ufc game

With UFC becoming a bigger and bigger sport, I'm surprised there's not more hype on this one.

Maybe I just think it's big because it's big here where I live. We have Pat Miletich as a local "celebrity" and he's got a pretty big following in this area.
man that video is sweeeeet. but rampage v liddell? we all already know how this match will end.

iceman has no chance.

This is definitly on my watching/waiting list.
This game looks pretty sweet...definitely better than past UFC titles. Glad I know about it now. I'm definitely going to keep my eye out!
yeah i remember buying the old ufc and pride games when i first started getting into the sport a few years ago. they were all pretty lackluster. it's tough to get the right balance between striking, jujitsu, wrestling, etc. from the looks of that video, i have high expectations. i can't wait! gsp is gonna smach hughes! who's with me?
Here is a"leaked" move list for this game:



[quote name='archibishopthedoge']THQ holding the license does not give me faith.[/quote]I dont know man, the WWE games arent bad at all. Vince McMahon was appearently EXTREMELY displeased that THQ was doing the UFC game as he sees MMA as the biggest 'competition' to his shitbox company.
[quote name='Pratt75']I watch any mma I can. I can't wait for this game.[/quote]Same here. Gaming, MMA, and cars...takes up too much of my time.
I loved the UFC game on Dreamcast, the sequels... not so much. Pride FC was pretty good, because it was somewhat of an expansion of the engine. Hopefully this turns out good as well.
this is one of those times i do NOT mind waiting for a game.. as long as it delivers

if they can make a UFC title as big as one of the better WWE titles then i'll be hyped as shit

one thing that does give me hope is that, even though UFC is far from a perfect brand - they do seem to pay attention to details more than the other 'leagues' out there right now.

i like the way they put decent fights on Spike for free and the PPVs are actually decent... plus the online video they have going, and T.U.F.

hope UFC works closely with THQ to knock it out of the park

i want to pit Anderson Silva against Royce Gracie (in his prime)

btw, that Tito pic was pretty funny. haha
[quote name='PKRipp3r']i want to pit Anderson Silva against Royce Gracie (in his prime)[/quote]In his prime? He is a truely one demensional fighter. He cant strike to save his life. See Matt Hughes fight to get an understanding of how any one trick poney does in the UFC. Pit him up against one of the greatest fighters in MMA history? Silva is an aminal, and unless Hughes and/or GSP walk up to 185 to challenge him, will continue to hold that belt for a VERY long time.
[quote name='Lupuri']In his prime? He is a truely one demensional fighter. He cant strike to save his life. See Matt Hughes fight to get an understanding of how any one trick poney does in the UFC. Pit him up against one of the greatest fighters in MMA history? Silva is an aminal, and unless Hughes and/or GSP walk up to 185 to challenge him, will continue to hold that belt for a VERY long time.[/QUOTE]
ehh. i dont get why hendo isnt viewed as a bigger threat to silva.
i dont see hendo gettign smashed liek everyone else whos fought silva in the ufc.
i expect him to push the fight into the late rounds and do soem damage.

however if silva drops him in the first round, imo hell be the best lb for lb in the world cause hendo is a bad dude.

i have trouble seeing how mma have a faithful translation in a video game. its so subtle, i hope im suprised though as id LOVE a great mma game.

OT but urijah faber is straight up amazing. if anybody hasnt seen him, check out a wec show, hes as dominantas anybody in their respective weight class.
bread's done