Tradelists on CAG- delete suff you dont intend to trade/sell


69 (99%)
I see a growing trend on the CAG Trading section where people list games they have and put an icon like-->:hot:, or something similiar, indicating they have the game but are not ready to trade it, (or just for "reference"). It seems like more of a "bragging rights" that they have it and put it on a pedastel to show everyone.

Please fellow CAG's, if you dont want to trade/sell the game/item/whatever, dont list it in the first place. It'll make it easier for everyone to find what theyre looking for.
The thing I don't I like is when people sell or trade things, and then don't remove them from their list. They just put a -sold- by it, or just put strike tags on it. It messes up the search function.

But I also agree with the OP's view.
I've noticed it a lot more lately. Someone will start a list with 90 percent of it being stuff they really don't want to trade and call it hard to get. Kinda defeats the purpose, don't want to trade it don't put it on there.
If it's a "hard item to get from them" then fine, but the people who put "Not for trade - my personal collection" should definitely stop doing that.
I totally agree. I'm finding it harder and harder to make trades on CAG now. Just a couple of years back, I made a lot of trades, and people were very happy to work with you. Now it just seems like nobody wants to trade, or you have to totally give up too much to make a trade. Anyone else having that problem?

I just use goozex more now because of that.
When I first put up my list about a week ago, I did have games only for reference. I honestly thought that's what everyone did. List games just for reference. Fast forward a few days, I got a lot of PMs asking for games that I said were reference only. So, I ended up editing my list and just taking those games out. I'm actually glad to leave them off the list, because I always thought it didn't make sense to have games on your list, but not want to trade them. I just thought it was what everyone did.

BTW, I also think it's annoying and even a bit pointless to list games that you are unwilling to trade.
bread's done