Unreligious statement censored on Emmys


14 (100%)
LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- Before Kathy Griffin won a creative arts Emmy last weekend for her reality show, "My Life on the D-List," she joked that an award would move her to the C-list.
Kathy Griffin was pleased to win an Emmy, but her speech will likely be trimmed.
She was right: "C" as in censored. The TV academy said her raucous acceptance speech will be edited when the event, which was taped, is shown Saturday on the E! channel. The main prime-time Emmy Awards air the next night on Fox.

"Kathy Griffin's offensive remarks will not be part of the E! telecast on Saturday night," the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences said in a statement Monday.
In her speech, Griffin said that "a lot of people come up here and thank Jesus for this award. I want you to know that no one had less to do with this award than Jesus."
She went on to hold up her Emmy, make an off-color remark about Christ and proclaim, "This award is my god now!"

The comedian's remarks were condemned Monday by Catholic League President Bill Donohue, who called them a "vulgar, in-your-face brand of hate speech."

According to the TV academy and E!, when the four hour-plus ceremony is edited into a two-hour program, Griffin's remarks will be shown in "an abbreviated version" in which some language may be bleeped.
The program was in production and unfinished, an E! spokeswoman said Monday.
Requests for comment were left Monday evening by phone and e-mail with Griffin's publicist. They were not immediately returned.

The Catholic League, an anti-defamation group, called on the TV academy to "denounce Griffin's obscene and blasphemous comment" at Sunday's ceremony.
The academy said Monday it had no plans to address the issue in the prime-time broadcast.

After listening to the award-winners that are freely allowed to express their religious beliefs time and time again, I'm pretty disgusted that our freedom to lack of religion isn't equally protected this one time.:roll:
To be fair, she didn't exactly do anything earth shattering (even though it's a lovely "fuck you" gesture that I personally would love to partake in). If she had been more eloquent and said something essentially opposite of what most gawd feerun' people say, I'd appreciate her efforts a lot more. You know, something to the degree of 'I'd like to thank myself and my family for my hard effort, since it was indeed myself who put in the effort, rather than a religious character with a debatable existance.'
[quote name='looploop']http://www.cnn.com/2007/SHOWBIZ/TV/09/11/tv.emmys.griffin.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview

After listening to the award-winners that are freely allowed to express their religious beliefs time and time again, I'm pretty disgusted that our freedom to lack of religion isn't equally protected this one time.:roll:[/quote]

I think it's debatable whether her/your freedom of religion was violated.

E is a corporation and they can air what they want. However noone is really stopping Kathy from going home and worshiping her golden idol.

The only problem I see is that if they cut out comments about JEbus or the Koran people would be blocking the red carpet in protest or worse. It's a feather in the cap of athiests and idol-worshippers that we can expect them to debate this calmly and take it in stride.
I think this is much more of a question of freedom of speech rather than freedom of religion. There is no government action here that is advancing or inhibiting the practice of religion. The consitution only prevents the government from adopting/encouraging/discouraging/exessive entanglement with religion.

Freedom of speech on the other hand, is a tough tough question. Where does hate speech fit in. Remember the quote "While I may not agree with what you have to say good sir, I will defend to the death your right to say it."

I always get a kick out of issues w/ religious speech or hate speech because liberals usually dislike the message being sent but are all about the right to say it.

Whether or not it is proper for an actor/actress/musician/whatever to use their award speech to advance thier political views or agendas is a different question altogether. Some would call it inappropriate b/c it is not what the award show is about but I dont have a problem with it. It is their time, let them thank their mom and cast or hate on bush or whatever; they earned it IMO.

I cant help but be reminded about the big stink some church group made over some famous NY Hotel allowing an artist to display his chocolate Jesus (with cock and balls and all!). Yum yum!
it was a joke. who gives a fcuk? you can't make a joke about a diety now?

from my aethist-ass perspective, i have about as much empathy for those sore-butt feeling bible beaters as if someone, coldy and (un)ceremoniously, told me that Tiamat doesn't exist. Because, well, she's also fantasy.


Who's talking shit about Tiamat?
while i dont think that her remark was particularly offensive, i do think a lot of people casually abuse christianity quite often and there is very little clamor for it to stop. meanwhile the media bends over backwards not to offend muslims and jews, its really quite disturbing.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']while i dont think that her remark was particularly offensive, i do think a lot of people casually abuse christianity quite often and there is very little clamor for it to stop. meanwhile the media bends over backwards not to offend muslims and jews, its really quite disturbing.[/quote]

I agree. Instead of calling for less abuse of Christianity, however, I believe we should call for more abuse of Islam and Judaism.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']while i dont think that her remark was particularly offensive, i do think a lot of people casually abuse christianity quite often and there is very little clamor for it to stop. meanwhile the media bends over backwards not to offend muslims and jews, its really quite disturbing.[/quote]
I have revulsion for just about all invasive organised religion, it's just Christianity (Islam is in second place) is th emost pervasive in American society. We've got Falwell and Fred Phelps, but not any in-country high-profile fundamentalist Muslims.

[quote name='dragonreborn23']I agree. Instead of calling for less abuse of Christianity, however, I believe we should call for more abuse of Islam and Judaism.[/quote]
I concur with this statement. I will say that in the least, Christians haven't hung any homosexuals in recent years, contrasting with Iran who killed a pair of men back in '06 as I recall.
[quote name='RAMSTORIA']while i dont think that her remark was particularly offensive, i do think a lot of people casually abuse christianity quite often and there is very little clamor for it to stop. meanwhile the media bends over backwards not to offend muslims and jews, its really quite disturbing.[/quote]

Casually abuse?

Gotta love organized religion for racheting up the rhetoric like no other.

I suggest you take off the robes and come out of the monestary, padre.

Accusing others of blasephemy and sacrilege is so 14th century.
[quote name='camoor']Accusing others of blasephemy and sacrilege is so 14th century.[/quote]

Blasphemy? THIS.IS.MAD-NESS!
[quote name='bmulligan']People watch the E channel ?[/QUOTE]

Of course. Why else do you think people care more about what some celebrity wore to an awards show or who is dating who in Hollywood then who is going to be the next attorney general or what we do in Iraq?
[quote name='elprincipe']Of course. Why else do you think people care more about what some celebrity wore to an awards show or who is dating who in Hollywood then who is going to be the next attorney general or what we do in Iraq?[/quote]

Its sad. My fiance is a MASSIVE E channel and MTV fanatic. She loves the crap along with most of the rest of america. Look at the front page of a newspaper or online news source and usually you will find some sort of entertainment/celebtrity news dominating the headlines.

See: OJ/Anna Nicole/Britney/whoever. It drives me crazy but what can they do? They are not a charity and are in the business to make money so they report what sells. Apparently what is needed is a shift in the avg. american's interests and concerns but this is not an easy thing to do.

BTW, the vs. board about politics and controversy is probably a biased sample of people since it most people reading this are politically savvy.

I just wish more people gave a shit about what is important. Even if they come to different outcomes than I, or hold different beliefs about important topics, I would still be happeir if more people THOUGHT about politics and government rather than Britney's custody battle. Just thinking and being critical would be enough for me but nooo.

Oh shit, I gotta go, talk soup is on.
[quote name='elprincipe']Of course. Why else do you think people care more about what some celebrity wore to an awards show or who is dating who in Hollywood then who is going to be the next attorney general or what we do in Iraq?[/quote]

LoL - I feel the same way about sports.
"Talk Soup" is like the ONLY good show E! airs. Other then that if the station was firebombed with nobody in there at the time would it really be such a loss for a cable channel? I think not.
[quote name='camoor']LoL - I feel the same way about sports.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same way about sports. However, I've found that sports knowledge comes in very handy whenever avoiding political and philosophical debate becomes necessary.

Specifically, in meaningless social gatherings where you might offend someone, asking about the strength of the Spartans offensive line this year instead of why someone's a communist dog plays better with the crowd (and the wife).
[quote name='bmulligan']I feel the same way about sports. However, I've found that sports knowledge comes in very handy whenever avoiding political and philosophical debate becomes necessary.

Specifically, in meaningless social gatherings where you might offend someone, asking about the strength of the Spartans offensive line this year instead of why someone's a communist dog plays better with the crowd (and the wife).[/QUOTE]

Sports are a mixed bag. Some sports, such as soccer, require such finesse and skill that they are almost art when played in the best way. Others, such as American football, are dreadfully boring to the point of actually being more interested in the commercials that punctuate every 5 minutes of "play" (actually about 20 seconds of actual play at most). Sorry for the rant.

Here is a sad little video for those of us here who actually care about things that matter:

[quote name='Sarang01']"Talk Soup" is like the ONLY good show E! airs. Other then that if the station was firebombed with nobody in there at the time would it really be such a loss for a cable channel? I think not.[/QUOTE]

Mankini FTW.
I'm always skeptical of videos like that, simply because it is video. I'm sure Gallup, Zogby and the gang do annual research on "stupid Americans" (we've all seen those sorts of "more Americans can name Disney's seven swarves than supreme court justices" - 'smatter of fact, I recall seeing one last week that showed a dismal number of US citizens can actually name who the Chief Justice currently is).

If you show me survey data that show a number of Americans can't name a country that starts with a "U," or how many sides a triangle has, I'll shut up. In the meantime, though, it's careful editing as far as I'm concerned.
Let me speak from the perspective of a Christian. People should calm down over her remarks, as they were obviously a joke. One only needs to see the video to see that. I don't mean to imply she doesn't believe that, but well, yes I do. The award being her god is obviously a joke. She's not delusional and she obviously doesn't mean that line literally. The rest she is likely serious about, as she is fairly honest in speaking about being an atheist. None of her rights were violated by E in editing the show, however. They likely did so they didn't have to deal with fielding angry phone calls, letters, and emails. Was it right on their part? Probably not, but then again it isn't like her comments are the focus of the show. They probably just thought they'd save themselves a headache.

The Catholic League (I think that was who commented) should have just kept their mouths shut over this one. There are legitimate battles to be fought by both Christians and atheists over their rights, but this was certainly not one of them.
That's not what TCL does, though. They're like a great big Jack Thompson-style organization. As someone brought up Catholic who still has occasional pangs to return to the church, they (well, Bill Donahue's pro-wrestling style hyperbole disguised as well-reasoned TV news discourse) embarrass the shit out of me.
[quote name='Sarang01']"Talk Soup" is like the ONLY good show E! airs. Other then that if the station was firebombed with nobody in there at the time would it really be such a loss for a cable channel? I think not.[/QUOTE]

Chicks, man.
bread's done