Too Hot To Be A Banker?


2 (100%)
[quote name='Villiage Voice']Interviews and her lawsuit, which was filed in November 2009, tell her story: Fisher and another manager, Peter Claibourne, started making offhanded comments about her appearance, she says. She was told not to wear fitted business suits. She should wear makeup because she looked sickly without it. (She had purposefully stopped wearing makeup in hopes of attracting less attention.) Once, she recalls, she came in to work without having blow-dried her hair straight—it is naturally curly—and Fisher told a female colleague to pass on a message that she shouldn't come into work without straightening it.

Other problems also popped up. In order to provide services to a client, a banker needs to become certified to do things like open a checking account or take a loan application. Lorenzana says Fisher didn't send her to enough of the required training sessions, which meant she wasn't authorized to do something as simple as order a debit card for a client and was forced to rely on her colleagues for favors. "When I complained," Lorenzana says, "Craig would say, 'Just go ahead and bring in new business.' So I went out every day and looked for business." But then, she says, when clients would come into the branch asking for her—or would fax papers to the branch with her name on them—Fisher would give those hard-won accounts to male colleagues.

In late 2008, she recalls, the two managers called her into Fisher's office. She remembers that she was wearing a red camisole, beige pants, and a navy suit jacket. This is how she tells it: "They said, 'Deb, we need to talk to you about your work attire. . . . Your pants are too tight.' I said, 'I'm sorry, my pants are not too tight! If you want to talk about inappropriate clothes, go downstairs and look at some of the tellers!' "

Citibank does have a dress-code policy, which says clothing must not be provocative, but does not go into specifics, and managers have wide discretion. But Lorenzana points out that, unlike her, some of the tellers dressed in miniskirts and low-cut blouses. "And when they bend down," Lorenzana says, "anyone can see what God gave them!"

Then the managers gave her a list of clothing items she would not be allowed to wear: turtlenecks, pencil skirts, and fitted suits. And three-inch heels. "As a result of her tall stature, coupled with her curvaceous figure," her suit says, Lorenzana was told "she should not wear classic high-heeled business shoes, as this purportedly drew attention to her body in a manner that was upsetting to her easily distracted male managers."

"I couldn't believe what I was hearing," Lorenzana recalls. "I said, 'You gotta be kidding me!' I was like, 'Too distracting? For who? For you? My clients don't seem to have any problem.' "

The managers instructed her to wear looser clothing. Lorenzana refused. "I don't have the money to buy a new wardrobe," she says, referring to her work outfits. "I shop where everyone else shops—at Zara!" Lorenzana recalls leaving the meeting feeling humiliated. Other female employees "were able to wear such clothing because they were short, overweight, and they didn't draw much attention," she later wrote in a letter describing the meeting to Human Resources, "but since I was five-foot-six, 125 pounds, with a figure, it wasn't 'appropriate.' " She was also furious. "Are you saying that just because I look this way genetically, that this should be a curse for me?"[/Quote]

Too Hot?



The article has many more images. Just click the link and look at the slideshow, don't be lazy.
His info says Alaska, so you know he's swimming in eskimo tang all year round.

That chick has a fantastic tits to waist ratio. At my bank all the workers are real attractive flirty chicks and one overly friendly gay guy.
Well, I would say she's clearly dressing sexy, but it's not inappropriate. Nothing is too revealing (except for the 2nd and 3rd pictures, but those look like modeling pics and don't look anything like her work attire), but she could draw less attention to herself if she wanted to. But she's an attractive girl and is obviously proud of the way she looks (as she should be). Clearly, she knows what she's doing, but she's not crossing any boundaries. Girls like this always know what they're doing. But if her managers can't keep it in their pants from 9 to 5, that's their own fault.
[quote name='camoor']Normal? Where do you live?[/QUOTE]

Don't you know? All people on the Internet only date supermodels...
Cute face, banging body (better picks in the link).

Absurd that she had to put up with that crap from managers though.
[quote name='Malik112099']Her managers are fucking dummies.[/QUOTE]

For real. If I was her supervisor's boss I'd smack them all upside the head.
Well that entire thing is obviously taken out of context and I guarntee you the entire truth is not in there. Who the hell gets fired for being to hot? It sounds to me like she found a oppurtunity to have a lawsuit against a majorily wealthy company and she is taking full advantage of it. I highly doubt she didnt encourage anything that happened to her on purpose.

And look at those pics? Those are professional pictures. Her kids didnt take that or anything. She was dressed up, makeuped and airbrushed by a pro for those shots.

And I refuse to believe she doesnt encourage attention from men. Even a truly beautiful woman doesnt constantly attract men to her and woo them when she isnt trying to. Yes Im sure she does get a good amount of attention but if she encourages, flirts, teases and so on then she might be getting a abonormal amount.

She is acting like a babe in the woods here when she obviously isnt.

[quote name='dmaul1114']Cute face, banging body (better picks in the link).

Absurd that she had to put up with that crap from managers though.[/QUOTE]

Your first sentence already setup how you feel about the rest. If she was fat and ugly you would be laughing at her instead, but since you find her attractive your with her.
[quote name='gargus']
Your first sentence already setup how you feel about the rest. If she was fat and ugly you would be laughing at her instead, but since you find her attractive your with her.[/QUOTE]

Not at all.

Sexual harassment is never ok regardless of one's appearance. Nor is telling people to wear make up, straighten their hair, where looser clothing and not business suits etc. That kind of stuff isn't in the dress code I'm sure.

Businesses can do nothing more than set up a clear, professional dress code and leave employees alone as long as they're following it and doing their job satisfactorily. Anything else is grounds for law suits.

I'd say the same thing if say the companies dress policy was knee length or longer skirts, and they asked a fat lady to wear something longer as her calves were gross etc. Policies have to be uniform.

Now granted, that's just going on this story and there could be more to it. But from the comments about make up, being asked to straighten her hair etc., it doesn't much sound like it was a case of her dressing too provocatively to stir things up etc.
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the last school I worked at had women who dressed like this......yea the male headmaster didn't care what the women wore as long as they came to work.

This bitch is a attention whore ...just like that one bitch who got kicked out of college for dressing too sexy...
She's a hottie for sure. Since it is he said she said, I really can't say who was in the right. Probably more to it on both sides.
[quote name='gargus']She is acting like a babe in the woods here when she obviously isnt.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but the question is who crossed the line first. Obviously, we don't have all of the information, but if the issue is truly how she dresses, then she's done nothing wrong. Even if she's "flirty" (which is to say what...friendly? smiles at you? jokes around?), big deal. As long she's not propositioning people with sex, it's all subjective. Like I said, I don't doubt she knows exactly what she's doing. But if she's not crossing a professional line, there's really nothing they can do about it. Women just have the power, man. Allow me to introduce Joe Rogan to explain it better.
NSFW (of course, lol)
To everyone saying how "average" she is: have you looked at a woman besides those on youporn? She's a very attractive lady.

This story is nuts.
[quote name='dmaul1114'] where looser clothing [/QUOTE]

actually a company can request a person to wear clothes that aren't as tight and revealing.

a few things wrong in this article... I've never heard of having to be certified to open checking accounts or take loan applications and no way that one has to be certified to order check cards.

Not to mention that who really knows what she was wearing at work. Those pictures are either modeling pictures or taken by her lawyer in their office.

Is she attractive? yes...
Is she smokin' hot? well she's not near as hot as she thinks she is.
[quote name='wwe101']ugly face, above average body= not hot. face means everything[/QUOTE]

Did you not see the first pic in the slide show? Shes got a super hot arab face. I want to have genetically superior mixed race children with her.
[quote name='udabenshen']To everyone saying how "average" she is: have you looked at a woman besides those on youporn? She's a very attractive lady.

This story is nuts.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I've always been amused by the comments people post on women on the internet. :lol:

To be fair, she is a bit older (33) and from the age polls here most are in their late teens to early/mid 20s, so that could be some of it. I didn't find many women that age group hot when I was that age. But she's only 2 years older than me, so right up my alley age wise.

That said, I do agree she doesn't have the prettiest face in the world, but she is pretty IMO. And the body is just fantastic if you like curvaceous women. I'm honestly not picky on that front, other than not being attracted to overweight women anyway. I think she's super hot, and so is my rail thin, small chested girlfriend!
It's all a stunt to get her the attention she needs... I have no doubt Playboy is going to ask her to do a spread ...just'll see..
[quote name='Afflicted']actually a company can request a person to wear clothes that aren't as tight and revealing.

If it's in the dress code.

And from the article she says she pointed out other female employees wearing much more provocative clothing and nothing was done. So again the issue is any requests like that need to be in the written dress code and must be uniformly enforced. You can't just ask the hot women to dress more conservatively, or the fat women to start weairing skirts that go to their ankles etc.

Now again, we only have one side of the story, so that's just based on taking her story at face value of course.
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[quote name='budsmoka']Did you not see the first pic in the slide show? Shes got a super hot arab face. I want to have genetically superior mixed race children with her.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='javeryh']The correct answer is:
There's no such thing as "too hot".

Jesus people, it's pretty obvious.[/QUOTE]


You are correct, sir!!
[quote name='wwe101']im not saying she is bad looking, just saying she looks like an average lady to me.[/QUOTE]

Face is above average for me, but not by a whole lot I'll concede.

But I don't see anything average about her body. Bluntly, it's pretty rare to see women with chests that size and waists that thin.
[quote name='dmaul1114']\But I don't see anything average about her body. Bluntly, it's pretty rare to see women with chests that size and waists that thin.[/QUOTE]

only costs about 5 grand. Easily covered by the sexual harassment suit.
[quote name='dmaul1114']If it's in the dress code.

And from the article she says she pointed out other female employees wearing much more provocative clothing and nothing was done. So again the issue is any requests like that need to be in the written dress code and must be uniformly enforced. You can't just ask the hot women to dress more conservatively, or the fat women to start weairing skirts that go to their ankles etc.

Now again, we only have one side of the story, so that's just based on taking her story at face value of course.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you'll find any large bank that doesn't have a rule against provocative dress in their dress code.

Not to mention that typically human resource related problems are usually dealt with on an individual basis. Meaning that every woman that had a problem with provocative dress could have been spoken to on the matter but they aren't going to discuss who or what was spoken privately about to other employees.
[quote name='dmaul1114']If it's in the dress code.

And from the article she says she pointed out other female employees wearing much more provocative clothing and nothing was done. So again the issue is any requests like that need to be in the written dress code and must be uniformly enforced. You can't just ask the hot women to dress more conservatively, or the fat women to start weairing skirts that go to their ankles etc.

Now again, we only have one side of the story, so that's just based on taking her story at face value of course.[/QUOTE]

could be the other female employess that are complaining.women are catty as hell when they want to be.
[quote name='Afflicted']I don't think you'll find any large bank that doesn't have a rule against provocative dress in their dress code.[/QUOTE]


But from the other part of my post you quoted, if what she says is true, they weren't enforcing it equally on all employees.

That's where she'll win her lawsuit if she can prove that.

[quote name='lokizz']could be the other female employess that are complaining.women are catty as hell when they want to be.[/QUOTE]

Could be. But 1) I don't like making such sexist assumptions. 2) It's on management to enforce the dress code uniformly--again assuming it's true that others wore more provocative things and weren't asked to change their dress.

In any case, it's a tough issue. Should a busty woman not be allowed to wear a tight turtle neck, while a small breasted woman can? I'd say no, the dress code has to be uniform and ban things like skirts above the knees or mid thighs, no low cut tops that expose cleavage etc. Not standards that vary by body type.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Sure.

But from the other part of my post you quoted, if what she says is true, they weren't enforcing it equally on all employees.

That's where she'll win her lawsuit if she can prove that.


Actually I said that it may have been addressed with the other employees but the human resources dept is not going to discuss meetings with the other employees with her. Privacy laws and such...

Also the article is so laughable.... she says she wasn't certified to do even the most basic of banking business... but yet she had worked at 2 other financial organizations for over 6 years.
bread's done