The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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Agreed, with all of these points. I can't believe it took them four months to come out with this. I enjoyed it, but it was a bit of a letdown after the first one. And yeah, there were hardly any choices at all (if any). I'm looking at the broader picture, though, maybe some other episodes will be meatier, in length and in content.
In response to the bold text: will they take 6 months to make then? :)

In response to the bold text: will they take 6 months to make then? :)
well, based on this past episode, they finish 22.5 minutes of gameplay in a that episode would be about 2 hours and 10 minutes or so. i was hoping for one that was about 3 more like 8 months.



Integrated Graphis...$ :whee:
Nvidia isn't THAT much more expensive. Maybe to start off but only crazy people buy cards as they're just released. Still, I'll definitely give AMD a stronger look in 2-3 years when I look to get a new card. Unfortunately the mining craze ruled out any serious thought I had of buying one.

Where does it have bad reviews? I didn't see any on metacritic. I'll have to read them. I wouldn't be surprised at a ton of minecraft fanboy backlash. It's the best selling indie game on xbox live or something! That has to mean something.

I see iSerra owns it and has played it... iSERRA!!!!!
I have played a bit of the game, Castleminer Z plays like a tower defense game with some FPS elements. You mine for different type of blocks then use them to craft better weapons and walls etc. Zombies and monsters can spawn anywhere so it is easier if you play the game with a friend.

Currently there is no way to change the resolution so you will be playing the game in windowed mode. The environment is nice and it changes from day to night however the animations for the zombies and monsters felt very clunky and the precision of the shooting needs to improve. You can get bored of the game really fast if you are playing alone so it is better to wait for the game to be bundled.

Anyone have any thoughts on Clickr and whether it's worth buying by itself for $1? It's on sale now at the Gala store and I didn't get that Bundlestars bundle it was in since I had mostly everything else in it.

Apparently Really Big Sky got achievements two months back...

^_^ I somewhat regret passing up DiveKick at $2.50... (I remember watching their KickStarter videos.)
I've only played it for 15 minutes or so but I loved it. I'm a fighting game fan, and I thought it was a great satire. I would play it more if I had people to do local versus with. Great use of card money.

That's... huh.

The game already had in-game achievements of a sort. Now if only the dev could make it suck less...
May the fleas of 1000 console peasants...
(I love RBS.)

RE: GPU makers, you could spend forever reading reviews and customer feedback but EVGA, Gigabyte, MSI, and Asus are all about the same in terms of quality. They each have their own buzzwords and selling points but most of it is marketing speak. Only difference is going to be noise and temps and the variations are going to be trivial. I'd say if you have confidence in AMD as far as driver support goes (and the pries are back down to earth after the mining craze) then go with an R9 280x. The performance is about the same and you get another gig of VRAM and a larger memory bus. But, again, as far as manufacturers, flip a coin -- you'll read horror stories about everyone. The Gigabytes do run about an inch or so longer than their competitors because of their design.
I'll never buy MSI or PNY again. Asus is really nice from an acoustic angle with their Direct CU II cooler.

AMD drivers have made significant progress in the past couple years... I might even consider buying one again... if the price/performance is right... (though atm I still trust Nvidia more)... looking to upgrade in the Skylake/Broadwell timeframe.

May the fleas of 1000 console peasants...
(I love RBS.)

I'll never buy MSI or PNY again. Asus is really nice from an acoustic angle with their Direct CU II cooler.

AMD drivers have made significant progress in the past couple years... I might even consider buying one again... if the price/performance is right... (though atm I still trust Nvidia more)... looking to upgrade in the Skylake/Broadwell timeframe.
Again, it's all anecdotal. My MSI is working fine now (though I'd never buy PNY simply because they only offer a one-year warranty). I've read just as many horror stories with Asus (cards catching on fire, etc.) as I have with MSI. 'Acoustic' wise I can't even hear my card over the case fans. Asus has Direct CU II, MSI has Twin Froshizzles, Gigabyte as WIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINDFORCE, EVGA has we're super kewl ACX with ball bearings, etc.

I even got an MSI mortherboard because... why not. Everyone says Asus makes the best mobos and, at one time I might have believed that but now I think their market share is so large they phone it in. My only other consideration for motherboard was Gigabyte. But it wasn't pretty with a red dragon... which is meaningless since my case isn't see-through... but I know it's there!

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I think it sounds like half the regulars truth be told, but yes some people's burgers are a bit more assy than others.
I try to keep my burgers away from my ass; you guys have some weird food fetishes.

Anyone have any thoughts on Clickr and whether it's worth buying by itself for $1? It's on sale now at the Gala store and I didn't get that Bundlestars bundle it was in since I had mostly everything else in it.
I've enjoyed the hour or so I've played so far. If you've ever played Collapse (which I expect you have, being into "grandma games"), it's basically a more challenging and strategic version of that. You need to group blocks of the same color together to clear the board, and doing them in a row gives you a multiplier which increases how many points you get. Unlike collapse where blocks just rise from the bottom, the board here is a square which is constantly filled and you can rotate to better create groups of blocks/keep a combo going. There are a few different modes like battle which has you fighting against a CPU opponent where each block removed sends an attack toward them, or puzzle which gives you specific tasks like getting a specific number of combos or clearing X number of blocks in fewer than X number of clicks, but they all use the same basic gameplay mechanics. It's definitely a bit more challenging than most games of its nature, but I actually appreciate that since it's more satisfying to me and makes it more than just a casual time waster.

If you like games like Collapse then I'd definitely recommend it for $1 (or less after cards). You probably won't spend dozens of hours with it, but it's a charming little diversion for quick sessions here and there that's a lot more polished than most of the games I would compare it to (but of course I'm partial to quirky Japanese ascetics).

Anyone have any thoughts on Clickr and whether it's worth buying by itself for $1? It's on sale now at the Gala store and I didn't get that Bundlestars bundle it was in since I had mostly everything else in it.
Played it for a few minutes. Didn't care much for it, haven't even finished idling it for cards. Very fast and frenetic for a match type game, and it's kinda fun to try to clear levels quickly as possible, but for me it turned into just random click mashing. There didn't appear to be any progression, like in 10000000000, to hook me in. I'd skip it.

Civ V:
civ V Gods and Kings (or whatever it be called)

The developer's obsession with lens flares over everything makes me wonder if he's not really J.J. Abrams.

How can I judge a game WHEN I CAN'T SEE A DAMN THING?
I've seen people try to level this complain about RBS before... but it's just not really true. I, at least, have no problem knowing where I am and where all those who would stand in my way are.

The 290 is superior to the 770. 290s are meant to compete with 780's. Also if you're just talking about the 290 (not 290x) then it's probably a reference cooler so one made by Sapphire isn't going to be any different from an MSI or a Gigabyte reference 290.
So I'd better wait for a non-reference cooler version?

Couldn't hurt.  Usually there's no difference in price and the non-reference also have a bit of a factory overclock to them, too.  That said, and I might have missed it since it's been a back-and-forth between a few of us... if you have no plans to go beyond 1080 gaming then I wouldn't bother with anything more than a 280x.  While the 770 might not be able to run things at 60+ fps on ultra a couple of years from now a 280x probably will given the increased ram/bus.

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An update to the Undead Pirates Crew group/Free Nightmares From the Deep situation:

The dev posted this in one of the threads in the group.. it's not in english so I used google translator.

I get that they're new at this, but it's ridiculous to be asking for your login/username.. however, it's nice to know that you can enter your Steam ID instead.
Just got key, might want to check your mail. (Used community id btw.)

Couldn't hurt. Usually there's no difference in price and the non-reference also have a bit of a factory overclock to them, too. That said, and I might have missed it since it's been a back-and-forth between a few of us... if you have no plans to go beyond 1080 gaming then I wouldn't bother with anything more than a 280x. While the 770 might not be able to run things at 60+ fps on ultra a couple of years from now a 280x probably will given the increased ram/bus.
A friend of mine is advising me to buy the Msi GTX 760. Which comes out a great deal cheaper, but I'm uncertain about its performance. I'm not really a hardcore gamer, but I would like a decent gaming system.
And I am indeed only interested in 1080p gaming.

This is the system I'm considering (the graphics card isn't definitive)

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Indie Gala Intrastellar is live!



Intrastellar Marines

Rush Bros

$3.99->$5.99 (after 12hrs)

Beast Boxing Turbo

Sang Froid

Intrastellar Marines Spearhead Ed.

Pixeljunk Shooter

Suprisingly good bundle, despite having Rush Bros in it. For the first time they haven't put the number of unrevealed Steam games.

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AMD has a lot of unjustified bad publicity to shake off. That said, I still read about more people having driver issues. All things being equal the 280s/290s are superior based on their memory and bus size. That said there is no game I foresee myself playing in the next couple of years that will require more than 2GB of VRAM. It's going to take that long for a significant amount of 'next gen' titles to be developed such that you'll 'regret' not having another gig of VRAM. And by that time you're probably considering an upgrade, anyway.
That's what I thought. Then I saw the specs for eqnext landmark, and just about cried. That's not even the mmo part of the game just the sandbox a la minecraft. Makes me wonder what the actual specs for eq next will be. Looks like they are making the vanguard mistake in that no one had a PC capable of playing the damn game so it flopped.

With that being said I will be building new comps this year for the wife and I. I always found it best to buy as good as video card as you could afford, and then as new tech releases and price goes down, buy a duplicate of the same at the lower price point, and sli or xfire them up. 2x of tier 2/3 tech usually out produces tier 1, and its cheaper.
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A friend of mine is advising me to buy the Msi GTX 760. Which comes out a great deal cheaper, but I'm uncertain about its performance. I'm not really a hardcore gamer, but I would like a decent gaming system.
And I am indeed only interested in 1080p gaming.

This is the system I'm considering (the graphics card isn't definitive)
That should be more than fine for just about everything out. Even though I upgraded to a new computer, my 506ti runs just about everything out fine and that 760 is a good deal more powerful.

Remember, most AAA games are made with consoles in mind which are less powerful than PCs and indie games are almost never visually demanding. There was a time where you'd buy a video card and it was hot shit, then months later it was near obsolete and there were new games out that didn't run so well on it. We've long since passed that time.

The thing is, if you ask techie types they will usually say 'GET THE BESTESTEST HARDWARE' but realistically you don't need it even though I didn't follow my own advice when I did my recent upgrade.

Indie Gala Intrastellar is live!



Intrastellar Marines

Rush Bros

$3.99->$5.99 (after 12hrs)

Beast Boxing Turbo

Sang Froid

Intrastellar Marines Spearhead Ed.

Pixeljunk Shooter

Suprisingly good bundle, despite having Rush Bros in it. For the first time they haven't put the number of unrevealed Steam games.
According with their Steam group announcement, there is three unrevealed Steam games.

And now im mad because I got Sang Froid last week :-({|=

That should be more than fine for just about everything out. Even though I upgraded to a new computer, my 506ti runs just about everything out fine and that 760 is a good deal more powerful.

Remember, most AAA games are made with consoles in mind which are less powerful than PCs and indie games are almost never visually demanding. There was a time where you'd buy a video card and it was hot shit, then months later it was near obsolete and there were new games out that didn't run so well on it. We've long since passed that time.

The thing is, if you ask techie types they will usually say 'GET THE BESTESTEST HARDWARE' but realistically you don't need it even though I didn't follow my own advice when I did my recent upgrade.
Thanks for the info.

So what did you upgrade to then? ;)

Thanks for the info.

So what did you upgrade to then? ;)
:lol: Don't ask me I'm a bad CAG and a bad example who doesn't follow my own advice and bought way more than I needed for way more than I should have spent.

780 :p

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They should have included another game that hasn't already been bundled.
Oh that, well I kind of give up on wanting 100% of games that haven't been bundled before. Besides, it was only in an Indie Royale buy in the first 20 seconds or pay too much bundle.

Indie Gala Intrastellar is live!



Intrastellar Marines

Rush Bros

$3.99->$5.99 (after 12hrs)

Beast Boxing Turbo

Sang Froid

Intrastellar Marines Spearhead Ed.

Pixeljunk Shooter

Suprisingly good bundle, despite having Rush Bros in it. For the first time they haven't put the number of unrevealed Steam games.
Damn Rush Bros showing up in every bundle!

It would have been better if they hadn't included Pixeljunk Shooter.
My reaction to Pixeljunk games: a Mooby-like meh.

Do all indie gala bundles get happy hours? Deciding if I should buy now or wait.
95%. Normal galas generally do and Fox usually hosts an HH group buy. Occasionally, IG will have "special" galas that run for one week or less with no HH, but this one is listed at 14 days.

I'm still waiting on a No Game Gaming Bundle
See the Humble Audiobook, Ebook 1, Ebook 2, or Comedy bundles.

This is pretty decent. If I didn't already have Beast Boxing and Sang Froid, I'd be tempted to pick it up at a non-HH price.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and I have Rush Bros. from Groupees too. Not sure whether that's something I care about or not.
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I don't have it either, and don't want it after everything everyone has said here.

Nobody has an extra copy of Grid 2 left over from when they did the Facebook giveaway, do they? I wish I would have gotten in on that now that it has Playfire rewards.

I like this bundle, they even included the Spearhead Edition of Interstellar Marines and according to the developer, they are doing this for the charity.
With the default split, which the vast majority will do, at the $1 level 5 cents goes to Able Gamers (sorry but I don't count Gala Project X as a charity) and at the $4 level 20 cents goes to charity. I suppose with happy hour about 10 cents-ish will be going to Able Gamers per HH bundle. That's not really a lot and doesn't seem like a great reason to devalue an Early Access game game selling for $15 regular and $40 Spearhead Edition. But hey. CHEEP GAMEZ.

Far be it from me to complain about deals but it seems very little is actually going to a charity.

I see Oniken is now on Steam, I got the game on Desura from an Indiegala bundle. Anyone know if they are providing Steam keys?
95% of the time in these instances the answer is yes. The other 5% of the time the answer is no. Then the pitchforks come out so the answer is yes.

With the default split, which the vast majority will do, at the $1 level 5 cents goes to Able Gamers (sorry but I don't count Gala Project X as a charity) and at the $4 level 20 cents goes to charity. I suppose with happy hour about 10 cents-ish will be going to Able Gamers per HH bundle. That's not really a lot and doesn't seem like a great reason to devalue an Early Access game game selling for $15 regular and $40 Spearhead Edition. But hey. CHEEP GAMEZ.

Far be it from me to complain about deals but it seems very little is actually going to a charity.
That is what I thought too, I suppose they are using it as an excuse to avoid the backlash from people who preordered the Spearhead Edition.

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That is what I thought too, I suppose they are using it as an excuse to avoid the backlash from people who preordered the Spearhead Edition.
Stands to reason. I can't see any bundle in which the devs were genuinely interested in providing money to charity other than the Humble EA where 100% of proceeds went to the selected charities. For the most part, it's about getting exposure for your game that was either recently Greenlit or is currently in Greenlight limbo. And not to be excessively cynical because I'm not a big EA-hater, but EA was probably also banking on getting a bit of gaming-community goodwill out of that one.
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