Unexpectedly bought a PS3 -- Game recs?


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So, I just bought a PS3, which I wasn't planning to do until FFXIII came out. I haven't been really paying attention to the games that have been coming out for the system, so I'm looking for reccommendations. I'm a big RPG/JRPG fan as well as adventure, and I figure I'll need a group fighter or shooter for my boys.
Can't stand driving games.

Also: I don't currently have a big-screen hi-def TV, and I've been putting off buying one since I'll probably move within the next year. Is it worth it to buy a smaller HD tv for a few hundred, or will my SDtv do and wait to upgrade?
Without a doubt, you should pick up Folklore and Ratchet & Clank Future. As for a tv, I would first invest in a good sound system and worry about the HD later. An Onkyo HTIB is a good purchase, especially if you're not much of an audiophile.
If you want, you could try out Enchanted Arms (rpg). If you can find a used copy at Gamestop or EB it is 17.99 and then there is a 20% off PS3 coupon floating in the deals section.

RPG: Folklore
Fighter: Virtual Fighter 5 or purchase Tekken 5 from the Playstation Store.
Shooter: Resistance, Warhawk, Rainbow Six Las Vegas
Adventure: Heavenly Sword (very short game), Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted (Not sure if it is out yet)
Other consideration: Call of Duty 4 (shooter) , Eye of Judgment (card game)

Your SD can definitely play PS3 games until you move. But it depends on your tv, the text may be a bit hard to read. Just save those extra hundreds and put it into your bigger HDTV.

Have fun with your new purchase. I sure am. :)
If your looking for fun games to play on the system then I would go with;
Heavenly Sword
Warhawk(great online title for the system)
Ratchet & Clank
Buy Uncharted as soon as it comes out as it is great
Folklore for your RPG fix or you can pick up Enchanted Arms for $20 at CC which is an ok game.
[quote name='pcktlnt']If you want, you could try out Enchanted Arms (rpg). If you can find a used copy at Gamestop or EB it is 17.99 and then there is a 20% off PS3 coupon floating in the deals section.

RPG: Folklore
Fighter: Virtual Fighter 5 or purchase Tekken 5 from the Playstation Store.
Shooter: Resistance, Warhawk, Rainbow Six Las Vegas
Adventure: Heavenly Sword (very short game), Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted (Not sure if it is out yet)
Other consideration: Call of Duty 4 (shooter) , Eye of Judgment (card game)

Your SD can definitely play PS3 games until you move. But it depends on your tv, the text may be a bit hard to read. Just save those extra hundreds and put it into your bigger HDTV.

Have fun with your new purchase. I sure am. :)[/quote]

Your list is flawed. Folklore isn't a RPG and Sigma isn't an adventure game. Basically actual JRPG's that are good aren't out for the system (hell I actually don't think any of the three has a great JRPG game out right now), with that said try Oblivion. It's a PC-Style RPG but is amazing. Folklore might be up your alley as it's an adventure game with a JRPG style to it (not a bad game but I hate the comic style cutscenes they should've just been normal for this type of game and with voice overs, not the comic style scenes that look like they belong in Viewtiful Joe or a new Comix Zone game instead). Ratchet is a solid adventure/platforming game. Resistance and COD4 are the best FPS's on the system (though renting Darkness isn't a bad idea, it's fun but just short). Heavenly Sword is a good action game, but very short.

I personally don't like Ninja Gaiden Sigma. To repetitive and it's design is flawed. I don't understand why this with a stupid story (with it's attempt to be like a big budget movie, yet it's actual story and what not is closer to some crappy b-movie ninja story) and horrible design/AI (yes it's terrible design, it's hard for the sake of being hard, and not because the AI is good, but because a lot of the times the AI is just cheap and cheats) got such glowing reviews (even the Xbox originals, at there time yes were amazing graphically, but still much the same, so the high 9's were wrong, to me the games about a 6).

Whoever said audio is more important than visuals you are out of your mind.. Have you played next-gen games on a good HDTV? The difference is huge and it's much better than playing on a SDTV. It's a bigger difference than playing with a sound setup. I'd go with a good HDTV first and a sound system later (though I've had a good sound system for years so my HDTV technically came later).

You can wait on the HDTV, as the games will still look better than any PS2, Cube or XBox games you have played on an SDTV, but there is a big difference when playing in HD as opposed to SD.

edit: some games coming out to look forward to as possible good games, Assassin's Creed, Haze, The Orange Box, Uncharted, Unreal Tournament 3 (might make it out this year just before Xmas).
Only speaking of exclusives since I play everything thats multiplatform on my 360:

UNCHARTED in 2 weeks will be awesome! Also try the Ratchet & Clank demo as well as Heavenly Sword demo both are great but Heavenly i've heard is really short (haven't played full game). Resistance SP I liked alot and Ninja Gaiden Sigma is on my to play list as well. That's all I got for ya...

Oh yea and the huge purple elephant that's been keeping me up at night playing online. It's not a exclusive but it you like FPS online it's a must have! Call Of Duty 4 is better than anything out as far as multiplayer right now. I play on the 360 but i'd take a safe guess and say it easily beats Resistance online since it's more fun than Halo on the 360. :D
[quote name='SuppaMan']I personally don't like Ninja Gaiden Sigma. To repetitive and it's design is flawed. I don't understand why this with a stupid story (with it's attempt to be like a big budget movie, yet it's actual story and what not is closer to some crappy b-movie ninja story) and horrible design/AI (yes it's terrible design, it's hard for the sake of being hard, and not because the AI is good, but because a lot of the times the AI is just cheap and cheats) got such glowing reviews (even the Xbox originals, at there time yes were amazing graphically, but still much the same, so the high 9's were wrong, to me the games about a 6).[/QUOTE]

Unless the game was changed drastically from the Xbox versions, the game was beautifully designed, the AI was fairly smart, and you just suck horribly.
[quote name='alongx']Unless the game was changed drastically from the Xbox versions, the game was beautifully designed, the AI was fairly smart, and you just suck horribly.[/QUOTE]
:applause: let the truth be told!
Um no. I'm not fooled by pretty graphics that is all. Being a ninja can only take you so far.

In fact outside of their normal excellence with technical graphic design in games, I don't think to highly of actual gameplay and game design from Team Ninja. And I'm not the only one, a lot of people see them as a one trick pony (graphics taking the forefront in design while everything else takes a backseat). Not to mention I think Itagaki is actually insane.
[quote name='SuppaMan']Um no. I'm not fooled by pretty graphics that is all. Being a ninja can only take you so far.

In fact outside of their normal excellence with technical graphic design in games, I don't think to highly of actual gameplay and game design from Team Ninja. And I'm not the only one, a lot of people see them as a one trick pony (graphics taking the forefront in design while everything else takes a backseat). Not to mention I think Itagaki is actually insane.[/QUOTE]
Rrrrigght. I thought the game play was excellent for an action game. Perhaps you just suck at it?
[quote name='coolz481']Without a doubt, you should pick up Folklore and Ratchet & Clank Future. As for a tv, I would first invest in a good sound system and worry about the HD later. An Onkyo HTIB is a good purchase, especially if you're not much of an audiophile.[/QUOTE]

I second those choices. I also add in Skate.
i guess i will chime in. you must own Call of Duty 4, Ninja Gaiden is the tits, and take a stroll down to your local blockbuster to rent ratchet and clank future and heavenly sword. This is all the information you will need
[quote name='SuppaMan']Um no. I'm not fooled by pretty graphics that is all. Being a ninja can only take you so far.

In fact outside of their normal excellence with technical graphic design in games, I don't think to highly of actual gameplay and game design from Team Ninja. And I'm not the only one, a lot of people see them as a one trick pony (graphics taking the forefront in design while everything else takes a backseat). Not to mention I think Itagaki is actually insane.[/QUOTE]

Your opinion pally, but I find Ninja Gaiden's combat system EXCELLENT. The only thing I dislike, no, HATE is the platforming and puzzle BS. I like to fight in those games, not do platforming BS.

And Dead or Alive is a very well made fighter, not as sophisticated as Virtua Fighter, Tekken, and Soul Calibur, but still a solid game.

They just put too much emphasis on the graphics in their marketing...
I like the game and I only played my friend's copy of NGS. Maybe I should have changed my category to action/adventure. And really? Folklore is not an rpg?
I like NGS but I already have Ninja Gaiden Black is there any real reason to buy NGS-aside from the extra content and it being on the PS3.

StarDust HD for the boys
Ratchet and Clank also for the boys
for you PS2 has a good RPG library look into that
[quote name='pcktlnt']I like the game and I only played my friend's copy of NGS. Maybe I should have changed my category to action/adventure. And really? Folklore is not an rpg?[/quote]

Nope, Folklore is an action/adventure game.
If you are a fan of the Ridge Racer series, then Ridge Racer 7 is a must buy. I'd also suggest Ratchet and Clank Future, Folklore, Call of Duty 4, Motorstorm, Resistance, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Warhawk, and Oblivion.

Oh...and Uncharted when it comes out.
bread's done