Two Individual Skylanders Character Packs For $10 at Amazon

Seems like they matched TRU's offer for the single character packs this week. Go amazon, gotta match'em all. Save me BF grief. Thanks OP.
Wish they would match the b1g1 on the 3 character packs as well...

Anyone have a good link to the available characters and how they can be purchased?

My son is getting the 360 and the 3ds versions of the game. It looks like the 3ds version comes with characters that are also available separately.

When you add that plus the fact that some of the single characters are available in a 3 character pack, it becomes confusing! :)


[quote name='rgon86']Seems like they matched TRU's offer for the single character packs this week. Go amazon, gotta match'em all. Save me BF grief. Thanks OP.[/QUOTE]
Based solely on what Amazon is offering, the only characters NOT in a 3 pack are Sonic Boom and Zap (and Stealth Elf but she's in the 3DS set).

However, there are new 3 packs on the horizon, and should have a different mix. I recommend just buying the ones you think look interesting, and working towards a set of elements. Sonic Boom is worth it atm, since that's the only Wind type outside of the Target exclusive Whirlwind.
Awesome, thanks for the deal post senaura and the tips gunstar808. I had bought a few at TRU and Best Buy (matching the TRU deal) but was missing an Air and Undead character so I got Sonic Boom and Chop Chop.

I had gotten Stealth Elf at Best Buy because it was not in the current 3-packs but then just afterwards I went to Target and they already had the new 3-pack that has that along with Hex and Wrecking Ball. It is a pretty nice pack and I kind of wish I had bought it - this was on Sunday. But then again, it was the full $19.99 price and I prefer being a cheapass. This is all for my son for Christmas (but of course I will play it with him ;)).
Good info, thanks.

It also looks like some of the store exclusives might be coming to an end - there are a few entries on ebay that includes hex (wave 2 character) along with the Battle Arena that up until this point has been a BB exclusive (included with the game purchase)...

[quote name='gunstar808']Based solely on what Amazon is offering, the only characters NOT in a 3 pack are Sonic Boom and Zap (and Stealth Elf but she's in the 3DS set).

However, there are new 3 packs on the horizon, and should have a different mix. I recommend just buying the ones you think look interesting, and working towards a set of elements. Sonic Boom is worth it atm, since that's the only Wind type outside of the Target exclusive Whirlwind.[/QUOTE]
christ this is confusing. So many different little figures. I picked the pack up for my niece the other day. I didn't get any extra characters because they seemed a bit expensive. Is 2 singles for 10 bucks a good deal? I just remember it was like 20 bucks for the 3 packs i saw in the store.

If it is maybe i'll snag 2. I'll pick the two cutest i guess =P Does it really matter what characters you pick? are some actually better than others or does it only matter on certain levels? I remember reading you needed certain ones to unlock areas in the game
There are 8 Elemental types, ideally you would have 1 of each type. Certain areas in the game require a matching elemental type to open. These areas are typically small and not necessary for completion/enjoyment of the game.

A lot of people on the forums are seemingly hung up on the "have them all" mentality. Its not necessary. Get the starter pack and add a few as you go, and I think you will get a lot of fun out of this game.

With the way the sales have been stacking up, the 3 pack savings isn't enough to get hung up on. Where I would look for a deal is the adventure packs, since those haven't been discounted as often.
ah, i see, that helps atually. Thanks. Like i said, this is mostly for my niece, not really me. I'll probably test it out first and play it with her though. So its sounding like this wouldn't be a very good deal then to snag a couple? I liked the little elf looking chick and i think she'd like the little zapper dragon guy. I guess it would be best to actually check the elements since thats the main thing.

What elements do you get with the starter pack? It says it comes with Spyro, Trigger Happy, and Gill Grunt. Gil grunts water i would imagine, not sure about the other two. In the end though i may just go with the two i think shed think were the cutest =P
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As gunstar mentioned, there are a total of eight elements in the game: magic, earth, life, undead, fire, air, water, and tech. The bonus areas usually contains treasure chests (in-game coins) and hats (provides a small bonus to your Skylander). Another thing that each separate Skylander unlock are challenges. Each Skylander has their own short challenge stage, which gives a permanent stat boosts to your Skylander if the challenge is completed (challenges aren't lock to one Skylander; any can attempt it).

But having all the Skylanders isn't necessary. With the starter pack, you already cover magic (Spyro), tech (Trigger Happy), and water (Gill Grunt). Get the pack with Eruptor (fire), Chop Chop (undead), and Bash (earth). Finish off with a life (Stump Smash or Stealth Elf) and air (Sonic Boom or Whirlwind).

However, Skylanders aren't created equal. Some will outshine others by miles right off the bat, while others need some serious in-game coin investment to become decent.

And as for the adventure packs: I'd say save your money at this point. It's $20 for one Skylander + one extra stage + 2 items that's usable in-game. Not as awesome compared to having three new Skylanders. But as gunstar also mentioned, keep an eye out for the adventure packs as they aren't sold separately like Skylanders.
thanks guys now that i know what you have to start i can narrow it down. I'll get the stealth elf because i think she looks neat and shes life.. not sure what i'll get for the 2nd one. This game sounds a lot more complicated than i thought. Im worried it may be too complex for a 5 year old now. I guess i'll see when it arrives. Hopefully theres an easy or child difficulty setting.

Thanks for breaking down some of the characters but thats not a full list. I actually dont see them specifically mention what element the characters are on amazon. I'll have to google them to find out i guess. Kinda a pain, youd think they would list the element right on the page
Sweet, I was hoping they would; now I don't have to go to TRU at all.

Well, that's sort of true. Amazon's T&C says limit one promotion per customer just like says...I wonder if they'll fudge it. Or if I can walk into a TRU and get 6 dudes and get the discount on all of em.
I see Gunstar found that Sonic Boom, Zap, and Stealth Elf aren't sold in 3-packs. Any suggestions for a fourth character? I don't have any figures at all yet...
This was about the best of an image I could find online in regards to the list of Skylanders:

The list can also be found behind the starter pack and the 3-packs, too. Since the image isn't of the best quality, here's the elements and names (from left to right):

First Row:
Magic: Spyro | Double Trouble | Wrecking Ball | Voodood
Earth: Bash | Dino-Rang | Prism Break | Terrafin
Water: Slam Bam | Zap | Wham-Shell | Gill Grunt

Second Row:
Fire: Ignitor | Sunburn | Flameslinger | Eruptor
Tech: Boomer | Drill Sergeant | Drobot | Trigger Happy
Undead: Hex | Cynder | Chop Chop | Ghost Roaster

Last Row:
Air: Whirlwind | Warnado | Sonic Boom | Lightening Rod
Life: Camo | Stump Smash | Zook | Stealth Elf

@eastx: Since they limit it one promo per customer, I would say get a life and air element, as only one life Skylander is included in a 3-pack at the moment (Stump Smash) while none of the air is included in any.
I stop adding games to my backlog and boom these things show up in the games section while I'm away.

I've seen them at a store but are they really selling? Or will they end up like the $5 tony hawk ride games that were just peg warmers?
[quote name='KingDox']I stop adding games to my backlog and boom these things show up in the games section while I'm away.

I've seen them at a store but are they really selling? Or will they end up like the $5 tony hawk ride games that were just peg warmers?[/QUOTE]

I would say they're definitely selling. The game's marketing is heavily aimed at kids, so it may be the most wanted item as Christmas steadily approaches. Even when it's discounted only $20 off the MSRP, my local Toys R Us sold most of the starter packs, and the whole single Skylanders pack section was wiped clean (mostly due to the promo of 2 for $10).

Not only does the game appeal to kids, but also casual gamers (like most parents). The game is straight-forward (linear path) and simple to play (two attack/abilities to start, with the ability to unlock a third when you upgrade your Skylander in-game). With the ability to drop into a game (or drop out) at any time, it makes co-op a really enjoyable. The only downfall to the co-op experience is that it's only local co-op; meaning no online play (at least for the Wii version; I'm almost sure it's the same for other consoles, too).

Of course, if you're a hardcore gamer who likes the online multiplayer aspect of video gaming, then this game probably isn't for you.
If you have a TRU near by pick up the ad and head to Target. I had target price match the deal and picked up Hex, Dino Rang, Wrecking Ball and Whirlwind. It may be YMMV if you even find any of those but I got lucky on Sunday.

Too many exclusives to "collect them all".

- Volcano Vault (Best Buy only)

- Legendary (Toys R Us only)

- Whirlwind (Target only)

- Drill Sargent (Sam's Club only)

- Dark Spyro (only available with Nintendo 3DS set)

- Hex (rare - check Ebay)

- Dino Rang (rare - check Ebay)

- Wrecking Ball (rare - check Ebay)

Not only am I going to be broke, but I'm going to have to buy these from different outlets and on 2 different systems (I got it for the 360 but promised myself I'm not gonna get a 3DS)!
Love this game, I finally got the last available figure last night from Gamestop (Wrecking Ball), so I have all of them, including the Legendaries. Quite a transition from when I picked it up on a whim a couple weeks ago and planned on just using the starter 3. Whoops.

But the feeling of going into Target for like the 10th time and finally finding a Whirlwind... awesome. Way more satisfying than just buying them off eBay. For some reason the stores refused to stock any of them since launch until recently.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']I promised myself I wasnt gonna get into buying this... sigh.[/QUOTE]
Hah.. that's what I said when I first saw it. Now, two 3-packs and three single packs later...

[quote name='Jcaugustine']Gah!

Too many exclusives to "collect them all".

- Volcano Vault (Best Buy only)

- Legendary (Toys R Us only)

- Whirlwind (Target only)

- Drill Sargent (Sam's Club only)

- Dark Spyro (only available with Nintendo 3DS set)

- Hex (rare - check Ebay)

- Dino Rang (rare - check Ebay)

- Wrecking Ball (rare - check Ebay)

Not only am I going to be broke, but I'm going to have to buy these from different outlets and on 2 different systems (I got it for the 360 but promised myself I'm not gonna get a 3DS)![/QUOTE]

Trying to collect all of those would be overkill. At least I would say it is. Once you've covered all of the eight elements, you're good. The only time you would want more are the ones that you think are awesome and/or fun/cool to use.
I should add it's also more fun when you have like-minded manbaby friends like me that are just as excited to spend 4 hours on a Saturday afternoon hitting up multiple stores for these figures. Most of the fun actually comes from the hunt, but the game itself is surprisingly well made and I put at least 12-15 hours into it.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Gah!

Too many exclusives to "collect them all".

- Volcano Vault (Best Buy only)

- Legendary (Toys R Us only)

- Whirlwind (Target only)

- Drill Sargent (Sam's Club only)

- Dark Spyro (only available with Nintendo 3DS set)

- Hex (rare - check Ebay)

- Dino Rang (rare - check Ebay)

- Wrecking Ball (rare - check Ebay)

Not only am I going to be broke, but I'm going to have to buy these from different outlets and on 2 different systems (I got it for the 360 but promised myself I'm not gonna get a 3DS)![/QUOTE]

Hex, Dino Rang and Wrecking Ball are only rare because they were just released. I definitely wouldn't buy them on eBay. Drill Sergeant is also available at Walmart, but he and Whirlwind won't be exclusive forever.

Haven't read if Legendary and the Volcanic Vault will be more widely available.

Dark Spyro's the real bitch if you don't want the 3DS version.

As others have said, you can definitely enjoy the game without having to collect them all. That said, I've succumbed to the dark world of seeking hard-to-find toy/video game accessories.
[quote name='ThingontheFloor']But the feeling of going into Target for like the 10th time and finally finding a Whirlwind... awesome. Way more satisfying than just buying them off eBay. For some reason the stores refused to stock any of them since launch until recently.[/QUOTE]

I've had no problem finding Whirlwind at Target, as we are getting into the Holidays they are getting scarce though. The one that is a pain out here is Drill Sergeant, I've only seen it at two stores but I don't go into Wal-Mart often.

I remember somebody mentioning the release date for Hex, Wrecking Ball and Dino Rang being somewhere around Dec 4. I think that may be the reason why you don't see so many of them. I got lucky and found them on my first try, they had a new character pack too which included Zap, Hex and Dino Rang. I'm sure a new adventure pack should be coming out soon too, according to the guide there are a few more.
Hmm.. some nice info here. Thanks, guys. Unfortunately, my girlfriend has forbidden me to get anymore as she thinks I'm getting carried away. As ifffff. :roll::D

But, yeah.. after you get your first taste of blood (AKA: starter pack), you'll want more and more; increasing your starting party into an army. The hunt for these is part of the thrill, while finding deals on them is the icing on the cake. Regardless, hopefully there will be some deals on the triple-pack in the near future. Must catch 'em all! :drool:
For everybody looking to jump on the train my good friend who works at GS said that he just received a massive shipment of these things yesterday so pretty much everything ought to be available on Black Friday. Not only that but he told me that the individual figures will be 2 for $10 and the $20 sets will be 2 for $27. I really hope he's right since if this is true it appears to be unadvertised in their ad. He is putting some aside for me though, so not sure why he would go to that kind of trouble if he was lying.
Thanks OP picked up Stealth Elf & Voodood. My son has all the other ones from the list, good thing they had 2 that he was missing. This is one of the most expensive video game/toys I ever bought my kids when you factor in the figures. I think he has a total of 15 figures already. Just and FYI, I was able to find Wrecking Ball at gamestop last week so check the stores before ebay.
[quote name='ThingontheFloor']Love this game, I finally got the last available figure last night from Gamestop (Wrecking Ball), so I have all of them, including the Legendaries. Quite a transition from when I picked it up on a whim a couple weeks ago and planned on just using the starter 3. Whoops.

But the feeling of going into Target for like the 10th time and finally finding a Whirlwind... awesome. Way more satisfying than just buying them off eBay. For some reason the stores refused to stock any of them since launch until recently.[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen them at Target. Are they near the games or with the toys?
hmm I had a $5 RZ coupon but it didn't work on msp or itunes and TRU didn't have psn cards. anyone know when the 2/$10 ends at TRU? Going to just pick any two toys unless some sell better than others.
Picked up Stealth Elf & Sonic Boom. Now I'll have one of each element plus an extra gear because Drobot is worth $5 as just a figure regardless of the game.

I already got over an hour of play out of this game and we haven't even started it yet. My son and I had a virtual team picking a la NBA yesterday. I was sad to see how much he wanted Prism Break since I was planning on that being my starter character. Nothing will pursuade him to trade.

Another interesting note: a 5yo boy understands the difference between "choose your favorite" and "choose who you'd want on your team". When asked the two different questions for each element group I got two completely different sets of results except for Chop Chop, and yet somehow he's officially now on my team.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Gah!

Too many exclusives to "collect them all".

- Volcano Vault (Best Buy only)

- Legendary (Toys R Us only)

- Whirlwind (Target only)

- Drill Sargent (Sam's Club only)

- Dark Spyro (only available with Nintendo 3DS set)

- Hex (rare - check Ebay)

- Dino Rang (rare - check Ebay)

- Wrecking Ball (rare - check Ebay)

Not only am I going to be broke, but I'm going to have to buy these from different outlets and on 2 different systems (I got it for the 360 but promised myself I'm not gonna get a 3DS)![/QUOTE]

I just got the starter pack yesterday since I saw it on sale for $49.

Now I just want to return it since I didn't realize what I had just gotten myself into. Should have done some homework on this first.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Gah!

Too many exclusives to "collect them all".

- Volcano Vault (Best Buy only)

- Legendary (Toys R Us only)

- Whirlwind (Target only)

- Drill Sargent (Sam's Club only)

- Dark Spyro (only available with Nintendo 3DS set)

- Hex (rare - check Ebay)

- Dino Rang (rare - check Ebay)

- Wrecking Ball (rare - check Ebay)

Not only am I going to be broke, but I'm going to have to buy these from different outlets and on 2 different systems (I got it for the 360 but promised myself I'm not gonna get a 3DS)![/QUOTE]

Hex, Zap, and Dino Rang are all in a 3-pack that I saw on Sunday at Target and it was still there when I went today. So those will be become common soon enough. If that pack had included Wrecking Ball I would have gotten it. I know I saw Wrecking Ball as well so maybe they had a pack with that in it too but it wasn't there today (or is it in one of the starter packs?).
[quote name='HanawayCoca']:cold:

I just got the starter pack yesterday since I saw it on sale for $49.

Now I just want to return it since I didn't realize what I had just gotten myself into. Should have done some homework on this first.[/QUOTE]

You don't need to collect all the characters. The game can be completed with just the toys that come with the game.
@io that was the only starter pack I saw, unless there is a new adventure pack that I haven't seen, I think we just got the four new sets.
[quote name='doodofdoods']You don't need to collect all the characters. The game can be completed with just the toys that come with the game.[/QUOTE]

I was going to say the same thing. I suppose while they're on sale you could pick up two of your favorite-looking/interested figs for $10. Definitely don't need to get everything though. If I had to pick two more beyond the starter I would guess Stealth Elf and maybe Chop Chop (I would say Drobot but he's a tech, which is already included in the starter)
[quote name='thegame85']I haven't seen them at Target. Are they near the games or with the toys?[/QUOTE]

They're with the games, but usually in their own section. I usually see it near the Wii games, but it could be anywhere. Hard to miss because it's usually a bunch of figures surrounding a TV and a Portal of Power you can place the figures on to watch their video.

Also, if you're crazy about collecting these things, you could technically play them without ever removing them from the plastic. And if you ever wanted to resell them, they can be easily reset. Not saying they'll have some crazy value down the line, but still cool if you're into that kind of thing.
[quote name='ThingontheFloor']
Also, if you're crazy about collecting these things, you could technically play them without ever removing them from the plastic. And if you ever wanted to resell them, they can be easily reset. Not saying they'll have some crazy value down the line, but still cool if you're into that kind of thing.[/QUOTE]

Guessing these work on the individual packs since they have individual bar code, but do these also work on the "triple packs" too?

Meaning, you can just have your portal "scan" them from below without opening the plastic? The "triple packs" have only one bar code.
[quote name='Jcaugustine']Question:

Guessing these work on the individual packs since they have individual bar code, but do these also work on the "triple packs" too?

Meaning, you can just have your portal "scan" them from below without opening the plastic? The "triple packs" have only one bar code.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Jcaugustine']Question:

Guessing these work on the individual packs since they have individual bar code, but do these also work on the "triple packs" too?

Meaning, you can just have your portal "scan" them from below without opening the plastic? The "triple packs" have only one bar code.[/QUOTE]

The portal doesn't scan a barcode, it reads something inside of each figure. Just position the triple pack so that the figure you currently want to play is on the portal.

You can easily experience this yourself using the demo station they have set up in stores to view videos of each character.
[quote name='ThingontheFloor']They're with the games, but usually in their own section. I usually see it near the Wii games, but it could be anywhere. Hard to miss because it's usually a bunch of figures surrounding a TV and a Portal of Power you can place the figures on to watch their video.

Also, if you're crazy about collecting these things, you could technically play them without ever removing them from the plastic. And if you ever wanted to resell them, they can be easily reset. Not saying they'll have some crazy value down the line, but still cool if you're into that kind of thing.[/QUOTE]

That's right! I remember seeing them at 1 store now that you mention the portal. I guess I will have to look extra hard in the Wii section, since that's usually the aisle I skip.
I sure hope my six year old likes this game, because I just bought way more figures than I was planning on...and if he doesn't, I hope I like it as much as some of you who have already posted!
[quote name='pugs1208']I sure hope my six year old likes this game, because I just bought way more figures than I was planning on...and if he doesn't, I hope I like it as much as some of you who have already posted![/QUOTE]

Lay your worries to rest. :lol:
Hehe... Well, I look at it this way. My older son collects McFarlane and Mega Bloks Halo figures. The McFarlane ones are $11.99-$12.99 each (though being a cheapass I got him most of the current ones for half price for Christmas and his Feb. birthday). The Mega Bloks mystery packs are around $3, with of course larger building sets being as much as $100 (I just got him the Elephant set from Target for $65 this week - on sale from $100).

If my other son wants to get into this game, buying figures at $5 each (using these deals) is really not that bad at all. I mean, not only is it kind of a cool figure he'll want to put on his shelf, it's a freakin' character in the game too! As long as the game is good (taking your guys word on it - haven't played it yet myself) then, relatively speaking, it is a fairly cheap collection to put together. As of right now I don't intend on getting them all, but that may change.

What I realy wish was that there was a deal on the Pirate expansion - don't want to pay the full $19.99 for that. Those don't seem to be a part of any of these deals though.
[quote name='nakanenui']So how much is this game if you include all the characters/toys? Most expensive game ever?[/QUOTE]
Not even close
bread's done