Two Worlds CE X360 $4.99 new at GameCrazy

I think too many people took this game way too seriously (I'm looking at you, Oblivion lovers). If you're into level grinding and item collecting, along the lines of the first Diablo game, there is lots of fun to be had here, especially at $5. Is the dialog laughable bad? For sure. Is if funny to hear your character yell out things like, "Die, curr!" or "Say 'Hello' to DEATH" every time he draws his sword? Absolutely. Is the horse combat terrible? Yep. Are the summons and spells plentiful and powerful. You bet.

I got the game for around $7 and got a lot of value out of it. You just have to relax and play it for what it is. This game is not simulation by any means. And there's no strategy but moving straight ahead. It may look like Oblivion, but it's pure hack 'n slash at its heart.
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Is this for all Gamecrazys or is it YMMV?

It's not YMMV. I would've put it if it was. GC price drops are never YMMV.

YMMV on whether or not the employee's a hoarding lying douchebag who wants it for himself and tells you it's still $69.99 when it's really $4.99, though.
I rarely go to Game Crazy since the closest one's quite the ride away. How common is this title at Game Crazy? For example, would I be lucky to find one at GC, or is it fairly common?
It's fairly common, I think each store got at least one upon initial shipment (GC as a company WAY overbought copies of Two Worlds, they were hoping it'd be the next Oblivion - Same thing with Force Unleashed, which is why they have a deal now where you get Force Unleashed free if you buy an Elite), but if it's priced at $4.99, I doubt it'll be there long.
I'm going to go check right now. Hopefully they at least have the regular edition.
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I started playing this for achievements since I heard it was pretty easy at around 25-30 hours if you can stomach it. Its definitely bad but playable, barely. I heard if you do a hard drive install it will fix a lot of the problems but I haven't tried it yet. Also heard there was a way to change the FPS somehow? Maybe it was a bad joke I don't know.
[quote name='EnronLackey']Im in for that deal .. I check out this rarely visited GameStop for this deal and see what I can find.[/quote]

GameStop? It's still $39.99 new at GS for the CE.
[quote name='freshzen']I started playing this for achievements since I heard it was pretty easy at around 25-30 hours if you can stomach it. Its definitely bad but playable, barely. I heard if you do a hard drive install it will fix a lot of the problems but I haven't tried it yet. Also heard there was a way to change the FPS somehow? Maybe it was a bad joke I don't know.[/quote]

You can mess with all the same console commands on the 360 version as on the PC version.

List of commands:

Really the only (and best) command to use is the one that turns the grass off; that significantly boosts fps. Just open the console code menu by holding down LB + RB, then press A. You will see a small text box appear. Now hit X to open up the keyboard menu.

Then simply enter Engine.GrassQ 0 and fps practically double. You'll have to enter all graphics-altering codes every time you boot up the game but it's worth it.

Also, going to check if my GC has any copies now!
[quote name='freshzen']I started playing this for achievements since I heard it was pretty easy at around 25-30 hours if you can stomach it. Its definitely bad but playable, barely. I heard if you do a hard drive install it will fix a lot of the problems but I haven't tried it yet. Also heard there was a way to change the FPS somehow? Maybe it was a bad joke I don't know.[/QUOTE]

You can play in first person, but only if you're not using your weapons. Installing the game on your hard drive makes it much more playable.
[quote name='cdeener']What is so special about the CE?[/quote]

I may be totally alone in this, but.. it's shiny.

Two other versions of the game have been released. The Collector's Edition was released on August 23, 2007 in the U.S. It features the game, two bonus cards with codes to unlock exclusive weapons, a bonus disc, map and a handbook.[8][9] The Royal Edition was released in Europe for the PC and Xbox 360 on September 7, 2007. It comes with a t-shirt, marked with the Two Worlds logo, a playing card, a poster with the world map, letter opener (only available in the PC version) and a bonus disc
[quote name='Scorch']I may be totally alone in this, but.. it's shiny.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Everytime there is a deal for this I hear people say they want the CE and I always wondered why?

[quote name='Dissolve']Wiki:

Two other versions of the game have been released. The Collector's Edition was released on August 23, 2007 in the U.S. It features the game, two bonus cards with codes to unlock exclusive weapons, a bonus disc, map and a handbook.[8][9] The Royal Edition was released in Europe for the PC and Xbox 360 on September 7, 2007. It comes with a t-shirt, marked with the Two Worlds logo, a playing card, a poster with the world map, letter opener (only available in the PC version) and a bonus disc[/QUOTE]

Thank you my good man.
You couldn't pay me to take it off your hands.

Horrible, horrible game.

But with all kidding (not really) aside, that's an excellent deal even if it's a very bad RPG.
[quote name='inubu']I think too many people took this game way too seriously (I'm looking at you, Oblivion lovers). If you're into level grinding and item collecting, along the lines of the first Diablo game, there is lots of fun to be had here, especially at $5. Is the dialog laughable bad? For sure. Is if funny to hear your character yell out things like, "Die, curr!" or "Say 'Hello' to DEATH" every time he draws his sword? Absolutely. Is the horse combat terrible? Yep. Are the summons and spells plentiful and powerful. You bet.

I got the game for around $7 and got a lot of value out of it. You just have to relax and play it for what it is. This game is not simulation by any means. And there's no strategy but moving straight ahead. It may look like Oblivion, but it's pure hack 'n slash at its heart.[/quote]Well from what i remember it was a terrible port of the PC game, obvious things like the text being impossible to read and sluggish performance.
Text has been fixed (made bigger) with a patch and the console commands make the game run a lot smoother.

Also, SALE IS CONFIRMED (they didn't have the CE version though) THANK YOU SCORCH:

[quote name='Wario64']could be potentially used as trader fodder[/quote]

Probably not at Blockbuster. The guys and gals in the BBV thread raped them by trading in $10 copies from gamefly for like $32-$36.

I miss the posts talking about whether the achievements were easy.
[quote name='inubu']I think too many people took this game way too seriously (I'm looking at you, Oblivion lovers). If you're into level grinding and item collecting, along the lines of the first Diablo game, there is lots of fun to be had here, especially at $5. Is the dialog laughable bad? For sure. Is if funny to hear your character yell out things like, "Die, curr!" or "Say 'Hello' to DEATH" every time he draws his sword? Absolutely. Is the horse combat terrible? Yep. Are the summons and spells plentiful and powerful. You bet.

I got the game for around $7 and got a lot of value out of it. You just have to relax and play it for what it is. This game is not simulation by any means. And there's no strategy but moving straight ahead. It may look like Oblivion, but it's pure hack 'n slash at its heart.[/quote]

Same here man. I bought it last month for 8 bucks and it was worth it. Fun, addictive, and it has the so bad it's good quality that few games can achieve. I'd totally pay 5 bucks for the CE.
[quote name='retromufc']I don't even know what a Gamecrazy is, I don't think there is one here in Eastern NC.[/quote]

Dunno how far this is from you, but

[quote name='retromufc']I don't even know what a Gamecrazy is, I don't think there is one here in Eastern NC.[/QUOTE]

anyone see if the deal goes at hollywood video??
I've got your back retro.

The one in rocky mount is connected to the hollywood video on 301, right next to golden corral and across the street from lonestar. I'm not sure about any other locations around here.
I thought Two Worlds was an awesome game, and in many ways superior to Oblivion... hope this induces a few more people to try it (and stick past the first hour or two!!).
I hear it's a good game if you are the kind of person who enjoys breaking a game. Oblivion really neutered what you could do with enchantments and spell creation.
[quote name='cdeener']What is so special about the CE?[/quote]
Contents of Two Worlds Collector's Edition for PC and Xbox 360
  • 2 bonus cards with 16 digit number codes to unlock exclusive weapons
  • A bonus disc containing artwork, in-game shots, videos, wallpaper, music, and more
  • Collector Edition Map
  • Hardback tabletop RPG 48-page book
For 5 bucks that ain't bad. It's a mediocre game at best but it's a good deal for only 5 bucks.

I just called a couple of my local GC and they only had the reg edition.
Wish I could get a copy for around that price. Almost every GC near me seems to have closed. (Hint hint, someone please pick up an extra for me.)
At the store I work at we had one CE (I bought it; yea us employees suck when sales come cuz we tend to get first dibs), one regular copy new, and two used ones but the used ones were hollywood video cases since theyw ere transfers. So I dont know about other GCs but we only had 4 total copies of the game.
Oh noes,
When did so many people from eastern NC get on this forum? No wonder the Best Buy sale was obliterated in seconds of store opening. :)
I'm going to check out hollywood video in the morning and see if I can find a copy.
Checking their website, it looks like Movie Gallery is owned by the same company, might be a new place to consider looking.
If anyone can get an extra sealed CE I would pay $15 for it by Paypal. I've been looking for a deal on this game for a while. My local Game Crazy closed down a long time ago, so I have no way of getting in on this.
[quote name='Dissolve']Text has been fixed (made bigger) with a patch and the console commands make the game run a lot smoother.

Also, SALE IS CONFIRMED (they didn't have the CE version though) THANK YOU SCORCH:[/quote]

thanks for the pic and confirmation. much appreciated. (and the OP, scorch).
Hey, yeah, my local Hollywood with the "gamezone" may just have one of these. They seemed to have an inordinate amount of CE type things and I even saw an employee there the other day with a printed list taking things out (repricing?). I'll have to check that out - I'm more likely to find it there than at a Gamecrazy and I assume the prices would be the same, right?

I was deep into Oblvion when my 360 RRoD'd the other day (though it actually died when my son was playing GHWT) so I could jump over to this afterwards and see just how much lamer it is ;).
[quote name='io']
I was deep into Oblvion when my 360 RRoD'd the other day (though it actually died when my son was playing GHWT) so I could jump over to this afterwards and see just how much lamer it is ;).[/quote]

Ah, the reliability of the best console on the planet...Pfft.
I may have missed it but is the regular edition $4.99 also? I've been looking for a solid grinding / hack and slash RPG and for $5 I can't really go wrong.
[quote name='retromufc']I don't even know what a Gamecrazy is, I don't think there is one here in Eastern NC.[/quote]
sanford nc has one also, skibo one used to suck balls when i lived in fayetteville, also i think there may possibly be one in raleigh or durham
bread's done