Trump Card in 2012?



Will he run? Will the GOP support him? Can he beat Obama?
maybe. yes. no.

its obvious already that he's at least thinking about running. how far that goes, we'll see.

i think the GOP will support him for one reason. fall guy against Obama. theres a good chance nobody beats Obama, they don't want one of their young guns to go down in smoke, save them for '16 when they have a shot against... ???

no, see above.
I mean we're pretty stupid here in america and all but I think we're at least still salvagable enough to not elect a celebrity "business man" who has declared bankruptcy numerous time to the highest office in the land.

On the other hand, if we do? Then we're about 40-60 years out from Idiocracy being a complete reality.
He will run, the GOP will support him, I don't think he can beat Obama.

Hispanics are the fastest growing voting demographic nationally, and this "Show me your papers" shit he is pulling with Obama's birth certificate doesn't fly well with them.
I think Obama is very vulnerable right now, and can definitely be taken down in 2012 by the right person with the right message, unfortunately as of right now the GOP doesn't have either of these things. Trump is certainly a savvy businessman, and a smooth talker, and sometimes personality and the ability to talk is enough to win you an election, even without any experience or concrete ideas.

Assuming all other things were equal, I could certainly envision a scenario where Trump becomes President. Although I wasn't born yet, I can imagine people were saying a lot of the same things about Ronald Reagan 30+ years ago that they are saying about Trump now (although at least Reagan had executive experience within politics). Same thing goes for Arnold Schwartzenegger or Jesse Ventura, go back in time 20 years and tell someone those guys will one day be governor of their respective states, and you'd be committed. There are A LOT of dense people out there that will vote for Trump just for the sheer novelty of it. Name recognition and the novelty factor will get you far, and if Trump can hire some good PR guys and combine the novelty effect along with getting real voters to believe in him, a person like him could certainly win.

That being said however, a guy like Trump most certainly has more skeletons in his closet than Jeffrey Dahmer and would be unelectable as a result. I also don't think Trump would feel comfortable disclosing his actual personal finances, he's always very vague about it, and it's part of his mystique. Is Trump worth the 6 billion or more he claims, or the low hundreds of millions others have claimed? No one knows except for Donald Trump, and I'm pretty sure he wants to keep it that way.

I think Donald is just about done with the birther nonsense, and if he decides he is serious, he's going to drop that line pretty quick. I'm not even sure he actually believes it, I think he was just pandering, and decided he wanted to go after the lunatic constituency first. If nothing else, this will be fun to watch, and I definitely think Trump should be taken more seriously than the media currently is, because this could end up being either a minor footnote, or the major narrative of the 2012 election.
bread's done