Ultimate Warrior memorial wrestling thread 1959-2014

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They all are credible sources of information, relatively speaking. Inquisitr is just some site where basically anyone with a basic command of the English language- so not slidecage- can become a "writer" and spread whatever opinion they wish.

The most credible wrestling news sites are wrong more often than not. Why would anyone put any stock in the article referenced here?
Man, they're all dirt sheets making stuff up. Once in awhile they get something right but so does a broken clock.

If Randy Orton is a legend killer, then John Cena is a future killer. Already buried Miz, Sandow, and R-Truth so far. Coming soon: Rusev?

If Randy Orton is a legend killer, then John Cena is a future killer. Already buried Miz, Sandow, and R-Truth so far. Coming soon: Rusev?
So that is why they made Sandow play dumb ass characters and lose most weeks? (Seriously)

I actually think he is a pretty decent wrestler and could not figure out why he sucks so bad.

If Randy Orton is a legend killer, then John Cena is a future killer. Already buried Miz, Sandow, and R-Truth so far. Coming soon: Rusev?
More like:





Bray Wyatt

Mark Henry

Zach Ryder

and much much more. That Cena ceiling is too strong too overcome.

Ooookay then, is it just going to be that Ambrose is hiding in the cinder block crate? Maybe that will animate yet another dead crowd. Not that I blame them for being dead with how awful the show has been lately.

Edit - LMAO at Cena trying to co-opt yet another popular guy's momentum. He did it with Bryan, he did it with Ryder, and now he's going to apparently do it with Ambrose.
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When John Cena told Bray Wyatt that the new era had to go through him, that wasn't just some promo, that was a threat and a promise to wrestling fans everywhere.

PS: Sandow's 2014 record as of August: 3-98

Sandow is gold.


Is this the part where they have Cena bury Ambrose because he's getting too popular?
Ooookay then, is it just going to be that Ambrose is hiding in the cinder block crate? Maybe that will animate yet another dead crowd. Not that I blame them for being dead with how awful the show has been lately.

Edit - LMAO at Cena trying to co-opt yet another popular guy's momentum. He did it with Bryan, he did it with Ryder, and now he's going to apparently do it with Ambrose.
And yet one of the first things Ambrose said last night was that he wasn't dead.

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Whomever said Ambrose is like a cross between Austin and Pillman is spot on. Last night Dean did everything better than Cena ... and he was right next to the guy: Better on the mic, better moveset (goes from brawling to technical in seconds), and seems way more motivated than Cena to fight Rollins: [/SIZE]http://sports.yahoo.com/news/gif-dean-ambrose-more-committed-203459829.html I think Cena hit Rollins with three punches while Ambrose was beating on Seth for like 30 seconds.

Speaking of people getting buried, what do you guys make of this: http://www.inquisitr.com/1492662/wwe-news-cesaro-signs-were-confiscated-at-night-of-champions/

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And yet one of the first things Ambrose said last night was that he wasn't dead.

[SIZE=13.63636302948px]Whomever said Ambrose is like a cross between Austin and Pillman is spot on. Last night Dean did everything better than Cena ... and he was right next to the guy: Better on the mic, better moveset (goes from brawling to technical in seconds), and seems way more motivated than Cena to fight Rollins: [/SIZE]http://sports.yahoo.com/news/gif-dean-ambrose-more-committed-203459829.html I think Cena hit Rollins with three punches while Ambrose was beating on Seth for like 30 seconds.

Speaking of people getting buried, what do you guys make of this: http://www.inquisitr.com/1492662/wwe-news-cesaro-signs-were-confiscated-at-night-of-champions/
Considering that another one of their articles is "Brock gets sweaty and turns red/purple , therefore heart condition" I wouldn't put too much stock in it.

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Who were the unfortunate 3? I think Ziggler was one of them. I think Heath Slater has more wins than Sandow.

I think the guy is pretty good, just gets stuck with a shitty gimmick. Maybe hanging out with Miz will revitalize his career.
Because that worked out so well for Ric Flair and John Morrison.

I thought the bunny was going to end up being Darren Young when revealed?

Some people think the bunny is Justin Gabriel.  But we all know it is CM Punk.  Chipmunk.  Furry creature.  Bunny.  Bunny Cult Following.  Cult of Personality.  MAH GAWD THE PIECES FIT.

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Who were the unfortunate 3? I think Ziggler was one of them. I think Heath Slater has more wins than Sandow.
At the time (beginning of August) it was a couple of wins against Sin Cara and one against R-Truth.

Maybe he's gotten some wins since then. I haven't been watching the regular shows outside of NXT.

JB's explanation of this whole NYC Gold Rush thing made very little sense. Loved the MVP-Low Ki match. That was easily MVP's best match in TNA so far, and I dug MVP showing some FIGHTING SPIRIT. The more they explain this thing, the less it makes sense. Great bit with Robbie E not noticing the cameras as he talks about his plan to get two knockouts, and then running. Tajiri looked good in there with Robbie. Knux-Aries was fantastic, and Knux's best match since his SD push like six years ago. He was flying around there for a bit, which is impressive given his size and age. Anderson-Magnus was a match. Good recaps for the tag title ladder match and Team 3D's HOF induction made the tag titles feel important, while the KOs got some time to shine with a calendar vid and a Havok-Kim hype video. Shaw-Abyss was nothing, and the Gold Rush wasn't much. The MVP vs. Low-Ki and Knux vs. Aries matches were worth watching though.


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Prince Devitt's WWE name is Finn Balor.

I don't hate it.
I do. I though Prince Devitt was so bad that WWEs name would easily be better. Finn Balor? It doesnt even sound like a name. Maybe it will grow on me...

Edit: The more I think about it, I think Finn Balor may be one of WWEs WORST names they have come up with. I am hoping he gets some nickname he can go by instead by the time he debuts on Raw.

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Remember when the Giant was agile for his size? Now he's just Old Fat and Lazy.
Still more agile than Andre was in his WWF years. I remember around this time there were stories all over the internet about how The Giant was doing moonsaults in the Power Plant. Would love to have seen him land that on someone. Maybe stack Norman Smiley, The Cat, and Chavo and land it on them.


Remember when the Giant was agile for his size? Now he's just Old Fat and Lazy.
Yes, well, that tends to happen when you're 15-20 years older and that size. Rey Mysterio is also slower and more limited compared to his WCW days. So what?

As far as Andre, that dude was pretty incredible when he was young. The runs he had in the WWF were when he had already sort of been past his physical prime (even the early 80's stuff with heel Hogan). There isn't a ton of footage out there I've seen, but Andre was extremely mobile in his earlier years, and I'm sure would have been able to pull off anything Show was doing around '96.

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I do. I though Prince Devitt was so bad that WWEs name would easily be better. Finn Balor? It doesnt even sound like a name. Maybe it will grow on me...

Edit: The more I think about it, I think Finn Balor may be one of WWEs WORST names they have come up with. I am hoping he gets some nickname he can go by instead by the time he debuts on Raw.
WWE Name Destroyer™ strikes yet again!

For a company that has shown, at times, an incredible amount of marketing ability, they have consistently proven that they can't come up with good names. There are a couple of exceptions but those just prove the rule. I agree that Finn Balor doesn't even sound like a name, more just a random collection of syllables.

Here's video of his debut - airing 11/6. 


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I'm just not sure where you fit them in...then again they are giving 10 minutes a week to Adam Rose's Bunny friend.

I'd throw them against Gold and Stardust and the Usos to extend that for a little bit. 

They really need to get that US belt off of Sheamus and onto a heel so the lower card guys at least have something to work with/towards.

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While we would all prefer their non-WWE-random-word-adjoiner names, I feel as though I might grow to accept "Finn Balor."

Sami Zayn is still terrible, tho. Too reminiscent of those ol' "Justin Sane"-type E-fed-level monikers.

At the very least, and this is a big step for WWE, they introduce our beloved wrasslers as their world-renowned names. That's a step up. No matter what anyone says. Sure beats them simply debuting talent as their WWE names. This is a recent yet appreciated change.

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I imagine Vince is even more pissy about the names than usual right now after Punk's departure and Rey no longer cashing their checks.

The intro and then name change is probably the best compromise they could get.

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Who is the guy that was walking around with Jamie Noble? I can't put a name to his face...
Joey Mercury? I didn't see the show but he's an agent and goes out there for pull-aparts and stuff.

Edit - didn't see the follow up post above.

Anyway, I thought for sure they were going to pour beer on AJ to stick it to Punk.
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