*UPCOMING* PC: Did you buy Sim City? Free game for you!


3 (100%)
From IGN:

Releasing SimCity has been a bit of a fiasco for developer Maxis and publisher EA. The game simply isn’t working for a lot of gamers, which at first caused EA to disable “non-critical features” in the game. The issues are caused by SimCity’s always-online DRM, causing us to wonder aloud if such an anti-piracy system should be avoided completely. EA has even pulled its marketing for the game.
In other words, SimCity is in a bad way, but an update from Maxis’ General Manager Lucy Bradshaw has some good news for eager players who want to get some city-building done.
Bradshaw explains that “the server issues which began at launch have improved significantly as [Maxis] added more capacity. But some people are still experiencing response and stability problems that we’re working fast to address.”
“So what went wrong?” Bradshaw asked. “The short answer is: a lot more people logged on than we expected. More people played and played in ways we never saw in the beta.”
“OK, we agree, that was dumb, but we are committed to fixing it.”
Bradshaw notes that sever capacity has increased 120% in the last 48

hours, and that “disrupted experiences” are down about 80%. “So we’re closed to fixed, but not quite there,” she admits.
Candidly, Bradshaw also notes that “SimCity is a solid hit in all major markets,” but that “if you can’t get a stable connection, you’re NOT having a good experience.” And so while EA and Maxis continue fixing things on their end, they also want to offer up a freebie (in lieu of giving players a refund).
“…to get us back in your good graces, we’re going to offer you a free PC download game from the EA portfolio. On March 18, SimCity players who have activated their game will receive an email telling them how to redeem their free game. I know that’s a little contrived,” Bradshaw admits, “kind of like buying a present for a friend after you did something crummy. But we feel bad about what happened. We’re hoping you won’t stay mad and that we’ll be friends again when SimCity is running at 100 percent.”
“Hang in there,” she concludes here note, “we’ll be providing more updates throughout the weekend.”

What are the odds that it's going to be a a coupon code that is good for 100% of their catalog....
EA could offer me their entire catalog for free and I still wouldn't take it. I'm embarrassed to be a gamer after this Sim City mess. I pay $60 for a game that I can't even launch, and I've yet to hear an apology from the ****heads that implemented this "Always-Online" crap.

EA doesn't give a **** about any of us, and this is nothing but poor damage control.
other than the first few hours after purchase, am I the only one having absolutely no problem playing this game?

EDIT: for the record, I am very against the always online DRM
Always on DRM causes so many problems, but they'll never admit it. Though apparently those who have been playing pirated copies can play with no problem at all. i didn't buy it because, until they decide to release a demo or I illegally download it, there's no way of knowing just how well it will run on my PC. Don't want to spend that much money and not be able to play it / play a graphically reduced version that may as well be the original Sim City.
I have no problem with always on DRM as long as they can get it working well; it's obviously not working now but it'll probably be fine in a couple of weeks. I'd still be pissed if I actually bought the game.
Wish they would say the list game games that will be offered, though I'm sure it'll be something really old
[quote name='Pajo']
EDIT: for the record, I am very against the always online DRM[/QUOTE]

If you purchased the game, you fully support always on DRM, as far as EA is concerned.

The only way to protest is with your wallet.
There are hundreds of reasons I want to play sim city and one reason I don't want to

Pros far out weigh the cons
[quote name='mabba18']If you purchased the game, you fully support always on DRM, as far as EA is concerned.

The only way to protest is with your wallet.[/QUOTE]

This, 100%. EA doesn't care about people on forums saying "DRM sucks", they care about their games raking in millions of dollars.
bread's done