC, too.

Grabbed Steamalur + Dead Kel DLC for $5ish shady prices. Figured I can live without Naros. Kel seems more unique/piratey and you can build a luxury apartment!

Steamalur: The Requiem.

When is too much content not enough content? When it's Amalur 'content.' Make no mistake -- there's a lot of it. I probably put in 50ish hours for base + Dead Kel and I skipped/ignored the entire desert region of the base game plus the rogue and mage faction questlines (mostly because I didn't want to outlevel stuff despite the fact it's already trivially easy and I still finished at level 39, one from the cap). Unfortunately a good 75% or more of it is worse than the worst MMO dreck.

The world looks great and there's lot of it to see but they would have done a better job with a third of the real estate and putting the rest of the time and effort into better mechanics, better character system, more challenging enemies, and unique dungeons. I wish it were done in the style of Torchlight 2: tighter overworld with randomized chunks lending itself to replayability. Nothing elaborate world-wise but a lot of fun to progress your character, tinker with builds, and get different loot.

If you've bought it but haven't played my advice would be just to stick to the main quest as only a handful of side quests are interesting/fun. If you haven't bought it... wait for a sale on World of Warcraft, buy it for $5, and play that for a month instead.
Hm. Further delay my morning run, or accept the usual fact that I have everything already on account of buying too many bundles?
Come for the key drop, stay for the camaraderie?

I gotta admit, I am kinda surprised that CAG Steam chat is pretty much always empty. Seems like it would be a good place to hang out to taunt other with your new high score in PinballFX or get a MP group goin.
If you have steam open already:

edit: crap, it won't let me post what it thinks is a broken link :\

steam : / / friends / joinchat / 103582791429527117

the above, with spaces taken out, will open the chatroom

You can actually make the above into a bookmark in your browser, and clicking it with Steam open, then opens that chat window and goes right to that chat room.
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If you have steam open already:

edit: crap, it won't let me post what it thinks is a broken link :\

steam : / / friends / joinchat / 103582791429527117

the above, with spaces taken out, will open the chatroom
Alternatively, you could just click on Enter chat room in the link I provided.


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I'm not saying that I disagree with him, just that I told him he would hate it.
I dunno man, in that one week he played it fifty hours. That's seven hours a day. Does that sound like someone who hated a game? I think he liked it but he has this reputation to uphold as the curmudgeon who hates everything so now's he making a big show of it.

It's okay to like things!

I dunno man, in that one week he played it fifty hours. That's seven hours a day. Does that sound like someone who hated a game? I think he liked it but he has this reputation to uphold as the curmudgeon who hates everything so now's he making a big show of it.

It's okay to like things!
Glutton for punishment? Played that long just to say he suffered that long? Drama queen?
I dunno man, in that one week he played it fifty hours. That's seven hours a day. Does that sound like someone who hated a game? I think he liked it but he has this reputation to uphold as the curmudgeon who hates everything so now's he making a big show of it.

It's okay to like things!

I gotta admit, I am kinda surprised that CAG Steam chat is pretty much always empty. Seems like it would be a good place to hang out to taunt other with your new high score in PinballFX or get a MP group goin.
The CAG steam group is pretty sad in general so I'm not surprised. If you really want to chat tebow is always happy to oblige.

Glutton for punishment? Played that long just to say he suffered that long? Drama queen?
idk, I think that was a pretty accurate review. The game had a lot of potential but it felt like WoW light. Cool world, decent loot, but it was missing something. I played on ps3 and I liked it so I grabbed it on sale just BC the game+dlc is cheaper than buying it for PS.

I would agree to just follow the main quest and only do side quests that interest you, because some can be time sinks. What pissed me off is that the game gave me action RPG fatigue and I really want to play dark souls but feel burnt from KoA.
The CAG Steam group just sort of went to hell when people started doing Steamgifts giveaways limited to the CAG Steam group members and then a bunch of random people who wanted free games but had no flippin' clue what CAG was started joining. At that point people just used it to enter Steamgifts giveaways. Now I don't think hardly anyone uses it at all.

The CAG Steam group just sort of went to hell when people started doing Steamgifts giveaways limited to the CAG Steam group members and then a bunch of random people who wanted free games but had no flippin' clue what CAG was started joining. At that point people just used it to enter Steamgifts giveaways. Now I don't think hardly anyone uses it at all.
At least people have stopped posting in the group thread to "please add me".
I just joined it out of interest. It's kinda dusty in there, there's a really old half-eaten pizza on the table and there's a faint smell of vomit.

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