The WWE Wrestlemania 25 Thread

Dang, no posts in 3 days. I almost thought there was a new thread I didn't know about.

Apparently Test ODed on Oxycodone according to the UK Sun.

And Kennedy's shoulder injury is what's been keeping him out of action, and might force him out for good and into a trainer roll.
Show-Kofi was awesome. Kofi came off looking like a star despite losing thanks to the highlights of his MITB stuff and J.R. putting him over like a million bucks. Plus, he looked cool taking the big knockout punch in mid-air. Matt vs. Jeff was good - a little better story-wise than the WM match, but not too memorable. The Colons vs. Legacy was good as well, but nothing memorable beyond the awesome ending portion with both Rhodes and DiBiase hitting their finishers to end the match and after the match, respectively. The video package with Cena in the big fake car ruled, as always, and Santino brought the awesome comedy, too.

Screens -

Quotes -
Matt - Unforgettable WrestleMania moments, there were a lot of them last Sunday that will be burnt inside WWE fans heads for the rest of their lives - ETERNITY! The Undertaker and Michaels had what many are calling the greatest WrestleMania match ever, but the greatest moment of all time OF ALL TIME happened last Sunday - when Matt Hardy beat the Extreme Enigma in an extreme rules in the most extreme way possible with an extreme twist of fate! And you know what that means, Jeff? You’re nothing more than an extreme disappointment for the fans at WrestleMania. For years, I’ve been looked upon as “the other Hardy”, after all the false promises, I knew it would only take an extreme beating and three seconds to prove that I’m the superior Hardy and that I always have been. YOU KNOW THAT! Beating you isn’t enough - it’ll never be enough. As long as there’s a little boy wearing your shirt, a ridiculous arm band…like that guy, or a guy chanting your name hoping to touch your arm, it’ll never be enough. I have to erase you from the WWE! And until there’s only one Hardy in the WWE, you’ll have to look over your shoulder because I won’t stop. I won’t quit. I’ll be in every stairwell, in every hallway, and waiting for you after every party. For once, make a good decision, a smart decision - come down to the ring and apologize to YOUR PEOPLE for being a disappointment. And then apologize to me for attempting to be my brother! If you don’t, you’ll leave this ring strapped to a stretcher and you will never, EVER WRESTLE AGAIN! Be a man, Jeff - come down to the ring and admit to your people that you’ve never been nothing more than extreme disappointment!
Grisham - Kofi has jump out of the gym hops!
J.R. - Kofi is in there with a fire-breathing dragon!!! Figuratively.
J.R. - I think the WWE Universe should believe in Kofi Kingston!
Santino - There seems to be a whole lot of divas that are jealous that my twin sister became the first ever MISS WRESTLEMANIAAA! She’s gorgeous! Even my own girlfriend was jealous and tried to take out her frustrations on my twin sister, and so I talked to Teddy Long to CHECK IT OUT. I might be drafted next Monday, and to show that there’s more than one Marella you should be jealous of! BRING THAT POOR SUCKER OUT! (Khali comes out)
J.R. - I think I saw his unibrow almost part.
Singh - The Great Khali says you don’t have to fight him…on one condition! He thinks your sister is HOT! She’s the only diva that Khali can think about, and the Punjabi Playboy wants her to be his guest on the Khali Kiss Cam! If you can arrange that, then
Khali - Speaks Khalese
Santino - YOU CAN’T TALK ABOUT MY SISTER LIKE THAT! Or whatever you said.
Grisham - What if Khali wanted to kiss your sister?
J.R. - Given that I’m an only child, I’d be surprised I had a sister.
Going to skip Raw tomorrow. I doubt any storylines will be advanced, being the draft and all, and honestly unless they draft Cole to $somewhere_else, I won't care much about that either.
According to, 12 people are going to get drafted.

My picks?

1) Edge
2) Big Show
3) Undertaker
4) Matt hardy

1) John Cena
2) William Regal
3) Chris Jericho
4) Kofi Kingston
5) Rey Mysterio
6) CM Punk

1) Umaga
2) Kane

I really don't think the rosters matter much anymore at this point, but rumors has been spreading that Raw will get damn near all of the AAA talent, with SD! getting a few big names, and ECW getting completely shafted.

I figure they would want to shake things up, and what better way then to have Cena, Mysterio & Y2J reclaim their old stomping grounds (the latter of which hasn't been on a member of the SD! roster since 2003). They could also open the door to Regal finally being the Top Heel on a show. I'd also predict that they give SD! the most picks, trying to convey that they "won" the draft, despite Raw getting all the money-drawing talent.

I'd also expect either Mysterio or MVP to drop their mid-carder title to Matt Hardy to even up the title situation.
I'll be watching RAW tonight. I don't really know why. Nothing better to do I suppose.

It would be pretty great if they gave Regal a run as a top guy. He can certainly wrestle at the highest level, I just hope he stays clean.
Raw is in town tonight. I'm not going. I checked the prices when tickets went on sale and just laughed. WWE isn't worth anywhere near what they're charging.

Just a reminder, it's a 3 hour show tonight and starts at 8.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']I like how Supercilious Charlie hasn't posted since the Professor kind of castrated him during a review of his review. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Kinda wish he was back. I noticed a lot of talk of Larry Sweeney being yanked from ROH and was curious as to why. If anyone knows, if would be him.

(please please please reverse psychology, work this time!)
[quote name='neocisco']Raw is in town tonight. I'm not going. I checked the prices when tickets went on sale and just laughed. WWE isn't worth anywhere near what they're charging.

Just a reminder, it's a 3 hour show tonight and starts at 8.[/quote]

Just curious, but how much are tickets where you are?

Raw is coming to my town in June and they're charging $15-75. Thinking of going.
[quote name='mykevermin']Kinda wish he was back. I noticed a lot of talk of Larry Sweeney being yanked from ROH and was curious as to why. If anyone knows, if would be him.

(please please please reverse psychology, work this time!)[/quote]

From his Myspace blog

Hey everybody,
Wow, hard to even start this one.
I have been learning to live with bipolar disorder since I first went through a bipolar cycle when I was 18, ten years ago.
As I understand it, Bipolar disorder is an energy imbalance; call it chemical, call it what you like, but i am most comfortable with the term energy imbalance.
But mr sweeney, sir, you say, you are a perverer of such greatness!! So overwhelming is your awesomeness, that I could hardly ever think of a person of your stature as 'imbalanced'! Who are these false profits that make this judgment of you, and why?
Calm down, wipe the nacho cheese off your face and fingers so that you don't ruin mom's keyboard, sucka, and I'll tell you. But I'm going to be brief about it.
When I was 16 I wrapped a car around a tree and almost killed 5 people, myself included. I don't remember this, at least in my conscious memory, so the parts of my brain where this trama is stored, well, when you do something like that at a young age, and of course you don't mean to, but **** happens, right?, well, you're going to be affected by that for the rest of your life.
There it is. That's my explaination.
It has been incorrectly reported that I have been battling depression. Not true. What do I have to be depressed about? I've made it further in this business and in life than I ever would have imagined possible, gotten to meet so many great people through this business, and have travelled the world. I love what I do and I'm not going anywhere.
A more proper explanation was that certain events led to an onset of mania for me in early february.
While I love Ring of Honor and certainly hope to return, I am quite angry with how I have been treated by Mr. Silken and his company. Despite any personal troubles or turbulance I may have been going through, I never once showed up in a condition where I was unable to perform.
I do not have a drinking problem, nor a drug problem, but my brain gets a little bit coocoo for cocoa puffs sometimes. Really? In the grand scheme of life, that ain't really a big deal. I'm certainly not complaining.
But, the company treated me like a drug addict, not like a person with a medical condition. You see, if somebody shows up drunk or stoned to work and gets caught, then you can suspend or fire them... but in the eyes of the law, in such a crzy world, if any person has a bout with craziness and is seeking care, they cannot be treated the same way, at least this is what my lawyers have told me.
Cary Silken suspended me from pittsburgh and new york with less than 48 hours notice and did not pay me. Before that, the company shorted me on money for the first tv tapings... then I came to houston and, despite my sobriety and clarity, and willingness to fly myself down on my own dime, I was told that I was not welcome.
Since I have not recieved a release from my contract, I consider all monies owed for these bookings to still be owed to me, and I am sitting out, chilling down in the south, until the company makes things right with me. I would like to be there for all of the wrestling fans who enjoy my performances with the company, but I will still be appearing as much as I can, just for different companies. My relationships with CHIKARA and International Wrestling Cartel I consider stronger than ever, and I am very grateful for the care and consideration that Norm Conners and Mike Quackenbush, men who have known me a lot longer than anybody in ROH management, promoters who I have worked for for 4ish and 6ish years repectively, true friends... I am very gratefull to have them in my life as friends and employers.

Because, you see, what would larry sweeney do? (My real name is alex whybrow, sorry to burst your, that does not mean that I'll add you as a friend on facebook if I don't know you personally, thank you very much, so don't ask)...

WWSD? That is the question.

I'm under contract until May 2. While I certainly would like to go back to work for mr silken and his company, until they make things right with me, I will not do, and I am retaining a team of lawyers in the mean-time.
Would I love to work with Ric Flair? Hell yes. Do I need ROH to do it? **** no.
When life tries to slap you like a bitch, you've got to stand on your own to feet and fight like a man.
When somebody tries to **** with you, you've got to be like marcellus wallace.... who doesn't like to get ****ed by anybody but missus wallace.
When somebody tries to treat you like a kid, kick em in the balls. When somebody won't leave you alone, don't be afraid to punch them in the teeth. **** the law. I'll spend a night in jail, I really don't care.
I decide what is right and wrong for me, nobody else. This is my life, and I don't owe it to anybody, and that is true for each and every person on the planet.
**** the world, I'm taking over.
I've been in Houston since last Friday, and I love this town. I'm wrestling in Louisiana on Saturday night, doing a clinic on Sunday for Southern Pure Wrestling, and then wrestling in Houston again on Saturday the 18th.
I will appear for ROH if they have made things right with me by that time, but quite frankly, I do not see that happening.
If somebody says they're your friend, but then tries to **** with your livelihood, for whatever reason, what does that make you? Your enemy. Enemy. Somebody who tries to **** you, if you don't want to be ****ed? That person is your enemy, and there ain't no doubt about that.
More details to follow, but before I take back to the streets of houston, I would like to thank each and every wrestling fan out there, because if it wasn't for you, then I would be able to do what I love, and wrestling is most certainly what I love. Thank you for all the support, friends and fans alike.
12 Large,
[quote name='mykevermin']I've read a buncha spoilers on the draft today.

Too many, in fact. Makes me think WWE is trying to poison the well.[/QUOTE]

Aw yeah, got to watch the trainwreck. Maybe from my other couch in front of the 360 but still, I'll be within earshot.
I think WWE is a mess trying to manage all the brands, titles, wrestlers to whatever crazy backstage politics the McMahons use. IMO, they should just unify all their various titles back to one for each wrestling division. They can keep the brands separate, and just rotate which show gets what champion(s) as needed. This would go a ways toward making the draft a "real" draft, which I do believe is still a good idea as setting the draft up more like the "real" professional sports would draw in the fans they way Fantasy Sports leagues do everything else.
[quote name='cdeener']Why does Lawler look like a carrot? Plus, why the fuck do they have all the annoucers on one show?[/quote]

Tonight is the draft. The announcers are gonna call matches depending on who's representing their respective shows.
[quote name='Demolition Man']How many seconds until 24 starts?[/QUOTE]

It's not on till an hour after Raw ends here. :)

ECW and Smackdown are both getting pillaged, according to rumors. I don't understand what the point is of taking guys away from ECW, however, when ECW guys can appear on all 3 shows already.

EDIT: That was a criminally short and underwhelming match between Mysterio and Bourne. I like MVP to Raw, though, since he's spent his entire career on Smackdown. Obviously, Rey's going back to Smackdown now.
Can anyone summarize the draft picks from the first 30 minutes? I just caught MVP to RAW.
[quote name='Brak']Can anyone summarize the draft picks from the first 30 minutes? I just caught MVP to RAW.[/quote]

He was the first pick, so you haven't missed anything.
I can't say I'm surprised by Triple H going back to Raw, bu it is disappointing. Where does Matt Hardy fit in on Raw? He could feud with MVP, but that would be a step back for both guys. he'd be better as an upper card Smackdown guy. he just came to Smackdown less than 2 months ago.
I wonder what JR is thinking now that the WWE has dropped the whole Smackdown is an equal show to Raw idea and he's stuck on the B show.
I like Kofi and Miz, but why did we get a match between them that was twice as long as Rey/Bourne, with a DQ finish to top it all off? And that was a shitty way to break up Mizorrison. Miz will get lost in the shuffle on Raw. Miz should have stayed with ECW, with Morrison going to Smackdown.
Say what you will about the draft but there have been a couple good matches already. I enjoyed Cena/Swagger while Kofi/Miz was waaaaaay better than I expected.
called all the picks? from what I'm reading in this thread, all the spoilers that have been out all day long are legit. called em? BFD.

[quote name='pitfallharry219']I'm pretty sure it has been stated before that HBK has religious obligations on Tuesday or Wednesday, so that keeps him from going to SD.[/QUOTE]

The Showstopper don't roll on Shabbos.
...using Billy and Chuck's entrance theme now? LOL...just LOL....

I don't know about the rest of you CAG wrestling fans, but I'm becoming a huge Santino/Santina mark. I've not laughed this hard at WWE programming since mid-90s DX.
They really need to go through now with 3 feuds I've been wanting to see for a long time, in order from the one I want least (but still want) to the one I want most:

Rey Mysterio vs. Shelton Benjamin
Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker
Chris Jericho vs. Rey Mysterio

It's ridiculous that Rey and Jericho have only had one 1 on 1 match in WWE, and that was for the shitty Spike TV Video Game Awards.
Jericho vs. Undertaker makes the most sense assuming Jericho continues to trash legends. They could steal the show ala HBK/Taker.

Like some others here, I don't think Mysterio has it any more. Assuming he has the cash to retire, I'd like to see him call it quits before he declines any further.
bread's done