Tomb Raider AOD $9.99 - $10 Gift Voucher = Free at EB


1 (100%)
I know this deal's been posted somewhere on this board but I can't find it anywhere. We all know Tomb Raider: Angel of Darkness has dropped to $9.99 at EB.

But what I found out when I picked it up today is that in the new EB Coupon Flyer, there's a $10 Gift Voucher coupon that you mail in with your original sales receipt of Tomb Raider and they send you a $10 Gift voucher in the mail.

So the game's totally free...kinda.

Just wanted to add to an already cheap ass deal. Sorry if it's been posted already.
Wow, try and announce a deal and some asshole always has to make it a point to post his bitchy whining opinion about how he doesn't like the game. It's amazing that you have nothing better to do but post about how a deal isn't up to your lofty standards. Spoiled little shit.
[quote name='explorer1990']Thanks Bignick. At least someone appreciates a deal.[/quote]

If i didnt have such a hatred for mail in rebates, i would be all over it like white on rice.
See, now that's what the hell this website and message board are for. Sharing found deals. If you like a deal someone posts, say thanks. If you don't, then move along and keep your trap shut.

It's like the plumber's motto: "It may be brown to you, but it's green to me." (And no, I'm not a plumber)

Thanks for the recognition droidekaspam.

$10 Gift Voucher in FLYER . YOu can find it every Ebgames store. Just look clear on flyer you'll find the $10 Gift Voucher mail in.
[quote name='explorer1990']Yeah, it was $9.99 at EB B&M supermariomelee[/quote]

Thanks, looks like I'm going to EB today before they close.
I do see way too much whining and people pointing out that something was posted in a thread three week ago . . . thanks for pointing out a deal!

I'm still waiting on my $10 rebate for Ninja Gaiden.
Thanks to anyone who post any kind of deal. I notice how many people rip apart some deals. "One man's junk is another man's treasure.", should apply to all deals.
not really free if you think about it the distance you gotta travel to get the game for example thats gas money right there lol. :eek:
It's a flyer that EB has on the counter or at the front of the store. Kind of a promotional flyer with a bunch of coupons in it. There's probably 30-40 coupons in all.

And no it's not really free, but they give you a $10 voucher to use in their store for spending $10. Close enough to FREE for me.

And rebates, from my experience, take approximately 6-8 weeks.
Okay, picked the game up earlier. The employee that rang it up gave me a funny look since I was buying it new, even though it was $9.99. He even showed it to another employee, who laughed until I pointed the $10 gift voucher.

Too bad my store didn't have Bombastic. :cry:
bread's done