True Game Collector's

That's my dream. That's what I hope to show for myself by the time I'm 35, or some equivelant. I would just sit in that room and look at everything for hours. Hell, I've only got 3 bookshelves now, and I just sit and stare at it all day, perfectly content.
thats a lot of money.. don't know how one could obtain all that and still have a life outside of it. must get complimentary copies or bought out some used v-game stores.. or just had a very happy childhood. all i can literally say is "wow"

That sums it up...
[quote name='projecteightysix']That guy is never going to get laid.[/QUOTE]

Or, he could find a girl crazy about games and get all kinds of lovin....
[quote name='GuilewasNK']Or, he could find a girl crazy about games and get all kinds of lovin....[/QUOTE]

I found her and I am not sharing. My GF just asked if she could borrow my extra Cube and Wind Waker as she is a Zelda nut.
[quote name='MadChedar0']Homeboy needs a bigger, better TV.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Thousands of dollars worth in games, but a cheap TV to play them all on.
There's a game store in my area with shelves of games and systems that looks nearly identical to his setup.

What's up with putting the sub way up above the TV on a shelf? Get some longer speaker wire.

Ooh, look at my stacks and stacks of games. Now, which one will I play?
[quote name='lionheart4life']Agreed. Thousands of dollars worth in games, but a cheap TV to play them all on.[/QUOTE]

how many game setups have we seen posted that have crappy tvs ? It's like so freaking common. It's almost cliche.
The thing is, I wouldn't even call it a collection. At the point this guy has taken it to, it's just money to burn. He's just rich, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but come on.
[quote name='Jrunt20x']The thing is, I wouldn't even call it a collection. At the point this guy has taken it to, it's just money to burn. He's just rich, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, but come on.[/QUOTE]

I don't think a person's income really has anyting to do with it. A poor person collecting or a rich person collecting is still collecting.
[quote name='KingDox']how many game setups have we seen posted that have crappy tvs ? It's like so freaking common. It's almost cliche.[/QUOTE]

The Successful Dropout? :)
OMF***INGGOD!!!!!!! O_O

*stares at the room in astonishment*

....and in that room, I'm sure there lives a sad, lonely little man. Heh, I'd still want to visit it anyways. LOL

I'm almost very jealous of his videogaming room...mine is a converted walk in closet...but then I remembered my video game room has a WINDOW that brings me sunlight and a nice FLAT SCREEN LCD TV. So I guess that will leave me only slightly jealous.
First post in two months (my father died, sadly), and I make it to challenge this guy's claim to collection superiority. Check the signature, look for the pictures, and remind yourself that it's roughly 1/3 of my collection, give or take.

In response to someone who said that the topic starter got his collection through personal wealth, I call bullshit. I'm not rich by any means. If anything, my collection is the result of being a cheap ass gamer (who'd of thunk it?). Take a look at my IGN list. See all the Gameboy Advance games? Circuit City and Toys 'R Us clearence sales made it happen. Diddo for Gamecube. Diddo for X-Box. My PS2 collection? $100 to my cousin for his whole collection (PS1 games were also part of that deal). See my NES collection? Goodwill. See my Genesis collection? Flea Markets. See my SNES collection? Garage Sales. It doesn't take wealth to put together a great game collection. Wanderlust is much more effective then huge wealth. I tend to stay clear of seeking out specific games. It almost seems like cheating. I buy in bulk. I look at the ads in the paper. When I go to a garage sale, I'm not afraid to ask "got any video games?" I can't tell you how many times that has worked. At least 50 times, maybe more. And once you ask, they're almost always willing to sell.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']First post in two months (my father died, sadly), and I make it to challenge this guy's claim to collection superiority. Check the signature, look for the pictures, and remind yourself that it's roughly 1/3 of my collection, give or take.

In response to someone who said that the topic starter got his collection through personal wealth, I call bullshit. I'm not rich by any means. If anything, my collection is the result of being a cheap ass gamer (who'd of thunk it?). Take a look at my IGN list. See all the Gameboy Advance games? Circuit City and Toys 'R Us clearence sales made it happen. Diddo for Gamecube. Diddo for X-Box. My PS2 collection? $100 to my cousin for his whole collection (PS1 games were also part of that deal). See my NES collection? Goodwill. See my Genesis collection? Flea Markets. See my SNES collection? Garage Sales. It doesn't take wealth to put together a great game collection. Wanderlust is much more effective then huge wealth. I tend to stay clear of seeking out specific games. It almost seems like cheating. I buy in bulk. I look at the ads in the paper. When I go to a garage sale, I'm not afraid to ask "got any video games?" I can't tell you how many times that has worked. At least 50 times, maybe more. And once you ask, they're almost always willing to sell.[/QUOTE]

How do you keep track of what you have with all those games? I just bought a dup copy of a PS2 game cause I forgot I have it and I have a third of what you have.

EDIT: Sorry to hear about your dad.
Don't get me wrong....I love gaming. This however is just silly. A collection of games is one thing but to have stacks and stacks of games that you will barely ever play or play a couple of times is just insane. It ends up becoming something to look at rather than something to actually use. I do understand it as collecting can be fun but at some point you have to look around and think to yourself do I really need all of this stuff?
[quote name='jkam']Don't get me wrong....I love gaming. This however is just silly. A collection of games is one thing but to have stacks and stacks of games that you will barely ever play or play a couple of times is just insane. It ends up becoming something to look at rather than something to actually use. I do understand it as collecting can be fun but at some point you have to look around and think to yourself do I really need all of this stuff?[/QUOTE]

totally agree. If I know that I won't even going to play the game and enjoy it, I wouldn't even want it if it's free. I see it as nothing but wasting my space.
[quote name='PSTwoGamer']totally agree. If I know that I won't even going to play the game and enjoy it, I wouldn't even want it if it's free. I see it as nothing but wasting my space.[/QUOTE]

Amazing collection but I have to agree with that as well, it just crossed some line I could never walk over. I mean I may have a backlog now but I could make an honest attempt at getting rid of it, that guy will have those games on his deathbed, hell his deathbed might be made out of those games at the rate he's going. Just throw a sheet on them
Of course you'll likely never play them all. That's the not the point. If you collect stuffed animals, do you have to play with them all reguarly to make it worthwhile? No, of course not. If you collect baseball cards, do you need to sit and stare at them for hours? No.

They're there because we enjoy them. Hey, someday I'll be old and retired and I will have the time to play through a lot of these. As it stands now, I have a lot of stuff I want to play and if I have the urge, I know I own it. It's just a collection and a hobby. We enjoy it for that purpose.
Those display cases have popped up on eBay once in a while. Other than that, it's just dumb luck nabbing them at a closing store. I almost had a PS one at Kay- Bee, but they sold it to someone else before I got paid. Had no idea what I would have done with it, but it was only $50.
Well, after carefully looking over this guy's collection pictures, I will concede that he has me whipped in quite a few systems, plus he has a lot more promo items then I do (those display cases are f'n awesome). I'm guessing I still have more games overall though.

"How do you keep track of what you have with all those games? I just bought a dup copy of a PS2 game cause I forgot I have it and I have a third of what you have."

I have a razor sharp memory. Not photographic or anything, but I can honestly say that I have never unintentionally bought a game I already owned a copy of.

As far as playing the games though, yes, many of the games will likely go unplayed for years, but sooner or later I'll mull around it. Take Ico for the PS2, for example. I've had it for years now but have just recently started playing it (and loving every minute of it). I did the same thing with Kingdom Hearts. Sometimes it's best to sit on a game for a while. It makes you want to play it that much more once you get it going.
This is an impressive collection. I'm sure there are people out there with better, but I think this would be impressive by almost anyone's standards.

But, I have to agree with the people who say, maybe this is too much. I'm sure if you really just want a lot of games, and you don't care if they are any good, you can get tons of them. But, does anyone really intend to sit down and play through crappy games eventually just because they bought them?

I have about 200 games right now on 11 systems. I have half of my basement devoted to a video game space. Though there are some more stuff I want for it, I can really see one day space being an issue. Don't get me wrong, I love looking at my collection, and knowing that I could go 6 months + easily, and still game to my hearts content (and be enjoying every mintute of it). I also enjoy buying new games, and nothing beats the first time you pop a game in and start playing through it.

What I'm getting at though is, why would anyone need (or even want) something this large? I hate to sound cliche, but is this truely your life? You have to question how well adjusted someone is once there collection gets that big? Let's be honest, if you have 500 DVD's, you have a sweet collection? If you have 10,000 DVD's, you might have some issues.
[quote name='Rig']At least I have more gaming magazines than he does!!! YES!!! :lol:[/QUOTE]

Always a silver lining, right Rig?
[quote name='jkam']Don't get me wrong....I love gaming. This however is just silly. A collection of games is one thing but to have stacks and stacks of games that you will barely ever play or play a couple of times is just insane. It ends up becoming something to look at rather than something to actually use. I do understand it as collecting can be fun but at some point you have to look around and think to yourself do I really need all of this stuff?[/QUOTE]

I was going to disagree and say something about how it's like collecting cards or anything like that.....but then I remembered the Super mario bros scene painted on the wall...:lol: I wonder how old this guy is?

And that NES better have a pull out bed in it or....wait.. no..either way that's really weird. I wonder if he brings girls home to that room? :lol:

great collection, but that room is just cheesy beyond belief.
[quote name='lionheart4life']Agreed. Thousands of dollars worth in games, but a cheap TV to play them all on.[/QUOTE]

Hey now...its not his fault! His mom doesn't want him bringing one of those new fangled big TVs into HER basement ;)
When I worked at Gamestop, my manager would always brag about his huge gaming collection. But I found it hard to be impressed with it when most of the stuff he had gotten for free as promos and then the rare stuff was things he had horded when it came into the store. He was ALWAYS bragging about this thing and that that he owned, but it it was funny that he was still living with his parents and had no bills. That always just amused me...yeah yeah, you have some rare things, but the ony elusive thing you STILL haven't bagged is a kiss from a female ;)
He doesn't have any turbo grafx/duo/pc engine/pc fx stuff, therefore his collection sucks.

Though, on a side note, I think I may actually have more systems than this guy.
[quote name='neocisco']Someone needs an intervention.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, but you might have to dress up like Luigi just to get him to talk to ya
[quote name='evilmax17']That's my dream. That's what I hope to show for myself by the time I'm 35, or some equivelant. I would just sit in that room and look at everything for hours. Hell, I've only got 3 bookshelves now, and I just sit and stare at it all day, perfectly content.[/QUOTE]

Depending on how old you are by the time you are 35 some of your games may not work that are on CD because the data will be lost forever as the disc deteroriates, which means you will have a bunch of useless pieces of plastic all over the place.

I actually start thinking about that sometimes, but I figure how much longer will I live anyways?
poor layout, I wouldn't pile my shit. What if I was in the mood to play the game that's on the bottom of the pile? That would suck.
The scary part is that all his stuff is complete in the box so you know he paid full price for new games. Getting all that stuff used would be insanely expensive but NEW? Whoa! Check out the N64 games, you know nobody kept the boxes for those so they had to be bought new.
bread's done