Tomorrow, I (attempt to)quit smoking


3 (100%)
All these taxes finally beat me. Been smoking since I was about 15, now 28 and at $7.00+ a pack here in NJ, I can't justify it anymore. Can't smoke inside anywhere anymore, shit, even in Great Adventure there are smoking sections within the park, even though the entire place is outdoors. Bought my last pack of Newport today and I am not going at it cold turkey. I bought an Npro e-cigarette to help with urges until I'm done with everything. At least the e-cigarette is not bad for you, just will take some getting used to.

Going to try to keep a tab on the money I'm saving and splurge on a game or sneakers or something to reward myself weekly in the beginning. :) Anyone else quit and have any pointers?

EDIT: Day 1 03/23/2009 - Smoked 3 cigarettes as of 4PM EST. Hopefully no more!
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No tips, though I've been to Newport, if that ;P.

I will say, to be supportive, that it's admirable what you're doing, so if things get tough, try to remember everything that brought you to the decision, cause it's a good one.

And since when did Newport get so yuppy?
I wish you the best of luck, but starting "tomorrow" doesn't seem like the best way to start. What if tomorrow, you find some reason to put it off again?

I'm not suggesting that you go cold turkey, but that if you have made the decision to quit, why wait until "tomorrow" to start?

Good luck, it is not an easy thing to do.


PS Put all of the extra money into games....
I dont smoke nor have I ever so I dont have any tips for you, all I will say is best of luck to you man I hope you stick with it
prefacing with "attempt to" sounds like you're in the wrong mindset...

you will quit smoking, bitch. believe it.
Some advice:

The craving will last for about three minutes... so do your best to ignore the fact that you want one when you normally do (after food, getting in a car, ect) and hang tight. Also, one puff on one will reactivate your body's addiction again so be strong but don't beat yourself up if you lapse, just start over again and keep at it. Best of luck, I need to quit soon as I'll be running when the weather permits again and I've been smoking more than usual the past few months.
Sadly, I know only two people that have "quit". Those people are my dad (after a heart attack) and my Aunt (Multiple health reasons). I have a best friend and his wife that smoke like chimneys even though they probably wouldn't admit it. They have "tried to quit" and as predicted failed. I also have a friend that goes back and forth between tobacco chew (Which frankly is even more gross than smoking...) and smoking, he thinks he's quiting, but really just switching. Now, I'm not trying to be mean, but instead showing that it isn't going to be easy at all.

Do whatever you can to take yourself away from wanting to smoke as well as thinking about it.

All I can say is good luck to you. That's the truth.
I roll my own but Obama wants to raise the tax from about $1 a pound to $24 a pound just to he can maintain the image that he's not a smoker when the hypocrite still sneaks out back for a smoke.
I recall reading somewhere that the physical cravings only last for around 3 days. After that it's totally mental urges. Also, on the Obama thing - how is it being a hypocrite to tax something that you use?
I was just going to post that 3 days thing. Best time to quit (or try) is when you get hit with a bad cold or a sinus infection and don't care to smoke much anyway. If you go back to smoking it's because you are stuck in a habitual routine. Not so much addiction, just your habit of having a cigarette after certain events (driving, eating dinner, porking fat chicks).

Okay, so Obama might not technically be a hypocrite. Just an asshole like everyone else that finds any and all ways possible to rub shit in the faces of smokers. People who yap on cellphones in public are more of a nuisance than smokers. Tax cellphone owners.
I believe the way my mom quit smoking was a one two punch of spending the money on other things and getting pregnant with me.
[quote name='billyrox']its better to go cold turkey then to slowly wean yourself off.

so just do it. good luck[/quote]
No, it's not. Don't make shit up.
[quote name='Import']All these taxes finally beat me. Been smoking since I was about 15, now 28 and at $7.00+ a pack here in NJ, I can't justify it anymore. Can't smoke inside anywhere anymore, shit, even in Great Adventure there are smoking sections within the park, even though the entire place is outdoors. Bought my last pack of Newport today and I am not going at it cold turkey. I bought an Npro e-cigarette to help with urges until I'm done with everything. At least the e-cigarette is not bad for you, just will take some getting used to.

Going to try to keep a tab on the money I'm saving and splurge on a game or sneakers or something to reward myself weekly in the beginning. :) Anyone else quit and have any pointers?[/quote]

I was smoking probably since the same age, 14-15ish up until 21. So while not as long as you have, the addiction is still the same. Your problem is breaking the habit. I don't think the e-cigarette is the ideal thing because it's not breaking the habit it's just adding to it. It won't be long until you get "addicted" to that too.

The first 3 days anyone can tell you are the worst, you'll break out into cold sweats and constantly try to fight the urge but you need to realize that a craving doesn't last for more than 30 seconds if that(it's your mind that makes you think the craving last longer than that). My way of doing things was every situation I would usually smoke in (i.e. while driving, lunch breaks, after meals, etc) I'd replace it with something whether it be chewing gum or drinking water.

Drinking lots of water definitely helps(it helps clean out your system of all the toxins). Stay away from caffeine products too as that can trigger cravings, but remember you're bound to fail but don't let one slip-up ruin everything. Some people can just decide to quit out of nowhere and never slip-up again or like me you'll have a few hiccups along the way before you're finally "smoke-free."

I've now been smoke free for almost 2 years and haven't looked back once. I have zero cravings and now I hate the smell of smoke. Having someone to support you is also tremendous. My girlfriend at the time was a huge contributor to helping me smoke. So drink lot's of water and stay positive.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']I was just going to post that 3 days thing. Best time to quit (or try) is when you get hit with a bad cold or a sinus infection and don't care to smoke much anyway. If you go back to smoking it's because you are stuck in a habitual routine. Not so much addiction, just your habit of having a cigarette after certain events (driving, eating dinner, porking fat chicks).

Okay, so Obama might not technically be a hypocrite. Just an asshole like everyone else that finds any and all ways possible to rub shit in the faces of smokers. People who yap on cellphones in public are more of a nuisance than smokers. Tax cellphone owners.[/quote]

We are taxed.
Look at our bills.

I hope they raise taxes on Cigarettes. Finally stop being from dying by doing this stupid act.
I quit cold turkey 2 years ago and let me tell you, after years and years of trying and failing to ween myself off, cold turkey just worked the best. It sucked at first (I broke 2 gamecube controllers out of frustration), but tons of carrot sticks and cinnamon gum helped me through it.
smoked for 10 years, and quit cold turkey. Its doable. Best decision I've made. Though, I still every once in awhile miss the act of smoking. Just something relaxing about having a ciggerate. But, I really can't stand the smell anymore and I'm sure it would taste like ass if I actually had one.
[quote name='FloodsAreUponUS']We are taxed.
Look at our bills.

No, I'm talking about the 2400% tax increase on bagged tobacco. I don't mind paying a little more in a sin tax, but not when the fucking tax is 3x the product value.
I have never smoked cigs regularly so I have no tips for you to quit. Just best of luck! You are doing the right thing for your health... also saving u some cash which is always good.
My girlfriend just quit. A combination of the patch and will power helped. Dont drink like the others have said. It will give you mad cravings.

Shes been smoke free for like 2 months. Good luck
Thanks a lot guys, support is definitely helpful and I appreciate any and all comments.

I didn't buy a pack but I will admit, I slipped up today (Arghhh!) and had 3 cigarettes. Coming from a pack a day habit, for day 1, I am taking it as a positive. Cold turkey doesn't always work and with the e-cigarette, it is starting to be more helpful as I am primarily using it. Also, e-cigarette carts or 'smoke juice' come in different degrees of nicotine. You can get them with little or no nicotine which is what I plan on doing.

I joined a gym on April 19,2008...coming up on a year. I stayed with the routine and since then went from 220lbs to 175lbs, I still go 3-4 days a week, it's a routine now. So hopefully all things considered I can kick cigs. Will update daily to show others who may be considering quitting as maybe a helpful guide.

I am pretty much chain chewing gum and am thinking about having a real cigarette pretty much all the time, but was told that will happen. My slip ups were the morning cig, after lunch and one with coffee. Hopefully no more for the day and not buying a pack just felt good. I also went through the process of rolling my own but that became a hassle doing it every evening and like was said, 16oz bags of tobacco went from $17 to $40 here. That's not even worth it to me anymore.

Again, thanks for the support and I'll update my progress.
Congratulations on attempting this, no matter the reasons behind it. If you want some tips, here are some for going cold turkey.

Buy yourself some vitamin C supplements. Nicotine suppresses absorption of vitamin C, but conversely, both vitamin C and niacin (B3) have been shown to suppress nicotine cravings and cleanse it out of the body. So take those every day.

Also, buy lots of grapefruit juice (I think ruby red variety tastes best). Drink it often throughout the day. This will supply more vitamin C as well as give your body a new thing to do to fill up smoke time.

Buy baby carrots. They are healthy to munch on, so they won't make you gain weight like most snack foods that replace smoking. They also have niacin in them.

Anytime you eat snacks (carrots) or eat a meal, brush your teeth (and tongue) immediately afterwards. Getting rid of the bits of food and having a clean, fresh mouth will go miles in reducing cravings. EDIT: And stay away from junk food.

And just stay hydrated (if you are hydrated, you should urinate tons and actually lose water weight in your body). Obviously, if you like carrots and/or grapefruit juice, this is not a bad routine and has the benefit of actually working. If you don't like them, it sucks, but still works as long as you are dedicated to it.

Also tell everyone around you what you are doing. Knowing that people are expecting you to succeed will motivate you. And if you get weak, they can help you stay strong. Also find reasons to quit. Put up pictures of you wife and kids or you girlfriend or whatever in your cubicle at work. When everyone starts their smoke breaks, just remember you're not only doing this for financial benefits, but for loved ones or whatever you decide.

I'll admit up front I have never smoked in my life. But I have actually helped a number of people work through their habit using these very steps and they have never looked back. Also, if you're religious, praying for strength also helps. This is a key step in the people I have helped, but I don't know your background so I simply thought I'd mention it.

Good luck!
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How do you like the N-Pro e-cigarette? Does it only have non-nicotine cartridges? I'm looking into buying one for my mom, but I'm thinking having nicotine cartridges and slowly moving to no nicotine would be better. I'm just not sure which e-cigarette to buy.
[quote name='Dandeschain']Get Chantix.[/QUOTE]

Do it! I hear people who use Chantix get some crazy fucking dreams while on it and some hallucinate a little sometimes. Sounds like fun.
bread's done