The Steam Deals Thread v10

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New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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This always sounds like the definition of penny-wise, pound foolish to me.  You dedicate a ton of your time to individually send out keys for what?  To avoid sending out Steam keys to everyone and in exchange you get.... nothing.  These people that fail to email them will not be buying your game.  You will not be getting any extra sales.  You will just have dedicated a ton of your time to a task that could have been automated by the bundle site when the time would have been best served by the dev advertising, interacting with the community, etc.  

Hi, I am Valiki and I am a BA (Backlog Addict)

I have over 250 games on Steam...i have beat (maybe) 15...

Majority of the games I haven't touched

a) no time (5kids)

b) pc not powerful enough

...and yet I still scour this page for deals and follow all the bundles (yes just got HB 11 / IndieGala Interstellar)

...and this doesn't count games that I DL to smartphone (beat Waking Mars on that)...

What should I do?....

Hi, I am Valiki and I am a BA (Backlog Addict)

I have over 250 games on Steam...i have beat (maybe) 15...

Majority of the games I haven't touched

a) no time (5kids)

b) pc not powerful enough

...and yet I still scour this page for deals and follow all the bundles (yes just got HB 11 / IndieGala Interstellar)

...and this doesn't count games that I DL to smartphone (beat Waking Mars on that)...

What should I do?....
Welcome to the clubhouse! And to answer your question, buy more bundles. You need moar bundlz.

Hi, I am Valiki and I am a BA (Backlog Addict)

I have over 250 games on Steam...i have beat (maybe) 15...

Majority of the games I haven't touched

a) no time (5kids)

b) pc not powerful enough

...and yet I still scour this page for deals and follow all the bundles (yes just got HB 11 / IndieGala Interstellar)

...and this doesn't count games that I DL to smartphone (beat Waking Mars on that)...

What should I do?....
Sorry I'm not sure anybody can help; we're all enablers here. :joystick:

Edit: *Looks at 3 previous posts.. see what I mean? lol

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I will stop purchasing Greenlight games/bundles if this continue happening
I've been seriously thinking about it. Trouble is with the exception of all Greenlight bundles they tend to get mixed in with the Steam stuff in bundles so I get them anyway without trying. And then once I have them it still annoys me when they try to pull this shit.

What the hell is the point of Greenlight if not to scam free Steam Keys?  It's all about gaming the system.  We pay pennies for a copy, vote you on to the real distribution system, then you give us free copies before selling to the suckers.  Our system was working.  It was pissing off Valve, perplexing reviewers, and making a  mockery of everything Greenlight was supposed...but it worked.  Not that I have a problem sending off an email to get a key, I just don't like the waves this stuff is making.

Apparently it's been toned down for Steam, but it still asks me to verify my age. If I am going to verify my age, it better be worth it.
From the Steam forums it seems to only have one or two ecchi pics but no nudity. I don't think Steam would sell an eroge.

I'm into anime and manga but never played a vn. Sightseeing Japan with two sisters sounds like a good enough premise to give it a try.

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The Ultionus developer is saying he won't give keys to Groupees because they didn't give him enough money. Apparently he's missing the part where the primary reason for a Greenlight game being in a bundle is exposure and that his game wouldn't have got in without that bundle.

He's doing the 'you can write to me and request a key' thing.

The saga is here: but the Steam commuity seems to be down for me at the moment.

*Edited to add: He's saying people can write him for a key. Better get in before his email server crashes.


And I actually told him I'd translate his game for free. I figured he'd be a cool guy, but now...

From the Steam forums it seems to only have one or two ecchi pics but no nudity. I don't think Steam would sell an eroge.

I'm into anime and manga but never played a vn. Sightseeing Japan with two sisters sounds like a good enough premise to give it a try.
Steam sells software so I don't see why they wouldn't just open it up to everything. Eroge. Porn. Used Panties. I want Steam to be my one stop shop.

Steam sells software so I don't see why they wouldn't just open it up to everything. Eroge. Porn. Used Panties. I want Steam to be my one stop shop.
I heard Gabe is hard at work on a peripheral for the Steambox that showers the user with wet panties when (s)he completes a particularly difficult achievement. Oh, yeah! Hail to the king, baby!!

too far?

So BlackSoul Extended Edition got released on Steam.  It was bundled in Groupees Bundle of the Damned 2, but that was not the extended edition.  So I assume that's how the dev plans to get out of Steam keys.  

I heard Gabe is hard at work on a peripheral for the Steambox that showers the user with wet panties when (s)he completes a particularly difficult achievement. Oh, yeah! Hail to the king, baby!!

too far?
oh dear no dear dont worry nothing far till we all zombies heh or 3d deaar

I heard Gabe is hard at work on a peripheral for the Steambox that showers the user with wet panties when (s)he completes a particularly difficult achievement. Oh, yeah! Hail to the king, baby!!

too far?
With the number of steam users, I'd worry of the, ahem, quality of said panties. There's a point where the teenage asian schoolgirls run out and the overweight middle aged wholesalers step in to pick up the slack.

Also, for anyone who enjoys Raid mode in RE:Revelations, you can get a few free guns and customizations for signing in to I don't play it myself, but I figured someone here might.

So BlackSoul Extended Edition got released on Steam. It was bundled in Groupees Bundle of the Damned 2, but that was not the extended edition. So I assume that's how the dev plans to get out of Steam keys.
The dev said in mid-january that we would get keys, so I'm still hopeful.
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The Ultionus developer is saying he won't give keys to Groupees because they didn't give him enough money. Apparently he's missing the part where the primary reason for a Greenlight game being in a bundle is exposure and that his game wouldn't have got in without that bundle.

He's doing the 'you can write to me and request a key' thing.

The saga is here: but the Steam commuity seems to be down for me at the moment.

*Edited to add: He's saying people can write him for a key. Better get in before his email server crashes.
So he's still providing keys, just not doing it the easiest way? I don't think I'll be able to get worked up over this.

Welcome to the clubhouse! And to answer your question, buy more bundles. You need moar bundlz.
Great's gotten to the point I set up a profile on to give away the games I have copies of....

or is it better to post keys in this thread? (opinions please)

re: Go Go Nippon

It looks like utter dreck for Weeboos. Anyone played it yet? Sorry but I already got burned with the god awful Fading Hearts about Y2K Orphans. I actually like VNs but some of the ones getting on Steam lately are really questionable.

So BlackSoul Extended Edition got released on Steam. It was bundled in Groupees Bundle of the Damned 2, but that was not the extended edition. So I assume that's how the dev plans to get out of Steam keys.
*sigh* The old Oh this is the deluxe edition excuse. Well let's hope not. We'll see I suppose.

So he's still providing keys, just not doing it the easiest way? I don't think I'll be able to get worked up over this.
He's complaining about a system that worked as intended, namely got his crappy little game onto Steam and exposed to millions of people that otherwise would never see it. In the bigger picture if this kind of BS continues to go on then it sets bad precedents and messes with the system.

Also AFAIK no one has gotten keys from him yet so I'm not willing to say it's not worth complaining about until we start getting keys. He probably thinks only a few people will request them but he's wrong. In the past I have seen email servers crash over this and I've seen developers say they have hundreds or even thousands of requests and sorry but we can't do them all.

It's in his contract with Groupees to give the keys. He really needs to give it to them like everyone else does. The more people that do this write in crap the more others will follow suit in the future.
Great's gotten to the point I set up a profile on to give away the games I have copies of....

or is it better to post keys in this thread? (opinions please)
You can rid yourself of extras however you like, though I always enjoy the short-lived rush of testing steam keys to see f they've been claimed.

One stipulation with posting keys here, all steam codes must be sent to Spoderman for verification before being posted for the public :)

So he's still providing keys, just not doing it the easiest way? I don't think I'll be able to get worked up over this.
His posts on the steam forum are pretty lame. He complains first about not getting paid or communication from Groupees. Once Groupees responds he then complains about how much money he gets. I'm really tired of clueless devs signing contracts and then acting like they were somehow victimized later. You signed up to be in a $1 bundle with options to give to charity. WHAT THE fuck DID YOU EXPECT?

Like most people have pointed out, the only reason his game is even on Steam now is because of this bundle. The bundle was also partly for charity. At the end of the day, not getting a Steam key for a game I'm probably never going to play isn't a huge deal for me, but it really grinds my gears when devs start pulling the "poor me" defense. If you're not a good business person, it's your own fault.

He's complaining about a system that worked as intended, namely got his crappy little game onto Steam and exposed to millions of people that otherwise would never see it. In the bigger picture if this kind of BS continues to go on then it sets bad precedents and
Sure, principle of the thing. I get that. I just can't get worked up like I can from those that are trying to deny steam keys entirely.

Random, but why the hell does KFC only offer its sides in small or large portions? I went and wanted medium wedges, and had to settle for large. I ate too much and now I'm gonna puke probably. 

Random, but why the hell does KFC only offer its sides in small or large portions? I went and wanted medium wedges, and had to settle for large. I ate too much and now I'm gonna puke probably.
Now you've put me in the mood for wedges, but it's only 10:00 AM here. That and I have tater tots in the freezer so I'll probably just heat some of those up for lunch with a side of meat.

I will say the regular size of KFC sides (and most chicken places at that) is always way too small for what you pay IMO.

Now you've put me in the mood for wedges, but it's only 10:00 AM here. That and I have tater tots in the freezer so I'll probably just heat some of those up for lunch with a side of meat.

I will say the regular size of KFC sides (and most chicken places at that) is always way too small for what you pay IMO.
Agreed. I think KFC is overpriced in general. I was just in the mood for some chicken

Agreed. I think KFC is overpriced in general. I was just in the mood for some chicken
You're a few streets away from Popeyes and you went to KFC. Da fuk?

And isn't the broad street market open today? The Amish and Mennonites sell delicious chicken.
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Agreed. I think KFC is overpriced in general. I was just in the mood for some chicken
Yeah, I remember way back in the day $10 would get you a full family meal and a cake. Nowadays its about enough for a single meal.

I'm a Church's man myself due to their spicy chicken (second best I ever had). But even Church's has raised prices. I used to be able to get a 10 piece for $4.99.

Hi, I am Valiki and I am a BA (Backlog Addict)

I have over 250 games on Steam...i have beat (maybe) 15...

Majority of the games I haven't touched
a) no time (5kids)
b) pc not powerful enough

...and yet I still scour this page for deals and follow all the bundles (yes just got HB 11 / IndieGala Interstellar)

...and this doesn't count games that I DL to smartphone (beat Waking Mars on that)...

What should I do?....
Your condition is no where near as bad as you think it is... around here 250 games is lightweight/normal-person-with-a-CAG-account. There's a lot of hope for you, you can still lead a happy, normal, well-adjusted life. To attain this you must leave CAG, forget about us. Just turn your back and walk away.

If you do not, and continue to hang around CAG your life will enter a downward spiral... not only will your backlog-of-shame drag down every aspect of your life (even in bed), but many of your waking (and should-be-sleeping) hours will be consumed by the hunt for new bundles, cheap sales, and price glitches. And when you do you'll think back and realize what a happy, normal, well-adjusted life you had... when you still had friends and family, when you bought games because you were going to play them that weekend. You'll long for the person you can no longer be. CAGtotsis is a degenerative condition with no known cures. It's up to you to save yourself, now, while you still can.

Free game. (Avencast Rise of the Mage)
There's people who don't already have this?

Random, but why the hell does KFC only offer its sides in small or large portions? I went and wanted medium wedges, and had to settle for large. I ate too much and now I'm gonna puke probably.

You're a few streets away from Popeyes and you went to KFC. Da fuk?

And isn't the broad street market open today? The Amish and Mennonites sell delicious chicken.
Yeah, I remember way back in the day $10 would get you a full family meal and a cake. Nowadays its about enough for a single meal.

I'm a Church's man myself due to their spicy chicken (second best I ever had). But even Church's has raised prices. I used to be able to get a 10 piece for $4.99.
You want to talk pricey, Popeye's is pricey. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the missus always wants mashed potatoes AND French fries when we go, but it's hard to get out of there without spending $20. Also the sanitation in Popeye's places is almost uniformly abysmal, so on the rare occasions when we do get food from there (she usually makes me do it), I'm always anticipating finding a crunchy rat or ring finger.

I literally clicked on this link one minute after you posted and all keys were gone. I expect a new batch of Thief for $20 posts on the trade thread right about . . . now.

You want to talk pricey, Popeye's is pricey. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the missus always wants mashed potatoes AND French fries when we go, but it's hard to get out of there without spending $20. Also the sanitation in Popeye's places is almost uniformly abysmal, so on the rare occasions when we do get food from there (she usually makes me do it), I'm always anticipating finding a crunchy rat or ring finger.

I literally clicked on this link one minute after you posted and all keys were gone. I expect a new batch of Thief for $20 posts on the trade thread right about . . . now.
time for ur warren steamroll those rich snooby reseller hh

Sure, principle of the thing. I get that. I just can't get worked up like I can from those that are trying to deny steam keys entirely.
I agree. Still, alternately grateful that there are people willing to make noise for others' benefit and eye-rolling because of people's expectations.

You want to talk pricey, Popeye's is pricey. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that the missus always wants mashed potatoes AND French fries when we go, but it's hard to get out of there without spending $20. Also the sanitation in Popeye's places is almost uniformly abysmal, so on the rare occasions when we do get food from there (she usually makes me do it), I'm always anticipating finding a crunchy rat or ring finger.

I literally clicked on this link one minute after you posted and all keys were gone. I expect a new batch of Thief for $20 posts on the trade thread right about . . . now.
Re: Popeye's

I like some of their sides (the gravy on the mash and red beans and rice) but their chicken is far from being even remotely spicy and it is overpriced.

Re: Alienware

They didn't even tweet this time. Oh well.

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