Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception coming 2011

Yea getting on the plane isn't hard if you keep trying at it and use a little strategy. I also believe that villains actually do spawn inside the plane from my experience but the obvious downside is that you are surrounded by a full team of heroes lol.
[quote name='viksmart']Yea getting on the plane isn't hard if you keep trying at it and use a little strategy. I also believe that villains actually do spawn inside the plane from my experience but the obvious downside is that you are surrounded by a full team of heroes lol.[/QUOTE]

I've spawned inside several times when starting outside. It isn't that hard... just don't fall off the trucks and pick your spots. Being sloppy or impatient will net you several deaths. :lol:
that plane section needs some serious work especially when trying to jump from truck to truck and also the physics get kinda weird in the plane at time. btw you can get the yipie kay yay ( yeah i butchered that spelling so what ) medal by using grenades too since doing ti with a gun is damn near impossible. and i think some od the medals arent registering properly. i got a fury during one game but 6 kills later the rage medal never popped up same with the deep cover medal.

has anyone been able to toss a grenade back at someone yet? i keep meaning to try it but in the heat of a game i never think to do it.
[quote name='lokizz']that plane section needs some serious work especially when trying to jump from truck to truck and also the physics get kinda weird in the plane at time. btw you can get the yipie kay yay ( yeah i butchered that spelling so what ) medal by using grenades too since doing ti with a gun is damn near impossible. and i think some od the medals arent registering properly. i got a fury during one game but 6 kills later the rage medal never popped up same with the deep cover medal.

has anyone been able to toss a grenade back at someone yet? i keep meaning to try it but in the heat of a game i never think to do it.[/QUOTE]
I've tried like 10 times esp in co-op and never succeeded once so I stopped trying
[quote name='lokizz']that plane section needs some serious work especially when trying to jump from truck to truck[/QUOTE]

Agreed. For now, don't jump from bed to bed, get up on the cab to jump from as it works 10 times better.
[quote name='BarryFunds']I'm wish I could aim faster. Glad there is a hardcore mode though.[/QUOTE]

Did you adjust your aim speed? I had to kick it up from 50 to 75.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']Did you adjust your aim speed? I had to kick it up from 50 to 75.[/QUOTE]
No, but I'm going to now. Thanks for the tip.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']Did you adjust your aim speed? I had to kick it up from 50 to 75.[/QUOTE]

i did all the way up and it still feels slow especially when trying to aim at someone moving or coming towards you.
[quote name='Saint Noir']Agreed. For now, don't jump from bed to bed, get up on the cab to jump from as it works 10 times better.[/QUOTE]

ill try that from now on it sucks going in for the kill only to drop down to the ground for no good reason. ive also run into alot of places where you should be able to climb but cant unless you move over an inch or you jump 3 or 4 times until they finally let you climb up. issues aside i love the game i dont think i can go back to uncharted 2 mp again.
[quote name='lokizz']i did all the way up and it still feels slow especially when trying to aim at someone moving or coming towards you.[/QUOTE]

Uncharted doesn't scale the aiming speed that much. I've been thinking of adjusting it higher, maybe to 100, but I hate experimenting.
Has anyone been able to get 12 Parsecs yet? If so, which map was it on? I'm actually feeling like Airstrip would be easier to get it on than Chateau, simply because Gold Rush is more direct.
Your best chance for 12 parsecs would be on Chateau since it is a smaller map. As for gold rush in Chateau, you should take the treasure down the bottom middle room. You will find it is a much more quicker route than Airstrip.
[quote name='8bitArtist']i havent had a single freeze/laggy match since patch 1.01. before that patch however is another story. ha[/QUOTE]

even with the patch ha ha... good for you. Here is your cookie:
[quote name='8bitArtist']i havent had a single freeze/laggy match since patch 1.01. before that patch however is another story. ha[/QUOTE]

I booted it up the first time on Tuesday, got shot once and then it Froze. I didn't try it again until Saturday so that they could get their stuff fixed. :lol:

Oh and can you change your shirt color? And how do you use the emblem maker... it seems busted to me.

EDIT - figured out some new stuff on the emblem maker, so never mind on that one.

Triangle to change clothes colors, says it right there. Bleh.
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[quote name='8bitArtist']i think pressing triangle brings up the color options for shirts. what ?s you have about the emblem maker?[/QUOTE]

I'm a genius and didn't know base and border were also shapes to choose from. I couldn't figure out why they were blank. :lol:
[quote name='8bitArtist']i joined your party but got tired of waiting on you to start a game. :p[/QUOTE]

Haha I came back to the game way later and saw your message. I was super AFK. Sorry about that.
yeah, i really dislike the invite system here. why on earth wouldnt they have you receive a PSN message when someone invites you like u2 had. why take a step backwards?
I'm quite fond of Team Objectives, but its not my thing. It is too easy to win with a solid team since the other team is thinking TDM when objectives are up. I do like the fast pace of it though.

Co-op hunter is fun when playing as the villains. Unlocking the last tier armored villains essentially breaks the hero team due to their heavy armor, Spas/M9+ weapons, and 3 nades. As for the heroes team, its easy to clean house when carrying the Medic/A03 kickback combo. I would play it more, but you get such a shitty payout compared to hardcore/TDM modes.
[quote name='retro.elite']I'm not liking the new co-op mode.[/QUOTE]

i agree its fucking annoying as hell and a bit confusing at first but even when you get what to do youre very overwhelmed by enemies and if your partner sucks youre pretty much screwed. i lost one game then won the next and promptly quit.
Really enjoying the beta more now. Still dying plenty, but at least I'm killing more people now. I had 11 assists earlier! I can't finish people off for the life of me, lol
[quote name='ssjmichael']Really enjoying the beta more now. Still dying plenty, but at least I'm killing more people now. I had 11 assists earlier! I can't finish people off for the life of me, lol[/QUOTE]

there are alot of people who pull that shit where they wait for someone else to start shooting someone then put in a few shots towards the end to take the kill from you. 11 assists is alot ive never seen anyone get more than 4 or 5 in any game.

anyone else see that ign article on the beta where the guy from ign admitted to basically camping every game he played lol.
beta patch 1.02


  • Last place team in Three Team Deathmatch now gets placed into Observer Mode in Sudden Death

  • Disabled the accumulation of medals to stack Medal Kickback activations. Now, if your Medal Kickback is waiting to be activated, you cannot earn more medals that count towards your Medal Kickback counter until you have activated your current Medal Kickback. Players will still be awarded medals
  • Disabled the activation of a Power Play after 40 kills have been reached in Team Deathmatch
  • Increase the minimum time between Power Plays activating from 30 seconds to 60 seconds

  • Made updates to reduce the long Matchmaking wait times some players were experiencing
  • Fixed an issue where some in-game objects would not be able to be picked up by players
  • Fixed an issue where the idol in Plunder would not reset properly. The Plunder idol will now reset to one of the specified idol spawn points
  • Fixed an issue in which the team with the least amount of kills could potentially win in Sudden Death even if they finished the game with less kills than the first place team
  • Fixed issue with the game timer hitting 0:00 in Co-op Hunter and the match not ending properly
  • Fixed instances where some players would take damage through the shield in Co-op matches
  • Fixed issues which caused some players to experience trouble connecting to Multiplayer
  • Fixed an issue where some PS3 consoles would hard reset under certain circumstances
  • Added support for early generation HDTV sets that do not support 720p by enabling 1080i upscaling
User Interface

  • Change “Found Player” notification to reflect the actual player ID in the Matchmaking screen after having completed a match
  • Reduce the waiting time before the vote count down after a match from 30 seconds to 15 seconds
  • Added an option in the Display menu for disabling Uncharted TV
  • Sound from Uncharted TV now plays through TV output instead of the headset
  • Enabled Facebook functionality that was temporarily disabled. Players can now use their PS3 linked Facebook accounts to view the online status of their Facebook friends, send invites, and join parties
  • Invite notification now appears in the Multiplayer Lobby. Notification will appear as a red asterix in the Invites tab.
  • Added an icon in the upper right corner of the screen to indicate that your buddy wants to High Five. Only appears when you and your buddy have created a “buddy kill” situation and the blue “buddy kill” icon appears on your screen.
  • New font for in-game text and menus

  • Added additional data tracking to aid analysis of matches, player behavior, and other technical information by Naughty Dog
Some nice changes. A little sad about no medals for kickbacks stacking, since I am usually balling... but it will be more fair. :lol:

  • Disabled the accumulation of medals to stack Medal Kickback activations. Now, if your Medal Kickback is waiting to be activated, you cannot earn more medals that count towards your Medal Kickback counter until you have activated your current Medal Kickback. Players will still be awarded medals
well this sucks
no wonder that was the reason i saw my medals go straight to 0 after i activated my "smoke" kickback.
I used to stack them and used them when the time was right..
Now it looks like i will have to die if i dont have 5 of those medals.
Then again when i used to use it, sometimes i would appear a few feet from where i originally was and that used to piss me off

Well played Naughty Dog
One thing pissing me off is when you stun a guy with a grenade and then melee him he doesn't die. I have like 50 double kills already but would have about 30-40 triple kills if the grenade stun would take off as much health as a rifle butt. The auto sniper with the red dot rapes again and so does the sniper. I dislike the fact that you can run so long and often and that turbo kickback is uber cheap. I wonder how many multiplayer maps will be in the final game and i can tell the coop needs a major overhaul.
I'm not liking having to use my kickback instantly. Initially I was surprised that this wasn't the case when I first started playing, but I was glad they allowed me to use them as I felt was appropriate.

For Co-Op anything, and for Team Objective, there's incentive to save up kickbacks. It's like they're punishing good players for playing well and using strategy.
I see a few others think the 'new' co-op Hunter Mode is annoying as hell, what is the gist two guys versus a army? if it was only 2 vs 2 then it'd be more competitive,

is there a set order the treasures have to be planted, a tactic of seperaer& distract to get a treasure would work

Anyone else have there system shutdown, and restart when you quit the beta? mine does everytime I play
[quote name='8bitArtist']i really only care about the medals not stacking in co-op. having 4 field medics saved up can really come in handy.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, the one is just silly... but I also discussed immediately not being able to save up my heals in co op. Hurts.

[quote name='Romis']Anyone else have there system shutdown, and restart when you quit the beta? mine does everytime I play[/QUOTE]

I've had it happen. Hopefully it is addressed per the patch notes.
I downloaded the beta finally the other night because a couple friends kept bugging me to do so because there was supposed to be some really good co-op/storyline type modes or levels.

So we finally got around to playing it the night before last and apparently they've locked out that shit now(or it was never there to begin with). WTF!?!?!

That's the ONLY kind of mode I like playing because in the competitive ones I always seem to end up going against level 20's and above that kick my ass repeatedly and that shit's just no fuckin' fun at all.

So can someone explain to me IF there were non competitive modes/levels before and if they're gone for good cuz if they are then this beta is going straight to the deleted pile.
every week modes are going to change. next week hunter will most likely be gone and replaced with something else. the co-op mode they had before was a combo of seige/gold rush/survival
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']So can someone explain to me IF there were non competitive modes/levels before and if they're gone for good cuz if they are then this beta is going straight to the deleted pile.[/QUOTE]

Bullet sponge,

The co op mode that went away will be returning in a handful of days. In it the modes switch as you and two others fight off computer people. It is pretty fun.

A level 20 something.

[quote name='8bitArtist']every week modes are going to change. next week hunter will most likely be gone and replaced with something else. the co-op mode they had before was a combo of seige/gold rush/survival[/QUOTE]
OK. So then there were no real story type modes like in UC2's mp. Then I know where this beta is going for sure now cuz I can no longer stand most competitive modes, even the ones against bots are just too annoying for my liking.
[quote name='The Ebbtide']I'm not liking having to use my kickback instantly. Initially I was surprised that this wasn't the case when I first started playing, but I was glad they allowed me to use them as I felt was appropriate.

For Co-Op anything, and for Team Objective, there's incentive to save up kickbacks. It's like they're punishing good players for playing well and using strategy.[/QUOTE]

The game would be utter chaos if everyone could stack all their kickbacks.
[quote name='Cerebral_One']The game would be utter chaos if everyone could stack all their kickbacks.[/QUOTE]

It was this way already... and was not utter chaos. Just a bit more balanced in favor of the better players. :lol:
Does it take more bullets to kill in plunder mode or did they lower the damage of bullets? I unloaded almost entire clip into people and they don't die in pluinder mode.

[quote name='Saint Noir']It was this way already... and was not utter chaos. Just a bit more balanced in favor of the better players. :lol:[/QUOTE]

Because people did not know they could stack. If everyone knew, you'd have 3 players stacking RPG and having 4-8 RPG's shooting off in a row, 2 players running around in a sprint non-stop for minutes, 2 players vanishing everytime anyone got near, 3 players with unlimited ammo for minutes at a time.
I knew it could stack as soon as I used a kickback on day 1 and saw it didn't say 0/6, or whatever your kickback medal requirement was.

If someone has earned the ability to fire off more than 2 RPG shots they've been very kind to your team, or the other team, by not using their earned RPG to begin with. If they've unlocked the ability to use it multiple times, the other team is just bad. I don't see why it should punish players who have skill.

It's like forcing me to use a kickback in objective mode, when it might be much wiser to save multiples up to use for a later round. This new setup is a step backwards.

One thing they must address is spawning on a buddy in Chateau, only to be spawned between a wall. I have had this happen twice, and both times I've had to grenade myself to respawn, adding a death to my team and costing me time to get other players or help my team.
bread's done