uncharted vs uncharted 2


9 (100%)
Hey all. Never got around to playing the original uncharted. From a story perspective is it worth going back to play the original or if you just jump into the second and not much is missed? Dont have much time to play games as it is but I hate playing games where your like whats going on?

Like I just played COD MW2 and I haven't played the original well since I beat it when it came out. For the life of me I only vaguely remember the name soap. I think he was important to the first game but with not synopsis of the first game for a refresher there seemed to be a lot of loose strings as I played through that one...

Thanks for any and all help/suggestions.
A bit of backstory between the main character and another character will be absent to you, as quite a bit of the first game involves them. Otherwise I can't really think of that much, though I haven't played through the Uncharted 2 single player in about a month. Really it would be akin to you and a friend going to separate schools, and then him introducing you to a new friend of his when you met up next. You won't know how they met, but it really doesn't factor into the present/future.

Really it's not going to be a problem at all. I can't think of anything that would make you confused. I would suggest going back and playing the first sometime for the fun of it; the campaign isn't that long (5-7 hours, depending on difficulty) and gives an interesting first look at Mr. Drake. While it's certain not going to confuse you to jump right into the second, I would highly suggest playing the first, as a half-dozen or so 1-hour sessions would be enough to wrap it up.
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oh wow, i am done with the first Uncharted right now.
Yeah, i JUST beat the game and i refreshed this page just to find this topic, coincidence huh?

Well, like Nirron said, Get uncharted 1 and then jump into Uncharted 2. You are going to miss the small or big character details on daredevil Nate, that old promiscuous Sully, and that nice pretty girl Elena.

I picked it up for 15 on Amazon in Black Friday, i am sure there will be a similar deal for you. Damn, you should have grabbed the deal when it was up.

I jumped into Half Life 2 before even playing Half Life. BIG MISTAKE i have ever made.
ugh, i had to read on the forums the story of Half Life so i could link it to Half Life 2 because i was clueless.

Dont jump into Uncharted 2 yet, and get uncharted 1.
BTW, right now i am about to start the game with that dude who uses lighting to kill people, or inFamous. :)
[quote name='cRodz']oh wow, i am done with the first Uncharted right now.
Yeah, i JUST beat the game and i refreshed this page just to find this topic, coincidence huh?

Well, like Nirron said, Get uncharted 1 and then jump into Uncharted 2. You are going to miss the small or big character details on daredevil Nate, that old promiscuous Sully, and that nice pretty girl Elena.

I picked it up for 15 on Amazon in Black Friday, i am sure there will be a similar deal for you. Damn, you should have grabbed the deal when it was up.

I jumped into Half Life 2 before even playing Half Life. BIG MISTAKE i have ever made.
ugh, i had to read on the forums the story of Half Life so i could link it to Half Life 2 because i was clueless.

Dont jump into Uncharted 2 yet, and get uncharted 1.
BTW, right now i am about to start the game with that dude who uses lighting to kill people, or inFamous. :)[/QUOTE]

hahaha had the same issue with half life 2. Picked up orange box played throught it and was like what kind of ending was that. Still never got back to half life one to fill in the blanks. I waited on playing epsiode 1 and 2 cause I read there was going to be an episode 3 so I could play those 3 strait through but alas so far it has been delayed from what I read.

Thanks for the suggestions thus far all.
[quote name='Jodou']I wouldn't skip the first one simply because it's the better of the two IMHO.[/QUOTE]
I agree with Jodou, for all UC2's fanfare I think the first one was way better.
There are story elements to the first game that would be ruined if you were to go back and play it after 2. The series is really good, and I find it highly likely that you will want to play both games, so I don't recommend playing them out of order.
I think Naughty Dog raised a respect level when i went to the extras. There i found an option that said "Next Gen Filter"
What do i get?
BROWN n BLOOM to the fucking max.

i cracked up and i got the joke. Most FPS now are just Brown/Bloom or *gasp!* both.
Naughty Dog..i am beginning..to...love you. :shock:

i really want uncharted 2 and i could have gotten it for 40 but i have to wait unless i find it for 35 or 30. i still have a few games i have here to play. damn it..
Uncharted 1 was harder IMO but I loved it. Play Uncharted 1 first, and then play Uncharted 2 on hard mode.
U2 is the better game, the 1st one has some slow parts and the environments have less variety. Still an excellent game, though. Both games make you want to finish them for the story alone, though, as the dialogue and characters are well-written and well-acted - Naughty Dog has set a new standard for for voice acting and cutscenes in videogames.
[quote name='Jodou']I wouldn't skip the first one simply because it's the better of the two IMHO.[/QUOTE]
Don't drop acid and post on forums please.
UC 1 is still one of my favorite :ps3: games definitely recommend you play it then play 2. There are all sorts of inside jokes and nods to the previous one that if you don't play the first one you will be like "huh?".

I feel really bad for the people who never played the first half life and jumped to the second one(once the black mesa mod for pc is finished I plan on going back and enjoying the first one again). I pretty much make it a rule to play the first game of any series.
[quote name='cRodz']I think Naughty Dog raised a respect level when i went to the extras. There i found an option that said "Next Gen Filter"
What do i get?
BROWN n BLOOM to the fucking max.

i cracked up and i got the joke. Most FPS now are just Brown/Bloom or *gasp!* both.
Naughty Dog..i am beginning..to...love you. :shock:

I actually bought that and used it and I thought to myself 'this is the next-gen filter?'

I also remember them mentioning that in an interview, where everyone is doing a dark and gritty (brown/bloom) game and they wanted to do something different. Thanks for pointing that out, I wouldn't have got it.

I also don't get how people think U1 is better than U2. Would some of you care to elaborate on why instead of just saying it?

*btw nice Don Ramon av. Lol.
I would have to agree that the first game is better like a couple of people already said. I loved the story and Sully. Part 2 left me wanting a lot more. The second part was more cliche than I cared for.

I don't really care about graphics or multiplayer for my games. Just give me a story. And the first one had me hooked from the beginning. And also gave me a nice surprise towards the end. I felt they had to top it from the first one and they didn't, story wise. Many more twists and turns in the first one.
I stopped playing 1/2 way through the first uncharted. I enjoyed the story but the gun fights were to frequent and repetitive for me to continue on. I did enjoy the platforming. I will complete it before I even touch Uncharted 2(which I've had since launch day). My favorite part so far in Uncharted 1 was the
escape/car chase part
. If I could watch the story without playing through 1, I would start on Uncharted 2. But I do not want to miss out on the story.

From my point of view and just completing God of War collection. It would be like playing GoW2 without playing GoW1.
[quote name='floormat']
Like I just played COD MW2 and I haven't played the original well since I beat it when it came out. For the life of me I only vaguely remember the name soap. I think he was important to the first game but with not synopsis of the first game for a refresher there seemed to be a lot of loose strings as I played through that one...

Thanks for any and all help/suggestions.[/QUOTE]

You ARE Soap in the last CoD, and its cool to run into him in the next game at his current rank and skill level, and remember playing him as the FNG
If I didn't know any better I'd say people who think the first is better than the second are trolling. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I'm not sure exactly how someone could be satisfied playing through Uncharted 1's repetitive, flawed, and short campaign and not be satisfied after playing through Uncharted 2's many varied, polished, and more fleshed out game modes.

Is it opposite day?
[quote name='blissskr']I agree with Jodou, for all UC2's fanfare I think the first one was way better.[/QUOTE]

I also agree... really, I don't see what all the fuss is about with Uncharted 2, apart from better graphics. I think the first had a better story, better character development, better levels... aside from UC2's overrated multiplayer, Uncharted 1 was everything Uncharted 2 was except better.

I guess what I'm saying is to play Drake's Fortune, not because it will help you put Among Thieves better into context, but simply because it's the better game.
I hated the new characters in U2 and missed having Sully around for comic relief. Also, the tension between Drake and Elena was just awkward.
Well, to each their own then. I was disappointed by Uncharted: Drake's Fortune when I first played it last summer, feeling it wasn't worth the money. Uncharted 2 I feel differently about.

To the OP I suggest playing both if you would like to be familiar with Elena and Drake's characters before moving on to the second and to see the myriad improvements Naughty Dog made to the formula between 1 and 2.
I enjoyed Uncharted 1's story (and a case could be made that it is the more personal/better story than UC2's) though after awhile I found the gun battles pretty repetitive (and I really wasn't a fan of fighting that final enemy type
). The first portion of UC2 was a lot like UC1 (the battle in the plaza with constantly "respawning" enemies was particularly annoying) but right around Chapter 8 or so is when they begin to change things up with a little more variety
carrying a wounded man through a gun fight, the battle on the train, battling a tank through the village, Tenzin!
did I embrace UC2 as the superior gameplay experience.
[quote name='Frank Deluded']

I also don't get how people think U1 is better than U2. Would some of you care to elaborate on why instead of just saying it?[/QUOTE]

My only issue is with the SP, because I felt that U2 was just pretty much the same as UC with the FAL, Mini-gun, 4-load Grenade Launcher, and Pistole added. I also felt that the whole SS thing was tacked on just to include the Luger and the MP44, so the story felt weak to me in general compared to UC1. UC was also much more challenging to me since UC2 crushing was a breeze. Also, the boss battle at the end of UC was a real one unlike UC2's merry-go round affair.
As a huge fan of part 1. I enjoyed part 2 way more.

The variety in gameplay was tremendous. You didn't feel like you kept going on to the next stage just to shoot bullet sponges then platform, rinse wash and repeat. Part 2 adds a ton of more gameplay elements that make the game exciting throughout the whole thing. Like someone said, carrying someone through rain while fighting off enemies. Taking down a chopper in the gunner. The train level, with its constant swaying, etc. Every chapter just felt really fresh and unpredictable in a gameplay aspect.

Story wise, I felt part two was better even thought he pacing is a bit weird. Part one was linear and you always felt Drake could get through anything so there was never any huge urgency and you weren't as invested into the game.

In part 2 Drake was beaten down and wanted to quit. It also shows the character of each individual and what they would do in dire situations. (Example: Chloe feeling horrible after Drake not having her back for wanting to save Jeff and Elena.)

In the end though it's all preference. But I thought part 2 was leaps and bounds better.
Get the first one. There are a few small details you might miss if you don't get it... but it's nothing game-breaking. U:DF is a great game so get it...

I really liked UC and will be getting UC2, but what I was wondering was if the second game addressed the issue of the repetitive gun fights?
[quote name='DF3']I really liked UC and will be getting UC2, but what I was wondering was if the second game addressed the issue of the repetitive gun fights?[/QUOTE]

Yea- the fights are a lot better. In 1, a lot of the time i felt like i was having a gun fight, then walking to the other side of the area and having another gun fight from the other side of the room.

That hardly ever happens in 2.
I /just/ finished Uncharted 1, and the negative comments here about the sequel are making me feel like I should wait a couple of years until it is equally cheap, (15 dollars.)

Honestly, I enjoyed the game, but it felt repetitive. Plus it threw in a QTE. The general impression I am getting here is that UC2 is /better,/ but not overwhelmingly better.

I don't think I'm willing to pony up 40 dollars for another similar experience.
[quote name='cheezisgoooood']If I didn't know any better I'd say people who think the first is better than the second are trolling. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I'm not sure exactly how someone could be satisfied playing through Uncharted 1's repetitive, flawed, and short campaign and not be satisfied after playing through Uncharted 2's many varied, polished, and more fleshed out game modes.

Is it opposite day?[/QUOTE]

You're a dumbass; there's a difference between personal oppinion and trolling. I also liked the first game more.
bread's done