Ultimate Spider Man


49 (100%)
I'm sure alot of you remember the recent Spiderman games that well....are just plain fun! and now they have a brand new one and it's taking a whole new look....well not new but the game is going back to the whole Comic Book style. And ther best part about the game is not only do you play the game as spiderman but you also get to play the game as venom! now thats going to be interesting to see...and play...well anyways heres the trailer, be sure to watch it

Ultimate Spiderman Trailer

Looks good i know, but i want to try this game....isnt there supposed to be a demo or something? if one comes out lemme know.
Its written (yep, a new story) by Brian Michal Bendis, the writer of the Ultimate Spider-Man comic. It takes place right after the Venom arc in the comic, but you do NOT need to know anything about the Books to enjoy the game.

The art was inspired and heavily based on the original artist for the USM book.

I cant wait to see it!
Alot of people hate the Ultimate Spider-Man universe and would just prefer the origianl Spider-Man in a new game. But I love them both, the Ultimate Spider-Man story line is very intresting, but the Carnage character was alittle boring for me.
i always thought the ultimate spider man series was the worst one. even so, i do like the cartoony graphics, but they shouldve made spider man a little buffer.
[quote name='2poor']i always thought the ultimate spider man series was the worst one. even so, i do like the cartoony graphics, but they shouldve made spider man a little buffer.[/QUOTE]

Well he is in high school, but to each their own.
the only reason why i want this game is to play as venom... other than that it dosn't really interest me. it's very nice looking though and will probably be fun like most other spider man games.

brian michael bendis is a great writer, but I really don't like reading anything he does (except maybe for Daredevil). I go for more obscure humor writers, so my top pics are Garth Ennis and Eric Powell.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']the only reason why i want this game is to play as venom... other than that it dosn't really interest me. it's very nice looking though and will probably be fun like most other spider man games.

brian michael bendis is a great writer, but I really don't like reading anything he does (except maybe for Daredevil). I go for more obscure humor writers, so my top pics are Garth Ennis and Eric Powell.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, but the games not about the story, it about the action. And I'm for any game where you can play as Venom, but I miss the old Eddie Broock, I don't like this punk kid in the Ultimate universe. He's gotta be buff with a nasty blonde mullet.
I didn't really like the Ultimate Spider-Man books all that much, to be honest.

I thought the last Spider-Man game wasn't ass good as people gave it credit for, either. I hope this one is better than the last effort.
[quote name='Brak']I didn't really like the Ultimate Spider-Man books all that much, to be honest.

I thought the last Spider-Man game wasn't ass good as people gave it credit for, either. I hope this one is better than the last effort.[/QUOTE]

you mean you didnt like being forced to stop the same 5 crimes around the city over and over and over just to get hero points? Good concept but it was just executed horribly.
[quote name='onetrackmind']you mean you didnt like being forced to stop the same 5 crimes around the city over and over and over just to get hero points? Good concept but it was just executed horribly.[/QUOTE]
true, true but I still found the game very enjoyable. After awhile though, I didn't even bother with the crimes, I would just swing around and jump off buildings.
I love the Ultimate Spider-Man series (its the only Ultimate series that still has my interest), but I've always found the venom saga to be one of the weakest arcs in the entire run.


Peter becomes Spider-Man -----> COMPLETELY COINCIDENTALLY, Pete's father just HAPPENED to have created some formula that helped to create Venom (i.e. a spider-man-like creature). Does that not bother anybody else? The whole arc is based on some horrible coincidental turn of events that is not at all plausible. Of all the people to create a venom potion, it was the guy whose son turns into spider-man. Doesn't work.

Game looks good though. :D
[quote name='Rodimus Donut']Alot of people hate the Ultimate Spider-Man universe and would just prefer the origianl Spider-Man in a new game. But I love them both, the Ultimate Spider-Man story line is very intresting, but the Carnage character was alittle boring for me.[/QUOTE]
LMAO, that's the first time I've seen that sig GIF, I can't stop laughing.
[quote name='basketkase543']I love the Ultimate Spider-Man series (its the only Ultimate series that still has my interest), but I've always found the venom saga to be one of the weakest arcs in the entire run.


Peter becomes Spider-Man -----> COMPLETELY COINCIDENTALLY, Pete's father just HAPPENED to have created some formula that helped to create Venom (i.e. a spider-man-like creature). Does that not bother anybody else? The whole arc is based on some horrible coincidental turn of events that is not at all plausible. Of all the people to create a venom potion, it was the guy whose son turns into spider-man. Doesn't work.

Game looks good though. :D[/QUOTE]
A guy dresses up like a Cirque Du Soliel dancer, can shoot webs out of his arm (not posterior) and can stick to walls.

Not at all plausible...hmm...

Sorry, ive got to deal with people all day who get really upset when the Hulk starts getting bigger instead of staying the same size when pissed, yet look the other way when Superman can put on glasses and be called Clark. How odd.
[quote name='guardian_owl']LMAO, that's the first time I've seen that sig GIF, I can't stop laughing.[/QUOTE]

I get that every once in awhile, however I can't take credit for making it.
[quote name='SpottedNigel']A guy dresses up like a Cirque Du Soliel dancer, can shoot webs out of his arm (not posterior) and can stick to walls.

Not at all plausible...hmm...

Sorry, ive got to deal with people all day who get really upset when the Hulk starts getting bigger instead of staying the same size when pissed, yet look the other way when Superman can put on glasses and be called Clark. How odd.[/QUOTE]

Well see, it IS plausible to believe that a Spider-Man character can exist within the Spider-Man universe because the rules have been set up as such. I have no problem accepting peoples' superpowers. My problem is the incredibly unconving coincidence of Venom happening to have come from Peter's father. I mean of ALL the people who couldv'e invented Venom, and ALL the people who couldv'e become Spider-Man, they happen to be related. This coincidence would only be justified if we suddenly discovered (maybe in issue 100...hmm) that Peter's father was in fact partially responsible for what occurred in Oscorps. Maybe he acted as a guest scientist performing experiments for Norman or something. THAT would make more sense.

This plot point completely lessened the impact of my most awaited story arc.
Now I remember. I think part of it attached to a serial killer to create Carnage. Is the story about Spider-man's dad creating the suit part of the Ultimate series comic or just something created for the game?
Ok let's make a few things clear from the last 3 posts:

The original black costume was the Venom symbiote but after Spider-man got rid of the symbiote suit he liked the black suit enough to make a similar one out of cloth. He continued using that one until the suit returned with Eddie Brock, calling itself Venom. Peter was so disgusted, and Mary Jane was so scared of the look of the black costume, he decided to return to his original blue and red costume.

Carnage is actually its own symbiote. It was the offspring of Venom and it joined with Cletus Kassidy in prison to make Carnage.

Now, that was the original Marvel Universe of Venom and Carnage. The Ultimate Marvel Universe (where the new game is set) story goes like this:

The fathers of Peter Parker and Eddie Brock Jr. made a suit/compound that they hoped would cure cancer but never got a chance to finish creating it. Years later, Peter and Eddie Jr. got in touch again and Eddie Jr. showed Peter a leftover part of the suit. Peter came back as Spider-man one night and accidently got some on himself and it turned into a suit. He wore it for a little while until he realized that it was turning him ultra violent so he removed the suit from himself and destroyed the sample. Unfortunetly he told Eddie Jr. about the suit so Eddie used the other sample he had (which Peter didn't know about) to turn himself into Venom.

As far as Ultimate Carnage, I read the entire arc for it but I'm still not exactly sure how it went, it was slightly confusing. It basically had to do with a scientist, Ben Reilly, growing a clone out of Peter's blood which apparently still had the venom suit in it. I can't remember how it exactly went.
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