The Steam discussion topic! Joy and happiness, right here, folks.

Man, I just bought Greed Corps on XBLA on Black Friday. It does look very cool.

That Alpha Protocol Bundle is nice! I only want the classics, actually, but it's a great price.
It died, unfortunately. AP is really good though, I'm delightfully surprised. I feel like I'm playing an espionage action movie. Gameplay is a little janky, but I expect that from any SEGA action game.
Damn, that Droplitz challenge is hard. I barely got over 50,000 points and the game just got out of control. 85,000 is going to be a pain in the ass.

Also, Greed Corp apparently unlocked, but there is no option to buy it. :(


Annnnd Greed Corp is only $9. Buy it people.
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So, Greed Corp doesnt have a way to play with friends. Argh. I'd be more angry if there were actually people playing. As it stands, since nobody is online, it's still relatively easy to get in a game with friends.
[quote name='clockwork-zombie']Is Amnesia for $10 a good deal? I have been wanting it since it came out but might not be able to run it so do you think this is the cheapest it will be for a while?[/QUOTE]

Given how new it is, and there was one other deal for it (although I think it was more or less the same amount) I'd think its going to be $10 for a while. Maybe on sale during xmas for less, but sort of doubt it with that sale coming up in a few weeks.
[quote name='Mike UFC']Really looking forward to the Killing Floor Christmas event. I'm ready to earn that Baddest Santa skin. Tripwire rules.[/QUOTE]
Me, too.
[quote name='VGmnk']Given how new it is, and there was one other deal for it (although I think it was more or less the same amount) I'd think its going to be $10 for a while. Maybe on sale during xmas for less, but sort of doubt it with that sale coming up in a few weeks.[/QUOTE]

There have been past examples of Weekend and Midweek Deals going on sale for less during special sales. It's really tough to spend any money with the Holiday sale looming, because you just don't know what will be on sale.
1) What one Steam purchase you made during this sale are you the most pleased with? Why?

Not applicable.

2) What one Steam purchase from this sale are you least pleased with? Why?

Not applicable.

3) Are there any daily deals you regret not purchasing?


4) How much did you spend on this sale? (Estimates are fine.)


5) What will you do differently next year?

Nothing. I'm already awesome as is. Any more awesome and the Mayan prophecies of the end of the world in 2012 would seem like a birthday party at McDonalds.

6) What game would you most like to see on Steam?

X-Men Arcade - I may actually purchase that one. It will have to have some type of new content though.

7) What would you pay for it?


8) Does this guy work for Steam, or what?

Maybe but who cares, though.

9) Where's his hair?

I think I glitched the Poker Night consecutive all-in achievement. Pretty sure I've won 3 in a row and it hasn't unlocked. =(
Had kind of a cool ending in Alpha Protocol:
Played mostly suave/professional and sneaky, trying to ghost missions when it seemed reasonably possible. Was friendly with G22 but let Albatross get killed by Brayko, and had a negative reputation with Heck and took him into the final mission as my handler. Ended up turning both Marburg and Parker to my side during the final mission (Marburg simply refusing to fight me, Parker saving as much Alpha Protocol intel as he could). Heck ninja'd me free and helped lay the smack down on the baddies, and then after the final confrontation with Leland I decided to keep him alive and arrest him, only to get shot in the back by Scarlet and learn she was Halbech's assassin in Taiwan. Leland didn't have a contract on my head however, so she didn't kill me and was arguing with Leland while Heck snuck up behind her with a shotgun. Scarlet gets pissed off at Leland (Possibly because I had a good reputation with her?) and shoots Leland in the stomach, then the eye. She returns the Halbech intel to me and says something along the lines of she didn't have a contract, but that doesn't mean she won't later. I take the intel and then say "NOW!" and Heck shoots her in the back with the shotgun. Then the base blows up and Thorton and Heck sail off together, even though like I said I had a negative reputation with Heck in the first place.
Fairly different from my "Kill everything stealth be damned" first playthrough. Have to say this ending was more fun.
Monday Night Combat is finally up for pre-order! You get the usual 10% off ($13.49) and beta access for doing so. Game releases on January 17th.

The game will have all the Steam features (Anti-Cheat, Leaderboads, Stats, Achievements) and will also have dedicated server and editor support!

REALLY wanted to get this on xbox during the Summer of Arcade, but held out in the hope of a PC version. Will most likely pre-order.
I'll definitely be pre-ordering that within the next couple of weeks. I hope it gets a decent following on PC. I hate seeing good games go to shit because nobody plays them.
Heh, what'd I tell ya. I'm definitely preordering MNC, since I never got to play it on 360. Steamworks integration, dedicated servers, an editor, and a month-long beta. That's really everything I could have hoped for, for the PC version. I was always a little nervous that the PC version might be another game lost to GFWL bullshit (like Blacklight: Tango Down), but with this news, I'm definitely gonna go for it. But man oh man, another (almost) $15 spent, and the holiday sale is just days away. Goddamn, I'm going to have to sell my other kidney.

In case anyone missed it, if you preorder anytime before launch, you'll get to start playing the beta (which starts this Thursday) immediately!
Beta starts this Thursday? Hot damn, I'll definitely be pre-ordering right now then.

Shall we make a MNC CAG group? It'd be nice to learn the game with fellow CAGs and not a bunch of people-who-take-the-game-too-seriously-and-yell-at-you-for-not-playing-a-class-right.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']Beta starts this Thursday? Hot damn, I'll definitely be pre-ordering right now then.

Shall we make a MNC CAG group? It'd be nice to learn the game with fellow CAGs and not a bunch of people-who-take-the-game-too-seriously-and-yell-at-you-for-not-playing-a-class-right.[/QUOTE]

I am not allowed to make Steam groups any more. I created the maximum number. :(
[quote name='sotc1988']Speaking of xbla games, any new word on Limbo? I'm really itching to play that one.[/QUOTE]

Nothing I've heard of, sorry.

Steam CAG Monday Night Combat group
[quote name='Mike UFC']If you got Killing Floor before the update, you just received the vintage mask and vintage tie in your TF2 account.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I just got them. The gas mask could be the ugliest "hat" ever introduced to TF2.
One last piece of good news regarding Monday Night Combat on Steam: it will not use any additional DRM, other than Steam itself.

These guys seem to be doing everything right with the PC version!
All the MNC info sounds pretty good, but I'm definitely going to hang back on it. Went nuts with Christmas gifts this year, to the point where I dipped into my Steam funds so I'll be a little low for the Christmas sale on Steam.

I guess on the bright side, if I wait I'll be able to see/hear if MNC doesn't have enough players. That's always a worry with multiplayer-centric games.
[quote name='SqueeMK2']All the MNC info sounds pretty good, but I'm definitely going to hang back on it. Went nuts with Christmas gifts this year, to the point where I dipped into my Steam funds so I'll be a little low for the Christmas sale on Steam.

I guess on the bright side, if I wait I'll be able to see/hear if MNC doesn't have enough players. That's always a worry with multiplayer-centric games.[/QUOTE]

I think as far as its multiplayer playerbase viability, MNC has the most anticipation and word of mouth I've heard for a non AAA title. As a fan of both TF2 and DoTA style games (been addicted to LoL lately), I couldn't wait for this to appear on PC, as I don't really care to give MS money for what I can get for free for the XBox Live version (at least, for what I can get for free on PC--multiplayer accessibility).
I might hold off a bit on MNC. I just keep thinking about how excited I was for Lead & Gold, and how borked the game was on release. I just have a sinking feeling that something similar could happen to MNC. Even with a beta, L&G had oodles of problems that didn't get fixed for at least 2 months (when dedicated servers were released). And even then, the game still had some issues. The game plays fine now, but the damage has been done. You'd be lucky to find 1, maybe 2 games now.

I've been looking forward to the PC version of this and I still have high hopes, but I'd rather play it safe and wait to see what people's impressions of the beta are. If impressions are overwhelmingly positive and report the game is decently stable and balanced, then I'll be more than happy to eat these words and toss $13.50 Uber's way.
I've seen a lot of people in different places talking about not buying the game at or near launch, to instead wait and see if the multiplayer community is big enough.

That's what you call a "self-fulfilling prophecy," folks.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I've seen a lot of people in different places talking about not buying the game at or near launch, to instead wait and see if the multiplayer community is big enough.

That's what you call a "self-fulfilling prophecy," folks.[/QUOTE]

It's not the size of the community I'm worried about. It's more the quality of the game at release.
[quote name='CoffeeEdge']I've seen a lot of people in different places talking about not buying the game at or near launch, to instead wait and see if the multiplayer community is big enough.

That's what you call a "self-fulfilling prophecy," folks.[/QUOTE]

I've seen this too. Pretty dumb. I already pre-ordered, and I've gotten three other friends to grab it. Hopefully others can do the same to ensure a large community right from the get-go.
[quote name='drbutchevil']Anyone use Steam on an external HDD? My laptop has a 500gb HDD and its getting a bit full, so I am thinking of trying with my 1TB External I have ( Anyone know how well this will work?[/QUOTE]

You have to use Symbolic links if you want to spread Steam games across more than one location. Me, I have some games on my main SSD hard drive and other games on a second hard drive. Couldn't do it without the symbolic links, which fool Steam into thinking they are all in a single location.

  1. Install a program called Link Shell Extension.
  2. Move the game folders out of your main Steam directory (typically a folder named Common) and into the new, second location.
  3. Right click the folders (you can do this while they're all highlighted) and click Choose Link Source.
  4. Go back to your main Steam folder (Common), right click and choose Drop As/Junction.
  5. Done! Steam will now treat them as if they were in the original location.
Great interview at PC Gamer with Uber Entertainment:

PC Gamer: Interview - Monday Night Combat devs talk Steam, bacon

Apparently, a lot of their developers have worked on games like Morrowind, Demigod, Supreme Commander 1&2, C&C Generals: Zero Hour and Total Annihilation. They also explain the changes made from the console to PC version.

They also announce a "special guest star" to go along with the game's January 17th release.

Alright, so I'm much less worried now. Uber seems to know exactly what they're doing.
[quote name='DukeEdwardI']They also announce a "special guest star" to go along with the game's January 17th release.[/QUOTE]

Potentially awesome, but please, god, don't let it be anybody from TF2.
My bet is on a TF2 character as well. They say in the interview that the character "makes total sense in the world of Monday Night Combat," and I don't see Chelle, Alyx Vance or Francis fitting that description. Of course it could definitely be somebody from a non-Valve game. We'll see.
bread's done