They are remaking "Let The Right One In"

This one seems to be going for a scary theme, while the original was just fine with a creepy tone. I don't know why they had to remake this film.
I REALLY don't know why Americans can't just read the subtitles on the original movie. I understand remaking a foreign film if it's older, but remaking a 2007 movie is a little ridiculous. Oh well...
Saw the trailer last night. They only changed the name a little and seem to have recreated the movie scene for scene. The studio could have saved more money by just striking a deal to put the original back in theaters, with the right subtitles.

That's what burns my ass the most. Not that they're remaking this, but that the company that put out the Blu-Ray refused to provide a trade-in program. Anybody know where I can rebuy the first movie and know before I hit the checkout process that the seller will put the right one in (pun intended)?
[quote name='MattJ1991']I REALLY don't know why Americans can't just read the subtitles on the original movie. I understand remaking a foreign film if it's older, but remaking a 2007 movie is a little ridiculous. Oh well...[/QUOTE]

Speaking for myself here, if I wanted to read something, I'd go read a book. When I watch a movie (or tv show as the case often is for animes), I prefer the voices to be in english so I can pay attention to what's happening instead of having to focus on subtitles and maybe miss out on some of the visual details.
[quote name='JStryke']Speaking for myself here, if I wanted to read something, I'd go read a book. When I watch a movie (or tv show as the case often is for animes), I prefer the voices to be in english so I can pay attention to what's happening instead of having to focus on subtitles and maybe miss out on some of the visual details.[/QUOTE]


I hate people like you.
[quote name='JStryke']Speaking for myself here, if I wanted to read something, I'd go read a book. When I watch a movie (or tv show as the case often is for animes), I prefer the voices to be in english so I can pay attention to what's happening instead of having to focus on subtitles and maybe miss out on some of the visual details.[/QUOTE]

This works in theory if you have never seen the source material in its subtitled form. I thought Dragonball Z was great in English. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon on the other hand needs to be watched with subtitles. The worst part about dubbing is when they replace cultural words with American words. the dubbers apparently couldn't say Dim Sum so they just changed it to chowder.
[quote name='Sporadic']...

I hate people like you.[/QUOTE]

There are a lot of people who refuse to see a movie with subtitles. I dated girls who are like that.

Its kinda sad because they are missing out on a lot of great movies.
This remake is incredibly pointless. The movie looks exactly the same, why even bother? The original is one of the best vampire movies I have ever seen and I don't see a reason for an American remake. I will absolutely not see this.

And the people refusing to read subtitles are missing out on so much. It's really not that distracting unless you are on a 2nd grade reading level.
I agree with those that say its pretty pointless. Barely anyone saw the original movie, and about the same amount of people will see the English adaption of the novel.
[quote name='tcrash247']This remake is incredibly pointless. The movie looks exactly the same, why even bother? The original is one of the best vampire movies I have ever seen and I don't see a reason for an American remake. I will absolutely not see this.

And the people refusing to read subtitles are missing out on so much. It's really not that distracting unless you are on a 2nd grade reading level.[/QUOTE]

I agree with you completely, but here's my view.

If they had to remake it (which, obviously they did) at least they're trying to shoot for the stars. I wouldn't say Matt Reeves is perfect, but he's better than somebody else they could have went to. Again, Chloe Moretz proved herself in Kick-Ass, and, although she won't be able to hit the same height that the original actress did, she will still hold the role well enough I believe... And Kodi Smit Mc-Phee did pretty damn well in The Road, and he has a pretty awkward look in this film, so at least it's not Jaden Smith...

I'm not defending the film at all, since I think remaking most films is just a travesty and it's not to let new movie-goers see what was a classic 25 years ago or across seas, but for money, but at least they're trying. I'm guessing a majority of people who do go see this movie won't know it's a remake, but oh well. You just have to live with people being stubborn. It's the same people who give "film makers" a reason to continue the Step-Up series and why Friedberg/Seltzer haven't actually been thrown off a building yet.
yeah its a sad thing, from the trailer it looked exactly the same, why remake, ah well. I love seeing movies years before they get a "remake" in english, and everybody is like omg you see this new movie coming out? lol, i saw it years ago, you are late. Or people who don't watch any subtitle movies are missing some great stuff. Like REC 1 and 2, when they remade rec into Quarantine, what a crappy movie, and Most people don't even know how Great a movie the original is, and just ignore it now, and now thye don't know there is a sequal which is awesome also, rec2.

I didn't even know they were remaking Let the right one in, but then one day i saw the trailer come on tv, and I knew instantly what it was. omg why... anyways, i saw the original here at the theatres, they were playing it at one popular theatre that plays foreign movies.
Wife and I love the original.. don't see why it has to be remade. Also see Syfy's Being Human series. We already love the British version... and it's not like it even needs translated.
Also the changes they did make don't make any sense.

When you are a gothic horror, changing the setting from old-world Sweden to sunny overpopulated LA is a step backwards.

I'd be a hypocrite if I said I disdained all Americanized versions of foreign films. The Departed was awesome. The Ring was sweet. But in these movies they didn't just do a frame-for-frame rework of the original, they laced the plot organically into a Western setting and the end-result was a consistent movie.
[quote name='JStryke']Speaking for myself here, if I wanted to read something, I'd go read a book. When I watch a movie (or tv show as the case often is for animes), I prefer the voices to be in english so I can pay attention to what's happening instead of having to focus on subtitles and maybe miss out on some of the visual details.[/QUOTE]

Pan's Labyrinth is a good example of this. I feel like I missed half the movie because I had to stare at the bottom of the screen reading the entire time. I still thought it was a great movie, but I feel like I missed some of it.
[quote name='Vulgarism']And Kodi Smit Mc-Phee did pretty damn well in The Road,[/QUOTE]

He's a pretty good choice to play Oskar. Like the original, it had to be convincing that the kid would be bullied to the point of nearly going postal.
Boo. Enough with the Hollywood remakes. You can't fix a film that is not broken. Originals (even if they are subtitled) are always better.

They are also remaking "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".
bread's done