Unopened games mocking me


OK, I'm wondering if I'm in the minority here. I have a total of 15 games (9 PS3, 6 PS2) sitting next to my consoles, most of them not even unwrapped yet. They're all, by general consensus, great games but I just haven't had time to get to them and wonder if I ever will. Most of them have been stockpiled as a result of deals I found on this site and felt compelled to take advantage of. My 13 year old nephew came over and couldn't comprehend how I could have games sitting here unplayed. I tried to explain how things like "jobs" and "children" are a time suck and he still couldn't understand, god bless him.

Anyway, I'm wondering how many of you out here are faced with a huge stockpile of unplayed games that you can't seem to get around to playing (and if so, how many?), and if you are still buying additional games anyway because you can't pass up some of these deals.
Not with me, I literally can't help myself no matter how busy I may be. Most of the time I play in bits, and still feel satisfied.

I just don't see the logic in this. If you don't have enough time to play your current unopened games, why buy even're on 15 already?

I guess the deals thing makes sense, but usually the longer I wait to get a game to better the deal. For most games that is...
I dont think i could stand that! I bought Midnight Club Los Angeles as an impulse buy and had it one night, could barely resist opening it. Had to return it though...
[quote name='leveskikesko']Not with me, I literally can't help myself no matter how busy I may be. Most of the time I play in bits, and still feel satisfied.

I just don't see the logic in this. If you don't have enough time to play your current unopened games, why buy even're on 15 already....are people buying these for you or something?[/QUOTE]

Oh, there's no logic. A couple of them were gifts. But mostly it's a sickness.

For example, I know I want to play R6Vegas 2 because I loved the first one, so when I see it for $10 (Black Friday, when I also grabbed Resistance for $15) I figure I better jump on the deal and hope that eventually I'll be able to actually play it.

The other problem, I suppose, is Rock Band, which has monopolized a majority of my available gaming time since the original came out last year.
I have around 10 sealed games or so and over 100 used games that I've bought in the past few months and haven't played at all. It's just the curse/blessing of being a CAG. To whoever asks me why the hell I would do this, I'm a collector/impulse buyer/can't resist a good deal. And I almost always buy well below market price, so I've actually hardly lost anything in terms of resale value.
the truth of the matter is, when your younger, you have time to enjoy games. when you get older, you don't.

Like a lot of people, i find myself buying games endlessly i never play. Last year i bought ace combat 6 3 times, and once again this year, and still haven't played the game.

The only game in the past 3 months i played was the banjo nuts n bolts demo. i purchased around 40 games in that time frame.
I have quite a few unplayed games. But almost no unopened games, because for whatever reason, I HAVE to open all the games I get, even if I don't play them for a long time.
[quote name='darthbudge']I have quite a few unplayed games. But almost no unopened games, because for whatever reason, I HAVE to open all the games I get, even if I don't play them for a long time.[/quote]

That's basically how I am. I always open them and usually play them for like 15-30 mins or so (or until the first save) when I first get them, even if I don't play them again for weeks.

But, right now I do have 2 games that I haven't opened - Nanostray 2 and Wario: Master of Disguise for DS. I got Nanostray 2 in a TRU B2G1 and didn't have time to play it then, so I didn't open it, and Wario I just got recently on clearance from Target and I didn't have time for it when I got it either. I just got N+, Ninjatown, Pure, Okami, and Civilization Revolution though, and although I haven't had time to play them much, I still opened all of them.
Last generation I easily had about a dozen unopened games that I had to open in my car in order to trade into gamestop to get credit for Gears of War. Crazy thing was my xbox360 had not even arrived yet at the time. Now I am sitting on maybe 4 games that I have not opened yet. Every time I play single player games like Fable II, my friends list shows people playing Call of Duty World at War. Must resist.....
[quote name='darthbudge']I have quite a few unplayed games. But almost no unopened games, because for whatever reason, I HAVE to open all the games I get, even if I don't play them for a long time.[/QUOTE]

I'm the same way. The only unopened game I have is a 5 dollar copy of the PC Sega Ralley Revo that I was saving for trade fodder.
I have 5 unopened games and I'm still looking for a good deal for handhelds. I'll get to them eventually.
136 - That's how many I have.

1 - The number of times I've given it any thought. These are mostly games from my earlier days at CAG and deals were easier to find... I just bought up everything left and right. It was sooo easy... because with CAG, my $50 just went so much farther! I sold about 30 sealed games a year ago too and if I had them, I'd have even more. Since this gen started, I haven't bought games just because they were cheap and I've done pretty well so far.

Now before anyone goes "ZOMG! gamz arnt supozed ta be seeled!!?!" a good majority of my GBA/DS games (like 50 I think) are sealed b/c I don't have any need to open them... I have 'something' for my DS which lets me carry lots of games with me so there's no need to open them. So once I buy them, I just... use that something to play them.
Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. I am incapable of passing on a great deal and there's a pile here and there in my place. It gets pointed out to me that I haven't finished one game or another, so why am I buying more, and I figure that one day I will get around to doing all of them.

I would be afraid to count how many, but perhaps it's only 20 or so....

There's also some kind of guilt involved, too - I feel like I should finish something that I've put a lot of effort into before starting another big time-killing game. I still have a few games that I've put 100 + hours into that I haven't finished, and then I look at Odin Sphere, and it looks pretty, but I really shouldn't put it into the PS2 until I finish killing everything in FFXII (yeah, really). I shouldn't start FFVII until I finish IV, and Brave Traveller is waiting for something...ah, it doesn't matter. Is that another thread? What games do you finish simply out of guilt no matter how bad they are, the way you sit through a movie because, hey, you paid for it, get your money's worth?

I've got a job, a family, a place to take care of, and a limited number of hours in my day, and mostly I'd just like to stop time and ignore my responsibilities so I can sit and play games.
There's also some kind of guilt involved, too - I feel like I should finish something that I've put a lot of effort into before starting another big time-killing game. I still have a few games that I've put 100 + hours into that I haven't finished, and then I look at Odin Sphere, and it looks pretty, but I really shouldn't put it into the PS2 until I finish killing everything in FFXII (yeah, really). I shouldn't start FFVII until I finish IV, and Brave Traveller is waiting for something...ah, it doesn't matter. Is that another thread? What games do you finish simply out of guilt no matter how bad they are, the way you sit through a movie because, hey, you paid for it, get your money's worth?

I used to do that all the time, regardless of how bad and/or frustrating the game is. I've gotten a bit better, at least partially because it's hard to sit there and devote time to a game like Hulk when I'm staring at unopened copies of Assassin's Creed, Orange Box, GTA 4, etc.

I've got a job, a family, a place to take care of, and a limited number of hours in my day, and mostly I'd just like to stop time and ignore my responsibilities so I can sit and play games.[/QUOTE]

I hear you. I fantasize about taking a week off, sending the kids to my sister's, and sitting home all day playing through some of these games.
i only have 2 Ds games un opened.... and 2 360 games unopened... but i just recieved the 2 360 games... i'll be playing Pure soon.

i'd love to see your collections of unopened games i think that would be pretty cool
I have no unopened games and no unplayed games. Shelf is just the couple of games I'm actively playing, a few I'm keeping to replay (i.e. Mass Effect and Bioshock taking the bad paths), games I keep around for multiplayer and games I'm waiting to get matched up to ditch on Goozex.

I used to a keep a small back log, but I stopped that going into this gen and generally only buy a game when I'm wanting something new to play, and not buying a game I'm interested in when I see it on sell but don't have time to play it right then.

That said, I probably should start using some Goozex points as I have over 8000 and I don't really like keeping that much as I imagine it's basically money down the drain if the company goes under, and a pain if I start gaming less (or not at all) next generation and don't need the points.
yeah ive got alot of ps2 games i havent played yet and i want to play but each time i get a ps3 game i focus on that and dont bother with the others. ive been kind of wanting to play jaws since i started it a while ago and never finished it. ive traded off lot of the stuff i knew i wouldnt play or play again but that still leaves me with a decent sized backlog of games.
You have company with this disease. For me its a case of being a deal whore. I jump on a deal for a game I want. And its all stuff I want. Its like someone said earlier. I am still stuck in the days when I was a kid and I could play games nonstop. I guess reality of "adulthood" has not set in YET. I have 20 PS3 games. My average price spent is about $21 each. So not a loss. Just need to "beat" the other 13. I did have to sit myself down to play those games too that I beat. Oh my! Such a big problem. (sarcasm there...)
I'm another person with a large stack of unopened games, a large number of which are RPGs. Most of them I do get at good deals that I can't refuse. I picked up Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon for $15 each on clearance at Target. I also don't count on games getting much cheaper than that in my area. They usually disappear rather quickly.

I look at that stack as something to do in retirement. I don't have to worry about being bored.
When the XBox ended I ended up with over 100 XBox games and probably 50 unopened ones (damn Circuit City $5 clearance) that I had no interest in playing. This generation I decided I would only buy a game I was going to play and sell it when I was done with it instead of keeping it sitting losing value. I only keep games if I get them for under $15, and I have to really like it to keep it.
[quote name='Moxio']I'll never understand why people get games and then never play them.[/quote]
Me neither. Personally I'd rather have money in my pocket than an untouched game that diminishes in value on my shelf.
[quote name='Moxio']I'll never understand why people get games and then never play them.[/QUOTE]

Just b/c I haven't yet played the dozens of unopened games on my shelf doesn't mean that I will never play them. It's about living for that day when we have an abundance of free time to play all day. Contrary to popular belief, games aren't like cheese; they don't go bad if they sit on your shelf.
[quote name='mrchainsaw']Me neither. Personally I'd rather have money in my pocket than an untouched game that diminishes in value on my shelf.[/QUOTE]

That's exactly it. Don't buy games if you don't have time to play them. That game you want but can't play right now will almost 100% be cheaper months/years down the road when you have time to play it.

Plus I just hate having unplayed games on the shelf. Makes me feel pressured to rush through the games I'm playing to move on to them so I don't get too far behind, rather than just taking my time and enjoying each game.

It's much better for both that reason and financial reasons to just buy a game only when you have plans/time to play it right away.

[quote name='The Linguist']Just b/c I haven't yet played the dozens of unopened games on my shelf doesn't mean that I will never play them. It's about living for that day when we have an abundance of free time to play all day. Contrary to popular belief, games aren't like cheese; they don't go bad if they sit on your shelf.[/QUOTE]

But again, they'd probably have been cheaper if you waited and bought them when you had time to play them. It's not like games disappear and aren't available for purchase at a later date.
If a game I am even somewhat interested in hits 10 bucks or less, I will likely by it. Especially since I haven't used "real" money to buy many games lately from flipping. It's not like I'm hurting for money so I dont care that I have a backlog. But I have backed off of getting new release games unless I'm immediately going to play it. But like I said, once it hits 10 ducats, onto the shelf it goes.

Sometimes though, I'll pick up a clearance game and play it before anything in the backlog. For me, it's just about having options. Though if your budget is tight, one should likely stay away from creating heavy backlogs.
[quote name='dmaul1114']That's exactly it. Don't buy games if you don't have time to play them. That game you want but can't play right now will almost 100% be cheaper months/years down the road when you have time to play it.
But again, they'd probably have been cheaper if you waited and bought them when you had time to play them. It's not like games disappear and aren't available for purchase at a later date.[/QUOTE]
I guess I should add that I don't buy any games over $20 and lately $10 has been my price-point. Your logic works for people who buy games right when the come out, but not for true CAGs.
[quote name='The Linguist']I guess I should add that I don't buy any games over $20 and lately $10 has been my price-point. Your logic works for people who buy games right when the come out, but not for true CAGs.[/QUOTE]

I seldom buy games right when they come out either, just something like Gears 2 that I'm dying to play.

But I still won't buy games just because they're cheap unless I need a new game to play right then unless it's a mind blowing deal on a game I was definitely picking up down the road. Otherwise the game will just get cheaper and have better deals as time go on. And it helps me only pick up the absolute cream of the crop which is all I want to play with my limited time/interest for games these days.

Don't get me wrong, if people want to buy everything that interests them when they see a deal, there's nothing wrong with that. Unless they're like TMK and some of the others that keep doing it and come on here over and over and bitch about having a huge backlog.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Unless they're like TMK and some of the others that keep doing it and come on here over and over and bitch about having a huge backlog.[/quote]

I'd agree with that, except I dont think most ppl who post on CAG regarding a backlog are "bitching". Rather, most times a backlog seems to be a sort of "badge of honor" for many. For example, in my case, several of the games in my backlog came from the BBV/GS "perfect storm" of flipping. As I would simply move credit from one chain to the other, I would be able to keep a game or two for literally no money/credit. If I could get a game I'm even remotely interested in for the low cost of 10min of my time, why not throw another one on the pile?
[quote name='hostyl1']I'd agree with that, except I dont think most ppl who post on CAG regarding a backlog are "bitching". Rather, most times a backlog seems to be a sort of "badge of honor" for many. For example, in my case, several of the games in my backlog came from the BBV/GS "perfect storm" of flipping. As I would simply move credit from one chain to the other, I would be able to keep a game or two for literally no money/credit. If I could get a game I'm even remotely interested in for the low cost of 10min of my time, why not throw another one on the pile?[/QUOTE]

True which was why I mentioned TMK and others who do bitch about it and post how their back log makes them not want to game, depresses them etc. :D

People can buy whatever they want and build a backlog, just don't whine about it. Most don't, just a few who have done it several times.
I need to go through my unopened games and see which ones are 'rare' ie. selling for way more than i paid now. I did a sweep a year ago and sold off a bunch.
[quote name='funjoe']OK, I'm wondering if I'm in the minority here. I have a total of 15 games (9 PS3, 6 PS2) sitting next to my consoles, most of them not even unwrapped yet. They're all, by general consensus, great games but I just haven't had time to get to them and wonder if I ever will. Most of them have been stockpiled as a result of deals I found on this site and felt compelled to take advantage of. My 13 year old nephew came over and couldn't comprehend how I could have games sitting here unplayed. I tried to explain how things like "jobs" and "children" are a time suck and he still couldn't understand, god bless him.

Anyway, I'm wondering how many of you out here are faced with a huge stockpile of unplayed games that you can't seem to get around to playing (and if so, how many?), and if you are still buying additional games anyway because you can't pass up some of these deals.[/quote]

good , you are so right , and you do the right thing ,
unopened games -
Wall E (if I find receipt gonna take it back)
Shivering Isles expansion
Harry Potter (dont know why I bought it)
Dead Space

God of War 2
Phantom Brave
Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2
Atelier Iris 2

keep em' and when you get time pull them out and play them, there's no rush.
I have 64 unopened games, plus dozens that I've opened up and only played a couple hours of so far. Part of it is trying to scoop up potentially rare games (like some PS2 JRPGs) before they become prohibitively expensive. Part of it is just biting on good deals for games that I want to play eventually. As long as I don't mind playing old games, which I don't, it's not like there's a time limit for playing these things. If there are GameCube games that I don't get around to playing until 2015, so be it. :)

It's helping that there's very little on PS3 or 360 that interests me so far. I figure I can wait until Fabula Nova Crystallis to actually get a PS3, and by that time I'll (hopefully!) have made some headway on my previous-gen backlog.
I remember buying a brand new copy of Marvel Vs. Capcom for Dreamcast at EBGames in Gurnee Mills (in IL) on release day and, upon opening it in the car, finding that the disc was missing a big chunk of plastic!

Luckily, we hadn't left the mall and I went back to EB and exchanged it right away.

Nowadays I ALWAYS open my games right away to check the disc(s). I would hate to open a game weeks/months/YEARS later just to find out I can't play it! :shock:
bread's done