Ultimate Warrior memorial wrestling thread 1959-2014

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With Spike absolutely wanting nothing to do with Russo and TNA and Russo having a secret partnership that got leaked a few weeks ago, I think it's pretty much the nail in the coffin.
Pretty much how I see it. I hope Ring of Honor can slide into that slot.

Everyone on Reddit and Twitter are making jokes about Vince buying TNA.. but I don't think Vince is in a position to buy the company thanks to the losses they're taking due to the network. If they open up the network internationally, they may reach a profiable point and pick up some people, but it's not going to be a situation like it was where he picked up WCW.

It's also entirely possible that WWE posts low network numbers on Thursday, stocks drop, and more people get released.

Vince wouldn't buy TNA because it'd cost him more money to pay the talent's overdue paychecks than it would to buy the company outright. 

Everyone on Reddit and Twitter are making jokes about Vince buying TNA.. but I don't think Vince is in a position to buy the company thanks to the losses they're taking due to the network. If they open up the network internationally, they may reach a profiable point and pick up some people, but it's not going to be a situation like it was where he picked up WCW.

It's also entirely possible that WWE posts low network numbers on Thursday, stocks drop, and more people get released.
If it cost 4 million or so to buy WCW, then it should cost $10.92 to buy TNA.

The only thing I can see the WWE buying at this point from TNA is the tape library but only at the right price. But given how much money the WWE is bleeding out over the Network that makes the chances of that happening very slim at best.

I still say the WWE network goes off the air sometime this winter and goes back to cable. its the only way they will keep it going
Still wrong. It will go away completely before going to just cable. There will be price hikes, and other changes before they drop it completely. They would make even less money if they went to cable so I dont even know why that would be an option.

I hope two things when it comes to the Spike TV/TNA stuff; First, I hope that Spike still wants a wrestling program on their network and go bring another company on board. Second, I hope TNA does not find another channel and dies off. Let the handful of talented wrestlers on the roster free to go help another promotion. Let the Rockstar Spuds, Sam Shaws, and Magnus' go back to where ever they came from to never be seen again.

Wow, wake up to find that SpikeTV is done with TNA.   Really hate to wish a company go out of business, but TNA really does need to.  Seems ever since they brought Hogan & Bischoff in, the company has been absolutely horrible to watch.  It was especially telling when guys like Daniels, Sting & AJ Styles were basically shown the door in the last year.  It shows they have no clue when Dixie is thinking it's good business for her to be on TV and for Christy Hemme to be on the creative staff.

Two things that I hope come out of this.  One is that Angle eventually does show back up at WWE for his last round before retirement.  As he can help the new guys on the roster, plus maybe get another Angle/Lesnar match.  The 2nd thing is that I hope no one hires Russo after this, that includes Jarrett with his new promotion.

Now that I think about, I wonder if Jarrett's GFW promotion might get picked up by SpikeTV?

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LOL, I guess TNA waited too long for the payoff to the AJ Styles exit that was "totally a work" (according to some people here).

Jokes aside, I wouldn't say I'd be happy to see them go out of business. Sure, I don't watch it much anymore and will say that a lot of the stuff is terrible, but I wouldn't get any enjoyment out of a lot of guys losing their paychecks (assuming they're even getting paychecks at this point).

Still wrong. It will go away completely before going to just cable. There will be price hikes, and other changes before they drop it completely. They would make even less money if they went to cable so I dont even know why that would be an option.

I hope two things when it comes to the Spike TV/TNA stuff; First, I hope that Spike still wants a wrestling program on their network and go bring another company on board. Second, I hope TNA does not find another channel and dies off. Let the handful of talented wrestlers on the roster free to go help another promotion. Let the Rockstar Spuds, Sam Shaws, and Magnus' go back to where ever they came from to never be seen again.
kill the network and go back to cable for 19.99. enough people were buying the PPVS on cable and direct tv for 44.95 to get them to come back to cable and direct tv at 19.99 people would flood to it (that dont stream the network and can no longer get the PPVS since direct tv no longer carries them

a lot of my friends said they would give 20 for it on Cable then have to steam it for 10

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They just need to take the live PPVs off the Network. Make the cable companies happy, and get back all that revenue. I know for me personally, I dont buy the Network for the PPVs. Aside from the Rumble and Mania, I really dont care if I see any of the PPVs or not. Ill watch parts of them just cuz I can, but if anything else was on tv at the same time I wouldnt bother.

I would love TNA to die, and see Angle return to WWE. Also, get to see Bully Ray back in WWE as a legit singles wrestler. That would be great. Maybe even WWE could do something with Bobby Roode as well. And Jeff Hardy could come back for one last run. Aside from them and maybe some of the divas, I cant see WWE interested in any of the other talent there. Aries and the American Wolves are the only other talent in TNA worth anything now, and some reason WWE still thinks you have to be 6'5" to make any money.

In better news WWE officially signs Prince Devitt. 


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They just need to take the live PPVs off the Network. Make the cable companies happy, and get back all that revenue. I know for me personally, I dont buy the Network for the PPVs. Aside from the Rumble and Mania, I really dont care if I see any of the PPVs or not. Ill watch parts of them just cuz I can, but if anything else was on tv at the same time I wouldnt bother.

I would love TNA to die, and see Angle return to WWE. Also, get to see Bully Ray back in WWE as a legit singles wrestler. That would be great. Maybe even WWE could do something with Bobby Roode as well. And Jeff Hardy could come back for one last run. Aside from them and maybe some of the divas, I cant see WWE interested in any of the other talent there. Aries and the American Wolves are the only other talent in TNA worth anything now, and some reason WWE still thinks you have to be 6'5" to make any money.
John Cena's only 6'1". ;)

That said, Roode is good but he'd get lost on the roster. I'd like to see Angle return though.

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2 things: HTTM Is right about Candice. I wasn't at PWG Eleven, but I have been in the crowd for several of her matches and she hangs with and sometimes outshines the men. Plus she has the nicest ass in the business.

Regarding TNA's tape library... Vince could just wait for the next monthly ShopTNA sale and acquire everything for $5 a show. ;-)
John Cena's only 6'1". ;)

That said, Roode is good but he'd get lost on the roster. I'd like to see Angle return though.
All the steroids make up for the height in his case.

Angle definitely needs one last hoorah though. Something positive to end his career on after the years of negative shit hes done since leaving WWE.

With Sting signing a deal with WWE I cannot help but think that Vince would jump at the chance to buy TNA. They could add their tape library to the network in hopes of keeping/gaining subscribers and add a handful of guys to the roster that would do some good. Some of these guys deserve WWE money and could help freshen things up a bit. Hell they could even re-live the Invasion angle and at least try to not make it suck this time. Have Vince as the leader of TNA against Steph and HHH.

With Sting signing a deal with WWE I cannot help but think that Vince would jump at the chance to buy TNA. They could add their tape library to the network in hopes of keeping/gaining subscribers and add a handful of guys to the roster that would do some good. Some of these guys deserve WWE money and could help freshen things up a bit. Hell they could even re-live the Invasion angle and at least try to not make it suck this time. Have Vince as the leader of TNA against Steph and HHH.
i thought vince said long ago he was done with the day to day wwe crap and let triple h and steph run it

There is no way that will ever happen because there is no money to be made from promoting the TNA name outside of some "Best Of" sets and WWE Network stuff. At most, I could see a small group of TNA guys coming in together on WWE TV, but the TNA name would not be a major part of it.

And this is coming from a guy who never misses Impact and has attended every TNA live event ever held in this area. 2 of those events were Bound For Glory 2009 and 2013. I really hope TNA finds a way to survive. Maybe they could end up on AXS TV.
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Mattel is doing some really good work with their figure line.  Quite a turnaround from Jakks who couldn't be bothered to paint the back half of some of their figures.


Mattel is doing some really good work with their figure line. Quite a turnaround from Jakks who couldn't be bothered to paint the back half of some of their figures.
I've got a Bray Wyatt just waiting for his rocking chair accessory as we speak...

Mattel has knocked a lot of the line out of the park. I recently sold off some figures I've been hanging on to as I was going to step away from collecting, but seeing Hogan, Sting, and Razor Ramon at SDCC .. as well as LOD, Lex Luger, and some others .. it's drawing me right back in. Damn you, Mattel. Damn you.

I haven't bought an action figure since I was 13, but there have been a ton of figures from wrestling, comics, movies, sports, and games over the years that I have wanted to buy. But I've been able to resist the temptation ever since 1997.

Stuff like that is expensive nowadays. I'd also need space to display them, and I couldn't really do that anyway since I have pets who could damage them and several other issues. But I love looking at pictures. My friend Danny (PixelDan), who has been a professional wrestler for over a decade, collects and reviews toys. He posted a bunch of pics from Comic-Con. So much cool stuff.
kill the network and go back to cable for 19.99. enough people were buying the PPVS on cable and direct tv for 44.95 to get them to come back to cable and direct tv at 19.99 people would flood to it (that dont stream the network and can no longer get the PPVS since direct tv no longer carries them

a lot of my friends said they would give 20 for it on Cable then have to steam it for 10
Then your friends need to get with the times. No way in hell would I get cable just for the network. I haven't had it for a year, I didn't have it for about 5 years before that. I'm now using an antenna to get local channels, was using Aereo for a year before the Supreme Court squashed them. I'm not upping my monthly cost from 9.99 to $80 (figuring $40 for the promos I get in the mail for a year of U-Verse, plus HD, plus fees/equipment plus 10-20 bucks per slidecage's idea of 20 on cable). That's ridiculous.

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I'm sick of Cena, but he nailed that promo.

And now he's kind of embarrassing himself trying to pull off some of these moves.

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Then your friends need to get with the times. No way in hell would I get cable just for the network. I haven't had it for a year, I didn't have it for about 5 years before that. I'm now using an antenna to get local channels, was using Aereo for a year before the Supreme Court squashed them. I'm not upping my monthly cost from 9.99 to $80 (figuring $40 for the promos I get in the mail for a year of U-Verse, plus HD, plus fees/equipment plus 10-20 bucks per slidecage's idea of 20 on cable). That's ridiculous.
noticed they said the WWE NETWORK a number of times tonight so far and have not once said with 6 month commitment and they go the rest of the ppvs the rest of THIS YEAR.

I still say something is up

I don't watch the Network except for the PPVs, but I'll continue to subscribe to it because I want to reward innovative television offerings. 

My subscription ends soon. I will likely be renewing. I don't watch often, but I do watch the PPVs, NXT, and sometimes Main Event (when I am bored). I also randomly venture into the old WCW PPVs, Monday Night Raws and ECW Hardcore TV. I'm excited for Monday Night Wars. Hoping this progresses into showing Nitros and RAWs as well as Thunder and Smackdown, but unfortunately the way things are looking, it may not last long enough to get that deep into it (WCW Thunder).

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My subscription ends soon. I will likely be renewing. I don't watch often, but I do watch the PPVs, NXT, and sometimes Main Event (when I am bored). I also randomly venture into the old WCW PPVs, Monday Night Raws and ECW Hardcore TV. I'm excited for Monday Night Wars. Hoping this progresses into showing Nitros and RAWs as well as Thunder and Smackdown, but unfortunately the way things are looking, it may not last long enough to get that deep into it (WCW Thunder).
I'll be renewing because of the catalog and to reward outside the box thinking.

I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall for one conversation between slidecage and his Luddite friends.
I'm pretty sure their group is probably part of a grant study, the results of which will be published in the next couple of years. Which will be turned into a mediocre feature "Slidecage in the Mist".

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The Cena promo was awful, but Heyman's was better and this whole deal led to an awesome Cena-Cesaro match. It was every other match they've had, but a bit worse early on since they tried to have Cena 'wrestle". Super AA was a great finish and should work out perfectly for a nearfall at the PPV. Orton was quite surprised that he's not in the Summerslam main event - despite Brock-Cena being visible in the poster next to HHH. Loved the little NWO bit and the Paige-AJ stuff was great. Jericho insulting HHH and getting a match with Steph was a pure win, especially with the Cops bit. I'm sure it wasn't one, but I couldn't help but chuckle since it's the pre-show for TNA. 6-Man tag was nothing, and it's a shame the Nation of Education did nothing. Bo-Truth was a nice way to give Bo a serious edge and give Truth a win before he hopefully turns heel.

Rose-Sandow was goofy bullshit. I've seen Terrible Ted do a more dangerous-looking snapmare. The Orton-Kane-Reigns stuff dragged on for nine hours. I did love the kid yelling RANDY, YOU STINK after the two RKOs through the announce table though. Fandango-Diego sucked. The divas tag wasn't much better. Seth and Jericho was pretty good until the hillbilly teleportation and beating. Steph-Brie stuff was executed well in theory, but didn't do a thing for me until the end with the catfight and Steph doing the yes bit.


Screens -


It's 2014, and RAW ended with a Jamie Noble (boy) chant.

"Jamie Noble" is also trending worldwide in the Twittah machines.

In honor of that, I leave you with this:


Probably reading too much into it, but at the WWE SDCC panel, Mattel was unveiling upcoming WWE figures. Specifically, the defining moments line, which highlights a specific event and outfit that wrestler wore. When they unveiled Sting, they had a "Summerslam" banner show up above his figure. Anyone else see that? I really want to believe that he'll finally make an appearance. Realistically, I know he won't, but I want to bo-lieve.

Probably reading too much into it, but at the WWE SDCC panel, Mattel was unveiling upcoming WWE figures. Specifically, the defining moments line, which highlights a specific event and outfit that wrestler wore. When they unveiled Sting, they had a "Summerslam" banner show up above his figure. Anyone else see that? I really want to believe that he'll finally make an appearance. Realistically, I know he won't, but I want to bo-lieve.
Definitely reading too much into it. Hell, I was just hoping his figure would be released around Summerslam (this year).

I'll be renewing because of the catalog and to reward outside the box thinking.

I'm pretty sure their group is probably part of a grant study, the results of which will be published in the next couple of years. Which will be turned into a mediocre feature "Slidecage in the Mist".
laugh all you want but just wait for Thursday news. very low ratings on almost if not all of the wwe network shows (not counting ppvs but even those are dropping fast) still say it wont be the same come jan. They keep saying get the rest of the PPV this year. Pretty sure they never said THIS YEAR last month They said something like EVERY PPV

so maybe they are thinking about dropping the PPVS off the newtork

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still say it wont be the same come jan.
No, you were saying it would end up canceled or on cable come Jan. Not that it would be changed. It certainly will have changes, like a price hike and maybe dropping PPVs. Dont try to change your words now!

The Network needs to add all of WCW Saturday Night episodes, and maybe start adding more non WWE programming. I dont know what other promotions footage they own but the more the merrier. Hell, if TNA doesnt renew with Spike and they die (PLEASE DIE OFF TNA) I would love to rewatch the NWA-TNA weekly PPV years on the Network.

Literally more commercial time than actual wrestling. .5/10

I'm started to think some of these "awesome" chants are piped in, these fans cant be that stupid. The whole night the one lone this is awesome chant and its over 2 fucking broads arguing? gtfo here

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laugh all you want but just wait for Thursday news. very low ratings on almost if not all of the wwe network shows (not counting ppvs but even those are dropping fast) still say it wont be the same come jan. They keep saying get the rest of the PPV this year. Pretty sure they never said THIS YEAR last month They said something like EVERY PPV

so maybe they are thinking about dropping the PPVS off the newtork
You are ridiculous.

And really? Ratings? You think that they care about ratings? They just care that people are paying, they don't care about ratings. I know that you want to see this fail, but give it up.

No, you were saying it would end up canceled or on cable come Jan. Not that it would be changed. It certainly will have changes, like a price hike and maybe dropping PPVs. Dont try to change your words now!

The Network needs to add all of WCW Saturday Night episodes, and maybe start adding more non WWE programming. I dont know what other promotions footage they own but the more the merrier. Hell, if TNA doesnt renew with Spike and they die (PLEASE DIE OFF TNA) I would love to rewatch the NWA-TNA weekly PPV years on the Network.
i still say it goes to cable in jan or at least sometime in 2015 i will stick to that. I would say if the drop the PPVS you would see at least 50% of members leave. Just think how many chargebacks they would be hit with if someone was in the middle of a 6 month contract and then they go NO MORE PPVS.

i would give 14.99 (not sure about 19.99) if i could just watch it off my DVR box (What could happen cause comcast is talking about allowing you to stream stuff though the X1 sometime very soon. i know for fact i would not pay 9.99 a month and have no access to the ppvs, though i dont have a problem with waiting for a ppv. Like say SUMMERSLAM AUG 17 make it on the network as of the 18th or something like that.

only time i even watch the network in the past month was just for the ppvs, not worth hooking up all of the crap just to watch 1 to 2 hours of wrestling.

Yea, if they got rid of the live PPVs I would assume they would still add them within a months time.

For me, I couldnt really care much less about the PPVs being on there. The product, IMO, sucks now. Every so often there will be a glimmer of hope, but then WWE kills it as quickly as it starts. So no PPVs wont bother me at all. And I am sure IF they removed the PPVs there would be a good 6 month warning given so no one would get stuck with it when they only wanted it for the PPVs.

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