trials HD or shadow complex

Johnny Topside

CAG Veteran
i have a few microsoft points but i don't know what game to buy. i looked at screens of both games and they look fun. which is the better game?
If you like Super Metroid, Shadow Complex is similar. I have not played Trials HD, yet, but I do hear it's good. Why not try demos of both since they are there for the downloading.
Both games are good but I would recommend Shadow Complex. Just a great game everyone should play.

Trials is fun but not in the must buy category, more of a time killer for the few minutes before work.
I have both games and like Shadow Complex better. But this makes sense seeing that Super Metroid is one of my favorite games of all time.

Trials HD is fun if you enjoy a challenge. The beginner and medium difficulties are very enjoyable to play, but the hard and exterme difficulties can be very frustrating. Sometimes I'll crash over 100 times before I can finish a track. But once you finally cross the finish line you get that fleeting sense of accomplishment "f@#$ you track, now who's the b@#$&!".

So yeah, +1 for Shadow Complex.
I have played only the demos for both and even though I prob had more fun with trials, I would prob buy shadow since it seemed more of an all around game. Or you just pick up Duke Nukem for 400 points on sale this It's an old school classic.
[quote name='Kerig']Shadow Complex or wait 2 1/2 weeks and get Perfect Dark for 800 points.[/QUOTE]
I was gonna say this. So stoked for this.
But if you aren't interested in PD, my other vote is SC. Loved both SC and THD though.
Bummer that you missed out on shadow complex at 800 pts as a Deal of the Week in December. I have it but haven't actually played it yet.

Maybe Trials HD will go on sale sometime soon. At 800 pts, Trials would be a must buy for motorcycle fans, or anyone that loves a challenging platformer (that's basically what Trials HD is, until you pick up all the skills and learn the tracks. Then it becomes about time trials).

One of my favorite games. If you like the demo and find yourself playing it a lot, you won't be disappointed.
I think both are really good, but Trials HD is maddening beyond belief here and there. You will get pissed and not want to play it for a while. It's one of those games you're more likely to only play in short bursts.
Trials is great for something to pick up and play if you only have 15 - 30 minutes to play a game. Shadow Complex might as well be a discounted retail game. It's got a story, lots of exploration, old school arcade type combat, etc. It really matters what type of game you are in the market for.
I've never played Trials, but Shadow Complex is worth the 1200 points and then some. If you like Metroid and Castlevania games, you'll love it. Even if you don''ll still probably love it.
Haven't played Trials, but even if Shadow Complex were a $40 game it would be worth it. If you even remotely like Metroid/Super Metroid or Castlevania: SOTN, SC is a must-buy.
havnt played the full game of trials. but i did play the demo alot, didnt care for it. i mean it was fun, just didnt seem worth the cash to me. i played shadow complex and loved it. even though i got it for $10 when it was on sale, i highly recommend it, even at the full $15 price tag. its worth it imo
I am going to go against the prevailing opinion and recomend Trials. Enjoyed Shadow Complex but have not touched it again after I finished it. I continue to play Trials to compete against friends' times. It has been the better value to me over time.
[quote name='willc23']I am going to go against the prevailing opinion and recomend Trials. Enjoyed Shadow Complex but have not touched it again after I finished it. I continue to play Trials to compete against friends' times. It has been the better value to me over time.[/QUOTE]

The demo of trials does not do it justice. The first few stages are fun and give you a feel for the game but the later levels are extremely challenging. However, it is very rewarding when you accomplish them. Inferno II took me a days to beat.
[quote name='retrodog4']The demo of trials does not do it justice. The first few stages are fun and give you a feel for the game but the later levels are extremely challenging. However, it is very rewarding when you accomplish them. Inferno II took me a days to beat.[/QUOTE]

Either way, it's better to get some sort of feel with the gameplay instead of just looking at videos and asking on a forum.
Just look at the numbers. There's a reason why Trials HD has always been within the top 5 XBL Arcade games sold every week. and Shadow Complex has been within the Bottom 5 of the top 20 for some time now.
I would say get both, but if you can only get one, go for Trails. While in my opinion, Shadow Complex is possibly the better game, I've played it once and beaten it and haven't touched it since (although several reasons to blame for that, mainly backlog). Trails on the other hand, is great for pick up and play action, and while I just bought it myself a few days ago, it feels to me that it could be a game I'll keep popping in from time to time either to make new tracks or for time trials.
Trials HD, but I have only played the demo of Shadow Complex, not the full game. I wasn't crazy about the demo of SC. Trials HD, on the other hand, is a thing of beauty and definitely worth the asking price... if you like this type of game.
Trials HD has a lot more replayability, also it's an easy pick up play/put down forget kinda game that you and your buds can enjoy. Unless you have friends that just like to sit and watch you play a singler player game all night.
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