USED and NEW 360 price drops at GAME CRAZY


8 (100%)
Far Cry Instincts Predator:
New - 29.99
Used - 24.99

Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires:
New - 29.99
Used - 24.99

Used - 29.99

There might be one or two more. I didn't price the games when they dropped so there might be a few i missed. I'll check tomorrow.

I don't think the DW5 or Far Cry are nationwide drops. Gamestop still has both games for 39.99 new.

10% off the used price with MVP.
niiice, I can get that last copy of DW5 now lol... I saw PGR3 used for 22.95 w/MVP as well
if you have a PS2 your better off with DW 5 Empires since 360 lacks all the soundtracks and it only has 2 costumes per character while PS2 has all 4.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']

Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires:
New - 29.99
Used - 24.99


I was just there tonight looking at something cheap to pickup. Whlie I wouldn't think of picking up a DW title, I definetly saw it @ 39.99. 29.99 would have at least caught my eye. Maybe YMMV?
game crazy prices are never YMMV. have them scan it. sometimes they just wont reprice the games when they get the paperwork in the morning. which is stupid but it happens.

as far as the same prices as hollywood video... i would think so. but im not entirely sure.
[quote name='xrickyb86x']Far Cry Instincts Predator:
New - 29.99
Used - 24.99[/quote]I might go pick up a used copy since GC is a lot closer to me than BestBuy. Plus my MVP would give me a couple more dollars off than $25 for a new copy at BB. Thanks for the post OP.
xrickyb86x, Far Cry at $29.99 is a nationwide drop its just that all of the stores haven't updated to it yet.

[quote name='obijuan71']Don't forget Dynasty Warriors 5 (Xbox 360) is $19.99 at CompUSA if you have one close to you.

ObiJuan :roll:[/QUOTE]

Damn, Obijuan71 was right Dynasty Warriors 5 for 360 is 20 bucks and if you can find it in-store they have it at that price. It is out of stock online though.
Tomb Raider Legend dropped to 39.99 new/34.99 used.. that was the other one you missed.

Except Ridge Racer, of course, but that was weeks ago.. 13.49 used on that, hell yeah.
[quote name='Scorch']Tomb Raider Legend dropped to 39.99 new/34.99 used.. that was the other one you missed.

Except Ridge Racer, of course, but that was weeks ago.. 13.49 used on that, hell yeah.[/QUOTE]

for that price i might have to pick up ridge.
Why would anyone want the 360 version of Far Cry when the PC version is only $10 and much better? The 360 version doesn't even have HDR or the 64 bit graphic upgrade.....what a piece of junk.

It always amazes me when console kiddies are willing to pay a huge premium for an inferior product.
[quote name='JCDenton']
It always amazes me when console kiddies are willing to pay a huge premium for an inferior product.[/QUOTE]

Wait a second, back it up, holllld on.

Console kiddies play a huge premium? As oppossed to the expensive upgrade's that computers take to run games on systems that go inferior in 6 monthes - 1 year?

This cheap ass gamer buddy. Take your pc high price gloating ass elsewere.
[quote name='thingsfallnapart']Console kiddies play a huge premium? As oppossed to the expensive upgrade's that computers take to run games on systems that go inferior in 6 monthes - 1 year?[/QUOTE]

The 360 is already pretty inferior, and you can't upgrade it either. Enjoy playing with a gimped system that can't even lock down 60 FPS on most games, and enjoy playing with it for the next few years.

What's it like paying $399 for a machine that already feels weak right after you bought it? Actually, you don't need to answer that, since I own a 360 myself and I know how dissapointing it is as a system. It just can't keep up a good framerate with high end visuals. Either the games run smooth but come out looking like Xbox games in high definition, or the games have real next-gen graphics but they run terribly.This is made worse by the fact that it's not "cheap" like you make it out to be. When games are $20 on the PC(due to faster price drops) and $60 on the 360, it adds up to more than a good PC costs if you like to buy a lot of games. Throw in all the ridiculous downloads, like $12.50 for 10 crappy new chromehouds parts, and actually having to pay to play on Live, and the 360 suddenly seems pretty expensive.

Oh look, here's Far Cry for $10:

Yet we have you carrying on like $30 for an inferior version is a good deal. Console kiddies indeed.
There are SO many counterpoints to your little opinion that I was tempted to post them all, but this is CAG, and we need not get off the topic of game deals by starting a little 360/PC flame war.
[quote name='laurarellis']There are SO many counterpoints to your little opinion that I was tempted to post them all, but this is CAG, and we need not get off the topic of game deals by starting a little 360/PC flame war.[/QUOTE]

What I'm reading here is "I just got owned and can't think of a response".
[quote name='JCDenton']What I'm reading here is "I just got owned and can't think of a response".[/QUOTE]
[quote name='JCDenton']The 360 is already pretty inferior, and you can't upgrade it either. Enjoy playing with a gimped system that can't even lock down 60 FPS on most games, and enjoy playing with it for the next few years.

What's it like paying $399 for a machine that already feels weak right after you bought it? Actually, you don't need to answer that, since I own a 360 myself and I know how dissapointing it is as a system. It just can't keep up a good framerate with high end visuals. Either the games run smooth but come out looking like Xbox games in high definition, or the games have real next-gen graphics but they run terribly.This is made worse by the fact that it's not "cheap" like you make it out to be. When games are $20 on the PC(due to faster price drops) and $60 on the 360, it adds up to more than a good PC costs if you like to buy a lot of games. Throw in all the ridiculous downloads, like $12.50 for 10 crappy new chromehouds parts, and actually having to pay to play on Live, and the 360 suddenly seems pretty expensive.

Oh look, here's Far Cry for $10:

Yet we have you carrying on like $30 for an inferior version is a good deal. Console kiddies indeed.[/QUOTE]

Ok i never stated the xbox 360 was the end all of all systems ever created. As a matter of fact, i have not even touched mine since i bought it in december. I do indeed find it to be disappointing as well, but it doesn't mean it always will be.

I found the first year and a half of the playstation 2 too suck hard, but it came around eventually. It wasn't always a system overflowing with RPGS and stacks of action and platforming goodness. Hell when it first came out, what was the choice, madden 2001 or fantavision?

One benefit the Consoles will always have over the PC version is the fact that the games are designed for one hardware set. Back when i was in middle school and i was heavy into PC gaming, i remember having to buy a video card every 6 monthes to keep up with the demand of the new game flow. It sucked that the games we're rarely every released as full games out of the box. All you ever did was wait for patches that half the time fixe one problem but created more. I don't even feel like going threw the constant oodles of hardware compatibility and performance issue adjusts that were time consuming for a pc game.
[quote name='JCDenton']What I'm reading here is "I just got owned and can't think of a response".[/QUOTE]
This discussion certainly should stop (because it is stupid stupid stupid), but I can't help but point out that Farcry on the consoles is an entirely different game than Farcry PC. Different characters, different levels, different enemies, different story, different game mechanics - it's not the same game in anything but name and basic theme. Hell, the main gimmick in Farcry on the consoles is you start to mutate or something into a monster so you get all sorts of animalistic powers! You can set traps using the environment, it comes with an easy to use map editor so anyone can make multiplayer maps (and a lot of players do) - there's room in the world for two games that are so different. One doesn't replace the other.

Oh yes, and Farcry on PC is overrated garbage. Pretty garbage, but garbage nonetheless. :) Stupid 'super sniper' AI that isn't fun and ruins the whole point of the game's vegetation-heavy setting, terrible voice acting, and those stupid monsters. I haven't played the console Farcry so it could just as well suck too, but I wouldn't be holding up the PC version as some kind of high water mark for other games to try and meet.

(And like I said, this whole discussion is stupid - I won't be responding anymore to this argument.)
[quote name='JCDenton']The 360 is already pretty inferior, and you can't upgrade it either. Enjoy playing with a gimped system that can't even lock down 60 FPS on most games, and enjoy playing with it for the next few years.

What's it like paying $399 for a machine that already feels weak right after you bought it? Actually, you don't need to answer that, since I own a 360 myself and I know how dissapointing it is as a system. It just can't keep up a good framerate with high end visuals. Either the games run smooth but come out looking like Xbox games in high definition, or the games have real next-gen graphics but they run terribly.This is made worse by the fact that it's not "cheap" like you make it out to be. When games are $20 on the PC(due to faster price drops) and $60 on the 360, it adds up to more than a good PC costs if you like to buy a lot of games. Throw in all the ridiculous downloads, like $12.50 for 10 crappy new chromehouds parts, and actually having to pay to play on Live, and the 360 suddenly seems pretty expensive.

Oh look, here's Far Cry for $10:

Yet we have you carrying on like $30 for an inferior version is a good deal. Console kiddies indeed.[/QUOTE]

i dunno, i suppose spending $50 less to just to buy a video card that can just handle the perfomance a 360 can do in its first generation isn't such a bad deal (dripping with sarcasm here). but i can tell you that nothing beats xbox live, not the even the almighty Ventrilo.

But all seriousness, there isn't really a console vs. PC war thanks to Gates threatening plans to merge the two worlds together with "Live Anywhere"
[quote name='DeadScreenSky']This discussion certainly should stop (because it is stupid stupid stupid), but I can't help but point out that Farcry on the consoles is an entirely different game than Farcry PC. Different characters, different levels, different enemies, different story, different game mechanics - it's not the same game in anything but name and basic theme. Hell, the main gimmick in Farcry on the consoles is you start to mutate or something into a monster so you get all sorts of animalistic powers! You can set traps using the environment, it comes with an easy to use map editor so anyone can make multiplayer maps (and a lot of players do) - there's room in the world for two games that are so different. One doesn't replace the other.[/QUOTE]

You're right. The PC and console Far Crys are two different games. One is pretty good, and one is mediocre. cry cry

Thanks for pointing this out to us.
[quote name='cdeener']xrickyb86x, Far Cry at $29.99 is a nationwide drop its just that all of the stores haven't updated to it yet.

Damn, Obijuan71 was right Dynasty Warriors 5 for 360 is 20 bucks and if you can find it in-store they have it at that price. It is out of stock online though.[/QUOTE]
Thanks for the heads up (Obijuan71 / cdeener). I printed out the CompUSA page, and had Best Buy do a pricematch ;) Would have had Circuit City do it, but they don't even carry the game. It's not even in their system at all, like it never existed, LOL.
so is it confirmed that the price drop for Fry Cry is for all stores, not just for Gamecrazy?

I went to Gamecrazy today, but I forgot to pick up the game while I was there. Boo.
[quote name='JCDenton']
Console kiddies indeed.[/QUOTE]

Getting some joy out of this random name calling? Let's see, $30 to have a near perfect working game on a $400 system, OR $10 for a peice of shit that barely runs (even after hours of updating and patching) on a $1,000 (at the absolute lowest) crapshoot? Oh that's right, PC gamers also get hundreds and hundreds of games spanning . . . three, maybe four different genres :lol:

Thanks for the laugh jerk, I really needed it :)

[quote name='sandrokstar']
But all seriousness, there isn't really a console vs. PC war thanks to Gates threatening plans to merge the two worlds together with "Live Anywhere"[/QUOTE]

What war? One side is surpassing the movie industry as the leading entertainment platform, where as the other is struggling to stay alive. Care to to guess which is which? :lol:
[quote name='JCDenton']The 360 is already pretty inferior, and you can't upgrade it either. Enjoy playing with a gimped system that can't even lock down 60 FPS on most games, and enjoy playing with it for the next few years.

What's it like paying $399 for a machine that already feels weak right after you bought it? Actually, you don't need to answer that, since I own a 360 myself and I know how dissapointing it is as a system. It just can't keep up a good framerate with high end visuals. Either the games run smooth but come out looking like Xbox games in high definition, or the games have real next-gen graphics but they run terribly.This is made worse by the fact that it's not "cheap" like you make it out to be. When games are $20 on the PC(due to faster price drops) and $60 on the 360, it adds up to more than a good PC costs if you like to buy a lot of games. Throw in all the ridiculous downloads, like $12.50 for 10 crappy new chromehouds parts, and actually having to pay to play on Live, and the 360 suddenly seems pretty expensive.

Oh look, here's Far Cry for $10:

Yet we have you carrying on like $30 for an inferior version is a good deal. Console kiddies indeed.[/quote]

Or you can get a illegal copy off it for PC for free and probably play on a cracked server for free too!!!
[quote name='asianxcore']so is it confirmed that the price drop for Fry Cry is for all stores, not just for Gamecrazy?

I went to Gamecrazy today, but I forgot to pick up the game while I was there. Boo.[/QUOTE]

no, it went back to $39.99 at best buy a couple weeks ago. it was only $29.99 there for one week.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Getting some joy out of this random name calling? Let's see, $30 to have a near perfect working game on a $400 system, OR $10 for a peice of shit that barely runs (even after hours of updating and patching) on a $1,000 (at the absolute lowest) crapshoot? Oh that's right, PC gamers also get hundreds and hundreds of games spanning . . . three, maybe four different genres :lol:

Thanks for the laugh jerk, I really needed it :)

What war? One side is surpassing the movie industry as the leading entertainment platform, where as the other is struggling to stay alive. Care to to guess which is which? :lol:[/quote]

Nicely said bro I agree on all of that
[quote name='Sejad']Or you can get a illegal copy off it for PC for free and probably play on a cracked server for free too!!![/quote]
ROFLCAKES!!! Ditto! I bought my PC for 600 bucks 2 years ago and it runs all the games just fine, with my collection of 300+ games. Not that I do anything illegal :whistle2:\"

edit: LOL I forgot to stay on topic! I apologize to the admins who work so hard to keep the threads clean. Thread poop! I probably won't get those games right now but thanks OP for the info anyways. It's in my blood to buy games when they drop lower than 10 dollars and buy the system when it's lower than 200.
[quote name='JCDenton']Why would anyone want the 360 version of Far Cry when the PC version is only $10 and much better? The 360 version doesn't even have HDR or the 64 bit graphic upgrade.....what a piece of junk.

It always amazes me when console kiddies are willing to pay a huge premium for an inferior product.[/QUOTE]

yay! I found a new person to add to my ignore list. The ironic part is that the last thread he posted was What happened to the camraderie on this site?

Obviously he doesn't realize that an inflammatory post such as this is more a part of the problem rather than the solution.
[quote name='asianxcore']so is it confirmed that the price drop for Fry Cry is for all stores, not just for Gamecrazy?

I went to Gamecrazy today, but I forgot to pick up the game while I was there. Boo.[/quote]

Its 29.99 at GameCrazy, 39.99 everywhere else. GC has been doing this lately, like Bomberman Act Zero is 39.99 at GC and 49.99 everywhere else.
[quote name='Scorch']Its 29.99 at GameCrazy, 39.99 everywhere else. GC has been doing this lately, like Bomberman Act Zero is 39.99 at GC and 49.99 everywhere else.[/QUOTE]
I thought Best Buy had it for $29.99 as well? Or was that online only?
Edit: I should learn to read the entire thread.
bread's done