Too much Final Fantasy?


28 (100%)
There's at least 10 different Final Fantasy in development or coming out soon in either the US or Japan within the next year including the six titles under the Final Fantasy XIII banner. Do you think that Square Enix is saturating the market with too much Final Fantasy or are you still excited about the ability to play another Final Fantasy remake again?
well i mean, you're not inclined to like or play any of them. For the people that want to play them, they can. I don't see the problem with it. I play some of them, not all.
There's definitely too much, though at the same time, I'm an idiot and will probably buy FFIV for the third time.

However, they really need to ease up on the spinoffs. I'm pretty sure the world didn't need a half dozen FFVII titles, and I'm sure the same will be true for FFXIII. If they really feel the urge, they somehow restrained themselves to one FFXII spinoff, so keep it at that.
[quote name='Apossum']The only one I care about right now is XIII.[/QUOTE]

Which one? There's six versions of XIII coming out and not one of them has Adam West in it.
I'm excited about most of them. Apparently, there's no such thing as too much FF for me since in the last year, I've played through FF IX, FF V Advance, FF VI Advance, FFXII, bought FFIII, and I'm playing through (and nearly finished with) FFX International right now.

Don't give a fuck about the cell phone games or the inevitable spin offs starring Chocobos... or the new Crystal Chronicles. I do want Revenant Wings, FF I Anniversary (probably not FFII since nobody seems to like that at all), FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, FFXII International, FF Dissidia, FFVII Crisis Core, and FF IV DS though... so I guess I'm part of the problem here.
[quote name='Chacrana']I'm excited about most of them. Apparently, there's no such thing as too much FF for me since in the last year, I've played through FF IX, FF V Advance, FF VI Advance, FFXII, bought FFIII, and I'm playing through (and nearly finished with) FFX International right now.

Don't give a fuck about the cell phone games or the inevitable spin offs starring Chocobos... or the new Crystal Chronicles. I do want Revenant Wings, FF I Anniversary (probably not FFII since nobody seems to like that at all), FFXIII, FF Versus XIII, FFXII International, FF Dissidia, FFVII Crisis Core, and FF IV DS though... so I guess I'm part of the problem here.[/quote]Crystal Chronicles would be good except they've already aborted that franchise by not supporting Wi-Fi. Way to fuck that one up.
I dont particularly care that much. Im a moderate fan of the main series games. I dont mess with the spinoffs much, except for Tactics.

Who am I to deny FF Fanboys/girls their fix? If 35 new FF games is what gets them wet, more power to them.
[quote name='furyk']Which one? There's six versions of XIII coming out and not one of them has Adam West in it.[/QUOTE]

FFXIII- Final Fantasy Edition for the PS3.
Yes, I'm almost ready to abandon the franchise as a whole. Square could use their talent and resources to make all kinds of cool shit, but they refuse to let FF go one week without a freakin' re-make coming out. I'm still interested in the main series, but IMO, a change needs to be made, and quick.
[quote name='dragonreborn23']As long as they continue to be high quality, I don't see the problem.[/quote]

exactly, i cant think of the last time they put one out i hated. even it if was the 3rd or 4th time it was released, they are still good games.
[quote name='botticus']Crystal Chronicles would be good except they've already aborted that franchise by not supporting Wi-Fi. Way to fuck that one up.[/QUOTE]

My reason for not liking it is simply because I'm antisocial. Thus, I have no interest in a Final Fantasy that encourages playing with other people.
I have no problem with there being a ton of FF games, as long as it doesn't somehow kill the franchise in the process. What I'd really like to see, though, is some original 16-bit style Square RPGs being made. Maybe something exclusively for PSN/XBLA with high-res artwork? I don't even care if the titles are 3D, but I just prefer the old style to most of the new stuff. For me, the series hit its pinnacle with FFVI, I've been waiting for a true follow-up ever since.
Yes and no. For the past couple of games I have not liked them at all, thought 12 has kinda brought be back. Though I would be alot more happy if they pumped out more DQ games than FF, there is no such thing as to many slimes.
[quote name='Mr. Anderson']Yes, I'm almost ready to abandon the franchise as a whole. Square could use their talent and resources to make all kinds of cool shit, but they refuse to let FF go one week without a freakin' re-make coming out. I'm still interested in the main series, but IMO, a change needs to be made, and quick.[/QUOTE]

Blame the market. Squeenix trys to put out something without a Final Fantasy attached to it and it almost always fails. The only exception is Dragon Quest games in Japan, hence why there's also a barrage of DQ games in the works.

Honestly, it's a moot point, each FF game is hardly connected to each other, sans the spinoffs, which share story, local and characters, but usually differ in gameplay. This isn't madden, FFI-XII weren't the same exact games with an updated roster. Each one is an entirely different game, with a new story and usually entirely new gameplay mechanics.

If it helps, make up new names for them, and pretend that they're not even called Final Fantasy.
[quote name='furyk']There's at least 10 different Final Fantasy in development or coming out soon in either the US or Japan within the next year including the six titles under the Final Fantasy XIII banner. Do you think that Square Enix is saturating the market with too much Final Fantasy or are you still excited about the ability to play another Final Fantasy remake again?[/QUOTE]

I'm only going to say it is too much because Square Enix could be revitalizing old franchises instead of, well, beating a dead horse.

Where is my Chrono Trigger / Cross sequel? Where is my Mana game in the vein of Secret and Legend? Vagrant Story did well enough to go GH and then we never heard from it again. Parasite Eve sequel?

Yea, we get Mana sequels, but they just butcher the series even worse with every sequel they put out.

It's like SE is staying in its safe zone because they know that whatever they slip the FF name on sales like hotcakes in Japan. I miss the days when Square had numerous IP's and not just one.

The reason why the Square games without the FF name fail is because ALL OF THOSE GAMES SUCK. Children of Mana? Crap. Dawn of Mana? Already getting shit reviews. The Bouncer? Piece of shit.

At least the games associated with Enix (and Tri Ace) go out on a limb and try new IP's and new concepts, some of them fail, some of them are great.
[quote name='Roufuss'] I miss the days when Square had numerous IP's and not just one.[/QUOTE]
Enix made Actraiser, correct? That seems like a franchise in desperate need of a rebirth on modern consoles.
[quote name='elwood731']Enix made Actraiser, correct? That seems like a franchise in desperate need of a rebirth on modern consoles.[/QUOTE]

I originally listed Actraiser as games I want to see brought back, then realized it was an Enix IP :lol:

I mean, Enix could dig into its vaults too, but they already brought us Star Ocean 3, Valkyrie Profile 2, and Dragon Quest 8, then tri-ace went out and made Radiata Stories (I pretty much throw this in the Enix pile) and probably some other games I can't remember, so I'm not really too hard on them, since they took their two other popular series and made some decent RPG's out of them as well.

It's not like Enix forgot they made other IP's altogether before the year 2004.

Actraiser 3 would be awesome, though.
It's a result of there being so many platforms out there with Squeenix's recent change in philosophy to spread the love around. I'll play what's interesting to me and let others enjoy the rest.
Square's got a problem when Capcom, of all companies has more new IP's out than they do. That said, hopefully, Square Enix will cut down the number of Final Fantasies after the 20th aniversery is over. I think they've also got to make sure these games don't compete against each other sales wise.
To me, this is several questions in one. Several others have said things I agree with, so I'll kinda mix them all together.

I, for one, like Final Fantasy -- the main property, the ever-changing and yet consistent RPG -- and the more the better. I like what they're doing with the remakes, and while I won't buy all of them, I'm glad to see them on the different platforms.

The further you go from the main property, though, the less interested I am and the concern I have for the franchise as a whole increases. Dirge of Cerberus is an obvious target. Tactics is an exception, being of high quality, but many of their other side ideas are really hit or miss. Crystal Chronicles, Chocobo games, etc. -- they're all over the map in terms of both appeal and quality.

And yet part of the reason I like Final Fantasy -- the main property -- is that it manages to evolve and change, to deliver something new and different, and yet still have all the quality and familiarity of what came before.

Mana is the obvious counter-example, where it just keeps going downhill and manages to deliver less of what made it great each time. I'm not sure I want another Mana game or a Chrono Trigger sequel anymore.
If I am square and saw that every game with the words final fantasy did well in sales while an original IP like Radiata Stories did not, I would make more FF. Let say you are Square and you need to put the FFIII DS team on a new game. Do you want them to make a new game which could be a failure? Or would you let them remake another FF games which you know will be successful? Could the Revenant Wings team made an original RPG? Probably. But it will sell a lot more copies with the FF name
If you happen to be a hardcore final fantasy fan, I don't see how you could play any other game series for a long time (if you plan on playing and beating all of those titles on the way)...
I don't understand why SquEnix doesn't just take off the Final Fantasy from the title and make a new IP. If they actually pushed the limits a bit and made some of their own hype (instead of relying on fans) they could have another Kingdom Hearts
"It's a bit annoying, but I'm still excited over a few of the new titles."

I sort of wish they would have just stuck to creating great games in the main series and not spent so much time with spin-offs. I don't think X-2 was necessary and XI can't really be considered a "Final Fantasy" game. Dirge of Cerberus was pretty bad and I'm not looking forward to all the extra games associated with XII and XIII.

I am looking forward to XIII however and I don't have a problem with them releasing games such as Chocobo Racing/Dungeon/Tales, as those don't really connect/interfere with the main series and have all been pretty good. All the remakes are fine as well, as long as the reinventions deal only with updates to graphics/sound/extras and leave the core gameplay and stories alone. I'd like to see VI, VII and VIII all get updates. At the current rate I would expect to see at least VI and VII remade within the next few years.
[quote name='onikage']"It's a bit annoying, but I'm still excited over a few of the new titles."

I sort of wish they would have just stuck to creating great games in the main series and not spent so much time with spin-offs. I don't think X-2 was necessary and XI can't really be considered a "Final Fantasy" game. Dirge of Cerberus was pretty bad and I'm not looking forward to all the extra games associated with XII and XIII.

I am looking forward to XIII however and I don't have a problem with them releasing games such as Chocobo Racing/Dungeon/Tales, as those don't really connect/interfere with the main series and have all been pretty good. All the remakes are fine as well, as long as the reinventions deal only with updates to graphics/sound/extras and leave the core gameplay and stories alone. I'd like to see VI, VII and VIII all get updates. At the current rate I would expect to see at least VI and VII remade within the next few years.[/QUOTE]

At the current rate I would have expected them to at least announce FF 7 for a remake, and not keep dancing around it while throwing out teasers for it.

But yea, I'm definitely going to sell my FF 7, because it's painful to look at and SquareEnix is one day going to announce the remake for it.
The core RPGs are almost always very well-made, however I hope that they continue what they started in XII, that is to say, getting away from re-telling the same story with effectively the same characters over and over and over...*

And it perplexes me as to why there is no FF VII remake on the horizon, given that a.) they're remaking just about everything before it, b.) as an exclusive, it could sell PS3s like nothing else, and c.) it's been ten years...that's well past the 'industry standard' moratorium for enhanced remakes. (See: Resident Evil)

EDIT: *--Although, if they don't, I really can't place all the blame on Square-Enix, as they have to know that their 'dedicated fans' would revolt to the point of death threats if they so much as matted down characters' hairdos. It's the mentality that keeps Change at bay in the gaming industry, particularly with the multi-decade, established franchises. I like to think that Shane Bettenhausen is a sufficient 'icon' for these/you people, and I remember hearing him basically say on a "1up Yours" that he wanted redundant Final Fantasy narratives and 'comfort food' predictability, and I could only shake my head and clench my fist.
[quote name='jollydwarf']The core RPGs are almost always very well-made, however I hope that they continue what they started in XII, that is to say, getting away from re-telling the same story with effectively the same characters over and over and over...

And it perplexes me as to why there is no FF VII remake on the horizon, given that a.) they're remaking just about everything before it, b.) as an exclusive, it could sell PS3s like nothing else, and c.) it's been ten years...that's well past the 'industry standard' moratorium for enhanced remakes. (See: Resident Evil)[/QUOTE]

A small part of me thinks Square is waiting to see where the largest install base between the two powerhouses is (360 and PS3, imo I don't think they will put it on the Wii since I think Square onces this game to graphically blow peoples minds) and once they see who is leading by a good margin they'll dump it on that system.

I think Square WANTS to put it on the ps3, but the install base is so small at the moment that they could never make up the money they will spend on it.

I think maybe once the install bases for all the systems are set and the old systems like PS2 have been phased out completely, then SquareEnix will bring us FF 7.
I think so, because I really didn't like the FFIII remake much and FFXII was disappointing. Still, I like FF and want to see more. I just think Square Enix is going overboard a little. I'd like to see them remake/port Chrono Trigger, Mana games, Romancing SaGa 2 and 3, etc. instead of milking FFI & II over and over again.
[quote name='Roufuss']A small part of me thinks Square is waiting to see where the largest install base between the two powerhouses is (360 and PS3, imo I don't think they will put it on the Wii since I think Square onces this game to graphically blow peoples minds) and once they see who is leading by a good margin they'll dump it on that system.

I think Square WANTS to put it on the ps3, but the install base is so small at the moment that they could never make up the money they will spend on it.

I think maybe once the install bases for all the systems are set and the old systems like PS2 have been phased out completely, then SquareEnix will bring us FF 7.[/QUOTE]
I remember Square saying a while ago they won't do remakes because PS3 can still play FFVII (the PS1 version). Until there's a time when PS1 games can no longer be played on a PlayStation, it may come.

But due to the reaction of the trailer, things may change.
I think maybe once the install bases for all the systems are set and the old systems like PS2 have been phased out completely, then SquareEnix will bring us FF 7.

I do hope you're right and I do hope we're not looking at Square's Chinese Democracy here.
They shouldnt call it 'Final Fantasy'; They should call it 'Ongoing Fantasy' or 'Non-stop Fantasy' or 'Forever Fantasy'
[quote name='Roufuss']

I think Square WANTS to put it on the ps3, but the install base is so small at the moment that they could never make up the money they will spend on it.

That's the snowball effect that will ultimately be the reason if PS3 fails this generation. You just can't afford to make an epic game on PS3 without either making a ton of off shoots for DS / Wii, porting it over to 360 or just eating a ton of losses.

[quote name='The Mana Knight']
I remember Square saying a while ago they won't do remakes because PS3 can still play FFVII (the PS1 version). Until there's a time when PS1 games can no longer be played on a PlayStation, it may come.

But due to the reaction of the trailer, things may change.[/QUOTE]

Actually, that was the reason behind the cancellation of the PS2 ports of FF7, 8 & 9.
I'm only really excited about FF XIII [the FF XIII, not the spin offs] and a possible FF VII remake..

However, I have to say, after XII, my interest in FF went waaaay down..if that's the direction the series is going in..I don't know what to do.

I -like- menus, I like turns, I like the old battle systems....not saying I want Dragon Quest purist type system [that's waaaaaay to simple] but I want the old ATB menu system, or something like Xenogears..but none of that pretend action RPG stuff
[quote name='-Never4ever-']
Actually, that was the reason behind the cancellation of the PS2 ports of FF7, 8 & 9.[/QUOTE]

This logic is already flawed... the DS can play the FF 4 GBA cart perfectly, yet they are remaking it with 3D for the DS? Using Square's own logic, we should never be seeing any ports / remakes of the first 6 FF games on the DS (well, FF 3 was on the DS, but you know what I mean)

I wish Square would just bring them out already and stop whoring the games we've seen billions of times over... the things are painful on the eyes, FF 7 especially, and they know it's what the fans want, so remake it already.

Nobody wants to play FF 1 and 2 for the 11th time, as evidenced by FF 1's low sales on the PSP.

I really wish Sony would have cut out PS1 support in the PS3 if it means we would have seen games like FF 7 - 9 get redone for the PS3.
I won't ever get sick of FF, but the series has been hit or miss for me. I don't mind them pumping out FFs all the time, but as some of yall said, I'd also like for more Dragon Quests too. It's a very good franchise, one I'd love to get more into.

That being said, I'd prefer a new Chrono over 6 new FF spinoffs any day, or a Legend of Mana 2. These are just pipe dreams though.

They keep making Final Fantasy cause it sells, simple as that. XIII must be something amazing if they are making so many games from it. I'm not sure...after XII I dunno what to expect.
I hope, for Square's sake, FF 13 isn't a pile of shit, because you're right, they are really banking on it being awesome and the fans will want more of it.

But we know every review site will suck it off because it is a Final Fantasy game in the main chronology.
My problem isn't too much Final Fantasy. Even though I never thought the series was that great, believing it peaked with FF4 and was never that good again. But I don't care if they make a million different versions. My problem is where my US version of Front Mission 5, or my new Chrono game, or various other IPs I want to see? If making all these FFs is making SE neglect their other franchises, then yes I guess I have a problem with it.
I'm a huge Final Fantasy fan and have been buying the series since the NES Final Fantasy came out in the states. The series has some amazing high and low points, but has always sold well. I think the IV remake is a great idea, and that VI (best game ever!) needs to be redone next. I want to see a VII remake, and I am anxious for XIII. The spin offs are starting to get annoying and there are other games Squenix should devote time too. For example

How arbout DS remakes of the unrealeased Dragon Quest games (V and VI)?
What about the Front Missions not available here?
What about games like Bahamut Lagoon, Live a Live,and other Squenix games not seen here?

Squenix has all these resources, I think they should devote some of them to these older games that will do well here. I am thrilled for Final Fantasy Dyssidia, a game like that has been rumoured forever (since V or VI I believe), and a mix of characters with a cohesive story to explain how they come into the game can go a long way.
I did not enjoy any Final Fantasy after IX and even if I did still enjoy the series I would never get excited over a million different shitty spin-offs.

It seems like Square is more interested in cashing in then devlivering a quality product.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']My problem isn't too much Final Fantasy. Even though I never thought the series was that great, believing it peaked with FF4 and was never that good again. But I don't care if they make a million different versions. My problem is where my US version of Front Mission 5, or my new Chrono game, or various other IPs I want to see? If making all these FFs is making SE neglect their other franchises, then yes I guess I have a problem with it.[/QUOTE]Hallelujah. As much as I love Final Fantasy, Front Mission is currently my favorite Square franchise, and Chrono Trigger is probably my favorite RPG from any company. On the Enix side, I'd love to see a new Bust A Move/Groove.

Squeenix has some fantastic francises outside of the standard Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest, but all this Final Fantasy within only a few years (at the expense of developing new titles and revisiting other franchises) is complete and total overkill. I plan on picking up the new Chocobo's Dungeon as well as FFTA2 when they become available, and perhaps a couple others, but that's it.

Speaking of FFVII, word has it that Squeenix is saving one big announcement for the end of their Party this weekend. I'm willing to bet good money that it's a remake of Square's most popular game...
bread's done