TRANSFORMERS: Dark of the Moon: BR Release 9/30/11!

[quote name='Microshock']You have to love the people that pretend like society is going to crumble around us because we enjoy movies like this.[/QUOTE]

I agree. At the end of the day, the masses are still pleased, and that's exactly what a movie should set out to do: entertain people. Whether it's through a highly convoluted storyline or a long series of explosions, they all aim to do the same thing. People act like everything needs extensive layers of depths to justify getting any entertainment out of it, and then go out of their way to look for additional reasons to tear a film down when it doesn't fit the bill. It's hard to enjoy yourself when your sole purpose for watching the movie is to look for things to bash.
You know, seeing as this movie ran over 2 hours if they had just cut everything from after the conspiracy theory to the actual fighting it would have been really good. The movie seriously shifts gears from sci-fi to comedy (if you can call it that) and it was a complete mockery. Bay justs force-feeds you thirty minutes of awkward humor and seriously bad jokes (so bad if MST3K tried to riff it, they could go silent the whole time). By the time he's done, the genuine comic relief only leads to groans because the pacing was so awful. And what the fuck was Shia on? He's so hopped up in this movie, I had to wonder if they were nailing his feet to the ground every time he delivered a line. He's not the greatest of actors, but his overacting was just off the charts this time.

For what it's worth, the movie is still very enjoyable for both the military and robot action scenes. Strangely, the film doesn't drag its feet either and walking out I couldn't believe it had run two and a half hours. There's just enough fan service and top-notch choreography for your inner fanboy to leap for joy over that it overshadows the low points. That said I can't recommend this for anyone who isn't a fan of Transformers. But then again, who else would see this otherwise?
I saw it in 3D. Transformers 3 was great summer time fun. It had great action with some great visual scenes. Don't take it seriously and it is quite enjoyable. I also would say 3D added to the enjoyment. I hope they release a 3d blu ray with extended fight scenes because I felt some things were cut.

Disclaimer: I'm not a transformers fan and don't know about the cartoon/comics.
I personally thought this was a great movie. I have no problem watching a pointless action flick as they entertain me. I guess we are all supposed to always want to watch a serious and to the point movie. You have to go in and just enjoy Transformers for what they are. I'll buy it on Blu to go with the other 2.
45 minutes of so-so comedy,well done 3d, and awesome robot fights does not outweigh 2 hours of worthless plot, stale dialog, inane camerawork, repetitive military sequences and shitty directing.

this movie was trash like the previous 2, just not as much trash as the second one. that does not justify it being good in any sense, i guess if you set the bar low anything better will seem like a masterpiece. if it were edited down to around an hourpointfive it might be entertaining, instead it was drawn out, rehashed drivel.
You people think really highly of yourselves. It's meant to be an action movie with giant robots and that's exactly what it is. If that's not what you wanted then you shouldn't have seen it, and yet you must have deep down wanted to see it since if you hated the first two so much why watch the third? It's okay to admit you like it, no one will judge you.
Do not take your wife to this movie!

I took my wife to see it since the only showing of Bridesmaids was too late. Oh man she hated it and wanted to walk out. We had no idea the movie was like 2 and half hours long.

I thought it was mindless entertainment. The story and plot were a mess, but the action scenes were great.
[quote name='dohdough']The biggest problem with the TF movies is that it's more about how people are interacting with people with transformers in the background rather than tranformers interacting with transformers.[/QUOTE]

In the old cartoon the humans were the worst part, in these movies they decided to make them the main characters.

[quote name='ITDEFX']$116,400,000 since release

damn.....Bay you want to walk away from this?[/QUOTE]
He has to keep his artistic integrity intact, dammit!
Dark of the Moon has the worst action scenes out of the three films. They're nothing but loud messes without any compelling direction.

There's nothing in it as cool as the highway scene with Optimus in Shanghai in ROTF, or in the first when Ironhide sends off a shockwave on Sector 7 and they all transform.

Peter Cullen's performance and lines were also completely awkward and inconsistent.

[quote name='Megalith']Dark of the Moon has the worst action scenes out of the three films. They're nothing but loud messes without any compelling direction.

There's nothing in it as cool as the highway scene with Optimus in Shanghai in ROTF, or in the first when Ironhide sends off a shockwave on Sector 7 and they all transform.

Peter Cullen's performance and lines were also completely awkward and inconsistent.


I agree... there was like 30+ mins of filler material that just needed to go.

I am going to see it again this week for a more in-dept look .
Watched it in Imax 3d this morning and loved it (especially the last hour). If I had to rate it among the series, it'd be 3 > 1 > 2. Glad they toned down a lot of the comedy parts compared to the last movie.
[quote name='TheRock88']Watched it in Imax 3d this morning and loved it (especially the last hour). If I had to rate it among the series, it'd be 3 > 1 > 2. Glad they toned down a lot of the comedy parts compared to the last movie.[/QUOTE]

Hey Rock88, did you see if there were any IMAX scenes? There is a sign when the screen goes from wide letterbox to full...any indicators of that?
Finally saw it yesterday... blech! Soooooo bad. Just complete garbage. Now, I am a gigantic TF fan, but I could not find any redeeming qualities in the movie. 90% of the movie was humans (even less robot screen time than the previous movies?), practically nothing happened until the last hour of the movie, barely any of the TF's even spoke (other than random quips). For a movie called Transformers... where the hell where they most of the movie?

Don't get me wrong, it had a handful of cool moments, and it's probably the best 3D effects I've seen since Avatar, but overall I just kept staring at my watch. A baby started crying in the theater and I didn't care because it wasn't interrupting anything. That's just sad.

Here's hoping a possible TF4 is a reboot, focusing on robots (hell, have it take place on Cybertron! Please!)
[quote name='Zmonkay']Finally saw it yesterday... blech! Soooooo bad. Just complete garbage. Now, I am a gigantic TF fan, but I could not find any redeeming qualities in the movie. 90% of the movie was humans (even less robot screen time than the previous movies?), practically nothing happened until the last hour of the movie, barely any of the TF's even spoke (other than random quips). For a movie called Transformers... where the hell where they most of the movie?

Don't get me wrong, it had a handful of cool moments, and it's probably the best 3D effects I've seen since Avatar, but overall I just kept staring at my watch. A baby started crying in the theater and I didn't care because it wasn't interrupting anything. That's just sad.

Here's hoping a possible TF4 is a reboot, focusing on robots (hell, have it take place on Cybertron! Please!)[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen it but I'm just wondering....this movie cost $200 million to make. Think of how much more it would cost, all the extra CGI, to have the Transformers actually accounting for the majority of the screen time.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Hey Rock88, did you see if there were any IMAX scenes? There is a sign when the screen goes from wide letterbox to full...any indicators of that?[/QUOTE]

To be honest, I wasnt paying attention to that. Sorry.
Ok just came back from viewing number 2.

I completely agree with my original statements..... the movie feels like a LOT was cut out from the final version of the movie.
-There is nothing that happened in the movie that would cause Sentinel Prime to defect like that.

-Does that mean that everyone on the "Ark" was a defector too?

-How the hell did something as big as the Driller/Shockwave get to earth without anyone noticing it?

-Starscream needed his own Seekers/Air Support group...

-The Decepitcons could have killed Sam after they blew up the Autobots ship...but they didn't.

-I saw nothing that made me think that Dylan had something to gain (more money/Power)from working for the Decepticons...
Usually when shit like this happens where there is a double cross, the bad guy becomes the good guy... Dylan should have switched sides as soon as the Cons started killing humans.

-Hair on autobots? (Que/Brains)...really?

-Yep that's Bay's private jet (as you can see the black autobot symbol on the tail).

-Starscream's death scene took too long and became comedic with Sam and Lennox being tugged around.

-Again how did the con's get the other Pillars to Earth? Via the space bridge?

-The scene I saw where Sam, Lennox and a few NEST troops running away and looking at something at the Lincoln Memorial Shoot in October was cut completely.

-Guess that BB crash in DC fucked up a perfectly good shot.

-The autobots going off and taking out Iran's nuclear site by themselves? By now the world knows about the transformers and they know that the autobots work with the Americans...therefore the US is using the autobots to do their dirty work for them. So much for the human's being allies...more like our American allies.

-The Xanthoum (sp?) has two models? One with the Main SS Fuel tank and the other with the Space Shuttle on it? This should have been Omega Supreme and honestly I think it would have been awesome if OS was in the movie to combat the driller.

-Speaking of the space shuttle..ummm where is the Space Shuttle going with the Autobots? (before they got shot down).

-So the autobots have really lost the war?

-Shockwave was so wasted in this movie. Yes NEST did do a lot of damage to him and then prime came in to finish him off.

-I actually liked Brains and Wheelie....worked better than the MF/Skids crap from TF2.
Guess they died when they crashed the ship...too bad they didn't take it over and used it to shoot down other ships..

-Prime putting on the jet pack would have been awesome, but instead we got him flying.

-BB destroys the Control Pillar which for some reason causes it to create a black hole NEAR Earth which only destroys 1/4th of Cybertron but leaves Earth alone...ummm ok...

-So the Pillar sends beams to all the con spaceships to suck them back to Cybertron?

-Cybertron teleports so close to earth and Earth is not affected by it...hmmm...

-Megatron's final words being "You need me...." kinda reminded me of the whole batman/joker "You complete me...".
As bad as I read about the original ending where Megatron quits and goes back to Cybertron with the rest of the cons, I honestly would have preferred that ending instead of his death.

-Prime sure looked pissed off at everyone and he could have easily been corrupted by the events that transpired.

-Oops...the look a likes for Kennedy/Obama/Nixon looked nothing like their tv counterparts. Come on Bay! Other's have gotten it right...there was no need for using archival footage..

-So all the cons in Chicago are dead but the other ones are still all over the world.

-The 3d was ok, not anything spectacular.

-The score felt not as good as the last 2... I was hoping for either the Decepticon Theme (from TF1) or the music used when Lennox and company was fighting Skorponox in the first movie as we heard some of it towards the end of TF2.

-So this movie takes place what 2-4 years after TF2? A guess given the fact that Sam's schooling got paid guessing 2-4 years later?

-TF4 should NOT be a reboot but a continuation of the story, taking place like 10 years after tf3 where we see Carly and Sam married and have a son named Daniel and the arrival of Galvatron.
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ITDEFX: Spoiler rap that shit man! Yeesh... :D

Also, agreed on most counts. TF4 with Galvatron could be very cool actually, hadn't considered that instead of a reboot. But do we really wanna see a 10 year old kid in it? Shia was bad enough...
[quote name='Zmonkay']ITDEFX: Spoiler rap that shit man! Yeesh... :D

Also, agreed on most counts. TF4 with Galvatron could be very cool actually, hadn't considered that instead of a reboot. But do we really wanna see a 10 year old kid in it? Shia was bad enough...[/QUOTE] bad...

another thought
The Matrix... This could have been the perfect opportunity to give more insight into the Matrix's power, but the thing is so damn tiny. :| The second movie made it sound like it's only meant to power the Sun Harvester and not to be a mantle for leadership.
I saw it. I feel I got my money's worth but so much of that 2.5 hours could have been cut out.

I didn't goto Transformers to see alternate history, Sam's awkward parents, or the NASA stuff.

Just get to the robots hitting each other already.
One thing me and my friend's discussed is Optimus Prime is a robotic badass who comes from a race of beings who I figure have seen technology and things far beyond human with that we agreed he was totally bullshitting when he was honored to meet Earth's first astronauts.
I remember seeing online that Bay had made the comment if their are raciest robots in this one you could he would give money. Well I saw a raciest robot. Ironhide made a comment about a Mexican standoff. To me that is a little raciest and the wreckers being Irish and at the shuttle I thought I heard them picking a fight.

Found where I read it.
[quote name='sendme']I remember seeing online that Bay had made the comment if their are raciest robots in this one you could he would give money. Well I saw a raciest robot. Ironhide made a comment about a Mexican standoff. To me that is a little raciest and the wreckers being Irish and at the shuttle I thought I heard them picking a fight.

Found where I read it.[/QUOTE]
Mexican standoff has been an action movie term for over two decades. It means when two or more people have their guns drawn on one another at close range. If anything I think the term was coined by early Chinese John Woo films.
[quote name='sendme']I remember seeing online that Bay had made the comment if their are raciest robots in this one you could he would give money. Well I saw a raciest robot. Ironhide made a comment about a Mexican standoff. To me that is a little raciest and the wreckers being Irish and at the shuttle I thought I heard them picking a fight.

Found where I read it.[/QUOTE]


So much fun to be had with this. You do realize that a "Mexican" isn't a race, right? It would describe someone who comes from Mexico. That would be like saying "American" is a race.

[quote name='bardockkun']Mexican standoff has been an action movie term for over two decades. It means when two or more people have their guns drawn on one another at close range. If anything I think the term was coined by early Chinese John Woo films.[/QUOTE]

...and then there's that.
[quote name='bardockkun']Mexican standoff has been an action movie term for over two decades. It means when two or more people have their guns drawn on one another at close range. If anything I think the term was coined by early Chinese John Woo films.[/QUOTE]

Mexican standoff has got to be named after 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly'
[quote name='BillyBob29']I haven't seen it but I'm just wondering....this movie cost $200 million to make. Think of how much more it would cost, all the extra CGI, to have the Transformers actually accounting for the majority of the screen time.[/QUOTE]

It was too long anyway. The human stuff was poorly done and mostly unnecessary. Malkovich was hilarious though.
Isn't Chinese a choice under race in the last census? Or waas it korean or vietnamese?

Lol sure why not, mexican can be a race. We've been making them up :p.

A friend of mine wrote "Human" under 'other' in the census. I put down Indonesian. Didn't really care since I'm a foreign student here


Back on topic, i like the movie to be honest. Sure the story can be cheesy at times, but its pretty entertaining. Its one of those movies best watched in the theater, not on cable tv.
[quote name='camoor']Mexican standoff has got to be named after 'The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly'[/QUOTE]
Ah, my bad. I Only knew it because it was always used to describe John Woo movies more then anything.
Someone wake me up when Hollywood makes a live action version of the 1986 TF movie without all the fuckin' product placement.
Yes I know the original TF series was just a gigantic commercial for the TF toys, but I can do without seeing the Chevy/Dodge/etc logos displayed prominently middle of the screen in every other shot.
I'll probably rent this piece of shit when RedBox gets it for a $1 for a night, so at least I don't have to overpay to watch Michael Bay kill my childhood further.
[quote name='whoknows']Why watch it at all if you hate it so much?[/QUOTE]
Because even though the TF's in the movie are pretty reprehensible(design wise), there's still a guarantee of shit blowing up or otherwise being destroyed.

That's worth $1 to me, but the laughable 'plots' of the first two movies and the horrible character models(aside from Prime, who they didn't change too much imo thankfully) wanted to make me hurl.
[quote name='bardockkun']Mexican standoff has been an action movie term for over two decades. It means when two or more people have their guns drawn on one another at close range. If anything I think the term was coined by early Chinese John Woo films.[/QUOTE]

I did not know this. Still think it was Bay being racist some how.
Anyone else got a boner when rosie appeared for the first time? Well her ass appeared first lol


Some guy in the theater actually went "Dammnnn mmmMMM!" And everyone laughed
[quote name='giantqtipz']Anyone else got a boner when rosie appeared for the first time? Well her ass appeared first lol


Some guy in the theater actually went "Dammnnn mmmMMM!" And everyone laughed[/QUOTE]


actually the theater I went to was not as obnoxious as the crowd I was stuck in for TF2.... In TF2 there was so many howls every time FOX appeared... Guess the 9pm crowd acts different than the midnight crowd.
It was my b-day and my best friend was going to treat me to a movie, it was either Cars 2 or Trannyformers. I knew my best friend would say no to Cars 2 soo... yeah.

I only saw part of Tranny 1 and never bothered with 2. First things first, Micheal Bay still blows and Beouf is still a douche.

Basically, as long as I really really tried to avoid remembering this is a Micheal Bay movie it... :sigh: wasn't that bad I suppose. Having no expectations helped too. I thought it was hilarious how I saw a preview for a movie where it said why we REALLY never went back to the Moon. Then here Micheal Bay came up with such a ludicris reason it almost MADE me want to see the other movie...

Here's a first... This is the first time I wished a movie DIDN'T have a plot... Some more rants, Beouf never getting a scratch on him, people firing guns with bullets against metal... not to mention robots with no radar = easy to breach security perimeter... ?? and finally... Transformers taking an hour to... transform as well as only one time you actually HEARD the transformer sound.

Good, some of the high profile actors added, the weapon sounds, the fight scenes.

Oh yeah, So... Decepticons were running around (as vehicles) and still had a big arse Decepticons logo. Might as well make it pink and point arrows or put a big fat target around it too...
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Saw it today. It was great for what it was supposed to be, a mindless action flick with giant robots and a lot of intense action scenes. Don't really know what others were expecting? Michael Bay is the perfect director for these types of movies.

This is also my favorite of the Transformers movies.
Just saw it today in 3D.

GREAT graphics/CGI. Much better than TF2.
Main plot ok, all other smaller explanations of the movie was WTF at moments.
Felt like they tried to squeeze everyone back into the movie. Tyrese at the end. Main marine didn't have a big role, the main villain didn't feel "main" at all.

Her ass was nice, other than that her face was eh.
Merc. SLS AMG was a beauty.
The building scene towards the end where shit was collapsing was pretty nice.
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Alright. I picked this up from the Blockbuster 3/$15 5/$25 dealie last week and I gotta say I really liked it.:shock:

Although......I really wish they would subtitle these movies Josie & The Pussycats Parts 2, 3 & 4 from all of the fucking product placement throughout the movie.:bomb::roll:

I mean, I understand these are big budget movies and they need to come up with funding somehow some way, but I distinctly saw the brand logos for Gillette, Target, Chevy(of course) and Lenovo...just to name a few.

Although I will admit that towards the end of the movie I liked that they showed a shot of the Bannerman Castle(up near Newburgh, NY), though part of the facade they showed collapsed sometime early in this year.

Moreover, I was shocked to see that Frank Welker provided his voice for this movie....though NOT for Megatron.:cry:
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']

Moreover, I was shocked to see that Frank Welker provided his voice for this movie....though NOT for Megatron.:cry:[/QUOTE]

Frank Welker cannot fully re-create G1 Megatron's voice anymore. He tries, but something has been lost. Same with Soundwave...the voice modulation effect or whatever that was used in G1 was probably copyrighted so they can't use it. Hugo Weaving was pretty good at playing Megatron in the films. Peter Cullen does a fine job giving us a more griddier OP..which is perfect for live action series.
I know I've heard of Frank Welker's issues with trying to re-create the G1 Megatron voice and there being some issues there. Shame really. Although Hugo Weaving has been decent as Megatron in the films.
bread's done