Too Much Emphasis On Online Play

1: Generally not a fan of the "guy stands in front of a camera and talks" format. There's a reason Yahtzee has a funny little cartoon. It just looks awkward if we can see you. Having said that, the "cuts" were decently done.

2: Pitch seemed a little high, and, yeah... 'dat whine.

3: The "Sony Drones" bit seemed a little silly.

4: I completely agree with the basic thesis of "online play is emphasized too much". The odd online-focused game (Team Fortress, Worms, Starcraft, etc.) is great, especially on PC, and sure, local multiplayer with Mario Kart or Smash Bros. or whatever is great, but the solo experience is the core, and there are a lot of commas in this sentence.

5: But even if I agree with it... why does this video exist? I'm not trying to be snide, here. I am simply asking you: what, exactly, do you want this video to achieve?

6: Correlation != Causation
Not going to watch a lame video, but even being primarily a single player gamer, I don't think online play is over emphasized.

There are still far more single player games out there that interest me than I'll ever find time to play.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Not going to watch a lame video, but even being primarily a single player gamer, I don't think online play is over emphasized.

There are still far more single player games out there that interest me than I'll ever find time to play.[/QUOTE]

Not going to read your lame post then. ;)
I agree there's not enough quality single player experiences, and that either MP components feel rushed because you need to have them, or that SP components feel rushed because they "don't matter." However, it's a developer's choice if they want to make an MP or SP focused game -- MP is not just the "dessert."
I'd rather there be more emphasis on co-op that's the only real time I've "played online" and usually I only play games with people/friends I know online.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I'd rather there be more emphasis on co-op that's the only real time I've "played online" and usually I only play games with people/friends I know online.[/QUOTE]

The problem is you're in the minority here. Companies are going to do what makes money for them and currently, it is focusing on online play. I'm not saying companies won't make money going to single player route, but it is much harder to do.
[quote name='DarkRider23']The problem is you're in the minority here. Companies are going to do what makes money for them and currently, it is focusing on online play. I'm not saying companies won't make money going to single player route, but it is much harder to do.[/QUOTE]

God of war, heavy rain, mass effect, dragon age, fallout 3, just to name a few have no multiplayer and sold like gangbusters. Its not hard at all to make money with a single player game.

I just dont like MP because the majority of the time its shoe horned in because its a industry trend to put it in games because people bitch. They bitch SP doesnt have MP in it because they arent getting a value from it so devs force it into games it has no place in just so they can put on the box it has online. For every left 4 dead, battlefield 2, call of duty or gears of war there are dozens of dead space 2's where the MP never took off and died within a month of the games release.

MP is not a bad thing to me, but I just dont like it when a game has it forced in where it doesnt belong and is really shoddy and pathetic like bioshock 2. All these decent games with horrible MP, think of what the game might have been like if they didnt waste the time, money, energy, creativity and manpower into putting in this big MP part no one plays. If they hadnt done it at all for say stranglehold then it might have turned out to be a better game for it and actually sold well.

If its done well like say in little big planet or starcraft 2 MP is awesome, but the majority of the time it really sucks. I mean NO ONE bought dead space 2 because it had MP in it.
[quote name='gargus']God of war, heavy rain, mass effect, dragon age, fallout 3, just to name a few have no multiplayer and sold like gangbusters. Its not hard at all to make money with a single player game.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. There are more good games that ever, and that's just as true for single player games as it is multiplayer games IMO.

I just don't get all the bitching personally as I see more single player games getting great reviews that I'd like to play that at anytime I can recall and I've been gaming since the NES in the mid 80s.

Gaming has exploded so there are a ton more games coming out compared to past generations. Lots of multiplayer stuff for sure, but just as many single player games. And even a lot of the big multiplayer games have good single player modes as well.
Honestly, I think it's a bit over reaching to say there's too much focus on online play. It's like saying there's too much focus on games that require physical movement or 3D graphics. Just because the games in the market don't interest you has expanded doesn't mean there's "too much focus" on games with a certain element. The gaming market has expanded to hit niches that wouldn't have existed 20 or even 10 years ago.

Also, as gargus touched on, we as gamers are a fickle bunch of bitches. Not giving us what we demand == Selling out and completely fucking the entire gaming community over (at least we like to think).
You also got games like Bioshock 2 and Condemned 2 which started as single player game, but got a multilayer mode added in anyway.
i never thought much of online gaming until gta4 online and uncharted 2 online. it sucks when devs slap together a shite sp when it obvious they care more about mp and vice versa but then you have situations like with uncharted 2 where you get an amazing sp game and an extra bonus of a very fun and addictive mp setup.

it just depends on the game i suppose and what the devs do with it.
how many games do you have where you actually play/played the multiplayer and didnt play the single player? or at least give it a good shot? i dont have any... mw2, black ops, gears, the halo's... ive beat the single players in all my current/previous multiplayer games.... i dont know i just didnt think this was a common problem, i thought MOST people played the single player aspect. dont get me wrong, i have a bunch of games i havent touched yet (and a bunch i honestly wont due too not caring for them) but all my multiplayer games, i have beaten.
You know what I wish they made more of is co-op multiplayer. Many of my favorite gaming experiences have been playing co-op modes with my friends. It's too bad that designing a good co-op game requires thought and a lot of effort, and it's a lot easier to cobble together a couple deathmatch maps and slap in the same hackneyed CTF, horde mode, etc.
[quote name='DarkRider23']The problem is you're in the minority here. Companies are going to do what makes money for them and currently, it is focusing on online play. I'm not saying companies won't make money going to single player route, but it is much harder to do.[/QUOTE]

Sounds like a cop out to me... It's like a car game saying they are "arcade".
Personally, the one thing I hate more than the shoehorned in mp modes are the servers from companies that keep kicking you for no good reason. GTA IV and GTA IV Episodes does this regularly to most everyone I know who plays the online modes.

It's kind of annoying to have to switch mp games 3-5 times in a night because the dev can't be bothered to make sure their servers aren't total shit.
[quote name='62t']You also got games like Bioshock 2 and Condemned 2 which started as single player game, but got a multilayer mode added in anyway.[/QUOTE]

So? In the case of Bioshock 2 (didn't play Condemned 2) the single player was still damn good, and the MP was a fun bonus.

The best case scenario, IMO, are games that have both good single player and good multiplayer modes, as that's the most replay value for your money. And if one isn't in to one mode or the other, they still have a quality experience in the part of the game they bought it for.
Online gaming is good and all but the feature I consider the most important is split-screen offline gaming. This feature you should be a standard on all multi-player games. I know games like Call of Duty and Halo have it but I wished racing games like Burnout Paradise, Midnight Club L.A or Need for Speed Hot Pursuit had split screen :/
MP does not make a game, but enhances the experience for the core gamer. There times that I enjoy just playing single player without someone yelling through my mic that I need to suck this and go do that. But there are moments where I am with friends and we co-op and the multiplayer takes over as a life of its own. Too much emphasis on multiplayer, not really. It is the devs that see a market for it, as the whole social gaming aspect has reared its head in console gaming. You can't go back to playing single player games only and have that little twitch that makes you want to jump into a online game, even if you gets your ass handed to you.
lot of shooters imo do have thsi problem

MW2 homefront. story was going somehwere but ended up being like 6 hours long. way to short lol. game should aim to be half life 2 long. :)
I got bored of this after 2 minutes... I get the point and I agree fully (I've always been and always will be a singleplayer gamer before a multiplayer gamer), but 9 minutes is WAY too long.

the Starcraft/Warcraft/Diablo franchises are still the best example of amazing singleplayer and multiplayer imo. I wish more games/companies would be like Blizzard and their games...
bread's done