Urban Dead - The Official Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

^On the main screen, just click on your name (below the grid map) and copy the url.

It seems like the zombies are really pushing down south.
I'm working my way towards you guys as a zombie. I'm sitting at a revive point right now waiting to be revived. I got killed a few days ago in Darvall, damn zombie infestation over there!
molebank is a good place to get a fast revive. its pretty far from th emain action but things are starting to pick up freakin west becktown is crawling with zombies makde it hard to get revived.
as soon as you see someone destroy a generator kill them. that is becoming a patern with these guys and ever since i saw that happen at the nt building near caiger i believe thats a good sign that wherever you are is going to be a target of a zombie attack. btw how much faster is it to find a generator in a mall with shopping skill over finding one in a factory? just basic shopping skill like being able to choose ths store in a mall? im looking to get one for that nt building i was gonna fix up before and i want to get one for the place that revived me.
[quote name='JolietJake']Anyone noticed that asshole who destroyed the generator?:roll:[/quote]

Is the generator still down? Which one is it?

I have a gen, but no fuel, so I could replace it.

EDIT: Nevermind. We're in the same place and I see a generator is running.
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Is the generator still down? Which one is it?

I have a gen, but no fuel, so I could replace it.

EDIT: Nevermind. We're in the same place and I see a generator is running.[/quote]
Yeah somebody replaced it pretty fast, still a shitty thing to do.
Geez, I didn't realize so many of our guys are dead. There was a lone zombie outside of the church/entry point and I whacked him a half dozen times or so, hope it wasn't a CAS member! If it was, I can't revive you but I'm in the nearby library with some FAKS for your trouble.
If you add everyone in the group to your contacts list, then you'll recognize their zombieselves.

That's what I figured, and why I swung. I've added everybody 2 or 3 times now but there are always a select few people that I can't add every time. I really don't know what the deal is. Case in point; I'm logged in right now and just added the last few new people that joined up and while still logged in and just before, after, or between adding them I tried to add the ones that never seem to work. Again, it didn't work. I have added contacts 4 times now but garemanCAS, CheapAssJJ, Reinfield, greydemise, and ryan w never work. It always gives me the "not logged in" message. Am I missing something simple, or is this just a glitch?
[quote name='chuckie88']That's what I figured, and why I swung. I've added everybody 2 or 3 times now but there are always a select few people that I can't add every time. I really don't know what the deal is. Case in point; I'm logged in right now and just added the last few new people that joined up and while still logged in and just before, after, or between adding them I tried to add the ones that never seem to work. Again, it didn't work. I have added contacts 4 times now but garemanCAS, CheapAssJJ, Reinfield, greydemise, and ryan w never work. It always gives me the "not logged in" message. Am I missing something simple, or is this just a glitch?[/QUOTE]

Someone had the same problem when we first started the game. I think the problem was that he was using a different window to add us in. Try using only one window and one tab. If that doesn't work, shaidunno.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']Can someone please revive me? I have been killed 4 times today, waiting for a revive. I am outside the Southwestern part of the mall.[/QUOTE]

try going to an actual revive point instead of standing outside the mall. Gee Avenue or Park Walk are listed as revive points. I personally got revived at Gee Avenue within about 15 hours of going there and requesting revive.

also people are less likely (not completely unlikely, but less likely) to kill you there since they are known revival points.
[quote name='TBroo']try going to an actual revive point instead of standing outside the mall. Gee Avenue or Park Walk are listed as revive points. I personally got revived at Gee Avenue within about 15 hours of going there and requesting revive.

also people are less likely (not completely unlikely, but less likely) to kill you there since they are known revival points.[/QUOTE]

The reasons why I didn't go to a revive point is
1. I've sat at one for 4 days, before and did not get revived.
2. I have been killed multiple times at revive points.
3. I did not have enough AP.
[quote name='fullmetalfan720']Thanks to whoever healed me.[/QUOTE]

Not to be a dick, but no need for the excessive posting about revives. Five times in a day is a bit much. You'll get taken care of with, at most, two posts. As for getting killed, sorry, but you are a zombie just hanging out in front of a mall. Shit happens.

Best thing is to avoid dying (I was going to put in like the plague or something, but we're playing a zombie game so I guess nothing really could compare, haha).
Hey guys,

Just started up in UD but am in the Old Arham suburb. Would it be better to gain a few levels here to get some basic skills (free running /diagnosis) or try to meet up with the CAG clan now? Started with a cell phone, knife and newspaper so am pretty much useless right now.

In any case, feel free to add me to contacts if you see me(character name same as CAG name) and give me a call.
[quote name='rywateska']Not to be a dick, but no need for the excessive posting about revives. Five times in a day is a bit much. You'll get taken care of with, at most, two posts. As for getting killed, sorry, but you are a zombie just hanging out in front of a mall. Shit happens.

Best thing is to avoid dying (I was going to put in like the plague or something, but we're playing a zombie game so I guess nothing really could compare, haha).[/QUOTE]

I've tried 2 posts before, but nothing happened. If you keep reminding people to do something, then therevis a better chance they will do it.
[quote name='Johnny Postman']Hey guys,

Just started up in UD but am in the Old Arham suburb. Would it be better to gain a few levels here to get some basic skills (free running /diagnosis) or try to meet up with the CAG clan now? Started with a cell phone, knife and newspaper so am pretty much useless right now.[/quote]Let's see... that would make you a consumer, right? In that case, I'd recommend getting to a mall. Raid the hardware store until you can get a fire axe (lengths of pipe would also be handy in an ultra-emergency where you have to erect basic barricades), and the pharmacy to get some FAKs. Heal and axe (axes being better than knives, though the knife is still the second best weapon) 'til you get some EXP. We're going to be moving back to a very hot zone in a few days, so whether or not you want to follow is up to you.

[quote name='Johnny Postman'] In any case, feel free to add me to contacts if you see me(character name same as CAG name) and give me a call.[/quote]Give us a link to your in-game profile, and set your group as "Cheap Ass Survivors".

EDIT: Also, read a lot of the UD Wiki. Take a look a the maps, especially the one linked to on the left hand side of the page, as it will show the "danger rating" of each suburb. Stick to safe areas for now. Don't sleep outside, and always know where an entry point (building that is Very Strongly Barricaded or less) is.
Know when to conserve bullets. There are plenty of times where an axe can work as well as a pistol, or a pistol as well as a shotgun.

EDIT: And I recommend a heavy focus on pistol clips this time, due to their long-lasting-and-reasonably-fast-acting nature. I've halved my shotgun count, and the number of clips that allows me to carry is staggering.
[quote name='The Crotch']Know when to conserve bullets. There are plenty of times where an axe can work as well as a pistol, or a pistol as well as a shotgun.[/quote]
I'm saving the firearms for the battle when we get back, barring some sort of similar disaster here. If that happens I'm moving, Malton is a hell hole....:lol:
[quote name='The Crotch']. We're going to be moving back to a very hot zone in a few days, so whether or not you want to follow is up to you.

Going to wander around a bit try to build up some exp, before linking up with the group. As all i would be in current stage is dead weight in a hot zone
Whacked 2 zeds a suburb up from HQ and got the first consumer skill. Took out the 2nd zed with a flaregun. Take that, Hotshot! Made it back to HQ. I need about another 25 XP to get Bargain Hunting and then it is straight ammo search time.
Welcome aboard Johnny.
I'm staying in a lovely police station for the night, used up all my FAKs on strangers but it was worth it for all the ap. Decided that Crotch was right and a fighting man might be handy so I decided to start packing heat in addition to my trusty axe. Maybe I can score a lucky shot w/ one of my flares ala' Arthur!
I have 10 pistols, 2 of which are only partially loaded, rest are fully loaded. 5 Shotguns, 1 of which is half loaded, rest are fully loaded. 84% encumbered.
[quote name='JolietJake']I have 10 pistols, 2 of which are only partially loaded, rest are fully loaded. 5 Shotguns, 1 of which is half loaded, rest are fully loaded. 84% encumbered.[/QUOTE]


if everyone is moving I guess I should just camp out where I am and wait for you guys to come my way
I got revived in Lerwill Heights and now I'm in North Blytheville in Julie General Hospital with 1HP. I have an infection and failed at trying to find a FAK. I need healing ASAP.
If any of you are still dead, I second the recommendation of Gee Avenue (sup yukine). It only took half an hour for someone to come and revive me after I requested one. Might've just been my luck, but at least it's an active RP. I'll probaby just chill here on the ground until we move out. Inventory includes pistols + shotguns, a few extra clips, axe, and a few FAKs. I think I have some space left, and I have construction & reviving skills. Should I pick up a toolbox/syringes?

EDIT: Technique - I could head on over to heal you in the morning if someone doesn't by then.
New orders coming tomorrow (Thursday). If you're still searching, continue searching. If not... well, listen up. PMs are inbound.

EDIT: Feel free to get syringes and a toolbox. Those of you just beginning their searches should get a generator or two (total, not each) and some fuel.
I'm outside NE of the mall. Someone please come and heal me, I'm at 5 HP and have no AP to do much of anything.

Wasted a bunch of AP/HP looking for a damn entry point to the mall.
I've got a bit of a moral question. Should we kill people who destroy generators? I know it isn't Pking, but it can have a negative effect on everyone else.

Btw crotch, if you already sent the PM i didn't get it.
auckland mall looks like its about to fall too. dont have enough ap to do anything except get to a safer place right now but theres zombies inside one portion and all their generators are out.
  • Marty Banks said "well hotshot... the DHPD will do what it can and will move any point when we feel it is a good time... but we don't discuss plans and times ingame 'usually'... you're best bet is to register on our forum..." (16 minutes ago)
  • Marty Banks said "there you will have acess to powerful tools, good men, and our dicussion and intelligence threads... plus it will avoid me getting shot in the face... *evil laugh*" (14 minutes ago)

Looks like we'll definitely be in talks with the DHPD, CDF, and PSS as we retake Caiger.

1: PMs not yet sent. They'll likely come out this afternoon.
2: Yukine, the entry point should be 2 NW of the NW corner of the mall. Was when I got here, at least. If not, check the bank adjacent to the spot I pointed you to.
3: I'll check out their forums later today, HotShot. And remember, no plans in the forum - that means times, movements, specific targets, etc.
Was just about to say, I was healed overnight. What's the mall situation looking like in South Blytheville? What building should I use as an entrance point?
1: Entry point should be two NW of the mall. Since I've been saying that for the last five days and nobody's corrected me, that should still be the case.
2: Sleepkyng, give us a link to your UD character's profile and set your group as "Cheap Ass Survivors". I'll send details on what we're doing next to you - and everyone - within the next half hour.
bread's done