Transfer came in at Work


So today at work a game I had transferred to our store came in for me...


Woohoo! One store had 4 in stock, my friend at work called and got them to send ONE, they said all the others were being held for other people coming in that night.

It'll be hard to open this one, being all broke and all. Who knows maybe money will win over heart and I'll eBay it. Who knows!

Funny part was I got it from the back and one of the women who come in and clean up the DVD's said, "Oh my daughter and I have that and we play it all the time!" I responded, "No way!" She replies, "Oh yeah, Yahtzee, Monopoly, Battleship, and Boggle, we play all of them!"

I know in the grand scheme it's nothing huge, but it was fun to get.
I don't have it.. but when you think about it it's awesome for two reasons.

1) You can sell it on eBay and get some nice money for it. Ok not TOO nice..but for a DS game :)

2) Monopoly, Battleship and Yahtzee PWN. Boggle is meh, but 3/4 is ok with me :)
See that's my problem, I love all four of those games, but could use the $80 as I missed some work with a blown up appendix and had to waste all my vacation time.
Am I missing something? Is this game rare or something? I honestly never heard of it, but I do like all 4 games and would probably buy it if I could.
[quote name='Number83']Am I missing something? Is this game rare or something? I honestly never heard of it, but I do like all 4 games and would probably buy it if I could.[/quote]

I could be wrong, but I believe it's OOP and selling for like 60 on ebay (maybe more)
Why would anyone pay $60 for this game? I'm going to push out a nice dookie, say it's out of print, and sell it for $100 on ebay.
the Monopoly that's there is really fun. the battleship is quite enjoyable also (i like all 4 games, but those were the best, design-wise, in my opinion). i only wish it had Wi-Fi.
bread's done