This is absolutely disgusting...


My fucking blood-pressure is rising due to the amount of lawlessness and chaos that is spreading through hurricane ravaged Louisiana.

These people firing upon evacuation vehicles is the most disgusting thing I've ever heard of. These acts make me ashamed to be a human being.


My prayers are with them. :sad:
I agree. It really hurts me to see that people are this stupid. As opposed to helping eachother get through times like these they decide, "Hey, maybe if I loot this store for all it's worth something good will happen!" and, "Let's kill eachother because it's fun and we're not smart enough to grasp the idea that all it does is cause more chaos to add onto the fact that WE JUST GOT HIT BY ONE OF THE BIGGEST HURRICANES OF ALL TIME!!!" These people, and I don't mean to sound racist but the majority of them happen to be african american, really need to stop this bullshit. I'm beginning to question their ability to live under normal circumstances. All they're doing is making matters much worse, and it's a shame to see it.
[quote name='Ravaged']These people, and I don't mean to sound racist but the majority of them happen to be african american, really need to stop this bullshit.[/quote]

It's pretty likely that a black person is doing something when they are 67%+ of the population down there, and probably a larger percentage of the underclass (that being those left behind this week). So, would you like to judge tens of thousands of people based upon the actions of a few? Would you like to continue to make blanket racist statements under the guise of some bullshit apologetic "I don't mean to sound racist" (which is *always* code for "I'm about to be racist") statement.

Instead, how about accepting that those who are retaliating with gunfire are anomolous of *all* trapped people down there. If 2% of the blacks there are firing at emergency vehicles, you are failing to recognize the 98% that are not. Again, you are trying to explain the exception to the rule, rather than the rule itself, by insinuating race. Real classy.

I'm beginning to question their ability to live under normal circumstances. All they're doing is making matters much worse, and it's a shame to see it.

Who are "they"? Blacks?
[quote name='Ravaged']I agree. It really hurts me to see that people are this stupid. As opposed to helping eachother get through times like these they decide, "Hey, maybe if I loot this store for all it's worth something good will happen!" and, "Let's kill eachother because it's fun and we're not smart enough to grasp the idea that all it does is cause more chaos to add onto the fact that WE JUST GOT HIT BY ONE OF THE BIGGEST HURRICANES OF ALL TIME!!!" These people, and I don't mean to sound racist but the majority of them happen to be african american, really need to stop this bullshit. I'm beginning to question their ability to live under normal circumstances. All they're doing is making matters much worse, and it's a shame to see it.[/QUOTE]

Wow. You didn't mean to sound racist there? What do you say when you really cut loose?
I don't mean to be a prude but really these people that are shooting at the evacuation vans are people that aren't being saved. It's ridiculous how many people are on roof-tops that are diabetic and have the Red Cross symbol on their roof but get no help. Not enough cops/military or anyone along those lines to save these people. The thought of everyone working together, is a great thought but this is reality. When the fact that people have no water,food,ice, or dry clothing they have to do anything they can. Survival of the fittest at it's finest.
[quote name='mykevermin']It's pretty likely that a black person is doing something when they are 67%+ of the population down there, and probably a larger percentage of the underclass (that being those left behind this week). So, would you like to judge tens of thousands of people based upon the actions of a few? Would you like to continue to make blanket racist statements under the guise of some bullshit apologetic "I don't mean to sound racist" (which is *always* code for "I'm about to be racist") statement.

Instead, how about accepting that those who are retaliating with gunfire are anomolous of *all* trapped people down there. If 2% of the blacks there are firing at emergency vehicles, you are failing to recognize the 98% that are not. Again, you are trying to explain the exception to the rule, rather than the rule itself, by insinuating race. Real classy.

Who are "they"? Blacks?[/QUOTE]

I agree with Professor Murder. :D
[quote name='ph33r m3']I don't mean to be a prude but really these people that are shooting at the evacuation vans are people that aren't being saved. It's ridiculous how many people are on roof-tops that are diabetic and have the Red Cross symbol on their roof but get no help. Not enough cops/military or anyone along those lines to save these people. The thought of everyone working together, is a great thought but this is reality. When the fact that people have no water,food,ice, or dry clothing they have to do anything they can. Survival of the fittest at it's finest.[/QUOTE]

And shooting at relief workers solves their problems, how?
[quote name='ph33r m3']I don't mean to be a prude but really these people that are shooting at the evacuation vans are people that aren't being saved. It's ridiculous how many people are on roof-tops that are diabetic and have the Red Cross symbol on their roof but get no help. Not enough cops/military or anyone along those lines to save these people. The thought of everyone working together, is a great thought but this is reality. When the fact that people have no water,food,ice, or dry clothing they have to do anything they can. Survival of the fittest at it's finest.[/QUOTE]

How is stealing TVs and firing at vehicles trying to rescue people survival of the fittest? You are trying to justify what they are doing as ok, and it isnt.
It's that 50 cent music I tell ya! :lol:

Seriously though, I don't understand this because don't they want to be saved??? How are they going to survive if they keep this up? Like I said, whoever is doing it just shoot them and get it over with :p
[quote name='ph33r m3']I don't mean to be a prude but really these people that are shooting at the evacuation vans are people that aren't being saved. It's ridiculous how many people are on roof-tops that are diabetic and have the Red Cross symbol on their roof but get no help. Not enough cops/military or anyone along those lines to save these people. The thought of everyone working together, is a great thought but this is reality. When the fact that people have no water,food,ice, or dry clothing they have to do anything they can. Survival of the fittest at it's finest.[/QUOTE]
If it was survival of the fittest, they would be trying to hijack a boat.
Why are they firing at evacuation vehicles? HELLO? has anyone played any FPS lately? What else do you do when some guy jumps in a vehicle and drives off without waiting for anyone else to hop in. They deserve it! JK
These are the incidents that make you pray karma is real. Sadly these bastards will live and continue to reproduce and drag us down. All you can do is pray for the ones who deserve to be saved.
It has to be just devastating to go through something like that.

I'm sure many of the people are frustrated, and not so surprisingly in shock. What exactly do you do when something like this happens? It probably feels to them that the world is completely on it's head and feeling alone that there isn't any immediate relief in sight.

Their anger is displaced though. Too many people expect things to be solved instantaneously, and it just can't happen fast enough to please them.

The looters and shooters are of course- the bottom of the barrel. But that shouldn't mark EVERY person down there as scum.
I'm not saying it's ok, but what hope do these people have? Reality is a lot more people that are alive right now will die due to heat exhaustion (reaching 90+ in the next 10 days), lack of food and water. If you see people looting and nothing's happening you would do the same thing, I don't know anybody that would be a 'nice person' in this situation. Are you gonna give the last cup of water to some stranger when you and your loved ones need it also? Hell no, your gonna keep it.
oh looky...more fucking racist talk.........I will say it again.....put yourselves in their shoes......or better yet....put all white people in this situation. The same fucking crap would be happening because this Hurricane just fucked up the Gulf and We dont have the help in place yet. Of course your gonna see black people you know why.....because most of these people were too poor to leave and blacks in New Orleans are mostly impoverished......thats not a racist comment its the fucking truth.
[quote name='opportunity777']It's that 50 cent music I tell ya! :lol:

Seriously though, I don't understand this because don't they want to be saved??? How are they going to survive if they keep this up? Like I said, whoever is doing it just shoot them and get it over with :p[/QUOTE]

Get rich or die trying......

well i think like someone pointed out, its about not being "rescued" first. If someone thinks they are going to be left to die, they are gonna be pretty fucking pissed at the people who are getting to leave. You might think its selfish(as do i) but when think about it as if you were there.

Your standing by while they save all the strangers who you dont know. As for the looters, i think they should all be shot to death if they are taking more then they need. Not because they are stealing(like if it matters if the TV gets fucked up in the store or in their hands from the water) but because they are hurting other people in a weak attempt to make money when they are about to die.
oh looky...more ing racist talk.........I will say it again.....put yourselves in their shoes......or better yet....put all white people in this situation. The same ing crap would be happening because this Hurricane just ed up the Gulf and We dont have the help in place yet. Of course your gonna see black people you know why.....because most of these people were too poor to leave and blacks in New Orleans are mostly impoverished......thats not a racist comment its the ing truth.

Nobody brought up race....
[quote name='ph33r m3']I'm not saying it's ok, but what hope do these people have? Reality is a lot more people that are alive right now will die due to heat exhaustion (reaching 90+ in the next 10 days), lack of food and water. If you see people looting and nothing's happening you would do the same thing, I don't know anybody that would be a 'nice person' in this situation. Are you gonna give the last cup of water to some stranger when you and your loved ones need it also? Hell no, your gonna keep it.[/QUOTE]

Again, how does shooting rescue vehicles help any of that?
[quote name='ph33r m3']Nobody brought up race....[/QUOTE]

Yes, they did. Read the whole thread.
[quote name='jmcc']Again, how does shooting rescue vehicles help any of that?[/QUOTE]
Indeed, many of the rescue vehicles are not venturing into certain areas BECAUSE of the shooting, many people may have ended up dooming themselves and others in the area because they bit at the few hands attempting to feed a thousand mouths.
We had a discussion on this in class, talking about how stupid they are for shooting at the help.. then the guy next to me told me he got called to duty and had to drive to Daytona tomorrow, then fly to New Orleans.. that made it hit really close to home.
If you shoot the rescue vehicles or aid workers, due to them not helping you, how the fuck do you expect to get help. If you are taking out rescue people, then their are less to go around, and it will slow down the process. Yes I understand the area was destroyed, and they are under a lot of stress. Yes more can be done, but they are in a better position then the people that were living in indonesia (sp?) last year when they got hit with the storm.
[quote name='dental_regurgitation']So uh, this hurricane is pretty bad then?

Well, a major US city got completely wiped off the that pretty bad?
funny how for 9/11 all sporting events stopped........... and for this even preseason NFL games continue..........that's what really disgusts me
[quote name='bostonfrontier']funny how for 9/11 all sporting events stopped........... and for this even preseason NFL games continue..........that's what really disgusts me[/QUOTE]
I can't believe it, but I agree with you entirely. Hell, I sent my friend the link to the Drudge Report, and she thought it was some kind of weird joke site. She had no idea this stuff was actually happening.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']funny how for 9/11 all sporting events stopped........... and for this even preseason NFL games continue..........that's what really disgusts me[/QUOTE]

Wasn't there a Yankees game pretty soon after it? Bush threw out the first pitch at it, I think.
[quote name='jmcc']Wasn't there a Yankees game pretty soon after it? Bush threw out the first pitch at it, I think.[/QUOTE]
yes that did happen, it was after 9/11, not sure how many days though. It was more of a publicity stunt to show that we weren't scared, and we were going to continue our daily lifestlye
[quote name='jmcc']Wasn't there a Yankees game pretty soon after it? Bush threw out the first pitch at it, I think.[/QUOTE]

Why would Bush throw the first pitch at a random game? I call bullshit.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Why would Bush throw the first pitch at a random game? I call bullshit.[/QUOTE]

Well, lets see. He's the president, it was a yankees game, and new york is where the WTC was.
wow shooting at a evac. vehicle. I guess ppl are jealous that others get to leave before them... I can understand looting for necessities but why cause' trouble when survival and cooperation is top priority.
[quote name='rodeojones903']Why would Bush throw the first pitch at a random game? I call bullshit.[/QUOTE]
If you looked at what I typed, about it being a publicity stunt to show America was strong, and would not deter. Also the comments Alonzo wrote, I would hope you could understand why he did it.
Looters burned down a mall today on the westbank...tell me what purpose does that serve, I am just sick...
[quote name='bostonfrontier']funny how for 9/11 all sporting events stopped........... and for this even preseason NFL games continue..........that's what really disgusts me[/QUOTE]

Wanna know what disgusts me??? I know people who don't even know what the hell is going on down there!
[quote name='bostonfrontier']funny how for 9/11 all sporting events stopped........... and for this even preseason NFL games continue..........that's what really disgusts me[/QUOTE]

There's quite a difference between an unexpected, unprovoked attack that killed 5000 innocent people... and a destructive hurricane where for days these people were warned to GET OUT.
[quote name='kittie']There's quite a difference between an unexpected, unprovoked attack that killed 5000 innocent people... and a destructive hurricane where for days these people were warned to GET OUT.[/QUOTE]

If your poor, have little money and no car, that could be a little difficult.
Even the poorest of people can find some access to transportation. I'm sure the welfare recipients in the projects could have afforded a few bucks to ride a bus.
[quote name='kittie']Even the poorest of people can find some access to transportation. I'm sure the welfare recipients in the projects could have afforded a few bucks to ride a bus.[/QUOTE]

Watching the news, people who have lived through it, and who have dealt with those people, seem to disagree with that. Especially when you consider all the people who were leaving which filled up busses.

Though, buses that only cost a few bucks usually stay within in the city, or just go into neighboring towns. And then there was the issue of finding a place to stay when you left new orleans.
[quote name='kittie']Even the poorest of people can find some access to transportation. I'm sure the welfare recipients in the projects could have afforded a few bucks to ride a bus.[/QUOTE]

Well it's a good idea if everyone hadn't thought of it first. You are talking about how many thousands of people trying to get out at once? It's not as easy as going down to the corner and taking a bus.

As far as the people shooting, it doesn't suprise me. This is what they want. Total anarchy. The city is theirs and they can rape, kill and maim anyone they want without getting caught. The scum of society.
[quote name='bostonfrontier']funny how for 9/11 all sporting events stopped........... and for this even preseason NFL games continue..........that's what really disgusts me[/QUOTE]

One thing you fail to understand apparently is that major events such as football games weren't cancelled simply out of respect for what happened (Granted that may have been a part of it I suppose) or even aid efforts but they were cancelled and evacuated because everyone thought they could be the next big terror target. The primary motivator was fear. For the rest of that week everyone was wondering if it could happen again and where. Every major event and building in the whole nation was clear for at least a day or two, all flights were ground, etc. They even closed Disney Land and SeaWorld.
[quote name='kittie']Even the poorest of people can find some access to transportation. I'm sure the welfare recipients in the projects could have afforded a few bucks to ride a bus.[/QUOTE]

I'll help you out, here's a quote you'll find handy:
Let them eat cake.

- Marie Antoinette
bread's done