Times you thought you got a great deal but a better one shows up afterwards


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I'm sure it's pretty common on this site! There have been several times where I jump at a deal, only to find a better one in a weekly ad the next week. (and I mean in cases where you can't just simply return your product and re-buy it for the new price or get a price adjustment)

Usually when there's a game I've wanted for a long while, I always wait a few weeks to see if it gets a random price drop. After a long while passes and I'm convinced it won't drop for a LONG time, I end up giving in and buying it... only to find out a week later that it gets a $10-$20 price drop!

More recently though, I purchased a three PS3 games and a week later Gamestop ran a B2G1 sale. Around this time I had also purchased Littlebigplanet GOTY from ebay for $30 (used), only to find that a week or so later, the official MSRP dropped to $30 new.

I have way more stories than that but I'm sure you guys have a few examples that are a little more "extreme" than those though.. haha :lol: so let's hear 'em!
Didn't we actually have one of these threads awhile back but got closed and deleted since it wasn't getting any activity for months?

There's always going to be a better deal, and I'm just not sure how often I really want to hear people bitch about how they lost out on $0.50.
I saw people talking about this a lot in other threads so I tried to get everything together in one place.

It's funny you mention the 50 cents 'cause you're totally right. I actually just saw a thread a bit earlier where a guy was raging over 10 cents!
I somewhat regret passing on Divine Divinity for $10 NEW at Target and picking up Hitman 2 there instead (which, as it turned out, I wasn't much interested in playing). Gotta watch out for which "bargains" you pick up, especially when it comes to PC games.
I've had that happen to me too many times to count. Biggest one was buying an 8GB iPod Touch for $227 only to have Apple announce the price was dropping from $249 to $199 two months later. I was pissed for a while, but realized that if I'd waited for the drop, I would have lost two months of the enjoyment I've gotten from using my iPod (insert calls of 'OMG APPLE FANBOY HERE'. C'mon, you know you wanna.).
I bought that You're in the Movies camera bundle for Xbox 360 for about $15, a month later I see it for less than $10 now.

Not enough savings to return and buy the cheaper one, but stings enough every time I see it cheaper.
[quote name='Fire_Thief']Times you thought you got a great deal but a better one shows up afterwards

^ Story of my life..

You should yardsale Thief, there's a lot of games out there which can be had for less than even lowballs at $1 + 3 shipped.
Surprised IATCG hasn't come in here to swear about something dropping lower in the Target clearance section.
I'd like to think I'm pretty good at recognizing which games will drop farther than others, I did buy Valkyria Chronicles at full price thinking it was going to stay at a relatively higher price due to the high acclaim/low(ish) sales... can you blame me though? Also, after years of searching pawn shops to no avail, I eventually caved in and bought FFVII for $70 at a local mom & pop, the next week they annouced it for the PSN. Luckily there's always a sort of grace period between these kinda announcements being made and the ebay crowd finding out so I was able to sell it off and make back all but about $15.
bread's done