I'll watch it, if not only so I can see how it ends. I have a terrible problem with that. I'd watch Heroes, not because I like it, but because I can't handle only knowing the incomplete story.

Now then, few things leapt out at me last night...

In a previous episode, I remember them mentioning how V's favor Knives as weapons, since if we ever saw one of their weapons, it'd be quite obvious or leave a mark or something to that effect. Today, we see their weapons aren't projectile based and instantly incinerate those in the way. A weapon like that seems to be the very definition of a weapon that leaves no trace...it doesn't even leave a body.

Also kinda wondering what the purposes of Chad's revelation now means. How will the V's be able to Public-Relations out the ending? Say they're trying to fix our ozone layer? Something like that and people have to be more skeptical of the V's presence on earth.
[quote name='wildcpac']ID4 Part 2. Where is Will Smith and Jeff Goldblum?[/QUOTE]

You know they are working on the script right?

[quote name='dmaul1114']No shit!

They have camera's on every V uniform lapel, but none on the ship?

And no system to detect the eggs healthy, or the detonation of the grenade?

I thought it was an ok season finale, but that part was just absurd.[/QUOTE]

Yea you would think one of the most important areas of the ship would be monitored better :| It's going to be interesting to see how the 11 survivors turn out.

I lol'ed when anna started poking into the air and there was no visual effect screen like in other scenes. Maybe the forgot or ran out of money?

I am wondering what is the red cloud about?
If they do, I hope they get to why the V's won't just wtf-pwn Earth. They could effortlessly destroy our civilization if they wanted to.

I'm also let down that they've still yet to show a "naked" V. From both this show and the original, we know enough that a person could draw a pretty good estimate. It's not like they tried to convince us they were humans for a big "oh crap, they're lizards" reveal.
There were some ship scenes earlier in the season that made me wonder why they didn't have any security, last night's was definately more blatent though with Decker going to check out the experiment part of the ship, Anna's daughter letting Joshua out and him having a conversation about whether or not Erica should shoot him, and the destruction of the eggs.

In comparison with the rest of the season, I think too much happened last night. They could have spread last night's events into at least two weeks.
The birth scene was a big let down too :( I remembered when I saw the original show and the birth scene and that lizard baby freaked me out. All we get is distorted baby sounds and a tail :(
[quote name='dmaul1114']No shit!

They have camera's on every V uniform lapel, but none on the ship?

And no system to detect the eggs healthy, or the detonation of the grenade?

I thought it was an ok season finale, but that part was just absurd.[/QUOTE]
I'm guessing that's because most Vs are basically robots, in the sense that they do whatever Anna tells them, so they don't feel a need?
[quote name='niceguyshawne']
In comparison with the rest of the season, I think too much happened last night. They could have spread last night's events into at least two weeks.[/QUOTE]

They need to keep up the pace so we don't blow holes in the plot absurdities.

Oh wait, it's not working. :roll:

But it's still an entertaining show for me, so I'll definitely be back next season! And to the guy that said more naked Anna--eww, no thanks! Now Erica, on the other hand...she should dress up more often, she looked GOOD.
[quote name='lmz00']I'm guessing that's because most Vs are basically robots, in the sense that they do whatever Anna tells them, so they don't feel a need?[/QUOTE]

she controls them with that whole bliss thing. that and i believe shes got the strength to fuck up anyone who tries shit with her. ust look at the way she raped and ate that guy she used to help knock her up. but with
her kid turning on her
it kinda harkens back to the original series diana/christina( or lydia i cant recall) fight for power. and yeah the baby birth was a big letdown compared to the original shows. but no birth is as fucked up as the birth in the 1980s fly.
[quote name='lokizz']she controls them with that whole bliss thing. that and i believe shes got the strength to fuck up anyone who tries shit with her. ust look at the way she raped and ate that guy she used to help knock her up. but with
her kid turning on her
it kinda harkens back to the original series diana/christina( or lydia i cant recall) fight for power. and yeah the baby birth was a big letdown compared to the original shows. but no birth is as fucked up as the birth in the 1980s fly.[/QUOTE]

YEA the fly birth dream was fucked up :| Guess ABC didn't want people to be pussies and complain that their 10 year old who is suppose to be in bed is seeing something scary at 10pm :|
[quote name='lmz00']I'm guessing that's because most Vs are basically robots, in the sense that they do whatever Anna tells them, so they don't feel a need?[/QUOTE]

But they've been letting humans on the ships for quite a while, even before the live aboard thing.

And they know the fifth column is out there.

So still just doesn't make sense to have so little security.
[quote name='dmaul1114']But they've been letting humans on the ships for quite a while, even before the live aboard thing.

And they know the fifth column is out there.

So still just doesn't make sense to have so little security.[/QUOTE]

I am with u there, the bad security on the motherships...really is dumb.But then again, with tight security how far could the series go?And yes, the birth scene in the original series, sure was creepy...here, it was so.so....I wonder, how many people watching the new series, are new to it, how big is the nostalgia factor, in the new series...
Also, having Chad working for the fifth column...is an interesting twist, that could take the big role of the doctor in the mothership.
Anyhow, interesting the red sky in the finale....It reminds me of the way humans defeated the V's in the original series, dispersing a red powder on the sky, with the use of air balloons....
Let's see what brings in the next season.
[quote name='Tony208']I guess the crap security is to let the humans think that they aren't hiding something.[/QUOTE]

you really believe this?

Just blame it on lazy writers. :(
I finally got around to watching the finale. This show is just awful. The only possible reason I can see for it being renewed is that it's cheap to produce. The CGI quality is piss-poor, the sets are frequently uninspired and the writing, both the plotting and the dialogue, are a cancer. I'm thinking it's being done by the creative writing club at Altadena Middle School. V absolutely deserves to be canceled and hopefully the ratings tank hard in the fall so it's taken off the schedule ASAP.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I still can't believe this got better ratings than Flash Forward and got renewed. :bomb:[/QUOTE]

While FF certainly wasn't without it's flaws, the writing was definitely better (and with 3 different showrunners throughout the season no less) and it absolutely had better actors. Elizabeth Mitchell can only do so much on V when she's handed crap to work with. ABC produced both shows but with the ratings being a little better on V :wall: and FF clearly having a higher budget unfortunately the decision wasn't too much of a surprise. FF might have had twice the budget of V just based on shooting locations alone.
[quote name='neocisco']I finally got around to watching the finale. This show is just awful. The only possible reason I can see for it being renewed is that it's cheap to produce. The CGI quality is piss-poor, the sets are frequently uninspired and the writing, both the plotting and the dialogue, are a cancer. I'm thinking it's being done by the creative writing club at Altadena Middle School. V absolutely deserves to be canceled and hopefully the ratings tank hard in the fall so it's taken off the schedule ASAP.[/QUOTE]

As much as I hate to agree I have to. I want to like this show but I tend to only watch because I feel I have to and the hope that it gets better. I will say it does get better but not by much and takes to long to do so. It seems like the season finale is the best episode of the season. The CG sets look like ass and make me think that they are not even trying with them. The acting to me is not as bad as people make it out to be but with that said it is still bad. If the show does not get better I say they need to just end it. This seems to be the type of show that has to build everything up but the writers take to long to do so and you end up thinking just get to the damn point already.
I hated this show and for some reason forced myself to watch it... but I must admit I cheered a lot during the season finale. And now I can't wait for it to come back.

Yea, it's cheesy and over the top at some points with poor green screen work (very poor). But damn, it's just fun to watch. *puts head down in shame*

...and how LOST ended, it's nice having something straightforward and dumb.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']I see the show dying quickly when it is back on since it no longer can ride the coat tails of Lost.[/QUOTE]

I agree with ^this 100%. This show needs something to help it get rating. I honestly don't think it would have beat Flash Forward without Lost.
Yeah, I don't see it sticking around with out having Lost as a lead in.

They really should have put Flash Forward on after Lost as it's a show that should appeal to a lot of the Lost fanbase.
So how was this show? I always kept meaning to watch it when it was on, but I hate getting into episodic tv shows anymore and having to remember when they're on next.:roll:
[quote name='DarkNessBear']I hated this show and for some reason forced myself to watch it... but I must admit I cheered a lot during the season finale. And now I can't wait for it to come back.

Yea, it's cheesy and over the top at some points with poor green screen work (very poor). But damn, it's just fun to watch. *puts head down in shame*

...and how LOST ended, it's nice having something straightforward and dumb.[/QUOTE]

I can at least respect this POV. DNB enjoys it but he still understands that it's awful and readily admits it, he doesn't try to defend it. Kudos for not trying to fool yourself and weakly explain how it's good. Although, to be honest, I think there's very little of that at this point. It would take George Lucas levels of delusion to genuinely believe this show is any good.
I'm the same way as him basically--and was the sameway with Heroes after Season 1.

Just watch it, turn the brain off and enjoy it as the TV equivalent of a cheesy B movie.
I respect the viewpoint but I don't agree with it. My personal POV is that I want my entertainment to be good and I have too little time for personal indulgences to waist it on something so bad. That's just me.
I agree generally, problem with TV shows is once I get sucked in a bit I hate to stop watching.

But as I said in the lost and best/worst finale threads I'm pretty much done with TV. I'll keep watching V and Desperate Housewives which are the only Network shows I've been following that are coming back, and Weeds and Dexter which I just rent/watch on Netflix streaming.

Not picking up any new shows. Any future show I'll go the Netflix route with if it gets rave reviews--and if it's a serial drama I won't bother until the whole run is over and got solid reviews.
Anybody else watching V tonight? I just happened to turn on the TV and they were replaying episode.

Can't wait forthe new episode on Tuesday.
Original V fan here, I have all the DVDs and sets(I believe 3 total). I saw one or two of the episodes but I was Googling it and found out what they are trying to do to guarantee ratings
Jane Badler, Diana, will be in the show as the new alien leader's mother
[quote name='joey791']Original V fan here, I have all the DVDs and sets(I believe 3 total). I saw one or two of the episodes but I was Googling it and found out what they are trying to do to guarantee ratings
Jane Badler, Diana, will be in the show as the new alien leader's mother

Marc Singer
will also be back this season.
ehh.. it's a downtime. good tme for V to come back because the utter lack of any other show on righ tnow is the only reason I'll be watching.
[quote name='Wolfkin']ehh.. it's a downtime. good time for V to come back because the utter lack of any other show on right now is the only reason I'll be watching.[/QUOTE]

If you want to watch a good show, Southland starts that same night at 10est on TNT.
you know i did start that back on it's original channel whatever that was and it was not terrible. just not really into police shows
Despite how awful the first season was I figured I'd give this episode a try.


The acting is atrocious, like "Syfy original movie" atrocious. The CGI is bargain basement quality. Nothing of any real substance has happened. I can find absolutely no redeeming qualities about the show at this point.

I'm out.
Last nights episode was okay. The show has always had terrible acting and CGI...where have you been?

I actually enjoyed that they gave us some good looks at what they look like as lizards (Annas tail, the commanders head, the skeleton, the hybrid baby). That was my biggest issue with last season. They teased it so hard, then never actually showed anything.
Honestly the new episode was "OK" ..it felt like the writers were coming up with a last minute plan for explaining the red sky situation. You would think it would last a few episodes .

So let me get this straight...the fleet is still undetectable? No one on the space station can look out a window and say, hey what's that over there?
Hmmm sub par show is gone for a extend break and they want me to still care? Let me put on my douche bag popped collared shirt, roll down the window to my tricked out toyota and say, "Naaaaw Bruh."
Extended break? You mean, you expected season one just to roll right into season two? You do realize they have to actually film the episodes, right?
"ABC had initially announced that V would return in November, but the network has finally given an official premiere date for the sci-fi series, and it includes a two-month delay.

January 4th, 2011 is the day the Visitors will return to ABC for
Season 2, airing on Tuesday nights. In the meantime, ABC will program... wait for it... Skating with the Stars, beginning November 22nd."

Seeing that I actual work in Television, film and video I know exactly how long season breaks are.
the episode was ok and the surprise cameo was cool. they have alot of work ahead of them to get people back to watchining it. hell i didnt know it was coming back until i saw a commercial for it last night. definelty need some help with their cgi and if they cant pull it off that way find someone who can do it with sfx. the lead alien chick is a freak
watching her daughter get boned
also waiting to see if the cop chicks kid could be
part alien
[quote name='SEH']Last nights episode was okay. The show has always had terrible acting and CGI...where have you been?

I actually enjoyed that they gave us some good looks at what they look like as lizards (Annas tail, the commanders head, the skeleton, the hybrid baby). That was my biggest issue with last season. They teased it so hard, then never actually showed anything.[/QUOTE]

Like I said, I watched the first season. I was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt to show improvement despite how terrible it was. They didn't, the quality stayed in the toilet and I won't be wasting my time with it anymore. I prefer my entertainment to have a minimum level of quality and this doesn't even come close.
I thought it was an OK episode. This show is like Heroes for me. I know it's B-movie quality, so I don't expect much in the way of acting, special effects etc. Just some silly escapism.

But I see this thread will be like the Heroes ones and mostly full of people bitching while still watching probably.
Wait, V came back? If it weren't for this thread, I never would've known. Now, just need to find a way to watch it. Isn't on Hulu, isn't on ABC.com. If it doesn't become available for streaming somewhere, odds are good that I'll lose interest quite quickly.
Holy shit was that awful. I hate giving up on shows - especially sci-fi ones - but this was off the charts on the unintentional comedy scale.

"I need a blood sample - a pin prick will do."
"How about I take a non-sterile knife and slice my hand wide open? I won't need to use it for a while anyway!"


There was so much wrong with this episode (and the show in general) that I don't think it can be saved. God, the acting is terrible. The writing is terrible. The plot is terrible. The only thing cool about the show is the overall premise. Someone needs to kill off the son - that kid is the worst part. Also, more Supergirl in her underwear, please.
[quote name='niceguyshawne']If the son wasn't around what reason would there be to have her in her underwear though?[/QUOTE]

True, but there's always Elizabeth Mitchell... :drool:

Also, another ridiculous LOL moment was when they carbon dated the V skeleton to the 1950s! That seems way too specific. Isn't carbon dating used to approximate the age of things that are like 50,000+ years old?
bread's done