US Residents - Say goodbye to online poker/gambling


57 (100%)
Ugh... just ugh... Made me sick to see this news this morning.
US President George W. Bush this week is expected to sign a bill making it harder to place bets on the Internet, a practice which already is illegal in the United States.

Bush was expected to act quickly after Congress approved the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act making it illegal for financial institutions and credit card companies to process payments to settle Internet bets. It also created stiff penalties for online wagers.

And the bans for US players on the major sites will begin shortly after Bush signs:
After taking extensive legal advice, the Board of PartyGaming Plc has concluded that the new legislation, if signed into law, will make it practically impossible to provide US residents with access to its real money poker and other real money gaming sites. As a result of this development, the Board of PartyGaming has determined that if the President signs the Act into law, the Company will suspend all real money gaming business with US residents, and such suspension will continue indefinitely, subject to clarification of the interpretation and enforcement of US law and the impact on financial institutions of this and other related legislation. Access to PartyGaming's online gaming sites for the Group's US free play customers will be unaffected. Access for all of PartyGaming’s non-US customers will also be unaffected.

My focus is on poker, but it's all online gambing that the bill affects.

CNET summary
that just sucks,., and i think its unfair that the goverment is trying to stop online gambling....

thanks for the info
[quote name='Mario64']that just sucks,., and i think its unfair that the goverment is trying to stop online gambling that they get zero tax revenue from[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mario64']that just sucks,., and i think its unfair that the goverment is trying to stop online gambling....

thanks for the info[/quote]

This happened not so much because the government is specifically trying to stop it. It happened because Bill Frist attached a rider to outlaw online gambling on to a bill that's meant strengthen port security. And what politician would vote against strengthening port security?
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Then they should just tax online gambling, then. Many online stores already tax.[/QUOTE]

Agreed but with the stores I think shipping should be free if taxed especially if you're ordering from Play-Asia.
way to go bush. score another one for your big schlong. i guess there goes fun and some income for me. i cant wait till all the old men in congress just die out. im sick and tired of having prohibition type shit that they always pulling becausae they want to be back in the 50's again.
[quote name='integralsmatic']way to go bush. score another one for your big schlong. i guess there goes fun and some income for me. i cant wait till all the old men in congress just die out. im sick and tired of having prohibition type shit that they always pulling becausae they want to be back in the 50's again.[/QUOTE]

I hope you realize that Conservatives around Barry's time would probably be ok with online gambling, just as they didn't have a problem with various Social Issues that seem to be hotbutton issues for the idiot Religious Right.
I dont think this has anything to do with morals or religion. It has everything to do with money. There's really no way for our government to capitalize on the money spent in online gambling. Most of the companies repsonsible for the online gambling are foreign entities.

how the fuck am i supposed to pay for my ridiculous video game habit without online poker? guess it's back to selling crack and jacking cars for me.
[quote name='Maklershed']I dont think this has anything to do with morals or religion. It has everything to do with money. There's really no way for our government to capitalize on the money spent in online gambling. Most of the companies repsonsible for the online gambling are foreign entities.[/QUOTE]

true..all the poker sites are owned privatley. yeah i can see what your saying..the gov't cant impose any tax on these guys to a make a buck from them so the gov't doesnt want anything to do with them.hence the ban. oh i wonder if the .net loophole will be taking out..which means that no longer only .coms are banned or tax but even for .net gambling sites too..
Now that's fucking weak. I don't gamble personally, but I think people should have access to it online if they want. WTF?!

On a unrelated (related?) note of choices being removed from ones life in an effort to protect you the local governing body in Santa Cruz is trying to eliminate smoking downtown (even outdoors) and also, get this, in ALL APARTMENT BUILDINGS.
[quote name='coltyhuxx']Now that's fucking weak. I don't gamble personally, but I think people should have access to it online if they want. WTF?!

On a unrelated (related?) note of choices being removed from ones life in an effort to protect you the local governing body in Santa Cruz is trying to eliminate smoking downtown (even outdoors) and also, get this, in ALL APARTMENT BUILDINGS.[/QUOTE]

fuck I knew Santa Cruz was a Liberal bastion but I didn't realize they'd gotten Naziish in enforcing "Progressive" measures. You should post that info up in the VS. Forum. Seriously.
Even public places are up for debate with smoking unless it's government property but private NO. Honestly it should be up to the business and the same registers for your apartment. No one has ANY right to tell you not to smoke in your own private space unless you signed a lease at the outset stating as such.
I swear some of the Liberals are becoming as bad as the Religious Right people they hate.
As I understand it, this was tacked onto a port security bill, which is harder to vote against. That aside, I wonder how many people that voted on it even knew it would also affect gambling.
Didn't read the story, so pardon my ignorance if this has already been covered. What's to stop somebody from using a proxy system like eGold or Paypal to place bets?
Paypal already will not work with online gaming sites. The big question is whether or not we can still use Neteller, Firepay, etc. Anyone have a link to the text of the bill so I can read it myself?
if people really want they can go to canada and open a bank account with one of their banks then transfer funds there to fix their gambling habits.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']As I understand it, this was tacked onto a port security bill, which is harder to vote against. That aside, I wonder how many people that voted on it even knew it would also affect gambling.[/QUOTE]

Get rid of riders. Problem solved.

As for banning smoking? Good.
[quote name='Sarang01']fuck I knew Santa Cruz was a Liberal bastion but I didn't realize they'd gotten Naziish in enforcing "Progressive" measures. You should post that info up in the VS. Forum. Seriously.
Even public places are up for debate with smoking unless it's government property but private NO. Honestly it should be up to the business and the same registers for your apartment. No one has ANY right to tell you not to smoke in your own private space unless you signed a lease at the outset stating as such.
I swear some of the Liberals are becoming as bad as the Religious Right people they hate.[/QUOTE]

Not that Democrats can't be douches about certain things (violent videogames, naughty words in music, etc) but is this really a party related thing? In NY, we lost our smoking under Guliani and Bloomberg, two Republicans.
[quote name='mykevermin']

Good luck wading through THAT muck.[/quote]

Well I waded and waded and couldnt find it but I did find the following which I thought was interesting:


  • (a) In General- On and after the date of the enactment of this Act, the United States Trade Representative may not negotiate any bilateral or multilateral trade agreement that limits the Congress in its ability to restrict the operations or ownership of United States ports by a foreign country or person.
  • (b) Operations and Ownership- For purposes of this section, the term `operations and ownership' includes--
    • (1) operating and maintaining docks;
    • (2) loading and unloading vessels directly to or from land;
    • (3) handling marine cargo;
    • (4) operating and maintaining piers;
    • (5) ship cleaning;
    • (6) stevedoring;
    • (7) transferring cargo between vessels and trucks, trains, pipelines, and wharves; and
    • (8) waterfront terminal operations.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']Then they should just tax online gambling, then. Many online stores already tax.[/QUOTE]

That's because of a little thing called nexus. If a state has a physical store in a state it has nexus in that state, and all orders originating from that state must be charged with the state's tax.
[quote name='trq']Not that Democrats can't be douches about certain things (violent videogames, naughty words in music, etc) but is this really a party related thing? In NY, we lost our smoking under Guliani and Bloomberg, two Republicans.[/QUOTE]

Note I said Liberal and nowhere did I say Democrat. You can say that's implied with Liberal but I think some Liberals would genuinely be offended you'd believe them to throw in with this Democrat crowd. If you phrased it slightly different your point would be more effective but I get the jist at the end.
Either way it's still bullshit. If it's not on the lease and I'm a smoker I'll bloodly well smoke like a chimney in my room. It's my private residence and they have no business telling me what to do when I'm not blowing smoke in someone's face or am right next to them. Oh and note I am a NON-smoker.
Watch all the people that love online gambing move to Canada. lol XD My uncle does and he lives by the border.
Now I can finally clear my game backlog, go to the gym, and work on that novel.

Still, this crap is ridiculous. I would have accepted a complete ban on online gambling after a real debate. But to ride it on a port security bill and give an exemption to horse racing? Even if you're in favor of this legislation, this is a terrible way to run a country.
[quote name='CocheseUGA']Get rid of riders. Problem solved.

As for banning smoking? Good.[/quote]

I agree completely with you on getting rid of riders. There should be one vote for every law. There shouldn't be two or three unrelated laws that get put to the same vote. Like everyone before has said, what politician in his right mind is going to vote against port security?
[quote name='Maklershed']I dont think this has anything to do with morals or religion. It has everything to do with money. There's really no way for our government to capitalize on the money spent in online gambling. Most of the companies repsonsible for the online gambling are foreign entities.[/quote]

However online gambling companies aren't US entities precisely because the US congress was hostile to the idea in the first place - respectable marquis American Casinos would love to get in on the online gambling market, but they were discouraged by Congress. It's not like England (the base of many of these companies) is some tax-free haven.

This has NOTHING to do with unclaimed tax revenue and everything to do with Frist wanting a "low-hanging fruit" type issue to mollify the religious right who were pissed off that Frist supported stem cell research.
The answer is, online gambling ban, sports wagering ban, ban on marijuana, ban on prostitution, prohibition... The question? What are laws that empower the mafia.
[quote name='Sarang01']Note I said Liberal and nowhere did I say Democrat. You can say that's implied with Liberal but I think some Liberals would genuinely be offended you'd believe them to throw in with this Democrat crowd. If you phrased it slightly different your point would be more effective but I get the jist at the end.
Either way it's still bullshit. If it's not on the lease and I'm a smoker I'll bloodly well smoke like a chimney in my room. It's my private residence and they have no business telling me what to do when I'm not blowing smoke in someone's face or am right next to them. Oh and note I am a NON-smoker.[/QUOTE]

I hear ya, and you're right re: Democrat v. Liberal, though you take my point. I'm in the same boat: I don't smoke either, and the ban in NYC drives me nuts. If you don't want to inhale smoke, don't go to bars. That's what people do at bars -- smoke and drink for fucks sake. It doesn't help that all the moron hipsters who are starting to pop out kids have decided that since there isn't smoke, it's okay to bring Baby to the bar while mom and dad toss back a few -- aren't they just the height of cool?

Anyway, enough derail from me.
[quote name='mykevermin']fixed.[/quote]

Bingo, at least someone gets it. This does suck though... just when I was finally playing again, this time under control, and up about a grand.
[quote name='trq']I hear ya, and you're right re: Democrat v. Liberal, though you take my point. I'm in the same boat: I don't smoke either, and the ban in NYC drives me nuts. If you don't want to inhale smoke, don't go to bars. That's what people do at bars -- smoke and drink for fucks sake. It doesn't help that all the moron hipsters who are starting to pop out kids have decided that since there isn't smoke, it's okay to bring Baby to the bar while mom and dad toss back a few -- aren't they just the height of cool?

Anyway, enough derail from me.[/QUOTE]

Well part of the reason I'd go to a REAL bar and not these one's trying to cater to both like Applebees and Chiles is because I DON'T want to see that part of the population there. I mean it's not that I hate families it's just some places I want to get away from that demographic of people. I like D&B because of the liquor they serve and arcade but I hate the fucking kids running up on the Pump machine dicking around while I'm trying to play. It's enough to make one go off. Also I agree that REAL bars are synonymous with liquor and smoke and I'd argue they don't WANT that population demographic in there to begin with.
[quote name='Sarang01']Also I agree that REAL bars are synonymous with liquor and smoke and I'd argue they don't WANT that population demographic in there to begin with.[/quote]

Bars will take anyone that has cash. The friendly places that are really cool places to drink always go out of business because they don't get the family dollar.
bread's done