Throwing/Breaking Controllers or the gettting angry while gaming thread.


12 (100%)
Admit, you have thrown a controller.

I have a history of throwing controllers. I have thrown and broke open one or two Sega Genesis controllers, most likely playing Sword of Vermillion or Gunstar Heroes. But I was 10 at the time.

A couple of days ago I flung my PS2 controller as hard as I could towards a wall. I was playing Def Jam: Fight for NY, I was in that fight where you fight those two guys and your partner is over half dead. Fortunately the controller only cracked but it works fine. I have also flung my Dreamcast controller when playing Jet Grind Radio.

Overall I have only broken one controller that was beyond repair. I was playing WoW and I was getting spawn camped by some high level Troll mage and after a half hour of non stop dying I got angry and hurled my mouse against the wall, too bad it was wireless.

I have also punched my monitor and banged on my keyboard when losing at some game.

C'mon, share your stories.
I have a friend who breaks one controller a month, sometimes more.

I've played him in Madden and Halo and watched him break 2 of his Xbox controllers.

He also has had 7 different cellphones in a years time.

I think he does it for attention though even though he's spoiled like hell.
I spiked all my controllers onto my futon.. maximum relief with minimum damage. Spiked my XB controller at the end of Area 51. I threw the NES controller down when I was younger while playing SMB2. I know several people that have either spiked the controller or spiked the system itself while playing SMB2.

I think that's it, no other game has made me that mad.
Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2 for the gamecube

when I was actually getting the hang of it, getting close to the end, then BAM I fall off the damn path and see my Monkey fall to his death :( That's when I almost threw my controller against the wall.
I never throw my controllers. Actually, I take very good care of them, but in my PS2's lifetime, 5 controllers have broken(not physical, just buttons not responding, or working when not needed.) WTF Sony?
I hate to spoil the topic and act like some elitist jackass, but I've never gotten that pissed to throw a controller. Yes, I have played stuff like Ikaruga and Ninja Gaiden, but the most I've done is turn the console off and stop playing for a day.
I've been there. I actually threw a controller a year or so back (can't remember what game I was playing) and cracked a PS2 case. Mostly I just malign the game's intelligence and/or flip it off and take a break.

Don't think I've ever damaged a controller or system in a fit of rage however.
I've only thrown one controller, and consequently broke that lone controller. Almost broke the television set, in the same, swift fit of rage, as I chucked it at the screen.

I can thank Dead or Alive 4 for that.
[quote name='danito']I almost threw my DS from playing Trauma Center.[/quote]


If you play(ed) TC, you will have the urge to snap that DS in Half. I've stopped playing that game for now in fear of my DSL getting mangled.

Other than that, Whenever I play Tekken 5 against my gf and lose. i feel like throwing the 10lb Hori stick across the room. I play strategically and she button mashes...:bomb:
oh yea, some of the bosses from Episode 3:ROTS for the PS2... not throwing the controller per say, but like flipping it..meaning tossing it like less then a foot in the air where it flips upside down.
I've got my gamer anger issues down. The last time I threw a controller is with the N64. Though I must say, I violently tapped my DS while failing Ready! Steady! Go! on Ouendan (makes Trauma Center look like getting a blow job from a perfect 10 in terms of frustration). After violently tapping, I felt like a complete tool and never did that again. I'm too much of a cheap ass to throw a controller anymore, especially since I bought it.
When I was younger I had a real problem with throwing things during fits of anger. I remember multiple times that my NES was ripped out of the wall and thrown across the room. The entire top part of the plastic casing was torn off, but it still works fine to this day. I actually have a second one that I use though because it looks better.

I threw a Nintendo controller at the wall once, and there was a hole in the wall. This was all when I was like 7 or 8. My SNES controllers had a few problems with the shoulder buttons, but otherwise they survived. Genesis controllers were good too.

New controllers are crappy though, they can't stand up too well to fury. I've gone through 2 Xbox controllers. The first one stopped working because a friend of mine slammed it in a fit of anger when I dominated him on Halo.

And the other one, I threw it around ALL the time ... but it never stopped working. Then one day, I got frustrated and haphazardly tossed it into my laundry basket -- not even a hard throw, just a toss -- onto some dirty clothes ... it never worked after that, which is really bizarre since it wasn't even an angry throw.

My PS2 controller is by far the strongest one. This thing has gone through hell. I throw it all over the place. The interior plastic that holds the rumble things in place has all but cracked and fallen out ... the L2 button falls off all the time, and the X button had to be mashed a little harder than usual ... but usually I just knock it around and it fixes itself, somehow.

And yes, after having to replace multiple controllers out of my own pocket, I've gotten a lot better about it, but every so often a fit or rage overcomes and I go Hulk on the controller.
Not since the NES or SNES days, but there was plenty of controller throwing then. Frankly I'm just too concerned about breaking them now to throw them. They're a lot bulkier and seemingly more fragile than they used to be with those tiny little things.
I've thrown it down in disgust many times, but since I'm generally sitting on my bed while I play, it lands on the bed and incurs no damage. One of my ex-boyfriends, who I actually introduced to gaming (His mother forbid him from playing video games as a child), would throw the controller (violently) whenever he got frustrated. Which was pretty much every other day or so. He broke two of them on the Balrog in LOTR: The Third Age alone. The fact that I made it past that on the first try and it took him five days to do the same probably didn't help, though...
NES + Battletoads = Broken Controllers


If do throw a controller I do usually try to aim for the bed or some other soft area. I also tend to attempt to crush the controller in my hands, this is easier and does not break the controller as easily.
[quote name='Quackzilla']What the hell?!

Throwing controllers? That is pathetic![/QUOTE]

guess you never played Super Monkey ball and fell off huh?
I've had my share of times I'd just throw the controller up in the air out of disbelief when getting cheaply beaten in games. Lately its been doing that alot since I'm going through Soul Calibur III. This has got to be one of the toughest AI's I've ever faced.
I'm way to cheap to risk a $15-$40 controller in a fit of rage. If a game's angering me, I turn it off and go outside or do something else constructive.
[quote name='dtarasev']I was playing Def Jam: Fight for NY, I was in that fight where you fight those two guys and your partner is over half dead. Fortunately the controller only cracked but it works fine. [/quote]
i love that game....awesome game...lookin forward to the next one on the 360...back on topic, yea i remember the fight against fat joe and i think busta rhymes at the same time was pretty frustrating; but it was satisfying when you beat them both :D

anyway, i have never thrown my controller at a wall or hard object....worse thing i've done is throw my xbox live headset onto my bed :lol: (i was standing next to the bed)...i was playing halo 2 on live and i had half of my team's kills and had the least deaths on the team and we still lost....i was pissed, i wish my teammates would have quit since our opponents werent even that good, and i thought i could woop them by myself anyway
[quote name='furyk']I've got my gamer anger issues down. The last time I threw a controller is with the N64. Though I must say, I violently tapped my DS while failing Ready! Steady! Go! on Ouendan (makes Trauma Center look like getting a blow job from a perfect 10 in terms of frustration). After violently tapping, I felt like a complete tool and never did that again. I'm too much of a cheap ass to throw a controller anymore, especially since I bought it.[/quote]

oh geez, i'm finally on insane Ready! Steady! Go! (female cheerleaders) and its FRIGGIN FRUSTRATING GRAAAAAAAARGH, between the 2nd and 3rd scene i always die, its ridiculous

[quote name='ITDEFX']Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2 for the gamecube

when I was actually getting the hang of it, getting close to the end, then BAM I fall off the damn path and see my Monkey fall to his death :( That's when I almost threw my controller against the wall.[/quote]

oh yes, i know the feeling, another one to add is when you're playing fire emblem and you get to either the boss char or really close to the end, and one of your units die from like a 1% crit..................its disheartening :cry:
[quote name='gomer1andonly']I've had my share of times I'd just throw the controller up in the air out of disbelief when getting cheaply beaten in games. Lately its been doing that alot since I'm going through Soul Calibur III. This has got to be one of the toughest AI's I've ever faced.[/QUOTE]

yea Soul Calibur 3's AI has defentily been beefed up since 2... I tend to flip my controller at some of these battles :( that reminds me I haven't played it in nearly 9 months..time to pick it up again. thanks
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