(Updated) Should I have not eaten this pizza?


1 (100%)
Guess I'll know in a couple of hours but I'd still like an opinion. How old is too old pizzawise?

1: I recall my friend ordering it earlier this week, I'm thinking either Monday or Tuesday night.

2: It had some sort of meat and peppers on it but they were concealed under a thick layer of cheese.

3: The slices were found still in it's original packaging and was lying next to my sofa therefore I presume it had not been refrigerated. But keep in mind my livingroom is freezing most of the day cause the heater has never worked right.

4: It still tasted good and yes I just finished what was left of it because there is no other food in my house. There was however, a slight odor which to me was natural emanating from the cheese.

Now, should I assume an onslaught of anal leaked is in my near future or should I go to the gym as usual assured that I won't have to use their disgusting dungeon of a bathroom?

Update: Last night I waited for a couple hours and was doing ok so I decided to go to the gym. Got there and managed to get through my workout no problem, it wasn't until I hit the treadmill that trouble started brewing. I blame the motion of running making things churn in my stomach but I became so damn gassy. Holy Jesus was I gassy last night, the pressure just kept building and building even after I snuck a couple silent ones but my stomach was working overtime. Then outta nowhere my old roomate comes up to me and start talking to me about some girl he just broke up with...blah blah blah. I couldn't just leave now cause the guy seemed pretty upset so I had to pretend to care about what he was saying but at the same time I'm trying to maintain my pace running and by then I'm clenching my asscheeks together. I couldn't wager on something other than gas coming outta my ass so I was stuck the for 15 of the most miserable minutes I've ever had. As soon as he left I stopped the treadmill and went to the bathroom but God wanted to spite me further by placing some dude in the only freaking stall they have out of pure coincidence the gym was full of people last night so I just grabbed my keys and got the hell out of there. I just wanted to burst then but still had to make the drive home. Now I don't want to get too graphic here so I just finalize by saying I didn't make it completely home in time. I sharted while trying to relieve some pressure in the parking lot. Lesson Learned
[quote name='rodeojones903']Smooth move exlax.[/QUOTE]
I once got sent out in the hall, in fourth grade, for calling my teacher, Mr. Laxen, "Mr. exLaxen" in front of the entire class.
[quote name='phatbunbao']But keep in mind my livingroom is freezing most of the day cause the heater has never worked right.[/quote]There is a difference between freezing in regards to, "oh! this room is a few degrees below room temperature... it's freezing in here!" and whatever temperature a refridgerator ought to maintain.

Rule of thumb: Don't eat perishable food which has been left at room temperature for "a few days."
[quote name='Roufuss']Meat and cheese being left out for 4 days = one giant anal failure real soon.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't called it (anal) failure.
It is actually the other way around when it is running at 500% efficency.
Oh man I miss the days of "finding" food in my apartment in college.

I'd come home from a party to find my roommate passed out next to a pizza box with only ONE slice missing and help myself. :lol:

The best part was the next morning:

Roommate: "Oh god, what happened last night?"
Me: "I dunno man, but you ate a whole pizza!!"
[quote name='wbc1228']I wouldn't called it (anal) failure.
It is actually the other way around when it is running at 500% efficency.

Food poisioning can take up to three days to get ya sick. You won't die but what MAY happen is you'll feel like you have a softball stuck in your intestines right behind your belly button and the only way to make the pain better is to lay in the fetal position.

Here's the break down, you have 4 hours to get hot food between 41 and 135 degrees.

Any food that has not dropped to 41 or below in 6 hours should be thrown away. If there was any bacteria in the pizza, which is most likely true due to the handling of it by multiple people before you got to it, then the bacteria will double every 20 minutes.

Good luck.
[quote name='phatbunbao']Guess I'll know in a couple of hours but I'd still like an opinion. How old is too old pizzawise?

1: I recall my friend ordering it earlier this week, I'm thinking either Monday or Tuesday night.

2: It had some sort of meat and peppers on it but they were concealed under a thick layer of cheese.

3: The slices were found still in it's original packaging and was lying next to my sofa therefore I presume it had not been refrigerated. But keep in mind my livingroom is freezing most of the day cause the heater has never worked right.

4: It still tasted good and yes I just finished what was left of it because there is no other food in my house. There was however, a slight odor which to me was natural emanating from the cheese.

Now, should I assume an onslaught of anal leaked is in my near future or should I go to the gym as usual assured that I won't have to use their disgusting dungeon of a bathroom?

Update: Last night I waited for a couple hours and was doing ok so I decided to go to the gym. Got there and managed to get through my workout no problem, it wasn't until I hit the treadmill that trouble started brewing. I blame the motion of running making things churn in my stomach but I became so damn gassy. Holy Jesus was I gassy last night, the pressure just kept building and building even after I snuck a couple silent ones but my stomach was working overtime. Then outta nowhere my old roomate comes up to me and start talking to me about some girl he just broke up with...blah blah blah. I couldn't just leave now cause the guy seemed pretty upset so I had to pretend to care about what he was saying but at the same time I'm trying to maintain my pace running and by then I'm clenching my asscheeks together. I couldn't wager on something other than gas coming outta my ass so I was stuck the for 15 of the most miserable minutes I've ever had. As soon as he left I stopped the treadmill and went to the bathroom but God wanted to spite me further by placing some dude in the only freaking stall they have out of pure coincidence the gym was full of people last night so I just grabbed my keys and got the hell out of there. I just wanted to burst then but still had to make the drive home. Now I don't want to get too graphic here so I just finalize by saying I didn't make it completely home in time. I sharted while trying to relieve some pressure in the parking lot. Lesson Learned[/QUOTE]

God gave you a nose for a reason. If you smell funk don't eat it. unless your at a cheese store. That applies for any food item. Unless your living room is 20 degrees don't ever eat anything left out. It might be "freezing" in that room to you. But bacteria are loving it. Your extremely lucky nothing more came of this that you know of and for right now. I think its safe to say you have parasites in your bloodstream now from the meat being at room temp, and the shits are coming from your body trying to kill bacteria.
Thread of the year.

[quote name='Gameboy415']Oh man I miss the days of "finding" food in my apartment in college.

I'd come home from a party to find my roommate passed out next to a pizza box with only ONE slice missing and help myself. :lol:

The best part was the next morning:

Roommate: "Oh god, what happened last night?"
Me: "I dunno man, but you ate a whole pizza!!"[/QUOTE]

Haha, that update is hilarious. :rofl:

Yea, 4 day old pizza left out is just asking for stomach woes, especially if it smelled.
To be honest I haven't been feeling 100% all day. I thought it was over last night after I took a dump but after sleeping I've been in and out of the bathroom most of the morning and right now I'm dehydrated.
[quote name='phatbunbao']To be honest I haven't been feeling 100% all day. I thought it was over last night after I took a dump but after sleeping I've been in and out of the bathroom most of the morning and right now I'm dehydrated.[/QUOTE]

congrats your starting at least the week long process of food poisoning.
Call off from work or school for the next week. Get a bucket, have someone go to the store and get you shit load of pedialyte (grape flavor is the best)

Enjoy your misery. I've been stabbed before, I'll take a stabbing or a bullet (non-life threatening) over food poisoning anyday. God speed is all I can say.

I could understand if you pulled something out of the fridge and it had a light funk then you overcooked it for 10 mins. But this was 4 day old sitting on the floor pizza.

Would you eat from the trash?
Would you eat moldy fruit?
Would you eat raw meat that sat in the sun?

If you answered no to all of those OP then why in the blue hell did you eat food that was out for 4 days at room temp.
Back in my college says, I couldn't finish an entire pizza in one sitting, so I ate the rest either later that night OR the next day. Felt fine. But then again to wait a few days to finish yours off ...well depends on how your stomach can handle it. Did you eat it cold? or did you reheat it via the microwave or oven at the desiered temp?
[quote name='bobo2k4']Did you even try heating it up? At least put it in the microwave.[/QUOTE]

do I hear an echo in here?
Hmm, i would have posted that nasty shitting in a hot tub video, but there was a reason it was deleted.... but it is just so fitting! someone post it!
[quote name='guinaevere']There is a difference between freezing in regards to, "oh! this room is a few degrees below room temperature... it's freezing in here!" and whatever temperature a refridgerator ought to maintain.[/QUOTE]
That was my first thought as well. People use the word "freezing" a lot, but rarely is it true. Pizza after 1 day in box is probably ok. 2 days or more? I say to you good day, sir!
[quote name='wubb']Thread of the year.


Should I make a thread about how I had explosive diarrhea in the Middle of an aisle at Kohl's while trying to make it to the bathroom?
As long as you learned your lesson :lol:.
I recently discovered that I'm lactose intolerant. OH THE PAIN OF IT ALL!
dude, why wait for the guy to finish wining about his girlfriend. just up and leave his ass, he's a guy. hed understand. if you were talkin to some sweet ass ho, id understand. but fuck that dude and his whiney little ass. shit first, talk later.
In all fairness, I would have done the same. One time, I left the box under my bed, so no one would eat it. Well, forgot it was there, and a couple days later, I remembered, and pulled the box out. I was about to put a slice in my mouth, but I saw some bug on it, so I decided against it.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Should I make a thread about how I had explosive diarrhea in the Middle of an aisle at Kohl's while trying to make it to the bathroom?[/QUOTE]
If true, you've wasted time asking. It is now time to post, my friend.
[quote name='GrimNecroWizard']Should I make a thread about how I had explosive diarrhea in the Middle of an aisle at Kohl's while trying to make it to the bathroom?[/QUOTE]
When I worked at Food Lion this guy did that.

At the moment it was funny but in retrospect I feel really bad for that guy. He was about 55 and dressed respectably, wearing shorts and a collared shirt. He ran into the store and started shitting when he passed the register, and he was mostly done when he got to the back. He was in the restroom for over an hour trying to clean himself up.

I fuckin hated that job, but at least I was a cashier and not a bagger. The bagger is the one that has to clean that sort of stuff up.
[quote name='moojuice']In all fairness, I would have done the same. One time, I left the box under my bed, so no one would eat it. Well, forgot it was there, and a couple days later, I remembered, and pulled the box out. I was about to put a slice in my mouth, but I saw some bug on it, so I decided against it.[/QUOTE]

If I was your roommate, I would have found it and eaten it.
I was like a food ninja back in my sophomore year of College. :lol:

I never had any money thanks to a healthy gaming/partying habit so I'd always have to scrounge for food with my other poor-ass roommate (out of four total).
Our roommates would always put leftovers in the fridge and they'd come home and catch us eating it. The best was when my (equally poor) roommate at my other roommate's (whom we all hated because he smelled like death and shit) thanksgiving leftovers. I walked in to see him munching on this huge Turkey leg and he was like "Oh god Alex I'm SO sorry! I swear I'll buy you another one." I just said "Its not mine, its [hated roommate's]" and he was like "fuck him! Here, you want some?" :lol:

Our biggest low had to be eating pizza out of a pizza box in the GARBAGE ROOM.
In our defense, it was on TOP of the garbage can, and the anorexic girls had put it there less than 20 mins before we found it.
[quote name='Quackzilla']When I worked at Food Lion this guy did that.

At the moment it was funny but in retrospect I feel really bad for that guy. He was about 55 and dressed respectably, wearing shorts and a collared shirt. He ran into the store and started shitting when he passed the register, and he was mostly done when he got to the back. He was in the restroom for over an hour trying to clean himself up. [/quote]

[quote name='Quackzilla']When I worked at Food Lion this guy did that.

At the moment it was funny but in retrospect I feel really bad for that guy. He was about 55 and dressed respectably, wearing shorts and a collared shirt. He ran into the store and started shitting when he passed the register, and he was mostly done when he got to the back. He was in the restroom for over an hour trying to clean himself up.

I fuckin hated that job, but at least I was a cashier and not a bagger. The bagger is the one that has to clean that sort of stuff up.[/QUOTE]

Yes shitting on yourself in probably the worst thing that could happen to you in public. If I was the bagger I would have quit. I would have told the manager. No way am I cleaning up sht, you want me to clean shit then put my hands on peoples food.

I've had close calls...god I feel sorry for anyone that went into the MickeyD bathroom after my long night of drinking. I didn't throw up my liquor if thats what your wondering. It felt like someone was emptying buckets out of my ass for about 10-15 minutes straight.

I've had food poising before, thats a whole other beast. I don't ever, I mean ever want to go through again. Also a reason why I don't eat fast food anymore.
bread's done