Tomb Raider Anniversary


I picked this up today, anyone else playing it?

i remember playing this on the pc when it first came out with my verite 3d card. then later playing it on my 3dfx card..... i keep picking the losers....
I got this game today at Best Buy. I'm not a TR fan but I'm enjoying the game so far. Well, I have to give props to Crystal Dynamics for reviving the TR franchise. This is the way to make remake. Another example for such caliber was Resident Evil remake.
I missed out on the Tomb Raider craze due to not having a good computer or Playstation when it came out, and then the series had gone to seed by the time I got back into gaming. But after putting close to 10 hours into this thing I must say that I'm absolultely amazed by it. Even more so that this was a game designed over a decade ago. It's a lot like Prince of Persia or Ico, but with even more devious level design and better combat. I really like the pacing too and how the combat is very rare so it doesn't bog things down ala POP. It's too bad there's no 360 version because aside from the slightly dated graphics this is probably the best game I've played since Twilight Princess. I'm going to have to go back and buy Legend when I'm done with this.
thats what i'm thinking too. i'm gonna try legend after this. i like jumping and holding on to different things, and scaling the walls.

its like shadow of colossus, but the things ur climbing around aren't alive.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I missed out on the Tomb Raider craze due to not having a good computer or Playstation when it came out, and then the series had gone to seed by the time I got back into gaming. But after putting close to 10 hours into this thing I must say that I'm absolultely amazed by it. Even more so that this was a game designed over a decade ago. It's a lot like Prince of Persia or Ico, but with even more devious level design and better combat. I really like the pacing too and how the combat is very rare so it doesn't bog things down ala POP. It's too bad there's no 360 version because aside from the slightly dated graphics this is probably the best game I've played since Twilight Princess. I'm going to have to go back and buy Legend when I'm done with this.[/quote]
Legend is half as long and a tenth as hard. Much more linear and just not as good as Anniversary imo.

Anyhoo, Anniversary is amazing. The game is even better since I just played the original a few months ago. I think I may have to play it again after I finish unlocking everything in Anniversary (3 artifacts and 2 relics and I'm done!).
I am a big Tomb Raider fan, but felt the same reactions as the series went downhill. As soon as it's fiscally sound I'll be picking up the CE of Anniversary. Looks awesome.
This game is just crying out to be on the 360. I hope the XBox Arcade downloads won't be too pricey.

If it wasn't for the occasional frame rate drop, I'd say this game is near perfect (so far). Also, I noticed it doesn't save your progressive scan setting.

I also picked it up for $15!
I wrote this in another thread, but I'll post it here, too:

This is exactly what the original Tomb Raider was about: exploration. As good as TR Legend was, its linear paths, frequent human contact, and action orientation diverged from the original series modus operandi; of course, at that point, any change to a stale and dying franchise was welcome. All the same, TR Anniversary appears to have reasserted that sense of wonder and mounting loneliness, and what better way to do it than with a remake of the one that started it all?

I can only hope that Crystal Dynamics takes this game design to heart and applies it to TR8, though I know their focus now seems to be on story, specifically investment of the Lara character rather than leave her as an Indiana Jones-archetype.
I picked this up, and just got through the Peru levels. So, I'm right there at St. Francis Folly now. Hearing Shmity's comments, I just can't wait to get home and start playing it again.

I loved the original years ago. Thinking back, I almost wonder if the original game being so great really killed the series. Ok, if you were going to make a very atmospheric game based on raiding old tombs, what sorts of places woudl you go. Egypt is a good one. The colosium's (Roman,Greece) are great. Tomb Raider danced a very fine line between realistic and sci-fi. It worked for the first one because the real star of the game isn't Lara, it's the environments. The future games were stuck because, the best levels were used in the first one.

To me, Tomb Raider 2 did the best logical thing, and tried to take the games out of the Tombs, but it didn't work. Later games went back, but they felt rehashy since they were weaker versions of the good first game levels.

I really thought Legends worked because it was short and had some of the best environments outside of the first game (and, even that, you had to stay out of the Tombs quite a bit).
I do remember that Tomb Raider 2 had some pretty interesting locales though... speicifcally, the great wall of China and Venice. I'd like to see a playable version of that at some point.
[quote name='Chacrana']I do remember that Tomb Raider 2 had some pretty interesting locales though... speicifcally, the great wall of China and Venice. I'd like to see a playable version of that at some point.[/quote]
if theres any truth to the rumor of the anniversary levels being released on 360 as downloadable content, i wouldn't mind seeing more levels from the series popping up (reasonably priced, of course). especially if they're of this caliber.
[quote name='Shmitty']if theres any truth to the rumor of the anniversary levels being released on 360 as downloadable content, i wouldn't mind seeing more levels from the series popping up (reasonably priced, of course). especially if they're of this caliber.[/quote]
I think this is a fantastic idea, because while TR2 had some cool places, some were duds (Floating islands), and I'd want to see locales from TR 3-5 remade.
One problem I do have with TR Anniversary: the T-Rex. The original game's T-Rex encounter lays claim to my all-time gaming moments. The remake opts instead for a QTE cutscene leading into a boss fight. It might have more style, but it's just not the same... :cry:
[quote name='rapsodist']One problem I do have with TR Anniversary: the T-Rex. The original game's T-Rex encounter lays claim to my all-time gaming moments. The remake opts instead for a QTE cutscene leading into a boss fight. It might have more style, but it's just not the same... :cry:[/quote]
I know what you mean. I'm currently replaying the original Tomb Raider (I'm at Palace Midas now) and its T-Rex encounter kills TRA's.
I wish there were more artifacts and relics to find. It almost seems inexcusable that some levels don't have a single relic... I managed to find all the secrets on my first playthrough!

I was hoping for more seemingly out-of-reach ledges, mysterious levers, and secret crevices that required eagle-eyed vision, leaps of faith, daring drops, and some expert timing. I guess I'm dreaming too big here.
anyone else find that the 1.81 ps3 update ruined the voice clips for the cut scenes? i cant' hear them anymore. even on the ones i knew worked previously.
[quote name='Shmitty']if theres any truth to the rumor of the anniversary levels being released on 360 as downloadable content, i wouldn't mind seeing more levels from the series popping up (reasonably priced, of course). especially if they're of this caliber.[/QUOTE]

Eh, I'd rather have a full-fledged remake than some whored out levels.
[quote name='Chacrana']Eh, I'd rather have a full-fledged remake than some whored out levels.[/quote]
The problem with remaking full levels is the fact that each game had some awesome levels, but also had some real sucky ones, too. TR2 had Floating Islands, the last 2 levels of Venice, and The Deck. TR3 had the Nevada levels, which were just pointless and boring (And a real lack of Tombs in general), and if anyone disliked the Egypt levels of TR1, they would hate Tomb Raider the Last Revelation, since the entire thing takes place in the desert.
TR5 had no remake-worthy levels, and while I would love to see Angel of Darkness remade and the trilogy finished, that will never happen.
So... that leads to just remaking highlights of the series.
Yeah, but a lot of the levels in TR 1 were fucking terrible, but the devs used enough creative license to make them enjoyable. I'm not saying that I think TR2's levels were all well designed, but with some tinkering, it would be a really fun game partially because of the environments.
[quote name='Chacrana']Yeah, but a lot of the levels in TR 1 were fucking terrible, but the devs used enough creative license to make them enjoyable. [/quote] I thought the TR1's levels were amazing (And I just finished it for the second time last night.). What was so bad about them?
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