To Return or Not to Return?


4 (100%)
I went down to gamestop today to pre order Dragon Age 2 before the signature edition ran out, to sign up for powerup rewards (my gamestop just got included) and their I decided to buy UFC 2009 on an impulse. When I got home though I realized the clerk (a overall nice guy) gave me UFC 2010 instead. At first I was elated but then I realized I had to decide to return it or not. On one hand I would much prefer 2010 but on the other hand I don't want to get the clerk fired. What in your opinion should I do?
Will he get fired? I'd say, if you just leave it, whatever happens happens. You didn't do anything wrong. It could be that even returning it might be worse, as that would definitely alert management to the clerk's mistake. I'd say keep it, but that's just me.
Yeah, this is one of those cases in which you may make more noise by returning and immediately exposing the clerk as opposed to GS finding out two weeks down the road that it happened and then letting it go because they don't feel like investigating a petty matter. Then again, if GS were to fire an employee over a simple mistake such as that, I'd think they were pretty cold-hearted.
Ignore everyone's advice and go with what you feel is the right thing to do. Do you want to keep it? If so, keep it. Do you want to give it back? If so, give it back.

In the end, you're the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror in the morning and wonder if you did the right thing. Not us.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Will he get fired? I'd say, if you just leave it, whatever happens happens. You didn't do anything wrong. It could be that even returning it might be worse, as that would definitely alert management to the clerk's mistake. I'd say keep it, but that's just me.[/QUOTE]

Holy crap.. I was gonna suggest returning it but I never thought about it.
[quote name='Mr Dude65']Will he get fired? I'd say, if you just leave it, whatever happens happens. You didn't do anything wrong. It could be that even returning it might be worse, as that would definitely alert management to the clerk's mistake. I'd say keep it, but that's just me.[/QUOTE]

I'd use this as an excuse to keep it.

I mean, don't want to get him in trouble, do you?
If you bring it back and say you got the wrong game, just say you can't remember who sold it to you and he would be fine.
If you return it, you'll get the right game. The clerk on-hand is unlikely to make note of who did the original purchase, so unless you hit the perfect storm of returning it to the manager, or a clerk who doesn't like the guy, and they have the time to check your receipt for the employee info, it's not likely anything bad will happen.

If you keep it, there's a chance at some point that someone will buy the last UFC '10 in stock and they'll find they don't have the right game. Which could result from employee mix-up, employee rental, trade-in mistake, or theft. there's no guaranteee they'll also figure out they have too many copies of '09, unless there's none of those left and they realize that. Without any certaintity of what happened, it'll be written off as shrink (if they know about the extra '09, it'll hit the floor as disc-only.)

Long story short- the likelyhood of causing any notable issues is minimal with either course of action. Do what you feel is proper.
I say keep it. It would be one thing if you had noticed while still in the store or parking lot but you didn't. You would be going out of your way to return it and, in the meantime, you might be getting the clerk in trouble.
[quote name='wesdw369']return it, the karma will catch up with you[/QUOTE]

But, I think he would be starting trouble if he returns it.
[quote name='unc13 buck']If you bring it back and say you got the wrong game, just say you can't remember who sold it to you and he would be fine.[/QUOTE]

the receipt will said who was the cashier at the time.

The only thing that will happen is when someone tries to buy UFC 2010 and the store can't find a copy, but he won't get in troble.
[quote name='62t']the receipt will said who was the cashier at the time.

The only thing that will happen is when someone tries to buy UFC 2010 and the store can't find a copy, but he won't get in troble.[/QUOTE]

He's not going to need the receipt to get the correct game if he shows up with the case with the wrong game in it and explains it they will just swap it out.
Do not return that. It may seem morally right to return it, but do the clerk a favor. While firing probably wont result, he/she will be much more likely to get in trouble if it's returned, as the name will appear on the recipt. If you keep it, eventually they'll find out in a few weeks when they find the inventory is off, but it will be fairly untraceable and the clerk likely wont get in trouble.
I think people are greatly overestimating the chance of the clerk getting in trouble- I mean, this sort of thing is bound to happen. Probably more often than we'd think with sports games, which just don't look all that different. It'd most likely be little more than a verbal warning to be more careful- IF he gets caught. Which would mean whoever does the return cares enough to check the reciept for the name, and cares enough to remember who it was and tell the manager (or if the manager is the one who does the switch.)

In theory, you could be getting the guy in more trouble by not switching- what if the store has a theft problem and now the cameras have this guy as the only one going through the 'u' drawer the day UFC 10 went missing?

The real truth is, it's not gonna be more than a minor annoyance no matter what you do, so just do what makes you feel 'right'. Do it quickly, though- the longer after the inital purchase you wait, the fishier it's gonna look.
Thanks for all the responses but I don't think I am going to return it. I don't wanna bring attention to the dude's error, it's only an 18 dollar difference and I will not be going to gamestop again till after the limit for returning it (will be going for LBP 2 but that is two days after the limit). Thanks for the responses and opinions, I feel a lot more comfortable with my decsion now
[quote name='Atomslayer']Thanks for all the responses but I don't think I am going to return it. I don't wanna bring attention to the dude's error, it's only an 18 dollar difference and I will not be going to gamestop again till after the limit for returning it (will be going for LBP 2 but that is two days after the limit). Thanks for the responses and opinions, I feel a lot more comfortable with my decsion now[/QUOTE]

No problem, man! That's what CAG is here for!! We're a community, even if some people on here don't act like it at first!:D
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