Traffic accident info/ what to do.


3 (100%)
Hey guys, weird situation and thought I should throw it out to cags. Who knows, some of you might have some insight/expereince/knowledge.

8 months ago:
So i was driving to school one morning. Four lane road, two lanes in either direction. Im traveling west in the right lane.

I get to an intersection, and its one that has the bus stop a few feet from the intersection and a bus is there not moving. So I look in my mirrors, No cars are in the left lane and I pull to the left lane to pass the bus.

This guy comes out of nowhere hauling ass (in my lane) and tries to go around me, while I am going around the bus. I hit the brakes, he keeps on going and my bumper slides down the side of the car.

My bumper is a black plastic, no paint in it, so it made some dark plastic transfer on it, but the surface had no major dings etc. I wiped my bumper with my hand and it left no marks that I would care about. He was driving a government vehicle. This thing looked like it was a stunt vehicle from transformers. Im guessing, state car, its a mess, might as well drive it like a mad man.

We shared info went on our way. He acted like "ohh they wont notice or care" ..." Ill just file it, I dont think anyhting will happen"

Releaved I went on my way not telling my insurance company. So nothing happens, time goes bye.

8months later, this morning he just woke me up with a call saying " hey I was in a traffic accident and I need more information" He left a message, i haven't returned any calls yet.

At this point, being he waitied so long, what happens now? Being no police where called, he took no photos (I have 2 photos), no insurance companies where called, and 8 months passed. He could try to pawn off a different accidents damage, or make it sound like it was my fault.
Any experience here? Thanks guys.
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[quote name='botticus']If it were me, I would call my insurance agent with that guy's contact info and explain the situation.[/QUOTE]

Exactly. Even if you had called your insurance company originally, it's unlikely they would have done anything besides log it, being that it sounds like it was his fault. But now it sounds like you should start to CYA.

If I have you right, your back bumper slid down the side of his car, right? With pics to bolster your case, that sounds in your favor. Save those pics in a safe place!

If he calls, assume he is taping you and just stick to the facts. If he starts trying to argue with you on the facts just let him know that he'll have to take it up with your insurance company.
My ex had something like that happen. She rear-ended someone at a light, they traded info, and she didn't hear anything else. Almost a year later, she gets a call from the woman's insurance company. My ex responds with "I'm sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about", and hung up. It's been three years, and she never heard back.
[quote name='botticus']If it were me, I would call my insurance agent with that guy's contact info and explain the situation.[/QUOTE]
unless you have state farm

directly after i got in my first (and only) accident, in which the other guy was very clearly at fault, not knowing what to do (i was 18), i called my insurance agent immediately asking for guidance.. the dumb cunt basically told me calling the police would be a waste of time because they prolly wouldn't show, so just get his info and be on my way. turned out the only thing he had to do for his insurance to avoid payment, because i only had liability, was say "i didn't do it".. that's that.. no police report, no payment, because he says he wasn't at fault.. fucking bullshit i hate state farm

so yeah i guess if you don't have state farm, call your agent for advice. if you have state farm, call your agent and do the opposite of whatever dumb shit they tell you.
Report that shit. My only accident was when I was in a parking lot. Some Vietnamese fool just runs into me at like 5 miles per hour out of nowhere. Tries to be all nice about it and says he would like to leave insurance out of this. Calls me 3 days later and claims the damage was going to cost about $3000 and that he wanted the payment in cash. Hung up on him and reported it to my insurance company.

He called again a couple days later to ask for money and I let him know that I already reported it to the insurance company. He starts cussing me out saying that his insurance was not valid. Dumbass trying to commit fraud.

Anyway. fuck that guy. Something probably happened to him and he needs an out. A lot of shady people in this world. Just fight it through your insurance company. If he's going to fight dirty, do the same thing. Claim EVERYTHING wrong with your car was because of the accident if the case persists any further.
[quote name='Koggit']

so yeah i guess if you don't have state farm, call your agent for advice. if you have state farm, call your agent and do the opposite of whatever dumb shit they tell you.[/QUOTE]

I heard Allstate was worse, no? :sings: Like a good neighbor not in your hands :sings:
So they are claiming 2600 in damages... no way. Unless the body shop guy decided to fix every other nick and dent on the body at the same time. Called and filed with the insurance company.
If we both claim the other is at fault, what happens? Does it go to some sort of court?

This is going to be fun. Can I at least choose Judge Judy or something....
[quote name='Lice']So they are claiming 2600 in damages... no way. Unless the body shop guy decided to fix every other nick and dent on the body at the same time. Called and filed with the insurance company.
If we both claim the other is at fault, what happens? Does it go to some sort of court?

This is going to be fun. Can I at least choose Judge Judy or something....[/QUOTE]

If you told your insurance company the whole story, also make sure to provide them with pictures and reiterate how it's been 8 months, and he didn't want a police report. In some states you are required to have a police report if the damage is over a certain dollar amount. Also, if he's driving a State-owned car, there's a decent chance that company policy for him requires a police report if there's any accident.

So yeah, if there's $3000 in damage there's no reason why he shouldn't have called you much sooner with the dollar amount. There probably is something fishy going on.

Anyway, if you gave them all the info, pics, etc, you probably won't hear from it again. The insurance companies already have their statements and they'll sue each other and come to some sort of agreement.
You shouldn't talk to the other guy or his insurance company if they call you again at all just refer them to your insurance company. Your insurance should handle the whole thing and then let you know the outcome as someone else mentioned.
I would personally do nothing. He decided at the moment of the accident what to do...which was nothing. He may be trying to pawn off some recent accident on you. No dice

A good rule of thumb is ....Always get a police report
Trust me....there is no "good" insurance company!!!!

Everyone will have a story about how they got dicked over by theirs. Either by rates, or service, or claims speed....

To give a story, my grandma got hit by a girl a few years ago. The girl was the daughter of a state farm agent that my grandma I think had before. It was her birthday when she hit my grandma too (I'd hate to hit someone on mine)

Well, the first thing dude did was basically handle EVERYTHING. I mean EVERYTHING. He had his own shop that he preferred but the shop worked slow as hell. A 4 day max job turned into 20ish days. So, she was in a nice rental for 20ish days!

She had a few scratches that were kinda noticable away from where the damage was. She got a new complete paint job.

I guess the message of the story is that if you gotta get hit....try to get hit by the daughter of an agent! hahahahaha
I'm not 100% familiar with US law, however, there must me some sort of statute of limitations. I mean, there has to be some kind of cut off date. He couldn't try and get the car fixed 20 years from now, for instance.

From my 1 fender bender experience (not my fault), I have realized 2 things. One, you can't do anyone favors when it involves auto insurance. Two, there cannot be any grey areas whatsoever. The grey areas bite you in the ass everytime. If you think it could go to insurance and are unsure of fault (specially if it wasnt you), call the police.

In Ontario, I believe you have to report traffic accidents over $1000 (iirc). So anything more than a scratch.

Best of luck to you. Sounds like it could get sticky.
[quote name='blissskr']You shouldn't talk to the other guy or his insurance company if they call you again at all just refer them to your insurance company. Your insurance should handle the whole thing and then let you know the outcome as someone else mentioned.[/QUOTE]

This. Don't get suckered into yelling at this dumbass. Not worth your time. Besides, you're insured for a reason. Your rates will prolly go up, but no use compounding the situation.

Oh man some IDIOT almost plowed into me when he was doing a left and I was doing a right and I had a green light. Then he beeps at me and stares at me. Stupid ass looked like he didn't have any insurance either. Then a lady and her kid were running across three lanes of traffic after a blind turn and glared at me as I squeezed to the left of them. Then the fastest motorbike Ive ever seen buzzed me from behind on the beltway. I am glad to be at home :D
bread's done