"there are black members in the development team"

Oh good freaking grief. It's been confirmed that it's in Africa, correct? So it's going to be Arabians or Blacks depending on the exact location. What is wrong with people?

Gad, we're heading down a road to where developers will have to come out with something like this: "We're creating a game where the hero will have to fight for his life in pre-colonial Australia. The enemies will be four foot tall androgynous purple aliens; NOT aborigines. We considered the history of the continent but then realized that no aborigine could ever be be a hunter so we opted for the aliens."
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[quote name='Chacrana']Meh. Race wars and such. Don't care anymore.[/QUOTE]

Glad to see you're up front about your indifference. Maybe if it had anime ta-tas on it?

My consideration on this title will be to wait for a final verdict, and to take the opinions of people I value before making a decision, for purchase or otherwise.

I do have to say I giggled a bit at the question "why does the town have so many exploding barrels?" - a question that should be asked of every developer of a recent shooter game.
[quote name='mykevermin']Glad to see you're up front about your indifference. Maybe if it had anime ta-tas on it?

I don't care when it's in a game that (presumably) isn't actually racist at all.

If it had anime tits, though, yeah, that'd be kinda kewl.
I think they're trying to say that RE5 is going to be the most racist game ever, but it'll be okay since they have a Black guy on board. Fried chicken and grape soda confirmed.
[quote name='GTzerO']If a bunch of black zombies were after you you'd kill them too.[/quote]

Only if I had a black friend with me. I wouldn't want to be considered racist.
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This thread should be closed. It's ridiculous and dishonest. Takeuchi was ASKED SPECIFICALLY if there were black people on the development team, and he said "To answer the question that was posted on your blog, there are black members in the development team. We do have staff working on the game, who are aware of the historical background and we are constantly checking these kinds of things with them."

There is nothing wrong with this statement. If anything the people who actually thought to make sure there are black people working on the game, and asked whether or not there are, are in the wrong.
In what aspect of development are they working it? Could be some random dude they're pulling in to just check over certain aspects.
WOW @ Courageous. Do we have to go over the difference between two groups of people......and if anything, it means Sheva won't die.
[quote name='Ex~']This thread should be closed. It's ridiculous and dishonest. Takeuchi was ASKED SPECIFICALLY if there were black people on the development team, and he said "To answer the question that was posted on your blog, there are black members in the development team. We do have staff working on the game, who are aware of the historical background and we are constantly checking these kinds of things with them."

There is nothing wrong with this statement. If anything the people who actually thought to make sure there are black people working on the game, and asked whether or not there are, are in the wrong.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, that question was blatantly loaded in order to get that answer from Takeuchi.

Multiplayer: I know you talked about this at [Capcom's Las Vegas promotional event] Captivate, but I have to ask you: the way people talked about the game and some of the reactions of: “Oh, is this a racist game?”… A lot of that has died off. But we on the MTV gaming blog actually published one of these interviews that got a lot of the reaction. We interviewed a gaming journalist who talked about his feelings when he saw the trailer. And he talked about: “I don’t feel like anybody black worked on this game.” That was his gut reaction. And I’m curious if you had anticipated that kind of response, if you had foreseen that people were going to react that way — and how that reaction affected you?

Takeuchi: No, we certainly didn’t anticipate the reaction. We were quite surprised by the reaction that came out. I think everyone understands that we never set out to with the intention to make anything that was racist — that was never our intention. We think it was a bit of a misunderstanding when we published the first images of the game back in the day. And we think that as we move along and allow people to see more the game and more of what’s going on and more of the story, people will get a better idea of the game. I think you can see that that reaction has started to die down a little bit. To answer the question that was posted on your blog, there are black members in the development team. We do have staff working on the game, who are aware of the historical background and we are constantly checking these kinds of things with them.
[quote name='Chacrana']I don't care when it's in a game that (presumably) isn't actually racist at all.

If it had anime tits, though, yeah, that'd be kinda kewl.[/QUOTE]

And bring on the anime tits!
The topic was dead for me when N'Gai Croal was on the 1up Yours saying that he had African American Capcom employees that were working on RE5 coming up to him all the time during E3. :lol:
So I've already meantioned, Takeuchi was just responding to the DIRECT QUESTION of whether or not there were black people on the dev team. Another reason why this thread is ridiculous, and Takeuchi's comments are perfectly reasonable, is that the racist writer N'Gai Croal said this:
I looked at the “Resident Evil 5″ trailer and I was like, “Wow, clearly no one black worked on this game.”

Capcom didn't just come out and say "oh, we have black people" to defend their game, they were SPECIFICALLY ASKED if there were black people on their dev team, and they answer the question in the affirmative.

The only racist scum here is N'Gai Croal, who's so disgustingly racist he thinks he can tell if a videogame trailer was made by people of one race or another. Unbelievable.
[quote name='Jesus_S_Preston']Also, anyone who can honestly say they think this game is racist is a fucking idiot. FACT.[/quote]

Yep. Pretty much.

I can see it now:
Resident Evil 6 will take place in Japan. They're replacing half the Asians with French people to avoid racial backlash.
[quote name='CouRageouS']I think they're trying to say that RE5 is going to be the most racist game ever, but it'll be okay since they have a Black guy on board. Fried chicken and grape soda confirmed.[/quote]

WTF is grape soda? All we had was grape drink! You must be rich.

Also, my mom said there's a lot of black people in Africa.
This is what I dont get. Black people complain about not being in games and how all of the heroes are white but the second you make black people the main focus of a game it racist and it needs to be changed or else.
[quote name='SoNiC1023']This is what I dont get. Black people complain about not being in games and how all of the heroes are white but the second you make black people the main focus of a game it racist and it needs to be changed or else.[/quote]

Well, once again the complaints are about the hero being white and the enemies being black.

Thing is, this was before the introduction of the new female partner who happens to be a native African. This racial sensitivity really just irks the hell out of me.

Did the Spaniards complain when RE4 showed Leon mowing down Spanish speaking Europeans? No. And they had Luis as a Spanish supporting character. Rarely do people think about context when making preliminary judgments about things, especially when it comes to video games.
I kind of agree with Sonic here. Now, on the grand scale, even though I'm white, I really don't want to play racist games. I'm even willing to listen to groups to find out what's racist. So, African American's don't want to be reffered to by the n-word, ok.

But, put it this way. Say it was set in Africa, but everyone was white. That is racist, intentionally excluding blacks. Now, say you move the game to "unknown jungle", then you are excluding blacks by intentionally avoiding Africa as a setting.

Now, you make the game in Africa, using blacks, well, that's racist too.

I won't get into a 2 page race spiel here. But, I tend to side with the game makers. There is no history (that I know of) of racism in the RE universe, I haven't seen anything bad here, and the game isn't even released yet. I think everyone is jumping the gun a bit here.
[quote name='lordxixor101']I think everyone is jumping the gun a bit here.[/quote]

By "everyone," I think you mean a few journalists and nongamers. Everyone here seems to be on the same page.
I'm sorry, but the person giving the questions acted like a total douchebag. He was incredibly proud of his website encouraging the racist BS and then seemed to talk down to Takeuchi with the whole "What lesson did you learn from making a video game with black people?" question.
For the record I don't think Re5 is racist in the slightest.

But would it hurt developers to actually let you play as a full on black character? The most we get is a racially ambiguous character. Why not go for it? I know there are probably a majority of white and asian developers, but you'd think they'd actually like the idea of experimenting with different races once in awhile.

I don't think people in general are that racist that they won't play a game because it has a black main character. I'm constantly playing as Asian characters as a non-Asian person, and that doesn't bother me in the slightest. Look at movies for example, Will Smith movies are often very very popular. Why does it feel like gaming is so behind the times?
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[quote name='SoNiC1023']This is what I dont get. Black people complain about not being in games and how all of the heroes are white but the second you make black people the main focus of a game it racist and it needs to be changed or else.[/quote]

"Black people"?

Ugh, take your head out of your ass.
This is why Romero deserves kudos. He always inserts social commentary into his zombie movies but it's subtle enough, and there's enough other action and misdirection going on, that the knee-jerk mouth-breathers never catch on and never have a chance to get outraged.

I think the irony is that Capcom really doesn't care about social commentary, they just want to make a great action game, but the "usual suspects" see it as their chance to make hay.
[quote name='GTzerO']"Black people"?

Well they can't be African Americans if they're in Africa. Africans can also be white... so?

Not defending his thoughts or post, but if it's the label that rubs you the wrong way I think you're being silly.
[quote name='GTzerO']"Black people"?

Ugh, take your head out of your ass.[/quote]

Yea thats what I call those "African Americans" I call them black because they call me white
I told you to get your head out of your ass not because of the label, but because you said " black people" as if you were saying this was a hot button issue with everyone in the black community. Are you choosing to keep a blind eye to the black people who don't give a shit about those issues, or was that just a mistake?

[quote name='willardhaven']

Not defending his thoughts or post, but if it's the label that rubs you the wrong way I think you're being silly.[/quote]

Maybe so. I just found using " black people " silly, as not only was he misrepresenting black people, but also left out the people who might find those kind of issues important who aren't black. I know this is really being hard on the guy, but I just have a thing about people saying ______ people in general. It makes me sick.
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Yeah I'm pretty sure it was just that one guy from Newsweek... we'll see when the game comes out if it's actually a big deal.

The last movie I saw showed a ton of white and brown guys.
You need to get your head out of your ass. He obviously doesn't mean every black person on the planet, or in Chicago, or on the Internet, because, SHOCKER, that's not what he said. If he meant that, he would've said it. Obviously not every black person, in unison, gets upset about the same things at the same time. Use some critical thinking here fucktard.
100% of the black people in my household do not approve of this thread. The "royal we" will not be stopped until all the "black people" in Resident Evil 5 get their civil rights that any and all video game characters are inherently programmed with. My fellow Internet denizens we must have equal rights for everything or death to all of our avatars.
[quote name='SpiderLocMTGO']You need to get your head out of your ass. He obviously doesn't mean every black person on the planet, or in Chicago, or on the Internet, because, SHOCKER, that's not what he said. If he meant that, he would've said it. Obviously not every black person, in unison, gets upset about the same things at the same time. Use some critical thinking here fucktard.[/quote]

Man, I just said I get pissed off when people say "_____ people", and when people use blanket term in that context. I think you knew what I meant ( why say " black people " when you can go even deeper than that to be more specific ) but thanks for calling me a fucktard. Real useful.
this thread needs more black people.RE5 is not racist,but it can be seen as insensitive.In the first trailer, it shows Chris(who is white) killing a bunch of black people. so to the nongamer/zombie aficionado, it looks like chris is killing them for no reason.so these people jump to conclusions and ASSume that Chris is killing them because they're black. These people are not stupid, they just don't have their facts right.Capcom chose Africa due to them hinting it as the birthplace of the virus. I'm kinda glad that Capcom chose Africa seeing how zombie folklore comes from Africa.Also, to all the people who keep insisting that the spaniards didn't fret about RE4,just remember, spaniards are an ethnicity, not a race.
[quote name='GTzerO']"Black people"?

Ugh, take your head out of your ass.[/quote]
I have had and do have many black friends who do not use the term "African American" (which obviously does not apply here anyhow). In fact, I have one friend who gets mad when someone refers to her as such and exclaims, "I have never even been to Africa before! I am a black American!" CNN is running a special report right now called "Black in America". Why the hell can't we call people what they are without being labeled as racists? Oh wait, we can. As long as the ones saying it are not white.

So, what are we supposed to call the folks in this game? "Native beings from the continent called Africa with a not-so-white skin tone"? You and the rest of the PC police really need to start finding something better to do with your time. This BS got old about two decades ago. Racism will never die as long as there are fools running around calling everyone else racist, because that in and of itself is an act enabled by fear and racism.
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[quote name='MorPhiend']I have had and do have many black friends who do not use the term "African American" (which obviously does not apply here anyhow). In fact, I have one friend who gets mad when someone refers to her as such and exclaims, "I have never even been to Africa before! I am a black American!" CNN is running a special report right now called "Black in America". Why the hell can't we call people what they are without being labeled as racists?

So, what are we supposed to call the folks in this game? "Native beings from the continent called Africa with a not-so-white skin tone"? You and the rest of the PC police really need to start finding something better to do with your time. This BS got old about two decades ago. Racism will never die as long as there are fools running around calling everyone else racist, because that in and of itself is an act enabled by fear and racism.[/quote]

Read the thread before you go on your Anti -PC rant. Jesus Christ. I said I wasn't made at the fact that he used the word " black ".
bread's done