The "Wii is sold out and it totally sucks because I don't have one" thread

It's funny because I'm sending Wii scalpers from craigslist on wild goose chases to different applebee's to meet some fictitious guy who is going to buy their Wii for $600. LOL
Damn, just called Gamerush in Kalamazoo and they didn't recieve any today. They thought since they didn't have any yesterday they might get some in today but negative. DHL guy didn't even arrive. Bastardos.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']It's funny because I'm sending Wii scalpers from craigslist on wild goose chases to different applebee's to meet some fictitious guy who is going to buy their Wii for $600. LOL[/QUOTE]

so wrong, but :rofl:
[quote name='Michaellvortega']It's funny because I'm sending Wii scalpers from craigslist on wild goose chases to different applebee's to meet some fictitious guy who is going to buy their Wii for $600. LOL[/QUOTE]

No I know who you are! Bastard! No really this is funny.... now you just need a website that elaborates on it and maybe even gets pictures etc... I can imagine it would be huge success and really frustrate the resellers if it took off....
[quote name='Michaellvortega']It's funny because I'm sending Wii scalpers from craigslist on wild goose chases to different applebee's to meet some fictitious guy who is going to buy their Wii for $600. LOL[/QUOTE]

You're my hero. I was thinking about doing that, but resorted to just flagging Wii sale messages as spam instead.
I was up at 5:30 i was 101 off 100 for wii at best buy and 151 of 150 at toy'r'us
and i missed the last unit sold at k-mart by 1 min
I'm glad I didn't get one =P, I woulda bought it with my own money but now my parents are getting interested and they already said they'd buy me one! I was stunned 0_o
[quote name='iufoltzie']The retailers have no reason to hold PS3 or Wii stock back, you are going to buy the thing at full price so there is no incentive to use them as Black Friday bait. Plus most stores these days use automatic reordering. If they hold systems back they wont be getting replacements for those systems until they are sold. Finally, their profit on the systems is minor, they make their markup on the games, it undercuts their profit to not sell you a system.

Whatever store you checked was indeed sold out, or the systems they did have in the back were spoken for by employees.[/quote]
actually, if a store has a print advertisement for the system on xxx date, then yes they would need to hold it. Last year best buy had a 2nd launch of xbox 360's. It was roughly dec 15 or 18th. It was planned out in advance, and was going to be in there weekly advertisement stating they would have it, and would have xxx per store. My local best buy, where I got my 360 had them in stock at least a week before hand. If a store set up there black friday ad (which happened awhile back) that they would have xxx wii's in stock, then the store would hold it. Never question how stupid marketing departments can be. I am not saying that they will be there on black friday, I am just commenting that there would be a reason why a major B&M store would hold on stock.
[quote name='ryanbph']actually, if a store has a print advertisement for the system on xxx date, then yes they would need to hold it. Last year best buy had a 2nd launch of xbox 360's. It was roughly dec 15 or 18th. It was planned out in advance, and was going to be in there weekly advertisement stating they would have it, and would have xxx per store. My local best buy, where I got my 360 had them in stock at least a week before hand. If a store set up there black friday ad (which happened awhile back) that they would have xxx wii's in stock, then the store would hold it. Never question how stupid marketing departments can be.[/QUOTE]

To which I would agree (especially some marketing departments); however, before I posted my comment I checked the Black Friday sites and non of them list the Wii in their deals section.

I'm sticking with the wisdom that none of the stores could possibly think they could "make more" by holding back.
[quote name='iufoltzie']To which I would agree (especially some marketing departments); however, before I posted my comment I checked the Black Friday sites and non of them list the Wii in their deals section.

I'm sticking with the wisdom that none of the stores could possibly think they could "make more" by holding back.[/QUOTE]

They could if they held units back to make bundles.
I fell for the "there will be enough for launch" and even though I was up at 7:30 AM after a night of partying and drinking, I didn't head to CC until 9:25 AM skipping any chance at Target or getting one at Costco. The wave of buyers moved through the city, Wal-Mart at midnight, Target at 8AM, and then Circuit City which the one near me gave out vouchers around 8AM, and then Costco, which gave out vouchers a little before 9:30 AM. I don't know when I will start hitting a Target daily though, like I did for my 360, but still ended up getting a 360 at Costco thanks to information on CAG.
[quote name='WhoKnowsWho']I fell for the "there will be enough for launch" and even though I was up at 7:30 AM after a night of partying and drinking, I didn't head to CC until 9:25 AM skipping any chance at Target or getting one at Costco. The wave of buyers moved through the city, Wal-Mart at midnight, Target at 8AM, and then Circuit City which the one near me gave out vouchers around 8AM, and then Costco, which gave out vouchers a little before 9:30 AM. I don't know when I will start hitting a Target daily though, like I did for my 360, but still ended up getting a 360 at Costco thanks to information on CAG.[/QUOTE]

There was that one guy who said his costco got 24 today, call and see if maybe yours did too.
[quote name='Quobobo']You're my hero. I was thinking about doing that, but resorted to just flagging Wii sale messages as spam instead.[/QUOTE]

This is why I'm glad I sold my extra ticket at TRU for $100. Id never want a douchebag like you getting a chance to own one.
[quote name='gizmogc']This is why I'm glad I sold my extra ticket at TRU for $100. Id never want a douchebag like you getting a chance to own one.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='iufoltzie']To which I would agree (especially some marketing departments); however, before I posted my comment I checked the Black Friday sites and non of them list the Wii in their deals section.

I'm sticking with the wisdom that none of the stores could possibly think they could "make more" by holding back.[/quote]

I totally agree it most likely won't be held back for black friday. But there is a way to make more by holding back. If the demand is high enough for the system and they hold back units to create a bigger demand, then when they run a sunday morning ad saying they have them in stock, it could draw quite a few potential customers to the store. If a customer doesn't get one at the best buy, there is the possiblity they will pick up something else that they might not have felt the need to go to the store for. Like a dvd, cd or an xbox 360.

Have they given the amount of units they had at launch in the US yet?
The topper is this. I camped out all night and paid $50 for a pre-order at Toys R Us. They told me twice that they hold it for two weeks after launch. I call up tonight and they "lost" mine. The GM is trying to find another one somewhere.
So I tried to convince myself that I would wait until the second manufacturing run (or a '100% bug-free' run) of the Wii or one in a color I want or the DVD capable model. Unfortunately that's not going to happen and I am going to get one of these suckas on Friday come hell or high water. I hope it's rad.

edit: Does anyone know if I buy the GS replacement plan if they'll switch it out for a different color if/when one is released? Let's say it happens during the protection plan's one year duration.
I had the money saved up about 3 weeks before launch, then I was stupid and convinced myself to wait and spent the cash on 360 games instead. Now that it's past launch, I want one really bad. I'll try to see if I can snag one at EB this week by trading in a bunch of crap to help me pay for it, but I doubt I'll be able to. I'll probably just pick up R6:V and continue playing GoW until they're easier to find. This sucks cause I wana play Zelda so damn bad. Guess I can just get the Gamecube version, but I dont wana wait! GRRR.
I have a preorder at Gamecrazy. When I preordered, I asked the guy if I was guaranteed to get a Wii on the 19th. He said yes, they would have plenty. I went in on the 19th and they said they got 10 units in at midnight and they were all given out and asked it I got a phone call about it. I said no. Turns out I preordered too late and I wouldn't get one until the next shipment. As of today, still nothing.

I sent Gamecrazy customer relations a letter explaining how I was misled. I will never reserve anything there ever again.
[quote name='Gerber']I think a lot of the places will be saving their Wiis for Friday.[/quote]

target's bf ad shows the wii on the front page. probably they'll be in stock by that time.
Has TRU confirmed units for BF? I'd assume they'd get more than Target would, so if I'm going to camp out I'd rather it be there.

And how does it work on BF? Just a mad dash to the department of choice to get your items? That sounds dangerous.
[quote name='jasongst']And how does it work on BF? Just a mad dash to the department of choice to get your items? That sounds dangerous.[/QUOTE]

Welcome to Black Friday shopping. It's a wonder more folks dont get hurt.
OK i have a serious question for you guys. My ma and 5 of her friends are going out thursday night at midnight. What store should my ma dash to first to try to snag a wii :)
[quote name='Onifrio']OK i have a serious question for you guys. My ma and 5 of her friends are going out thursday night at midnight. What store should my ma dash to first to try to snag a wii :)[/quote]

best buy would be a good bet, but they open at 5 (boo!), and if not friday their ad says 12 min. for sunday morning.

also, a few gamestops told me over the phone that they out of stock and will have some for sale at 7am friday...

i am pretty sure ill be able to get one somewhere friday
I just talked to my ma and she said shes getting on line for one at walmart at 11pm thursday before black friday.... heres to hoping.
It is soo weird. I was at an EB on launch day and they had so many left over that they started selling people two each!!! I just ebayed the second one for $345 (+ $30 for shipping). Not bad considering I would have never gone out of my way to get a second system to sell- they just offered it to me. I wish you all lived near this EB because they probably had enough for all of the regulars on this site. I guess I just got lucky this time. I had a much harder time getting a 360...
I called my Best Buy. They said no Wiis until Dec. 17th. I called TRU. No Wiis UNTIL THE SECOND WEEK OF JANUARY! I called my nearby Gamecrazy and EB/Gamestop. They don't fucking know! Basically, I'm in the Seattle area, which is kinda weird because Nintendo of America is just near Seattle! fuckin' ghetto I tell ya!
They don't know exact dates like that, they're trying to cover their own ass. It's much easier to say Mid-December or early January than say next week and someone get pissed when it doesn't come in.
[quote name='cochesecochese']So has it been confirmed which, if any, stores will definitely have the console available on Friday?[/quote]

I've been calling Gamestops, and there's a general consensus that there's gonna be a shipping this friday. I'd say start camping out the night before because these would just be a handful.


By the way I lined up at 8:30 last sunday at a BestBuy that promised 102 units. I was like the 110th or something and ofcourse, didn't end up getting one. Funny thing is that me, and the 30-40 people behind me still stayed for 2 hours in line even though we knew we weren't guaranteed anymore. somebody sold his place in line for 150. I guess we were all hoping some people's CCs wont go through or there would be a magical shipment that same morning.

Yesterday I called 60 gamestops. 2, sent me on a wild goosechase. I drive like 30 miles to get there only to find out their Wiis have already been sold in the last 30 minutes. But the good news is the 3rd attempt was the charm. I bought the very last Wii out of a Gamestop at Norwalk, CA and it feels great playing it :cool:
Yes, there definitely is going to be consoles on Friday. But I would call and confirm, just to be on the safe side. I called the Gamestop closest to my house, and the employee working said he has 9 Wiis at the store already, and can't sell them until Friday.

Hopefully I'll be able to get one, I'll get there 2 hours before they open. :pray:
I went to walmart about an hour ago and asked this old lady in electronics if there would be any Wii for tomorrow. "She said not to my knowledge."

[quote name='ComTruise']I called my Best Buy. They said no Wiis until Dec. 17th. I called TRU. No Wiis UNTIL THE SECOND WEEK OF JANUARY! I called my nearby Gamecrazy and EB/Gamestop. They don't fucking know! Basically, I'm in the Seattle area, which is kinda weird because Nintendo of America is just near Seattle! fuckin' ghetto I tell ya![/quote]

If you dont get one by Monday, call the TRU in Times Square NY, If they have any they will ship them to you, They had a bunch of them last week, they sold me one over the phone Tues. it will be here next Thursday, (slowPS) you have to pay shipping and tax, but its better than Ebay. Good luck !
Just scoped out my local BB and Gamestop at midnight.

Best buy had a line that stretched across the entire plaza of stores.

Gamestop had about 8 people in line. Considering they might not even have that number of Wiis, screw that.

I'm not going near another store today, even if they might have a Wii in stock. I'll wait for something to show up online.
I jetted past a bunch of stores about an hour ago.

Best Buy - Parking lot was filled. There was a friggin RV!

WalMart- 6 people.

GameStop- ghost.

Target- ghost.

Toys R Us- ghost.

I probably have better-than-average odds to score one, if I get out at 5AM, considering there's about 15+ more places that are all about 15 minutes away that I can hit.

I love NY!
[quote name='fshaia']If you dont get one by Monday, call the TRU in Times Square NY, If they have any they will ship them to you, They had a bunch of them last week, they sold me one over the phone Tues. it will be here next Thursday, (slowPS) you have to pay shipping and tax, but its better than Ebay. Good luck ![/quote]

Are you serious? That would beat having to tackle rednecks at 5 in the morning for sure!

Phone Number?
Just came back from 2 gamestops, 1 ebgames, 2 bestbuys , 1 walmart and 1 target. Didn't have any luck picking up a wii. First off I started at the gamestop near me and after waiting an hour turns out they only had 3 wii's and guess which number I was, number 4. So I walk next door to walmart and turns out they didn't get any wii's in neither did target. I get in my car and drive to the next gamestop, where they only had 5 wii's but didn't bother saying how many they had like the last gamestop and instead had everyone cram in the store then say, "Oh we are out of wii's." Ebgames is the same story as gamestop. Now I was getting a little frustrated, so I head over to Best Buy and they tell me that they didn't get any wii's either and to check the sunday ad. So this whole trip was pretty much a waste all I have left to count on is the raincheck from Toys R Us, which I got on launch.
I'm so mad right now. Weren't stores supposed to be restocked for Black Friday? If they aren't stocked today, when will they get more? Sunday? Or is it completely random from store to store?

This is seriously pissing me off. I was hoping to have a Wii for Thanksgiving break, but now I'm just bored and pissed. I was only going to buy one from Wal-Mart so I can get a 10% employee discount, but now I'm willing to spend $25-30 more just so I can get one.

EDIT:[quote name='Mex25']Now I was getting a little frustrated, so I head over to Best Buy and they tell me that they didn't get any wii's either and to check the sunday ad.[/quote]
You should go to BB on Sunday, there was a CAG that reported that BB is holding Wiis for Sunday and an employee there told me the same thing. In fact, he told me that anything Wii related wasn't going to be stocked until Sunday so remotes, nunchuks, classic controllers, games, etc. should be restocked too.
[quote name='J35U5']Are you serious? That would beat having to tackle rednecks at 5 in the morning for sure!

Phone Number?[/quote]

The number I used was (866) 742-6423 you will probably get a recording, but just keep hitting 0 and you will get someone eventually, the girl I ordered it from name was Cortney. I don't know if they have any at the moment but I'm sure they will have some soon
Drove about an hour to a Gamestop in a small town.. had no problem walking up (read: no line, no one outside of the door) and getting the console, extra remote, extra nunchuck and a point card. Word.

Now if only I can get this thing to connect. It says it can't connect to the 'net, yet in every connection test, it's fine.. i'll try it later. Time (finally) for some Zelda and Red Steel!
[quote name='Scorch']Drove about an hour to a Gamestop in a small town.. had no problem walking up (read: no line, no one outside of the door) and getting the console, extra remote, extra nunchuck and a point card. Word.

Now if only I can get this thing to connect. It says it can't connect to the 'net, yet in every connection test, it's fine.. i'll try it later. Time (finally) for some Zelda and Red Steel![/quote] You aren't helping to ease my pain.
I literally went to every store in my area and could not find a single Wii or any accesories. That was after standing in a minimum of 10 minute lines just to get in. However.. there were load of Wii point cards.... B FREAKING S I WANT A GODDAMNED WII.
[quote name='crystalklear64']I literally went to every store in my area and could not find a single Wii or any accesories. That was after standing in a minimum of 10 minute lines just to get in. However.. there were load of Wii point cards.... B FREAKING S I WANT A GODDAMNED WII.[/QUOTE]

10 minutes?! Oh man. You put MY 12 hours in line waiting for a Wii last Saturday to shame.

But maybe that's why I've been playing it for a week now..
bread's done