Unreal Tournament 3 - Gen. Discussion & Info

[quote name='jman619']I haven't played this game in a week or two. Been playng smackdown vs raw 2008 on live. I'll start again eventually. The online community isn't that big :([/quote]

I wouldn't worry too much. I have a feeling they are saving some of their advertising money for when the 360 version comes out. Once the 360 version comes out, I have a feelign they will be advertising it a bit (OMG GEARS CREATORS??!?! MUST BUY) and then that will give the PS3 version some exposure aswell.

[quote name='Blackout542']The patch is up for download. I'm getting it now. :D[/quote]

That's freakin' awesome. The VOIP nonsense was my primary complaint with UT3.
[quote name='naes']So, would you guys recommend UT3 over Resistance and Warhawk?[/QUOTE]The big problem with UT3 is not many people really play it, from what I heard (It's why some don't keep the game).
[quote name='naes']So, would you guys recommend UT3 over Resistance and Warhawk?[/quote]

I'm not sure. I have all 3 and play them a lot. I retired Resistance and I'm going to start playing Warhawk again when the next update comes. UT3 is a lot of fun and now with voice chat and some of the fixs they've done it's a lot better. If you can score a copy cheap I would pick it up. The online community is fairly good. You can always find games. Vehicle CTF is super fun. The single player is terrible and one of the worst I have ever played. Again, if you can score a copy for maybe $30-$40, do it. If not, wait a bit then pick it up. It is worth checking out IMO.
UT3 probably has the best dueling and dm out of the bunch. I was never a fan of Resistance MP, guns are all weird, but then again I'm a quaker. Warhawk is fun especially on CAG nights. I don't play it much beyond that.
Hmmm...I'm still having some voice issues. I can hear people talking now, but they can't hear me. I'm pushing the "open mic" button and "mute voice" is set to off.

Anyone having this problem? This BT headset works perfectly with Burnout and Warhawk, but not here.
[quote name='mykevermin']Lemme get this straight: this patch did *not* fix the sucka-ass way that we have to use to import mods, right?[/QUOTE]

you now just have to put the mods in the root folder of whatever you use to put mods on your PS3, but other than that, it does nothing
[quote name='jman619']Pretty lame patch if you ask me.[/quote]

Yeah, voice is still wonky and the damn thing froze up on me at least 3 times last night.

fuck this game.
[quote name='bmachine']Yeah, voice is still wonky and the damn thing froze up on me at least 3 times last night.

fuck this game.[/quote]

Man that sucks. The patch comes all late and doesn't really do anything. I only played one game since I downloaded the patch, and no one was talking during the game. I could actually get into the midway servers though. Before I would get a "core package not available" message. I wish you could download mods from a menu on the game disc. I don't know doing the whole flash drive thing is even worth the hassle.
The people who are playing online are using mods, so it's almost a necessity to download them.

Shame, really, since it's a major league pain in the fuckin' ass to download them and install them individually the way it's set up.
I have a question. I have the mods on the memory card/flash drive/etc.... so when I play the game, does it copy the mods to the PS3?
I downloaded a shit load of maps & skins apparently for no reason .
I was unaware that there can only be one file installed at a time .

I thought I could put everything on an SD card and install it later all at one time .

I guess I could rename the files one at a time but my card reader on my laptop doesnt seem to want to read anything [and thinks evertything is unformatted] .

**EDIT** I reinstalled the driver it works now .

So I guess I'll just use my Master Chief skin until my attitude about all of this changes .
[quote name='anomynous']I just found a site with a bunch of Character Models for use it the PS3 version of UT3:


Has Master Chief & Marcus Fenix[/QUOTE]

Your discovery inspired me to go searching for more sources .

Everyone check this out ... http://www.ut3mod.com/

I'm going to unofficially make this site the place for CAG's to go and keep up with what is available .

If anyone has anything earthshattering to add as far as UT3 DLC go ahead and post a link .
The game just dropped price to $40 everywhere, but now I gotta ask:

Would people at CAG be interested in playing UT3 one day each week? I ask because I know there are many who have the game, but I hear people complain about the lack of people playing and I don't think there has ever been a CAG night before. If people here would like to play other CAG members on a particular night (I'm thinking Thursday along with Burnout, or maybe Tuesday or Wednesday), just let me know in this thread or the CAG PSN Gaming Group. I figured more will buy this too due to dropping price and the GS coupon. I just want to get more games involved in CAG PSN Gaming and I feel pretty bad for not trying to help you all out earlier for getting games going. I do not own the game, but if someone would be interested in setting stuff up, I'd definitely support it (along with mentioning it in the CAG PSN Gaming Group Thread).

Just wanted to ask.
I've wanted a CAG night since the game came out. We should do one.
I haven't played UT3 in over a month. I go through my moments with it, but when I do play, I love me some deathmatch and VCTF. VCTF is so much fun in this game. If I can find a room with real people in it, I play VCTF.
[quote name='hone']do you duel? I feel like that's our best bet for quick games. We should jump on and look for some vctf.[/quote]

I think I might have played a couple duels when I first bought the game, but I'm not sure. I'll check that out. I've been meaning to get back into UT3. A CAG night would certainly do that.
[quote name='Blackout542']A CAG night would certainly do that.[/quote]

Let's get something going...I'll play. Particularly now that VOIP is fixed.

What night works for you guys?
[quote name='bmachine']Let's get something going...I'll play. Particularly now that VOIP is fixed.

What night works for you guys?[/quote]

Whatever day is fine with me. If we can sqeeze in an hour or so that would be good.
Thursday is cool. I usually stay up until 2 or 3 am since I start schoo later on Fridays. We need to do some sort of polling or whatever to see a)how many CAGs still own the game and b) if they even still play it.

Maybe we could also do some sort of mod suggestion type thing as well. I want to get in on that but have no idea what to download.
there's the 2d mod thing that was pretty cool. I've checked out a few places ut3mods.com has ps3 links for all its mods. Someone is making a bombing run mod from UT2k4, that'll be so sweet. They said they'll cook it for ps3 when it's out of beta.
Also, would you guys be up for playing this weekend. I haven't played much yet just going through the campaign. Do you guys want to do a coop campaign?
I can play on Thursdays after 11pm EST after Lost. I've been playing Burnout with some CAGs but it seems to be waning...until the new DLC comes out, anyway.

I could also manage Monday or Wednesday after 9pm, if we'd rather play earlier.

[quote name='hone']Also, would you guys be up for playing this weekend. I haven't played much yet just going through the campaign. Do you guys want to do a coop campaign?[/quote]

I could play tonight! I've got stuff going on Sat and Sun, though. Would love to play through the campaign.
cool beans, I'll try and hit you up tonight then. How far are you in the campaign. I keep getting in a stand still in CTF matches : / I'm loving the speed of this game compared to the other shooters. Still feels slow walking wise compared to ut2k4
The good thing about Monday (although I was thinking of giving it to Vegas 2, but there are too few CAG members playing that, so I may let UT3 get the edge) is that it will not conflict with another game for a long time, so I'd be willing to make it a full UT3 night.

Someone just needs to be an administer. I'm looking at Blackout, hone, and notorious_pip (if he still has it) as one.
[quote name='The Mana Knight']The good thing about Monday (although I was thinking of giving it to Vegas 2, but there are too few CAG members playing that, so I may let UT3 get the edge) is that it will not conflict with another game for a long time, so I'd be willing to make it a full UT3 night.

Someone just needs to be an administer. I'm looking at Blackout, hone, and notorious_pip (if he still has it) as one.[/quote]

I haven't seen any cags playing it or maybe I didn't notice them. I play it almost every night still. I am getting better, and better as well. :bouncy:
well I got it recently, I'll add you jman to my list. What do you usually play? I've been a long time quaker, but I feel really rusty playing this game : /
bread's done