Top 10 GameCube games


2 (100%)
No RPGs. Although I don't think the GameCube has many I want them excluded from the list. Zelda is not an RPG by the way if anyone ever thought it was.

I want to pick up a black GameCube along with some games this weekend via off eBay or wherever. They must be GameCube exclusive as well since I have other consoles.

I know my list is a bit restrictive but I want to know what are those must have games out there that I should pick up. I have considered waiting for the Wii but at $50 for a GameCube is it really worth all that wait time just for $50? In my opinion it wasn't.

Also what is the best S-Video cable out there? Does Nintendo make one since I know they are the only ones who make component cables for the GameCube I believe...
Mario Kart: Double Dash
Super Smash Brothers Melee
Metroid Prime 1/2
Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
Wind Waker
Donkey Konga 1/2
Super Mario Strikers
Pikmin 1/2
If you're looking to get a new GCN, I know they have package deals.

If you're looking for a used one, I happen to have an extra :)

Anyway, onto my list:

For multiplayer:

Smash Bros.
Mario Tennis
Super Mario Strikers (very underrated in my opinion as far as multiplayer games go)
Mario Kart: Double Dash

For single player:

Pikmin 1/2
Super Monkey Ball 1/2
Eternal Darkness
Metroid Prime 1/2
Wind Waker
Pikmin 1/2
Metroid Prime 1/2
Eternal Darkness
Smash Bros
Resident Evil 4 (I know it's not an exclusive, but it's sooooo much better on the GC)
Metal Gear Twin Snakes
Monkey Ball 1/2

I know it's 11, but I couldn't choose between the monkey balls! I love them all!!! (hehe)
Super Monkey Ball 1!!! I hate the second with a pastion.

I like...
Animal Crossing
Billy Hatcher (Easy but fun)
Wave Race: Blue Storm
F-Zero Gx (Best racing game this gen)
Syper Smash Bros: Melee

Then any of Nintendo's big franchises, Mario, Metriod, Zelda, all good.

And 2D Zeldas are RPGs, 3D ones are platformers.
Super Smash Bros Melee
Metroid Prime 1/2
Resident Evil 4
Pikmin 2
Zelda:Wind Waker (also include CE disc, OoT disc)
Wario Ware: Mega Party Games (if you play much multiplayer)
Super Mario Strikers (agreed on the multiplayer underratedness)
Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader
Viewtiful Joe (better on the cube, kickass overall though)
[quote name='N5']Also what is the best S-Video cable out there? Does Nintendo make one since I know they are the only ones who make component cables for the GameCube I believe...[/QUOTE]

Nintendo brand S-video:

Monster brand:

Generic brand:

Pelican/MadCatz for XBox, Gamecube, PS2 (also N64, SNES, and PS1):
If I had to pick 10 games to get with a Gamecube, I'd go with:

Resident Evil 4
Zelda: Wind Waker
Metroid Prime
Pikmin 2
Eternal Darkness
Super Mario Sunshine
Beyond Good & Evil
X-Men Legends
Lord of the Rings: Two Towers
Lego Star Wars
Top ten Gamecube games are as follows,
1. Legend of Zelda Wind Waker
2. Metroid Prime
3. Resident Evil 4
4. Metroid Prime 2
5. Super Smash Bros Melee
6. Beyond Good and Evil
7. Soul Calibur 2
8. Super Mario Sunshine
9. Animal Crossing
10. Eternal Darkness
I'm going to assume that all of you who don't have Ikaruga on your list have never played it. If you had, it would be on your list. ;)
[quote name='the ender']I'm going to assume that all of you who don't have Ikaruga on your list have never played it. If you had, it would be on your list. ;)[/QUOTE]
Ikaruga is awesome, but it's not for everyone. I might argue, too, that it doesn't even meet his exclusivity rule since it's nearly identical on the Dreamcast.
wind waker
four swords
metroid prime
Mario Sunshine
Rouge Squadron 3
Eternal Darkness
Pikmin 2
Animal Crossing
A Mario sports title, pick your fav sport (golf, tennis, baseball, soccer)
All the games above are excellent, but if you want to expand your library, get a GBA Player for your GC. You can then enjoy the Great Castlevania games along with the Zeldas, Marios, Drill Dozer, Sigma Star and all the other games the GBA and GB had.
1. Resident Evil 4 (GC > PS2 version IMO)
2. Metroid Prime
3. Zelda Wind Waker
4. Super Smash Bros. Melee
5. Eternal Darkness (highly overlooked, quite possibly the biggest sleeper ever)
6. Viewtiful Joe
7. Zelda Collectors Edition
8. Soul Calibur II
9. Pikmin 2
10. Animal Crossing

I know you said no RPGs, but Tales of Symphonia and Skies of Arcadia Legends (has GC exclusive content) would take the number 5 and number 10 spots (moving everything else down) respectively.
[quote name='Vinny']1. Resident Evil 4 (GC > PS2 version IMO)

5. Eternal Darkness (highly overlooked, quite possibly the biggest sleeper ever) .[/QUOTE]

I don't think it's over looked, the Nintendo freaks know about it and everyone else say the game for what it really was, an unplayable shit game.
Top 10 in no order:

Wind Waker
Mario sunshine
Metroid Prime
Animal Crossing
Pikmin 2
Super Monkey Ball
Double Dash
Battalion Wars
Mario party 4 or 5(Pick one or both, actually extremely fun with friends)
I liked ikaruga until i realized it was a big trial and errror mess where you pretty much had to keep dying until you remembered every pattern in the game.
[quote name='jer7583']I liked ikaruga until i realized it was a big trial and errror mess where you pretty much had to keep dying until you remembered every pattern in the game.[/QUOTE]

Like every shooter.
In no order:
Metroid Prime
Metroid Prime 2
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Super Mario Sunshine
Resident Evil 4
Eternal Darkness
Super Smash Bros Melee
Animal Crossing
Mario Kart/Golf/Tennis/Baseball/Strikers (Sorry they are all good) and at least one of the Parties.
Paper Mario
Pikmin 1 & 2
Super Monkey Ball 2
Had to put more than 10. I could add some more but I stopped myself.
[quote name='Otherguy676']All the games above are excellent, but if you want to expand your library, get a GBA Player for your GC. You can then enjoy the Great Castlevania games along with the Zeldas, Marios, Drill Dozer, Sigma Star and all the other games the GBA and GB had.[/QUOTE]

I have a Nintendo DS which plays almost if not every GBA game out there quite well.

Thanks everybody for the game lists. I wanted to make sure I pick the best ones out there to enjoy in this last month before going to school.
If you're going with exclusives I'd say:

1. Metroid Prime

2. Metroid Prime 2
3. Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat
4. Chibi-Robo
5. Wind Waker
6. Mario Sunshine
7. Killer 7 (not technically an exclusive, but far superior to its PS2 counterpart)
8. Rogue Leader

The list about ends there for me. The Cube's got a lot of great games, but so many of them are also for the PS2 (RE4, Viewtiful Joe, Beyond Good & Evil, Prince of Persia series), so even though I love Nintendo, I'd still say the GC is deffinitely an inferior system. Luckily, Nintendo's got the lovable DS, and it looks like a very real possibility for the Wii to come out on top next gen. Only time will tell.
Most of these can be found on other systems though.

Resident Evil 4 (Far and away #1 must get)
Zelda Windwaker (GC EXCLUSIVE)
Beyond Good and Evil
Lego Star Wars
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance
Beach Spikers (Simple and Short but fun) GC EXCLUSIVE (I THINK)
Freedom Fighters
007 Everything or Nothing
Luigi's Mansion (some people don't like it, i thought it was great) GC EXCLUSIVE
Second Sight
bread's done