Urban Dead - The Official Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

[quote name='JolietJake']That cause you're in dead territory.[/quote]

I have been moving around a lot trying to find a band of people. 3 days straight of moving and I have only come across 9 real people.

I went out and ventured into Earletown. There are only a few zombies there. I chopped at one and then I went to the nearby NT building and barricaded it.
[quote name='aTOH']Oh. Man, I just had my first cup of coffeh in a longgg time. Yeah, I was gonna participate in the meeting, but I really wanted to Brawl instead. I already joined the channel, so I made up a lie that I was PK'd by HotShot or something :^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o:^o[/quote]First, I can sympathize. I just got Brawl yesterday, and missed the meeting for it.

Second, you could come up with a better lie than that. At least say you got PKed by someone active.
I'm out of AP. Scouted the area where I am at. Only saw one zed. Took a few swats at him, but he had 47 HP and took off running to the south. Then did some more searching. Got a couple faks, but more damn newspapers.

Can a feature be added to at least be able to roll up the newspapers and wap zeds in the face with them? I'd be an ultimate warrior if that were the case.

If there is a meeting tonight, I probably can't make it. The wife is feeling unwell...
I could leave out, but without knowing exactly where to go and all, i'm not sure i want to. Might get stuck alone without any AP.
Okay, I'm in the suburb mentioned in my last PM. Anyone who's stocked up should head in that direction now. Don't try to make it there in one day - the area between where I am and where you are is very safe, so you should stop to sleep at some point. Trust me, none of you should die if you do it right. Feel free to move on down.

Mike = revived.
i'm a bad monkey but i was getting antsy. i've gone further west. currently sleeping in an ehb nt building in brookeside.

almost everything between where we were and brookeside is smooth sailing, except a mall in shearbank that was mostly okay, but suffered an attack from 60-100 zeds while i slept 2 spaces away from it. it was back running at ehb when i left today.

eastonwood is still a shithole. i took one step into it and saw too many ruined buildings and zombies, so i stepped back to brookside. tomorrow i think i might try to run to darvell to see what that's like.
that sucked, a dude was reviving people only to get killed by a zombie.....shitty part was that he didn't get a chance to revive me before he got killed
If I'm about to buy my first skill, what's the recommended first choice? I started as a consumer, but I've gained a bunch of XP as a zombie smashing and mauling. Should I go for zombie skills or human skills?
[quote name='JJSP']If I'm about to buy my first skill, what's the recommended first choice? I started as a consumer, but I've gained a bunch of XP as a zombie smashing and mauling. Should I go for zombie skills or human skills?[/quote]

The zombies don't need any more help. Get revived and get some human skills.

The best offense against the zombies is a good defense. That means healing.

If you are in a mall with plenty of beat up people, go for bargain hunting to enhance your chances of finding First Aid Kits in the drug stores.

If you are in a mall without plenty of beat up people or outside of a mall, go for Diagnosis to determine who needs healing. Then, you'll have more AP to spend searching for First Aid Kits.

If you can't get into a hospital or mall due to barricades, go for free running. Search percentages are useless if you can't enter the right type of building.

Once you have bargain hunting, diagnosis and free running, go for first aid to nullify zombie attacks even more.

If you want to focus on healing completely, hole up in a powered hospital and go for Surgery.

At some point, you'll need Construction to fully counter zombie activity.

Once you close in on level 10, figure out what type of weapons you want to use the best. Stock up on them, then grab Headshot to force zombies to spend at least 3 hours on their backs.
On my way to catch up with you guys, but I really liked where I was at.

I'm nearly there (one suburb away), but I'm out of AP. Everything is way over barricaded and I spent too much AP looking for a hideout.

Things are pretty light, few humans or zeds. I accidentally hit a couple zeds before I realized they were at revive points. (Shot one with a flare gun, though....that felt good.)
Unless there's an established human presence in your area, waiting for a revive before catching up is a bad idea. We can't afford to go about reviving stragglers.
Ok, i'm in in the place mentioned in the PM. Not much AP left, but i made it. Would have more AP but there are a lot of ruined buildings in heytown.
Seems like nobody is around at my current location .. that goes for zombies and humans. Just very lightly scattered at best. Which by the way, always makes me nervous when I'm alone in a building with just one other human. I'm afraid they're gonna pk me.
Been talking with Budge and Plume a bit. I think we need to establish on the Wiki what "class" each person is. Not "military" or "scientist" or crap like that - I mean combat (like Jake), reviver (Ivan), support (myself), and stuff like that. It would be a huge, enormous help with planning.

Also, Plume, Modium, Option, Cside, Suko, and Geo: do not come to the location mentioned in the PM. Stay up north. You're about to get separate orders.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']

Once you have bargain hunting, diagnosis and free running, go for first aid to nullify zombie attacks even more.

If you want to focus on healing completely, hole up in a powered hospital and go for Surgery.
[/quote]Hold off on these for a while. While they increase healing and decrease FAK use, they also decrease EXP gained. Get free running first, then diagnosis or some shopping skills.

EDIT: On the class stuff - look at the Wiki, and you'll see the (likely empty) column for it by your name. The classes are as follows:

Combat: This guy's obvious. Lots of pistols, maybe a couple of shotguns, and probably a melee weapon. A few FAKs, needles, and/or tools never hurt, of course.
Shock Troop: A subdivision of combat. Mostly shotguns, though they will absolutely want to have an axe to take part in lesser encounters. These guys should never move on a place unless they know someone with repairs (see below) will be right behind them. Technically, those dedicated to combat revives could fall under this, too. Or they could be...
Revivers: Mostly syringes. IvanHood is the archetypical Reviver.
Medics: Mostly FAKs, or FAK/syringe combos. Minimal focus on combat.
Engineer: Think of the TFC Engineer. Good combat skills with construction to back it up. That's what this is - a fighter whose focus is on taking and repairing buildings. Traditionally, this has been Modium's role.
Support: So far, the most common. This is what I am - a little of everything. Pistols, shotguns, tools, FAKs, syringes...
Scout: The guy who can't help in a fight but keeps the buildings fueled up and the radios goin'. Handy, but we don't want to have too many of these. Should at least have a melee weapon.
A note to those in the area mentioned in the last PM: the suburb 1 west is now safe. Feel free to go there. The far NW is the area that needs the most attention at the moment - few zeds, but plenty of ruined buildings.

EDIT: The separate orders are for higher level or active people who are still up north. If you haven't gotten them yet, blame Budge - he's in charge of that stuff.
I'd say I'm support, since I have my axe and toolbox, but also a good selection of pistols and clips (6,6), shotguns (4), syringes (7), and FAKs (8). But, I wouldn't object to being the go-to engineer if need be. Buildin' a sentry, boss.

I'm at the spot mentioned in Budge's PM. I've got plenty of AP to burn too.
Thoughts after using the Wiki:
Added Shock Troop as my class 'cause I liked the sound of it more then combat.
fatherofcaitlyn: still no UD name/profile link = can't add as a contact
SeanAmI122886 and red flare graf: no group affiliation on profile

Unrelated to CAS but still UD:
I'm enjoying being a menace in Lamport Hills w/ my zombie alt.
Any CAG zombie players are wlcome to join in the carnage.
Besides body building, are any human skills helpful to the undead?
If you list that as your class, then you better be equipped for it. Shock Troops should arm themselves for hard attacks, not long hauls.

Diagnosis works for zombies, though they have an equivalent skill. The one that lets you identify NT buildings also works. And flak jackets - or as my zed clan calls them, "The Armour of God".

For humans, the main zed skill (aside from things like ankle grab) is the one that lets you identify revivified bodies on the ground. It's in the scent tree.
Currently I'm packing 4 shotguns & pistols, all loaded.
And as always, my trusty axe, toolbox, 1/2 dozen FAKs, etc.
Is that a decent ratio, or should I have more shotguns?

As to the zombie question, I keep trying to get a FlackJacket but keep striking out.
Can I be the scout/ham radio guy? I got like 3 radios, 1 radio transmitter, and construction skill.

I'm eventually going to drop pistols and shotguns and just carry an axe to accomodate for a generator and fuel can, hopefully.
Plume, Modium, Option, Cside, Suko, and Geo

Those are my men, I sent you all PMs last night. I heard from everyone except Option.iv and csidegamer. Could you guys please verify that you read the PM and complying by posting here or responding to my PM.

Currently Modium and Geo are the only ones at my location.

Also, we will be reviving and picking up Fart_Bubble along the way.
[quote name='chuckie88']Thoughts after using the Wiki:
fatherofcaitlyn: still no UD name/profile link = can't add as a contact

Sorry. Both of my characters are revived and human, but I can't seem to get stocked up with FAKs. Either I'm running from zeds or I'm using all of my found FAKs on the people bleeding around me.

If I can stay alive and get stocked up on FAKs, I can meet up with the group.

Regardless of the suburb the group goes to, I can reach it within a day or two of AP.

I just want to be more than a meat shield when I show up.
Darth, I should be caught up in just a few hours. I am almost there, but low on AP. I stopped to kill some zeds because I wanted a new skill. I'm thinking I'll buy advanced pistol combat now...
[quote name='PlumeNoir']Darth, I should be caught up in just a few hours. I am almost there, but low on AP. I stopped to kill some zeds because I wanted a new skill. I'm thinking I'll buy advanced pistol combat now...[/quote]

No problem. We aren't leaving until tomorrow.

Everybody who is in my group, please try and make it to the IRC Chatroom tonight. I will be on anytime from now to like 9:30 PM CT. I would prefer to tell everyone the plan via IRC rather then making a long ass PM.
Ryan: Zed kill counts were dropped because they created an unrealistic picture. First, because only half of us were reporting our kills, they appeared lower than they were. Second, it made us look a little trenchcoatish, 'cause zombie kills don't particularly matter.

Fatherofcaitlyn: Make sure you only have one guy in the group! Using two characters in the same group - or even in the same suburb - is considered Zerging, and is heavily frowned upon.

Option: I shall make you a "scout", and define the class as: the guy who can't help in a fight but keeps the buildings fueled up and the radios goin'.
I was on a roll tonight. I cleared out the northern half of Woodroffe mall and dumped the bodies. Can't repair because i have no toolbox. I used every shotgun shell i had and nearly got 200 AP. I hurt one in the SW corner, but didn't have the AP to finish up. I'm holed up near the mall, closer than i'd like but i didn't have the AP to make it back to roftwood. It's VSB so hopefully i'll be safe.
Damn, man. You've GOTTA roll with someone with a toolbox if you don't have one. Shoulda been in the chat and joined up with me, Geno, and Ivan.
bread's done