This is driving me crazy - Emailing pics to Wii


I need your help fellow gamers.

I've read tons of sites that says that you can send pictures using your email to the Wii. Well, either I'm retarded or the system I have is retarded. I can't get the dang thing to work! I'm saving them as .jpeg, they are less than 100kb, and still - they show up as a ? mark when I check them on my Wii.

I'm sending them using Outlook and using the "Insert Image" method as well as the "Attach File" option. Still a ? mark. I even tried another email using hotmail, and I have the same problem. Anybody have any ideas?

If this doesn't work, I'm just going to pick up an SD Card reader...
At first I tried *.jpg, but I got the ? mark. I read into it and folks said it had to be *.jpeg. Tried my luck with that on multiple pictures, and still no luck.
Well, whats weird is that I can recieve pics apparently, just not from me! I have to be missing something here or doing it wrong. I signed up for Wii News earlier today, and they sent me an email with a picture of the retro NES controller cord. That came in fine.
And you've got the connection between your Wii and your e-mail addy all set up so it's black - not grey - in your Wii address book? Bizarre.
bread's done