They're Coming to get the Last Movie You Saw, Barbara!

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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest.

Final verdict's still out on this one until the third is released (I hate cliffhangers!) but I honestly thought DMC was too long. I love the original, which was about the same length, but DMC just seemed like it lagged in several places whereas Curse of the Black Pearl was nicely paced.
I saw Happy Feet because my best friend's girlfriend's little sister wanted to see it. You know a movie is shit when the little girl cant even stay awake for an hour of it. By FAR the worst movie ive ever seen in my life. I wanted to gauge my eyeballs out within 15 minutes. Ugh.
[quote name='jPoD']I saw Happy Feet because my best friend's girlfriend's little sister wanted to see it. You know a movie is shit when the little girl cant even stay awake for an hour of it. By FAR the worst movie ive ever seen in my life. I wanted to gauge my eyeballs out within 15 minutes. Ugh.[/QUOTE]
Ugh, I just saw that today was HORRIBLE. I did it as a favor to my little sister (I used the free tickets posted on these very forums). I wanted to walk out sooo badly.
That bad, huh? I'm glad I decided to wait for the DVD then...

[quote name='whoknows']Ugh, I just saw that today was HORRIBLE. I did it as a favor to my little sister (I used the free tickets posted on these very forums). I wanted to walk out sooo badly.[/quote]
[quote name='MidnightRain']That bad, huh? I'm glad I decided to wait for the DVD then...[/QUOTE]

Seppuku looked like a good idea.
Nice. It's not often when a film is so bad it inspires thoughts of disembowelment. Definitely renting this one now, should be great fodder for MSTing at least.

[quote name='jPoD']Seppuku looked like a good idea.[/quote]
Lets just say take out the cuteness of March of the Penguins, combine it with nearly the same sappy bullshit story from Finding Nemo and all those other crappy movies, put them together and market them towards people five years younger and you've got yourself a stinker.
Saw Casino Royale. It was a pretty good movie, but the pacing was so half-assed it wasn't even funny. I really wished they had made the film tighter. The poker scenes carried no tension with them. The action was great, but really, only the start of the film had any measure of action. After that, there was absolutely next to nothing. Just Bond playing cards. Talking to girl. Playing more cards. Talking to girl. The opening was by far the best aspect of the film. The very final scene with Bond blowing out the knee of the bad guy was also great. It's just the middle felt kind of filler. That and they had a really great bad guy and the way they resolved his storyline was a complete and utter cop-out. I'm going to watch Apocalypto and Blood Diamond next week. I'll let you guys know what I think of those soon. ~Ahmed~
Saw Casino Royale. It was a pretty good movie, but the pacing was so half-assed it wasn't even funny. I really wished they had made the film tighter. The poker scenes carried no tension with them. The action was great, but really, only the start of the film had any measure of action. After that, there was absolutely next to nothing. Just Bond playing cards. Talking to girl. Playing more cards. Talking to girl. The opening was by far the best aspect of the film. The very final scene with Bond blowing out the knee of the bad guy was also great. It's just the middle felt kind of filler. That and they had a really great bad guy and the way they resolved his storyline was a complete and utter cop-out. I'm going to watch Apocalypto and Blood Diamond next week. I'll let you guys know what I think of those soon. ~Ahmed~
Muppet Christmas Carol.

It's become a tradition to watch this every year as I wrap Christmas presents. At this point I can quote the movie word-for-word which is kind of disturbing... Great film, though.
[quote name='MidnightRain']That bad, huh? I'm glad I decided to wait for the DVD then...[/QUOTE]
It is worse than that. Usually when I take my little sister to one of those movies I get at least SOME enjoyment out of it, but in this...I just wanted to leave. I got in with the free tickets and I still felt like I was ripped off.
Saw Sky High and then Dirty Pretty Things on tv today. Enjoyed Sky High far more than I expected. The special effects for some of the scenes are nothing to really talk about like the flying, but otherwise it was a very well done super hero/family movie. Dirty Pretty Things is incredibly fascinating and captivates you until the end. The ending is a bit anticlimactic and a tad disappointment.
[quote name='whoknows']Ugh, I just saw that today was HORRIBLE. I did it as a favor to my little sister (I used the free tickets posted on these very forums). I wanted to walk out sooo badly.[/quote]

We have links to free movie tickets? Where?
Downloaded A Clockwork Orange from the XBL video marketplace.

Great, just fantastic.

One of the best movies from the 70s I have seen so far.
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