The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Fine... I'll make the obligatory Steam-related post...

GOG has Race the Sun - $2.49 (75% off) today. Buying this on GOG will net you a Steam Key as well. (see below).

There's a version (demo?) over on Kongregate (requires the unity plugin). Apparently it was kickstarted.

It's on the humble store as well, so you're free to prophesize how it will be in a humble bundle one day. (possibly a weekly requiring $6 min).

From the Dev's website, bottom of this post.


Just to be clear: everyone who owns the game now, or buys it in the future from our website,, or anywhere else it becomes available, will get a complimentary Steam key!
These will be delivered via your Flippfly account page ( around the release date. We’ll send an update via our mailing list when these are available. If you’ve bought the game but haven’t created a Flippfly account – see your Humble download page or your “Game Shelf” on your GOG account page for instructions.
Edit: This worked smoothly for me. Bought on GOG & got my steam version.
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There are a ton of them. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to see them all:

That page is missing the new Mario & Luigi Dream Team version. Possibly my favorite design is the Monster Hunter 3G version of the regular 3DS.
I'll have to look into that but I'm skeptical they ever fixed it. Thanks.

...Did a little bit of googling and couldn't find anything about a fix, going to hold off til the next version and see if they fix it once and for all.

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Fine... I'll make the obligatory Steam-related post...

GOG has Race the Sun - $2.49 (75% off) today. Buying this on GOG will net you a Steam Key as well. (see below).

There's a version (demo?) over on Kongregate (requires the unity plugin). Apparently it was kickstarted.

It's on the humble store as well, so you're free to prophesize how it will be in a humble bundle one day. (possibly a weekly requiring $6 min).

From the Dev's website, bottom of this post.

I kickstarted that back when it was called F-Zero.... in 1991.

Fine... I'll make the obligatory Steam-related post...

GOG has Race the Sun - $2.49 (75% off) today. Buying this on GOG will net you a Steam Key as well. (see below).

There's a version (demo?) over on Kongregate (requires the unity plugin). Apparently it was kickstarted.

It's on the humble store as well, so you're free to prophesize how it will be in a humble bundle one day. (possibly a weekly requiring $6 min).

From the Dev's website, bottom of this post.
Thanks for the info! I just purchased it from GOG, registered on the dev's website, got my Steam key and am downloading it now. Looks like a great game. Thanks!

The art style. Spaceships. If you need something even more obvious I could say Star Fox too.
I'll give you "spaceships" but the art-style and gameplay look nothing like f-zero. I'd say its pretty unique, hard to compare to any other racing game. And Star Fox? Really, faux.
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I'll give you "spaceships" but the art-style and gameplay look nothing like f-zero. I'd say its pretty unique, hard to compare to any other racing game. And Star Fox? Really, faux.
Let's face it spoder, it's a mario clone

SImilarities: They are both video games

Nintendo should be suing

I've been playing Race the Sun on and off for a couple of months and I don't think F-Zero came to mind once during that time. I do think it's fun though.

I kickstarted that back when it was called F-Zero.... in 1991.
How strange, you see エフゼロ (F-Zero) was a launch title for the release of スーパファミコン (Super FamiCom) back in 1990.

Oh yeah... and they are nothing alike.

The art style. Spaceships. If you need something even more obvious I could say Star Fox too.
At least form a 10,000 foot level this is a fair, but uninformed, judgement. But apart other major differences, the dialog of StarFox set it apart. An Articfox: Race the Sun reference would be far more apt from a visual standpoint.

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204,060 Profile views, almost 75k views in the last 14 hours, up from 12k in the prior 12 hours.

Well, I suppose I'm keep a lot of those NSA guys and girls busy...

129,231 profile views ... 12k views in the last 12 hours.

I always assumed I was on a Government Watch List... but this is beyond Enemy of the State.
Very weird, as spoder just pointed out, I'm up to 117,200 profiles views, adding almost 47k views in the last two days.
I don't understand...
<resumes chasing her tail>
Those are awesome! I especially like mine!

While changing my pic I just noticed that I have 70,666 profile views... weird.
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I'm not sure how to check, but I think you have more profile views than anyone else on the site.
I really am curious about that... The runners up in thread have been ~50k (I'm sorry, I forgot your name, you don't post often), ~17k from Squirrel, and I know Faux has ~7k. Most of my CAG friends seems to run 1k to 3.5k views.
How do you check profile views anyway? I couldn't find that information.

Edit: Oh wait, found it. 784 views. :(

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I really am curious about that... The runners up in thread have been ~50k (I'm sorry, I forgot your name, you don't post often), ~17k from Squirrel, and I know Faux has ~7k. Most of my CAG friends seems to run 1k to 3.5k views.
In comparison, CheapyD has 14k, and Tony has 22k. I imagine a lot of people PM Tony which probably gets him a lot of views, so I assume both of those view counts are legit.
Hmm, I wonder how long it takes for the view count to update. I loaded my profile in a different browser and through a couple of proxies and the count stayed the same, which may indicate that visitors have to be logged in to count as a view. :whistle2:k

I think we found the culprit


No, I have 1000 posts. I only have 730-ish profile views. :p

  • Group: CAGiversary!
  • posts 1131
  • Profile Views 784
Yes, sorry fixed. It's hard to be detail oriented when someone's asking me my blood type* every 1.5 seconds.

*ref. We need a blood type field in our CAG profiles.

I got 2133 views and im not a girl! take that kitty ^_^
<looks> <polite but disappointed-judgmental voice> hmm, average
^_~ (jesting)

Hmm, I wonder how long it takes for the view count to update. I loaded my profile in a different browser and through a couple of proxies and the count stayed the same, which may indicate that visitors have to be logged in to count as a view. :whistle2:k
It's pretty quick. I haven't see it move from just my views (signed in, or from an incognito window), so maybe it's IP based?
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Hmm, I wonder how long it takes for the view count to update. I loaded my profile in a different browser and through a couple of proxies and the count stayed the same, which may indicate that visitors have to be logged in to count as a view. :whistle2:k
To be more concrete, my profile views right now are 210,373 -- that's about 6k in the last half hour. So they are certainly updating at that time scale.
I have like 5,000 views because I'm a notorious scammer and I also Windwalk and Critcal Strike people from time to time.

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It's pretty quick. I haven't see it move from just my views (signed in, or from an incognito window), so maybe it's IP based?
I wondered that too, which is why I loaded mine through a couple of proxies. Unfortunately, that's not going to help much if the count isn't updated each load.

foxhack wh y u membeer for 7years and under 800 views no one likes u must be i have 1549 posts only this year and 1914 views loll im too love and hate ur welcome i bet it mostly mysterd need to see me to see my hot avatar heh 

You know the deals are dry when we spend this much time discussing profile views

Edit: I just broke 1,000

Suck it

My self-esteem is high as fuq now

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You know the deals are dry when we spend this much time discussing profile views
I blame Squirrel. It all started when he gave me this awesome Xmas-skitty pic, so I updated to it, which required visiting my profile page. I noticed I had an unusual number of profile views (~70k) so I simply commented about it, to create a record in case it started getting weirder. Well a couple days later, spoder noticed it reached ~117k, and it was 85k last time he saw it. It grew 12k in 12 hours after that and 75k in 14 hours after that. ...and it's still increasing rapidly.
I blame Squirrel. It all started when he gave me this awesome Xmas-skitty pic, so I updated to it, which required visiting my profile page. I noticed I had an unusual number of profile views (~70k) so I simply commented about it, to create a record in case it started getting weirder. Well a couple days later, spoder noticed it reached ~117k, and it was 85k last time he saw it. It grew 12k in 12 hours after that and 75k in 14 hours after that. ...and it's still increasing rapidly.
MNS gonna get it

I blame Squirrel. It all started when he gave me this awesome Xmas-skitty pic, so I updated to it, which required visiting my profile page. I noticed I had an unusual number of profile views (~70k) so I simply commented about it, to create a record in case it started getting weirder. Well a couple days later, spoder noticed it reached ~117k, and it was 85k last time he saw it. It grew 12k in 12 hours after that and 75k in 14 hours after that. ...and it's still increasing rapidly.
At this point I think that - regardless of the initial cause - it's being increased intentionally now.

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